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Same sex marriage[BACK ON TOPIC NOW]

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JustJohn Report 7 Feb 2013 19:07

SueC. I must admit I struggle to understand why both were perversions back in 1963 and only one is a perversion now. And, rest assured, neither will be seen as perversions in 2063 at the present rate of enlightened thinking about sex.

I have gay friends. They are affectionate very occasionally in private, never in public. They love each other and two men I know have been together for 43 years. I was happy they could form a civil partnership if they wanted. It seems ridiculous to me that, had one died, the other would not have been treated as the automatic beneficiary of the estate. I think it is right that the Government allows them to be married in a civil ceremony - exactly the same as heterosexual have called their non-religious partnerships a "marriage" since 1836.

I don't like to think about what they get up to in private. It is none of my business or anybody else's. But to call that normal and not a perversion is not normal imho. And there are other ways for a man to get sexual gratification. If my memory serves me correctly - it was a long time ago. :-( :-(


AnnCardiff Report 7 Feb 2013 18:52

me neither :-S

I like the subject you are researching Dermot :-D


Dermot Report 7 Feb 2013 16:30

'Whether you think you can or whether you think you cannot, you are absolutely right'.

I’ve no idea what I’m waffling on about!


Merlin Report 7 Feb 2013 13:31

Oooooooh Yes ,as the Dog in the advert :-D :-D :-D,and what times they where. ;-) ;-)


supercrutch Report 7 Feb 2013 13:31

I am losing the bloody will to live. What the hell has bestiality got to do with gay marriage?

One is a perversion in 2013 the other is not.

It was the norm for that sick practice as a spectator sport in Circus Maximus where women were degraded for fun.

I think we have moved on somewhat and it's viewed for what it is......a perversion. To balance that same sex relationships which have always taken place are now being accepted.

Brian you cannot remove either words from the dictionary because sadly there will still be male/male rape and male/female rape.


AnnCardiff Report 7 Feb 2013 13:20

happy days eh Merlin!!!!


Merlin Report 7 Feb 2013 13:09

Just as an Aside, Leave Beasts alone ,In my distant youth I knew a Delightfull Redhed , She was a bit of a Beast at times, but Wheyhey,what times they were. :-D


eRRolSheep Report 7 Feb 2013 13:01

absolutely spot on Merlin


Merlin Report 7 Feb 2013 12:55

Every one seems to be "Jumping the Gun" It may well have been voted for in the "House of Commons" but it has to go to the "House of Lords" yet and be approved or changed with or without amendmendments,Then sent back to House of Commons for final discussion. Its not over yet. and may not be for some time.**M**.

Budgie Rustler

Budgie Rustler Report 7 Feb 2013 12:48

Exactly what debates do Rose, they change nothing.
its just a us and them battle, which no one ever wins, because both sides come out still thinking the same.
Are you sugesting that one of the sides has no sense Rose? :-D :-D


Dermot Report 7 Feb 2013 12:46

BudgieRustler - you are correct although I'm regularly amazed when others disagree with my opinion!

But on a serious note, there are some on other boards in particular who are orally repugnant because they cannot open their mouth without insulting fellow contributors. It isn't right to berate other posters. Any discussion should stick to the substantive issue of the thread instead of flying kites trying to befuddle the readers.

And I'm easily confused.


JustJohn Report 7 Feb 2013 12:42

Rose. I think that often we walk away from an argument and say some pretty nasty things and feel that we have won. Particularly if others pile in and support our view.

But I think debate does change us. Experience of this world changes us. Meeting people, reading, chatting changes us.

If you take this particular topic, there is no doubt that if somebody had posted "homosexuals are normal and they can get married" 50 years ago, I would have ploughed in and reported post and many others would have been equally horrified.

I look at my views today and they are a sea-change from 50 years ago. I am happy with gay civil partnerships and even gay marriage. Yet I expect that some people see me as being homo-phobic and always will :-( Perhaps I am to a degree, but I have lots of phobias to a degree ;-)

Edit. AnnC. History can teach us about the present. Gomorrah all those thousands of years ago, Athens in first century. Cities and Empires fell with the sort of sexual behaviour now being practised and sold for public viewing.


AnnCardiff Report 7 Feb 2013 12:35

why on earth would I wish to study Soddom and Gomorrah??


lilybids Report 7 Feb 2013 12:33

Ditto , Rose


Rambling Report 7 Feb 2013 12:31

Because Budgie, as my mum often said "you can't put sense where there is no sense"...or in my words "It would be like banging your head against a brick's unlikely to change the wall and just gives you a headache"...literally!

Budgie Rustler

Budgie Rustler Report 7 Feb 2013 12:26

I can never grasp the concept that if you dont agree on something, you are a either a Bigot, ignoramus, or racist etc,etc.

Why cant we just say sorry, but I think you are quite wrong and `ll try to tell you why with my knowledge and understanding of the subject.

Do we have to discredit a person to win an argument?
Attack and address the topic and not the person expressing their own particular View/Opinion.

This not aimed at anyone in particular, just an observations of a great many forums.

Discussions makes far more sense than Debates ever will, in my opinion.

Play nicely now.
Have a nice day y`all. :-D :-D


JustJohn Report 7 Feb 2013 12:23

If you study the fall of Sodom and Gomorrah, you will see certain sexual practises, AnnC. That is probably why the Bible states than man must not lie with man or beast.

In my youth, that was all taken for granted. Now most of it has been thrown out of the window. We are little different now to those major societies that fell apart because or drunkenness and all the sins mentioned by St Paul, for example.

Civil law is becoming more and more divorced from religious law imho. And a huge tranche of our UK population (literally millions of Muslims, Jews, Christians, Hindus etc) are happy to live by religious law and bring their children up in that sort of morality.

And some must now be scared to say that, in their view, we are slipping downhill fast as a society.


PollyinBrum Report 7 Feb 2013 12:20

My friend is a poet, he was requested to write a poem by a lady who wanted to read at her daughters wedding. He wrote this for her and with this fiasco that's happening in the UK at the moment regarding gay marriage I thought I'd post it and say What business is it of anyone’s if two people want to get married, let people do want they want in their lives, as long as they're not hurting anyone?

It’s just a piece of paper
By John ****** 2.6.09

It’s just a piece of paper
You’ll hear some people say
It doesn't mean a thing to us
If you’re married, straight or Gay
Just words that someone’s written
In black ink across the page
But those words are very sacred
It’s a promise that you’ve made

It’s just a piece of paper
And some words said by a Priest
He says that marriage is special
In the eyes of God unique
But whether you believe or not
To be married it’s a sign
Of your love for one another
And commitment in your lives

It’s just a piece of paper
You can throw it in the bin
You could burn it on a bonfire
Or keep it in a tin
But remember why you got it
And remember what it means
It’s a special piece of paper
Full of love and hope and dreams


AnnCardiff Report 7 Feb 2013 12:14

I'm quite sure that no one on this site needs me to defend them - and I am still puzzled as to why you would have brought animals into this thread - that is indefensible

and I couldn't give a toss if you think it concerns me more than you - I find your views on everything questionable


ChAoTicintheNewYear Report 7 Feb 2013 12:12