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It's going to be 'one of those' days

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Florence61 Report 16 Oct 2021 23:25

Im glad you got your water etc sorted so quickly..That was a good result.

Where i a rural village, people do generally take it upon themselves to help each other.If i put my washing out and went to town and it started to rain, F at no 1 would come & take it in for me.As I am incapcitated with my leg, the neighbours have been putting out & taking in my bin even though i never asked.

Its something that wouldnt happen in a busy estate or town area.My neighbour A at no 2 put his bin out and was away for 2 days so my daughter took it in for him without him asking..its just we do all help each other and i have only been here since end of may.

Glad you are getting to grips with the training but 2 spread sheets on a small screen? oh blimey that would do my eyes in!

I wish you well and hope you get the keyboard & mouse sorted soon.

Florence in the hebrides


maggiewinchester Report 16 Oct 2021 00:13

Well, Florence - the first week is over, and to celebrate, I've been downing a chocolate cheesecake and some vino! :-D :-D :-D

I phoned the Council at 8.30am on Monday, and was told someone would be here on Tuesday. I also had a reply to the email - someone would be here Wednesday :-S
I replied to the email - no, they're coming Tuesday!
It took him less than 5 minutes (as I thought it would), but I did point out, that it's ridiculous that I can't turn the valve (these bungalows are for the elderly), and that it 'broke' twice in 16 days.
Then, on Wednesday, another man came out! So good to know the Council's left hand knows what the right hand's doing, isn't it?

Work has been okay, though dealing with 2 spreadsheets on a screen that's slightly bigger than a tablet's been a bit of a trial.

My line manager's been trying to instruct me on how to order a keyboard, large monitor and mouse, to no avail. It transpires I'm not actually on the system, so that was a waste of time!
It may also put the kybosh on what I'm meant to do next week - but at least we know it's not my fault!

I've realised word gets around quickly, where I live!
The bin men come on a Wednesday. They left my bin up the road, my left hand neighbours moved it so it was outside my house. Then it disappeared!
My right hand neighbour (P) had brought it around to my back garden! garden (I'm middle terrace, so have to bring my bins through P's garden)

P knocked on my door today (just as my line manager was attemptng to 'facetime' me), to ask which, of the many piles of garden debris in my garden, I would like her to put in her garden waste bin. I said I would do it at the weekend - 'No',she said, 'You're working, I'll do it'. <3
Well, it's difficult to disguise thorny garden debris in a non-garden waste rubbish bin, so she put the bramble in her bin, then swept up where it had been!
I'm not used to this!

P also came around to feed Betty when I was with my sister.
At the time, Betty was sleeping on the worktop (disgusting, I know, but I knew it wouldn't be forever). However what was worse, is that Betty, at the time, was ignoring the catflap, and litter tray, and doing her business on the kitchen floor!
P had to clean it up!

Betty is now sleeping on a box in the hallway, and using the catflap.
The foibles of a very old cat, who has always been a bit odd!
The move did her no favours, nor did the death of her brother, George.
This is the cat who wouldn't come in between February and June - slept outside through hailstorms etc.
Now, she only ever goes outside to do her 'business' - with the odd 'I didn't quite make it', but it IS right by the catflap :-(
She's only just started coming into .the living room - well, as far as the victorian desk, by the door, that I'm waiting for my daughter to take away. But no further.


Florence61 Report 15 Oct 2021 23:01

Maggie, did you get the heating and hot water fixed? Hows the training going?

Florence in the hebrides


SylviaInCanada Report 10 Oct 2021 22:14

Good luck tomorrow, maggie.

My tip for hair is to dampen a wash cloth, rub your hair hair thoroughly with it.

Add a very small amount of hair gel or foam (if you use it).

Blow dry into your normal style.

I do that when we take the sleeper train .......... the sink is awful small in the cabin, and I don't always want to use the communal shower (face cloth to the rescue again for top-and-tail :-) )


Florence61 Report 10 Oct 2021 15:43

Maggie, a wee tip to refresh hair to last another day. Get your hairdryer and give it a blast then blow dry as if you have washed it. I have done this when i had slept in and no time to wash hair before work..worth a try.

JL I had noticed on my new computer "Teams" but have no idea what it is so ty for explaining, I now know what it is.

Good luck tomorrow

Florence in the hebrides :-D


nameslessone Report 10 Oct 2021 15:29

Thank goodness you don’t have to turn up in person tomorrow. :-D

Hope it all goes well And the council get back and sort the heating out.


AnninGlos Report 10 Oct 2021 14:50

Congratulations on the new job Maggie. Hope all goes well for you. And that the council sort out your heating before it gets colder.


maggiewinchester Report 10 Oct 2021 14:40

:-D :-D :-D


Caroline Report 10 Oct 2021 14:38

Good luck with the new job Maggie and on the bright side as they've never seen you look better than you'll look tomorrow they'll only think you've improved while working with them not gone downhill in the future.
Thank goodness the wine is fine nothing else matters let's be honest.....mind if you're drinking that wine during training remember to put it in the coffee mug, not the best glass sometimes standards don't matter more image.


maggiewinchester Report 10 Oct 2021 13:41

Thank you <3


JoyLouise Report 10 Oct 2021 13:35

Teams is just another meeting platform, as you know Maggie, one of the many that are around at the moment. Just put on your nicest smile - a smile goes a long way as one of my teachers told me more years ago than I care to remember.

Ignore everything that may be going on around you tomorrow. Good luck. :-D


maggiewinchester Report 10 Oct 2021 13:07

Oooh- Florence Dogdy! :-0

I have no alternative heating, and, as I haven't got a bath, I can't even fill one with water boiled in the kettle for a 'swish around'! Thank goodness I don't have to be near anyone! :-D
My hair could do with a wash, but it would be far too much of a faff to do that in the sink. Been there!

I'm looking forward to the job, JoyLouise, it's with an NHS training team.
They've never seen me, as, although the interview was on 'Microsoft Teams' or something similar, my camera refused to turn on,(which possibly helped me get the job :-D) though I could see them.

So, their first view of their new employee, will be of the great unwashed me!


JoyLouise Report 10 Oct 2021 12:46

Not the best of weekends for you Maggie but I hope tomorrow goes well and you enjoy your new job. Forget the other stuff - as my Dtr says ‘Sh*t happens’ - and throw yourself into the training. :-)


Florence61 Report 10 Oct 2021 12:40

Oh Maggie! Firstly well done on getting another job, Im really pleased for you. It must feel a little daunting having to train after awhile of not working but you will be fine.

Just to make you feel a little better, Im having one of those days too. This morning, I got my pill box where all my tablets are and my little pot. Instead of opening the box(ice cream container) I picked up my sweeteners and dispensed 6 into my meds pot. I then open the lid of the box and put 3 water pills also in the pot. I was just about to open my statins when i suddenly realised my mistake!!! God I would have been in a right mess if i had taken that lot. 3 water tabs!!!

Then getting up for the loo at 2.30am, brain in "old house mode" puts the thermostat on the wall outside bathroom door to 30 degrees, goes in puts on light and goes back to bed.Eeeek 30 degrees, i had thought it was the light switch like in my previous house???

So thats my 2 big errors of the day, no doubt i will cock up something else before the day is out.

So you are not alone. As for the peanuts...yes its still an error but you can still eat them. I do hope you get you heating sorted. Do you have a small electric heater for emergencies, i kept 1 of our oil filled radiators just in case?

Did the delivery guy offer to come back later with some more eggs, I hope so?

Have a glass of wine, stick a bigger cardy on and chill, the day can only get better.

Florence in the hebrides


maggiewinchester Report 10 Oct 2021 12:10

or even weeks :-(

I'm due to start work from home tomorrow.
Laptop's arrived, and tomorrow will be a day of training, and 'Zooming'.

I got up early this morning, as I was expecting a grocery delivery, wanted to finish sorting the spare room, where I will be working, change my sheets, and start digging over the 'bank' at the back

It wasn't long before I realised I had no hot water - or heating.
Looked at the boiler 'low water pressure' was the message.
Now I know how to fix this, as I had the same problem 16 days ago (but didn't need the heating then), and checked with the engineer.
It's all very well knowing something in theory, but when a valve is jammed (which I pointed out to the engineer, but it appears he could move it, so it was okay), and too hard for me to move manually, using a pair of pliers may break it - then where would I be???
Also, the same problem with the boiler in such a short time indicates a fault, to me, rather than just 'one of those things'.

So, I've emailed the council, and, if they actually see it, and respond, I can look forward to not only NOT being able to have a shower before tomorrow, but to be freezing, and interrupted in my training by a workman turning up.
If they don't acknowledge, I could be spending evey break trying to contact them, and have Tuesday interrupted as well.

Then the delivery arrived. The lad put the first 3 crates on the step.
They fell off :-( The eggs broke, but, fortunately the wine was okay :-D
But - they'd sent unshelled peanuts.
I prefer them shelled, as I can't eat them so fast.

I've lost any impetus to do anything, in case this ends in another disaster.

You could say, that's the 3 'disasters', and all should be well now, but do the peanuts really count?