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Same sex marriage[BACK ON TOPIC NOW]

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JustJohn Report 8 Feb 2013 09:08

I also find that word offensive. But batting for the other side, confirmed bachelor and gay are also used abusively.

And I notice that pc terminology changes quite frequently. I was taught as a boy to say "coloured gentleman" for a black person - never to mention he was black :-S :-S

And we learned a whole load of terms and phrases for homosexuals that were all, frankly, very abusive.


AnnCardiff Report 8 Feb 2013 09:06

I have sent a message to terry asking him to either remove the word or find an alternative


AnnCardiff Report 8 Feb 2013 09:03

queers? haven't hard that description in a long long time and never thought I'd hear it again - as has been said, most offensive


supercrutch Report 8 Feb 2013 09:00


Now that IS offensive, I cannot remember the last time I heard the word 'queers' applied to gays.


ChAoTicintheNewYear Report 8 Feb 2013 08:57

"terryj - you may well be right but I find the word "queers" most offensive."

Me too Sue.

Just in case it does get rr'd I won't be reporting it. I'd rather other posters see people for what they are.


SueMaid Report 8 Feb 2013 08:51

I truly can't think of anything that would make me love one of my children less than the others.

terryj - you may well be right but I find the word "queers" most offensive.


JustJohn Report 8 Feb 2013 08:44


Not quite sure what you are getting at. We are expected to control our children till they are adults. That is a legal reponsibility and, if they prefer not to go to school or whatever, it is our responsibility to get them there or provide them with adequate education ourselves.

Of course, we cannot control them once they are adults. But difficult not to be concerned, to try to influence them and stick our oar in at times. Or have I missed something? Control is an emotive word for me - how about love and concern meaning the same thing?

And, yes, hypothetical question.


JustJohn Report 8 Feb 2013 01:18

I would like to point out that it was not me who brought up the subject which I have been criticised for commenting on. And not the only one who commented either.

Nothing whatsoever contradictory in anything I have said on this thread. Chris of Wessex pulls out two quotes which seem to be to be totally at one.

Public is out in the street, like a Gay Pride rally. I suppose they give warning (or publicity to the event throughout the city) but I would probably have gone to Birmingham another week had I known.

Private means to me out of the public eye in their own home or yours. And if a couple show affection for each other, that seems quite natural to me in that setting.

Fortunately, behind closed doors none of us know what goes on. And few of us want to know. That is the private part I meant - and I would have thought that was fairly clear from my posts.

On a scale of 1-10 of the posters on this thread with 10 being the most homophobic (hate that word), I would be about 7 or 8. Probably 5 or 6 in general population.

But like the Muslim SNP on Question Time this evening, I am happy about this legislation personally and would have voted for it. But I want religion kept well away. Belief that homosexuality is against the wishes of God is quite strongly held by religious people of all religions.

And if I had 2 sons who wanted to get married, one to a man and one to a woman - I would try to love them equally, of course. And I would want them to make a commitment to a partner if they were in a loving and hopefully lasting relationship. But if they were both Christians, I would hope the heterosexual son would want a marriage in church. And that the homosexual son would prefer to have a civil marriage because the current vows in church would not apply to his situation ie man and woman, for procreation (not adoption, note) of children.


AnnCardiff Report 8 Feb 2013 00:11

I wouldn't like to think what anyone gets up to in the privacy of their own home - FGS John - are you for real? as long as they are of age and consenting, they can do whatever they like - I must admit I have never understood how gay relationships actually work but then again, I really have no desire to know

peoples sex lives, of whatever persuasion is one of the most private activities and long may it stay that way


Kay???? Report 7 Feb 2013 23:34

Gays are so empowered now they dont give a flying fig of opinions from others and only concerned about those that matter in their lives. :-D.


SueMaid Report 7 Feb 2013 23:14

I would just like to clarify that I have no problem with anyone's opinion even if I don't agree. My issue was the wording of some of the posts which I found offensive and uninformed.

Edit - However I can't respect the opinion that bestiality is akin to homosexuality. That's debasing to every homosexual person.


ChrisofWessex Report 7 Feb 2013 23:09

So John is still at his usual behaviour of either making wild statements or contradictions.

He has gay friends who have been together for over 40 years and 'he does not like to think what they get up to in private, it is none of his business or anyone elses'.

However earlier in his post he states that 'they are very affectionate occasionally in private'.

How does he know this - if it is done in private?

If his memory serves him correctly, as he asks - perhaps it is time he had an eye test or new glasses.


AnnCardiff Report 7 Feb 2013 23:01

okey dokes!!!! A couple I used to work with, both nurses, married for over twenty years, three children - last year he left the marital home and went to live with another man - all those years he had lived a lie and tried to be "normal" - how sad is that - wife devastated, children confused, family home had to be sold - wife was quite overweight and when I saw her in my road recently I commented on how great she looked having lost at least five stone - Tim's left me, she said - "Well I'm shocked" says I, to which she replied "Not half as shocked as I am"


GeordiePride Report 7 Feb 2013 22:44

Ann - Don't delete your thread. There may be a lot of members who still want to contribute their thoughts.



supercrutch Report 7 Feb 2013 22:37

We would never agree as opinions are poles apart.

I have had my eyes opened though, for or against, there are still misconceptions about gays, some views almost demonising them.

Other than the poor souls who commit suicide each year because of society's condemnation in mainly religious organisations the others will come through stronger and willing to fight for equality. Good for them.


Jane Report 7 Feb 2013 22:34

Ann I don't mean I am exasperated about the thread.Just the whole topic lol
I just don't think it should have ever become such a massive issue.
I think this is a great subject though to debate :-D


AnnCardiff Report 7 Feb 2013 22:22

well would anyone like me to delete this thread?


GeordiePride Report 7 Feb 2013 21:14

I have read some of the latest post and it appears that we are going round in a never ending circle. Ann's original OP asked "anyone have any views on this". We started to give our views then we argued, we disagreed with each other, we digressed from the original OP, we became nasty with one another, we preached, we reported, and guess what we haven't come to an amicable ending yet because I feel we are still repeating ourselves. There must be a solution to this subject and I for one don't have it.



Jane Report 7 Feb 2013 21:13

Heterosexuals and Homosexuals and Lesbians all have the same 'sexual ' 'loving' 'emotional'' feelings whether it be for the same sex or not.It is just the way we have all been born.It is time that people realise it is not a choice to be 'GAY'.'BI' or Hetero.
It is what we are.
I think in 2013 there are far more important things to be discussing rather than whether it is right that 2 people should be allowed to be legally married ,just because they are the same gender(if there was an exasperated Emoticon) I would press that lol


AnnCardiff Report 7 Feb 2013 20:53

and I do wish John had never raised the subject of bestiality - I look at your lovely sheep Errol and it makes me feel very sad - really it does - I feel great pity for the animals who seemingly have no say in the matter