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Isn't life strange

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maggiewinchester Report 22 Jul 2015 21:14

I quite often meet a lady at the bus stop. As is the 'way', we started greeting each other and passing the time of day.
Yesterday she told me she needed to get a new birth certificate - she couldn't find hers, and needed one for a job she'd applied for
I told her she could get one online - or, if she was born locally, from the Register office.
This morning, she told me she was off to the Register office to get a copy of her birth certificate.
This evening she came round - the Register office had moved, could I order one online - and she left her CRB with me to get her details from.
I looked online. I needed her parents names - and she could get a certificate from the Records Office, so I looked at her CRB for her address, and went to see her.
It was then I realised, 20 years ago, we'd had a 'barney' on the street!!!
Some lads were chasing a Moslem boy around - throwing stones etc at him. I grabbed him, and we hid behind a car. It was this woman's car.
She came out and had a rant about us 'damaging' her car. I asked her to phone the police before these lads damaged her car - they were throwing stones, Zunu and I weren't. Then I suggested she knew who they were - and were probably related to her, and that, if they didn't back off soon, I'd phone the police myself.
She 'called' the animals off.

Next day, she stopped me in the street, and started going on about my rights, being nothing compared to hers, etc etc. I suggested she wrote all this down and sent it to the Council - they may be interested, as I wasn't.
Then, it dawned on me. I said, if she couldn't write, she could dictate it and I'd write it down for her to send, but I wanted to get home - Bye.
She was shocked at my (obviously true) assumption, and let me go.

She's definitely calmed down - but still can't write. I think she realised she'd have had to have filled in the form to get her certificate, so she asked if I would get the certificate for her, and gave me the tenner!

My, how things change :-D Lucky I don't hold grudges!!

I'm off to the Records Office tomorrow lunchtime, to see if I can order it in person - I know, if I can, it will be quicker!!