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maggiewinchester Report 14 Mar 2020 15:16

I met an old workmate in Sainsbury's yesterday - she'd found the last bottle of soap :-S

This made me think.
I actually have a spare bottle of soap - bought ages ago, when it was on offer.
I also know I have a very small bar of soap, that I take when we go camping, in case there's none in the loos.

I also know I have more 'bars' of soap, so I delved into a bathroom cupboard and came out with:
6 soaps in a box that look like chocolate truffles (minus a small bite out of one)
One soap that looks like a very nice fairy cake
One soap that looks like a most delicious slice of chocolate cheesecake
One soap that looks like a chocolate fairy cake with fudge on top. Actually, on closer inspection - this one is a candle :-S
4 bath bombs in an egg box, that look like chocolate eggs.
...and I know there are more.....

Now, you may ask why I have so many cake/sweet shaped soaps/candles.
The clue is in the 'truffles.
One of my daughters bought me the 'truffles' one Christmas.
The top of the box just states 'Chocolate Truffles'. I opened it - and took a bite.
It says 'soaps' on the bottom :-|
Daughters (and grandchildren) found this so hilarious, if they found a 'tasty' looking soap or candle, they'd buy it for me, in the hope I'd fall for the same trick twice. :-| :-| I never have.


'Emma' Report 14 Mar 2020 15:06

Reminds me of the stupidity of some who panic buy
for Christmas.
Many years ago while shopping for vegetables ie Brussel Sprouts
a woman elbowed me out of the way to get to them, there were boxes
of them so plenty for everyone.
Naturally I elbowed her back calling her a stupid woman.
A man looked at me and agreed saying " Yes I know she's my wife."


JoyLouise Report 14 Mar 2020 15:03

A lettuce leaf and mash with a sausage sticking out of it!

Defo feeling superior here as I sit dipping my biccy in my coffee ..... :-D :-D :-D


Bobtanian Report 14 Mar 2020 14:52

one up manship.....
I seem to recall a few years ago,

it appeared to be symbolised by how many pages were in your "Filofax"


JoyLouise Report 14 Mar 2020 14:47

Maggie, you made me laugh. Now thinking 'Toilet paper as a work of art!'
:-D :-D :-D

Just as bad as those who photograph the food on their plates. What's that all about then? :-S


AnninGlos Report 14 Mar 2020 14:38

what is worrying is that half the stuff they have bought in a panic will probably never be used and will be binned after the use by date, regardless of whether it would actually be ok to use. And I wonder if all those buying extra strong flour bought it because there was no ordinary flour ans really have no use for it. There really are some very selfish people around.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 14 Mar 2020 13:40

Many of us on this site are children of parents who went through the war. They planned ahead and if possible kept a few tins in readiness for emergencies.
My mum could always always dip into her cupboard and conjure up a meal for unexpected visitors. I too don't buy, 'just for today' and we could probably cope for a week or so from tins and packets we already have.
I haven't and won't be buying extra in the present crisis, but will buy, hopefully, when I have a need.
I fully understand that some people live week to week on a very limited budget, but there would surely be supplies for most people, if others didn't panic buy.


maggiewinchester Report 14 Mar 2020 13:26

Some people's greed and selfishness is astounding!
All those people who unwrap their loo paper and display it around their toilets, in a 'look what I've got' attitude, just to post a picture - I just hope they close their toilet seat before flushing, or all that toilet paper will be covered in toilet plume.
Whilst this is unlikely to be a major health risk (though we don't know about coronavirus), just the thought of tiny particles of poo and wee on the paper, which will sit there for months, is rather stomach churning.


supercrutch Report 14 Mar 2020 13:09

I make bread regularly, just checked my delivery for tomorrow and there is zero strong bread flour.

Zero - basmati rice (in the quantities I use), Zero pasta (hubby makes it so need 00 flour) none of that either. Eggs in short supply, long life milk etc., etc.,

I do have large food stock but that is absolutely normal for me, I have mobility problems so rarely go shopping in person.

I am so pleased I'm not shopping for a large family - that would be a nightmare.

I am part of a huge online group of people with bowel disease, loo paper isn't a luxury and some are really panicking.

You have the vile celeb (I use that word loosely) Gemma Collins who posted on social media her massive haul of toilet paper and despair!!


Phyll Report 14 Mar 2020 12:49

I am finding iti hard to understand the greed & selfish attitude of people panic buying.
OH went shopping in Sainsburys & most of the shelves were empty of pasta, tinned goods, toilet rolls etc. Loads of bread & milk. if everyone did their normal shop there would be enough for all.
Morrisons have started to restrict certain items but what is to stop people going round twice?
Are we going back to cutting up newspapers for loo roll?