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Allan journey. mark 2 feel free to add to it

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MotownGal Report 27 Jun 2019 19:21

Allan wondered if he had been bonked on the boko with a Hammer.

Never say never, they walked towards The Cube.....


nameslessone Report 27 Jun 2019 16:01

Allan’s head started to hurt again,
Was he worried about not being able to answer the quiz questions OR was it the curse of the mummy.....


MotownGal Report 26 Jun 2019 07:47

Nope, don't know any of those.

The advert was for a soap that made you as beautiful as Cleopatra. The Mummies were just window dressing. Cleopatra was lead in and sat upon a golden throne.

OH kept squirming in the bandages and was removed.

Once again onto the street Allan and OH went in search of a quiz show to win some money.


Allan Report 25 Jun 2019 10:27

Another similarly wrapped person was rolled onto the set.

Oh no, thought Allan, please don't say that we've wandered into a Mummy, Mummy joke


MotownGal Report 24 Jun 2019 18:22

With the tea cosy on her head.

Allan placed OH onto an office chair with castors and pushed his beloved out of the studios. The air would do her good.

'Ah great' said the guy from the Props Dept. 'I see you have the Mummy for the advert. Bring it in, we are about the start filming very soon' Thus saying he took OH into the hangar, and placed her onto a chaise, after removing said tea cosy.

'What on earth was this advert?' thought Allan


Caroline Report 24 Jun 2019 13:25

What Allan hadn't noticed was the tea pot had landed on poor OH head and somehow had cut her forehead. Doc Martin jumped into action...all the time trying not to look at the blood of course. When he finished Allan couldn't help himself, he laughed and laughed....OH wondered how he could be so cruel...then Allan showed her a mirror...she was bandaged up like a Mummy...


Allan Report 24 Jun 2019 10:16

But, marvellous man that Allan was, he managed to catch all the falling food entrée.

He did, however, ask Janet to bring some longer bread as he was feeling more than a bit peckish.


MotownGal Report 24 Jun 2019 07:45

No Dr Finlay was away on a housecall.

However Janet was walking around with a tray of tea, and shortbread biscuits.

Unfortunately Janet caught her foot in some of the trailing electrical leads, and the tray went up into the air......


Allan Report 23 Jun 2019 09:49


Oh no, thought Allan, now we are in for the ride of a lifetime.

He wondered if Dr Finlay was trackside in case of accidents.


MotownGal Report 23 Jun 2019 09:45

Allan resisted that old joke about a certain cough sweet, and passed OH a barley sugar!

Allan sat himself down in one of the seats, and the lights dimmed.

Out strode Jeremy.....


nameslessone Report 23 Jun 2019 09:42

… as they went Allan's OH realised she was beginning to get a tickly cough.....


MotownGal Report 23 Jun 2019 08:26

A large whoosh, and general turbulence.

Allan and OH looked on aghast and not one, not two, but three Doctors appeared before them. Doctor Kildare, Doctor Casey and Doc Martin.

Allan assured himself it was because he had a bump on his head the size of an egg, that accounted for the mirage. OH promised never to belt him with her handbag again.

The Tardis was being hauled away by a crane and deposited with the rest of the props in Studios.

'Maybe' thought Allan 'if I went on to Who Wants To Be A Millionaire' I could win the money, and we could get home!

They went off in search of Jeremy...…………...


Allan Report 21 Jun 2019 10:35

….Of the Tardis.

Nothing else could explain the rapid time travel, nor the various locations visited.

Allan fiddled with his sonic screwdriver; his wife slapped him and told him to behave himself.

Unfortunately, it was too late and the inevitable happened.


MotownGal Report 20 Jun 2019 19:00

'And cut!' said the Director. 'Thank you folks, that a wrap for tonight'

OH looked around for the wrap because she was a little chilly. This army uniform was uncomfortable, itchy and not at all chic. However, Allan was indeed very pleased with his Airforce blue. His little tache was the crowing glory. Allan caught sight of himself, and fancied himself a double of Errol Flynn.

'Back to the changing rooms please, supporting actors' cried the Props Mistress. And so Allan and OH headed towards the open door....


Caroline Report 20 Jun 2019 18:22

"Oh no" thought Allan "Not another timewarp" as he jumped to the left then step to the right....

How did he end up in all this rubble......


MotownGal Report 20 Jun 2019 12:55

'I don't envy the rich, with their automobiles......' warbled Bud.

'I blooming well do' thought Allan!

The snow subsided, and Allan realised they were walking through rubble. Everywhere was empty buildings.

Suddenly a siren began to wail...………….


Allan Report 20 Jun 2019 10:53

Yes, it was Bud Flanagan singing a poignant rendition of ‘Underneath the Arches’

This did not go down with Allan’s wife whose arches had fallen years ago.


MotownGal Report 20 Jun 2019 08:08

Indeed in the snow were large footprints.

'Ah' thought Allan 'if there are footprints someone has been here before, and they must lead somewhere!'

They trudged ever onwards, getting colder and colder. At last they saw the figure in front of them making the footprints. It was tall, with a long fur coat......


Allan Report 19 Jun 2019 21:59

Not having a compass to hand, they followed a flock of low-flying geese.

Allan had correctly surmised that winter was fast approaching.

Being one with nature he had cunningly read the signs that this dread season was fast approaching, such as the snow on the ground and the icicles on his OH's nose.


MotownGal Report 18 Jun 2019 08:14

Allan's OH, with her copious bag, stuffing them in.

'This will keep us going should we end up in some outlandish place again, see, it is a food and drink'

Allan just stood and nodded, as he knew he would be the one to carry said bag.

They stole out of the back of the tent, and headed South.....