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michael2 Report 18 Mar 2014 17:44

well some good news today the insurance company have now got the information from the hospital so should not take long now. also some good and bad news last year my other computer gave up the ghost so had to get a new one but like a num nut I did not back up the info I had. so had to start again open up new a/c I/e this site , facebook etc so lost contact between my self and a niece in Canada, lucky this year she was able to still see my old a/c on face book and contacted my younger sister so now we are back in contact .
but the down side she had to inform me her mother had died last year (my sister by dads former wife sadly I did not know her ) so now we will be able to get to know one and another again . which is good. thank you all for all your kind words to me. :-D :-D :-D <3


Susan-nz Report 18 Mar 2014 18:42

Hi Michael,
At last !!!, great news. Also to reunite with your niece, that is very exciting for you.
Take care,



SuffolkVera Report 18 Mar 2014 19:46

I'm glad there are some good things happening for you at last. Hopefully the insurance issue will get sorted out quickly now. Good too that you are back in contact with your niece.

Have a good night's rest and a comfortable day tomorrow. Thinking of you as always <3


michael2 Report 18 Mar 2014 19:54

wife is out tomorrow shopping while I have someone in with me for three hours god help my credit card still will do her good she deserves it having to run around after me bless her hope it don't rain. :-D :-D :-D :-D


Sylvia Report 18 Mar 2014 23:06

Hi Michael. Good to hear the insurance will be sorted out soon. It will be nice to be in contact with your niece again. Hope you have a good day tomorrow and enjoy your time with your visitor. I am sure your wife will enjoy her shopping and your credit card bless her. Take care. xx :-D


Mersey Report 19 Mar 2014 10:29

Michael sending you smiles and I hope your wife has a lovely day with your credit card ;-) ;-) :-D :-D love to you and yours always <3


michael2 Report 19 Mar 2014 19:33

well had a realy good day the lady who came to sit with me was realy great we had a good chat she said that her husband is starting to look at starting to research his family tree so I gave her the addresses of some sites and I ofcourse gave her this site and told her all about it and how very kind you all are and would go out your way to help in any way you can , the wife did not give my credit card a big bashing so was not to bad lol. still she had a great few hours which was good . she's looking forward to next week all ready so I'm a happy bunny all round still in a small amount of pain but on the whole not to bad can cope with that. :-D :-D <3


Sylvia Report 19 Mar 2014 22:17

Hello Michael. Good to hear your day was pleasant and your wife enjoyed her shopping. Maybe she will shock you next week and give your card a bashing then, although I do not think you would mind. Hope your pain goes and you have a good day tomorrow. xx


MR_MAGOO Report 19 Mar 2014 23:13

Nice to see all good news in your posts Michael....... :-D

Mr M.


Sallie Report 19 Mar 2014 23:20

Hi Michael, so glad to hear that you have had a nice day and that your wife enjoyed her shopping trip. I hope that you will have a good and pain free day tomorrow.

Love and best wishes to both you and your wife. Take care..


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 20 Mar 2014 08:04

Hi Michael, glad you had a nice new companion while your wife was out and you found things to talk about and share, and how lovely that your niece was able to make contact again too. I am sorry you lost your half sister, you will get to know her in another place and time.

I bet you were happy to see your wife home again and chirpy with her bargains, and hope you and she can have the same happy break next week.

Take care of yourself, treat yourself gently



kandj Report 21 Mar 2014 11:41

Sounds like a good and positive day for you and Mrs M and about time too... even a few hours break can be a blessing and give you both something new to talk about.
Gentle hugs, you are amazing! xx


Joeva Report 21 Mar 2014 19:17

Hello Michael,

Just popped in to say hope your good days continue :-)

All the best to you and yours,

Jo <3


michael2 Report 21 Mar 2014 21:31

good evening all trust you are all well I'm not to bad to had a fair one I had the doctor out to day to sort some things out that I was not happy about, a very nice and caring indian came the fist thing I wanted to say was the had not put my morphine liquid and patches on repeat which he done and to take a couple of things off as had asked before.which he did,
the next was to have a do not resuscitate form made out as I had already asked for which he did as I cant see the point as it would not help in any way shape or form the end result would be the same in the end.
then I told him that I was going to change doctors as where I live the is a new health centre 10 doors away from my house so it makes sense as the wife can just take there in my wheelchair he agreed that would be best,
so Monday wife is going down there to register that will save on cab fares it would cost to go to the other one
the last but the best is as I think I have said before my wife has her own health problems and has to use a scooter to get around theses day so as it's getting very hard to get the scooter in and out of the flat as there is not a lot of room to move it she has to life and struggle to get it out I thought I would buy her a new one that will fold or dismantle so it would be easier for her she hit the roof saying she could manage so I said my minds made up so shut up any way she has thought about it and said yes result lol. so a very happy bunny am I I don't often beat her in arguments. have a very happy and peaceful weekend to all . :-D :-D :-D <3


SuffolkVera Report 21 Mar 2014 22:12

It sounds as though you have had a really productive day Michael. I'm glad you have managed to get so much sorted out.

Have a restful night and a good weekend. Best wishes as always.


AnninGlos Report 22 Mar 2014 15:09

That sounds as if you got a lot of loose ends tidied up Michael which must give you peace of mind. so important to have that in your situation. well done your wife for 'giving in', as I am sure it will benefit you both not to have that worry.


kandj Report 23 Mar 2014 21:46

Well done Michael, you have achieved a lot and it's all good and positive...
so keep focused.. Gentle hugs today xx


KempinaPartyhat Report 23 Mar 2014 21:52

Michael you show the great amount of courage in the crap time

There are no words to comfort you or abate your worries for what lays ahead for your wife and yourself as the end draws near . But Michael from your posts you know you are able to face it ......

I wish to send you my love of comfort and respect for your strength in you situation

Enjoy each day that the sun comes up and the moon takes its place
Enjoy every hour for the fun life shows you
Enjoy every minute for the life you have had and loved
Enjoy every second for the seconds are what make the minutes and the minutes are what make the hours which in turn make the days with the sun and the moon

Take care .


Sylvia Report 23 Mar 2014 22:50

Michael I do hope you and your wife have been able to enjoy the weekend. Thinking of you xx


michael2 Report 23 Mar 2014 23:59

hi all hope you have all had a great weekend as for me not to bad had a few wobbles mainly to many visitors who turned up in force not that I was not pleased to see them, it's just they turned up mostly to 'geather it got a bit much as my nephew was doing a small job to me so I had to take to my bed for a while for a bit of quite the wife asked if in future they would phone in advance so we could say if it was ok to come they under stood . after about 1 hr I got up and was ok .
the man is coming to show us two new scooter tomorrow so the wife can try them I told when she takes them for a spin walk back after hiding one of them and tell him it had been nicked lol then tell him we would like to think about it as we are going to see an other one wen. morning .so really not to bad on the whole. my niece is taking the wife shopping tomorrow evening while her hubby sit's with me will give a little break. away from this misery sod. lol thank you all.
:-D :-D :-D <3