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Kay???? Report 27 May 2020 23:00

If other than an adoptee themselves ie a birth relaive /birth parent provided the adoptee is over 18 and has applied for their adoption wish a trace and contact then costs will be applied and can and does offer a long wait.

A contact UK register costs both parties which has proved over many years to not work.

,,,,,,,adoptees born after 1975 do not need councelling but are asked,,,,also their adopton file is given to them without question,,,,,,,anyone adopted prior to 1975,has by law to be seen by a qualified persons before they are allowed their adoption file.although there are exceptios where an overseas client lives who was born in the UK,,,being at the heart of this type of work for many years there are rules that apply,.some known and some that are not.

This is why so many post 1975 adoptees are seeking a birth parent because they are given full no condition access.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 27 May 2020 21:43

Some information on this link might help............


UzziAndHerDogs Report 27 May 2020 21:15

Thank you Florence Nice to see you also.

Andysmum hello and how are you.

The chap in question was born 1968 in Leeds. So we have a start ha ha. I have asked that they get the original birth cert and the adoption papers. Once they do that I can trace where possible the rest of their family.

Harder will be the wife´s as her Mum was adopted and her birth Gran still alive refuses to let her have her Mum´s adoption papers. :-S even though the parent is dead. Obviously granny knows all the secrets and why she had her child adopted. but refuses to tell . Cantankerous people you have to love them


Andysmum Report 27 May 2020 16:47

OH's cousin's husband did the same and it was just as quick. Provided you know which court was involved there should be no problem and no charge. :-)


Florence61 Report 27 May 2020 16:07

I helped someone obtain their adoption records and it didn't take but a couple of weeks and no costs. They did ask the person if they needed councelling first but the person said no(they were in late 50's) as their adoptive parents had both died.

We wrote to the office where their records were held and took it from there.

Florence in the Hebrides

Nice to see you Uzzi :-)


UzziAndHerDogs Report 27 May 2020 07:33

Thank you Kay and Andrew I have said that he needs to apply for his original birth cert . He was born in 1968 so not really a child any more He would just like to know where he came from


Andrew Report 26 May 2020 23:08

I've been through the process.

Yes he can ask for his adoption file. Will need to go through an intermeditory. The local County council/social services may provide the service. If they don't, then they may be able to put person in touch with a service. It can be a lenghty (mine took 15 months) and may be costly. Would suggest obtaining a copy of original birth cert if not done yet.


Kay???? Report 26 May 2020 22:56

Not not unless he wishes to have them,,,,,,,but they will possibly contain certain information that otherwise they wont know.,depending on what age the person is,,,much more modern detailed file information is given than in older records.....the adoptee can just apply for their original birth certificate if they wish,,,,,,,no legal requirement to apply for a file.

Certain conditions apply from pre 1975 adoptions.


UzziAndHerDogs Report 26 May 2020 22:01

Thank you Kay,

I am working with an adoptee over the age of 18. his adopted parents are deceased. Does he have to apply for his adoption papers.


Kay???? Report 26 May 2020 21:45

There really isn't any law,as when an adoptee at aged 18 recives their full paperwork or document which shows a parents name on application,then as far as the legal side is its been completed and the person is free to do what ever they wish with that information,they can legally look for a birth parent if they law says they can not.

,,,for a birth parent if and when the adoptee at aged 18 has applied for the adoption paperwork and only then its possible for them to be aided to seek contact ,,,,,,,,,,but at all times the onus is on the adoptee and they have full control,the birth parent is not given any name,or location,,,,,,should the adopted person wish no contact,then that the end of it,,,,,,,,,,there are high costs involved,,


UzziAndHerDogs Report 26 May 2020 21:14

Can anybody tell me the laws about searching for adopted parents please.

Shhh I am only sneaking back in under the radar