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Hospital food review

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Von Report 23 Aug 2019 22:12

Personally I wouldn't pay as that way you start a 2 tier system.
That is NOT what the NHS is about.

I would however be prepared to pay more in taxes if I thought the money would be used appropriately and not go to line some dimwitted politicians pocket.

I recently had a relative in a hospital in Wales where they didn't have a clue what a dairy free diet was.It was left to her spouse to take food for her everyday.

Appropriate good food is part of the healing process and it's not surprising that people,especially the elderly rapidly go downhill!

I still don't get why nourishing food cannot be provided, cooked on the premises by people who understand nutrition. It's not rocket science.
Rant over ;-)

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 23 Aug 2019 21:40


Found online............

Going into hospital
Your State Pension continues to be paid however long you are in
hospital. If you also receive a benefit such as Attendance Allowance,
payment of which may be combined with your State Pension, this may
be affected by a hospital stay.

I don't have recent experience of hospital food, but have in the past seen great variances in quality in different hospitals.

I'd be happy to pay, if the admin to collect payments did not outweigh the benefit to the hospital.


JoyLouise Report 23 Aug 2019 20:50

Do you think that the hospital authorities would think such a scheme would be difficult to introduce because, perhaps, it would mean more admin staff would need to be employed?

Someone on here may know, but there was a time when, if you had a long hospital stay and you were a pensioner, your pension was used to offset hospital 'bed and board' (for want of a better description). Does that still apply?


KathleenBell Report 23 Aug 2019 14:23

Yes, I'd pay but only if it could in some way be paid directly to the hospital kitchen budget (don't know how this could work). As you say, we would have to pay for our food at home anyway. The only trouble would be that if the patients started paying then the government would undoubtedly think they could cut the budget to the hospitals.

I must say that I have been an in patient many times locally (last time in March) and the food is perfectly acceptable.

I don't think we need another "celebrity" chef getting involved.

Kath. x


supercrutch Report 23 Aug 2019 13:41

yet another one.......

I have to declare that the hospital where I am admitted most times does serve really good food. They offer highly spiced meals which you do need teeth to eat. I cannot abide food which you can suck through your teeth :-0

My only complaint is the breakfast toast which bears a remarkable resemblance to cardboard.

Each ward has it's own kitchen and patient's family are encouraged to bring in whatever the patient fancies. This even more so on colorectal where older patients may struggle with unfamiliar food choices but it's important for them to begin to eat after surgery.

A budget of £3 per day per patient isn't enough. This is supposed to cover: breakfast with beverage, mid morning drink, lunch with beverage, mid afternoon drink and biscuits, evening meal and beverage, late drink and sandwich. All with built in allowance for wastage.

I did order a la carte in one hospital and it was inedible :-( :-(

I would happily pay a daily amount towards catering, after all I am saving money by eating in hospital and not at home.

Would you pay?
