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Doz thi speak Yorksire ?

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Susan10146857 Report 21 Nov 2013 11:21


As your post was just above mine, then I am sure you will agree that it looked that way. Your sarcasm toward me is unjust as I note you have come back to answer my post when you could just as easily have seen why I answered in the way I did, and put my mind at rest ) especially as over the years I have got to know your politics on the subject. I rightly or wrong assumed you meant what your post easily portrays .perhaps the creepiness of the night is getting to me, in which case a gentlemanly......we are not all like that Susan, would have been lovely to see from some of the men.....but hey Ho.....that is not to be I for the urban dictionary....did you mean me?.......more sarcasm Bob.....why?

Anything I know about the urban dictionary I have learned on here.

Edit....I am on an iPad...please excuse English


Jonesey Report 20 Nov 2013 20:32

Susanwiv numbers,

Thank you for answering my query regarding your OP. End of that particular subject.

As far as agreeing to disagree on other matters that is a very sensible solution. Everybody is entitled to their opinion and just because those opinions may differ does not mean that the parties involved cannot or should not still behave in an adult fashion towards one another.

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 20 Nov 2013 20:17

I think it boils down to respect, One may think they are really witty whilst others think its rather creepy and make them cringe. I find myself asking the question would one speak like that infront of members of their own family? I also do not feel the need to inflict my own lifes history of hearing or taken part in vulgar conversations or telling rude jokes, if I think it is offensive then I have the right to say so If this makes me a sensitve flower to others well thats smashing at least they are picking up on the correct vibe, I am not the one having to explain myself here!

Jonesy by reading some of your posts I certainly get your level.


Susan10146857 Report 20 Nov 2013 19:21

My point exactly.....from the start :-D and so we go full circle.....thank you for that Dermot :-D


Dermot Report 20 Nov 2013 19:13

Just wondered - what is the purpose of continuing this meandering thread?


Bobtanian Report 20 Nov 2013 19:10

I was referring to a post by Berniethatwas on the previous page........

I'm not going to get into a fracas with you....................

but people read into things what THEY want to see, unfortunately not as the poster intended

if you live by the Urban dictionary...............well, say no more............


Susan10146857 Report 20 Nov 2013 19:03

Why would that be Bob?........if you had read any of the posts I think that that offending post was discussed as being just that....offensive......what exactly was the point of your post....another attempt at offending by iffy humour perhaps?


Bobtanian Report 20 Nov 2013 18:56

Perhaps if the offending post was

EEE! Bah Goom!

it may not have caused offence?


AnninGlos Report 20 Nov 2013 17:26

I have worked with the military and my OH is ex RN so our main group of friends are also ex RN. I have heard many risque jokes, both at work and in our friends' group. However, there is a difference between sharing a laugh and a joke with people you know, and having smutty inuendos and jokes from somebody you only know by a board name at a time of day when there are not many people around - male to female.


Susan10146857 Report 20 Nov 2013 16:34

lol jonesy......I am an Army brat and my Grandson is a Navy brat so no I am not a delicate flower, my personal preference is to avoid profanity, smut and anything of the nature that would involve men......or if you like, women, speaking to me with disrespect or on these boards making me feel uncomfortable when this is supposed to be a fairly safe place to post ( as far as any chat board can be deemed to be safe.

my OP was nothing but my usual greeting if I am awake in the went something along the lines of.......Good morning to anyone who is OP I use when I can't sleep and want to see if anyone is about......after my usual ........dots

and some usual idiotic remark about talking to myself and that was OK cos there were two of me.....Two pictures because I had posted the first two you really want to know any more about my inane posts........sometimes Gwen is about or other women... Suemaid, Sylvia in Canada and so on..this time a male poster was about......he said hello......I said hello.......and so on.....hoping that one of the women would turn up and we could while away some sleep time........nothing prepared me for his comments which were said in such a way that if you or any other poster read the thread would be in no doubt that they were written for shock tactics.......and yes......he has read most of the threads of this nature and also added to those I detest...I have seen his posts on many an occasion....I cannot and will not repeat what he wrote, I am afraid you will just have to take my word for it.....if not, then so be it. I don't really see why I should have to justify myself to anyone for my posts which I have tried to be honest about.

You make a fair point about women too but in this case it was a man, not a woman......

as for answering any further I think we are going to have to agree to disagree as this could go on forever......I don't quite honestly think that, no matter what I say or you say, we will ever agree......If my point is misunderstood then please re-read my posts.......I do not wish to converse further about last nights incident as questioning me any further, I feel, is adding to my discomfort, but be assured that I have relayed the content of the said thread and conversation to GR for future reference.


Rambling Report 20 Nov 2013 12:58

lol Jonesy I was about to edit :-D I did of course mean that I had worked in an all female environment and 'all male environment, excluding myself of course ' :-)

edited for typo, not easy this holding a cat and typing at the same time lol


Jonesey Report 20 Nov 2013 12:52


Thank you for your input. Following a browse around the boards after making the post I believe that I now know the identity of the person Susan had her middle of the night conversation with. It will still be interesting to hear what her OP was about.

Please forgive my sense of humour but I had to smile at one statement that you made, the one related to you having worked in both all female and all male environments. I hope the realignment surgery necessary to be able to do that was not too painful. ;-)


Rambling Report 20 Nov 2013 12:21


you ask Susan "You say that you suspect that because no-one was about they would get you back for what you had posted on the thread we are now on. How did he know what you had posted on this thread, did you tell him or did he already know? "

I can't answer for Susan as to who it is or what was said...but I can answer that quite simply "He read the thread"!

There are many women who have a risque sense of humour, I am probably one of them, but there is a time and place, it is different entirely if you are in your own home among friends...jokes that are unsuitable for this board might well be 'appropriate' and very funny in that setting because you know your 'audience', and that applies male or female, and also in a place of work...I have worked in an all female enviroment and an all male one.

There is a fine line on here, some can usually judge it, edit accordingly, rephrase etc ...some people can't judge and so it is done for them by GR ( EDIT Or done by the poster of the thread when they delete it themself)


Jonesey Report 20 Nov 2013 11:53

Susanwiv numbers

You ask, “my last post?….What are the answers to that? Do you mean the post you addressed to Sylvia at 21:29? If so I would comment thus.

I see it as part of the problem that those who maliciously, frivolously or fictitiously report posts for review can do so anonymously means that there is no encouragement for them not to make that type of post for those reasons. You ask what would stop members from putting up posts like this every time the moderator decided against it. The answer of course is nothing but that doesn’t mean that the best board policing system available should not be in place. Extrapolating your theory, if no policing system were in place your personal desire not to see threads started complaining about its decisions would become a reality but of course anarchy and carnage would prevail on the boards which I am sure is not one of the things you desire.

With regard to rudeness and vile words. The English language is broad enough and diverse enough to allow anyone with reasonable intelligence and knowledge of it to convey their message without resorting to direct personal insult or the use of obscenity.

Moving on now to your later posts. You were obviously distressed by your early morning online conversation with some man. You describe it to have started as an ordinary conversation into which the man decided to introduce smut. Not having seen the conversation I cannot really comment other than to say that some of your remarks are interesting.

You state that you deleted the thread which means that you were the one to place its opening post. What was your OP about?

You say that you suspect that because no-one was about they would get you back for what you had posted on the thread we are now on. How did he know what you had posted on this thread, did you tell him or did he already know?

Your comments are very anti male, do you not believe that both sexes are quite and equally capable of telling “Risqué” jokes and making “Smutty” comments. If you don’t then I am guessing that you have never worked in a predominantly female environment otherwise you would realise that the female of the species is equally capable and quite likely to do those things.

You have every right to expect a man to behave as a gentleman unfortunately I know that not all do. I have my own theories as to why that is and thinking that “Smutless people being in the minority so anything goes", does not figure amongst them.


JustJohn Report 20 Nov 2013 08:10

Very sorry you have been upset, Susan wiv. Sounds like most of us have slept whilst you have had a bad night. Try to get some kip and put it to the back of your mind, if you can.

Hope you (eventually) have a good day :-) :-) :-)


SylviaInCanada Report 20 Nov 2013 07:14

have you been up all night????


SylviaInCanada Report 20 Nov 2013 07:13

I'm careful on any site ............ although I have always considered GR fairly safe

but strange things have happened on GR before!


Susan10146857 Report 20 Nov 2013 07:12

yes..... :-(


SylviaInCanada Report 20 Nov 2013 07:09

it was on GR, was it?


Susan10146857 Report 20 Nov 2013 07:04

Tis my own fault Sylvia, I had hoped to bridge a gap by having a sort of normal conversation but should have listened to my own advice.....don't talk to men on the internet in the middle of the night .......lesson learned, but it has proved a point methinks :-(