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PIP assessment review

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Florence61 Report 19 Apr 2023 11:57

Well, I had to ring again a few days ago and later the same day postie brought me my long awaited letter.

So my levels and payments remain unchanged and will continue until April 2027.
The daily living gave me 9 points for Std payment but when I said I couldnt bend to open the oven etc, they said that exercise wasnt covered in the list as I could make a meal on the hob or microwave!

My mobility has always been on the higher level.

At least I got a result finally!

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 30 Mar 2023 12:11

Well seeing as i have heard nothing from the DWP about my PIP, I decided yesterday to telephone them. After 50 minutes waiting and fingers nearly going numb, I finally got through.

The lady was very helpful but it transpires that noone has looked at my review since the assessor sent through her report!!! She said she would try and find out what has happened and would ring me back within the hour.

About 1/2 later, she did indeed ring me back to explain that she had escalated my complaint to a task manager who promised it would be looked at today and a letter would be sent within 48 hours. She apologized profusely but could find no explanation as to why my review hadn't been looked at.

I'm so glad i rang now as could have been waiting forever
So now I shall wait patiently and see if I get a letter within 2 weeks and if not, I shall ring again :-|

Never ending is it.

Florence in the hebrides


SylviaInCanada Report 18 Jan 2023 22:03

She's a good one.

Wonder how long she will last in the job???


Florence61 Report 18 Jan 2023 21:45

Today, the lady messaged me to say, the report had been sent to the DWP assessor and I should here in about 6 weeks.

Have to say, I was very impressed with how it was handled and that she messaged me saying she had typed and sent the report, very efficient.


SylviaInCanada Report 18 Jan 2023 20:32

Florence ............. how great to get someone who has an understanding of health problems!

Fingers crossed for you that you get the increased benefit, and hear soon!


Florence61 Report 17 Jan 2023 16:53

Well all done and dusted. Tel call at 12 as they changed appointment time from 11am yesterday, but that was fine with me.

lovely lady who had been a general nurse for 8 years and then worked in mental health so she had a good general knowledge of all things medical.

She had also done her homework and read the whole of my file so was up to speed with my health conditions just now.
She asked all the questions, I had before which you are scored on. I know for a fact that 2 sections have changed and will up my score.

We discussed how I manage in the house, do i get out to socialise etc, noted i cannot drive any longer.

She said, for all you have been through, you still sound positive. I said well you have to be otherwise you would end up depressed. She asked me did i have any hobbies to keep me busy and i told her my family tree, making cards and crocheting baby blankets plus i enjoy reading.

In all about 45 minutes. She said she would type up the report today and send it to the DWP where there will make a decision whether my benefit will be increased, decreased or stay the same.
If it increases on the daily living, I will get it backdated to 2021 jul when I became paralyzed but we shall see.

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 13 Jan 2023 10:21

Well I tried to do a test run with phone ahead of my appointment but for some reason it wouldn't work. After checking in settings etc it still wouldn't work so I telephoned the department and now I'm having just a normal telephone review.

Apparently they don't do actual home visits face to face anymore even though Covid restrictions have been lifted.


Florence61 Report 8 Jan 2023 10:21

Linda, my review was due in 2019 and they are so far behind that you will eventually have one but it will take time.

My paralysis of my leg is unlikely to go away as its been 18 months now but a review may increase my daily living allowance as i only get the standard amount. I didnt have this condition, the previous time they assessed me.

It depends on how your disability affects you in your daily living and your mobility. has your condition worsened since your last review? What levels are you on, standard or enhanced?

I already get enhanced mobility so its the daily living allowance they will look at with me.

Have they been in touch with you since 2021?

Florence in the hebrides


Linda Report 7 Jan 2023 23:54

I should have had one in 2021 but have not I would not say that mine was servers but I will have it for the rest of my life but maybe the pip think differently


Annx Report 7 Jan 2023 16:44

I think I read they had done away with the ones where people had the most severe conditions that wouldn't get better Linda.


Linda Report 5 Jan 2023 22:16

I thought they had done away with reviews I’m sure I had a letter telling me this or maybe I’m wrong


Florence61 Report 4 Jan 2023 11:02

Yes, thanks for the advice. I photocopy every review form I send off so always have a copy handy.
I had given all the professionals reports involved in my medical care ie, neurologist, GP, O.T, Physio etc so really I guess all they will do is go over that and ask if anything has changed since I completed it.

I will fully describe my daily life and how my disabilities affect me and see how it goes.

I shall come back after the 17th Jan and let you know how it went.

Florence in the hebrides


ArgyllGran Report 3 Jan 2023 16:26

I've no personal experience of this, Florence - but advice seems to be to describe the problems as fully as possible - don't hold back:

Maybe then they'll decide they have to see you in person after all.

Write a list of what you need to tell them, in advance, to refer to, so that you don't forget anything in the heat of the moment.

My daughter had a phone assessment, but her disability isn't visible, so it wouldn't have made any difference if they'd seen her face-to-face, except perhaps for observing her body language. She had to make sure she fully described everything.


Florence61 Report 3 Jan 2023 15:28

I have been waiting for a review of my PIP since 2019. Covid/lockdown put it on hold until last year I had a message saying we still have your review and will be in touch soon.
Back in October I had a similar message.

Today I received a message on my phone which says, I am booked for a telephone face to face assessment Tues 17 Jan 11am. At my appointment time, click on the link provided.

Now previously, an assessor who is based here locally has called to my address and done the review face to face. I also had to do various things like stretch arms, bend down etc

So now I am thinking with my restricted movements in my leg and the drops in my BP causing the dizzy turns, how on earth can I be properly assessed over the phone. They wont be able to see me walk with a stick or how I struggle in the shower or get down the step into the garden???

I filled in an up to date form with current situation etc but not sure how this is going to be a fair assessment.

Has anyone else been assessed like this?

Florence in the hebrides