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Same sex marriage[BACK ON TOPIC NOW]

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JustJohn Report 8 Feb 2013 13:32

Chris. Good point :-D And I can assure you I was no gentleman in those days. Far from. :-( :-(

I loved a couple of those 33 in a small way. But would have been quite happy to have remained a confirmed bachelor (in the old sense of that word - country house, dogs, guns, girlfriends on hand). But when I moved to North Wales in 1976 aged 29, I met my match. And I have often thought that if I could have created my perfect woman, that would have been my OH. So, so lucky. :-D :-D :-D


ChAoTicintheNewYear Report 8 Feb 2013 13:30

Thanks Chris.

I know about the step parent not having PR because it came up on a parenting website I go on. I wonder if, instead of referring to children from a previous relationship, it means children where one half of a same sex couple (women only obviously) has fertility treatment to become pregnant but the child is considered to be both of theirs. If it were a male couple then it would be a surrogate, Elton John and David Furnish come to mind.

I will go and google :-D


GeordiePride Report 8 Feb 2013 13:28

JOHN - how many times do you kiss the mirror before you make a post .


ChrisofWessex Report 8 Feb 2013 13:26

No gentleman would ever count or speak of 'third base'.


aivlyS Report 8 Feb 2013 13:19

Nobody would believe John because it is not true .


JustJohn Report 8 Feb 2013 13:16

One on Caerphilly Mountain, AnnC :-D But a long time ago. She was very beautiful and never disagreed with me ;-)

I once counted I had had 33 girlfriends before I met my wife. Only got past third base with about four though :-( :-( :-( Longest relationship was 7 months, and that was too long for me. Nearly 34 years married now - who would believe it :-D :-D

Says a lot for a very lovely and very tolerant OH :-D <3

Edit. aivlyS. I am clear on one of your opinions. That you don't want to be in a same sex marriage with either myself or Carol :-S Now how about giving your opinion on AnnC's thread like everybody else who has contributed.

♥†۩ Carol   Paine ۩†♥

♥†۩ Carol Paine ۩†♥ Report 8 Feb 2013 13:16

:-D :-D :-D aivlyS

That post just proves my point

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 8 Feb 2013 13:14

Yes John I agree with you about the only seeing men for money and thumping hence my big bullying bully comment.....

As for you being married to your job to further your career Reg Holdsworth really did jump about in my mind then :-D


aivlyS Report 8 Feb 2013 13:11

Cornered John ? by whom ? the reason I am not answering your question is because YOU never answer any that you are asked , and as for your comment about you know that you are not the only one I don't like ... you know nothing John absolutely nothing about me and that is what annoys you the most .And as for you Crol Paine sniping is something that you are excellent at so ......


AnnCardiff Report 8 Feb 2013 13:08

so you had an odd girlfriend - why doesn't that surprise me :-D :-D


JustJohn Report 8 Feb 2013 13:05

Hayley :-D :-D :-D I got the impression that Heathcliff was only interested in men to get money of them and give them a good thumping. Not the same confirmed bachelor as the gentle souls who are termed thus today.

Incidentally, I have always loved Cliff Richard in a manly way and have never believed he was gay. I think a lot of men just choose to be single and avoid any close sexual encounters with either sex. Such a clamour today to out anyone unmarried as gay.

Not getting married till 33 myself and being stunningly beautiful at that age did give me problems at times. Particularly in a very macho world like supermarkets in 1970's. I did have the odd girlfriend, but I was really married to my job then and worked ridiculous hours to be successful.


DazedConfused Report 8 Feb 2013 12:57

As someone who is just co-haibiting and we have no intention of marrying after 21 years we are happy as we are. The only right we do not have at present is to register each others death as next of kin. We have made wills so that techinicality is overcome.

But should Paul die I cannot register his death as he has siblings. As an only child anyone can register mine.


ChrisofWessex Report 8 Feb 2013 12:56

Also the ability to get parental responsibility for a partner's children. Perhaps it means to obtain, I did not read it like that.

Try google. Lists all the benefits of a partnership.

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 8 Feb 2013 12:54

OOOOooooooooooooo John now you see I never got the impression that Heathcliff was a confirmed bach I thought his heart belonged to Catherine and her only and he married her sister in law out of spite , never once did the thought he was gay cross my mind the fact he was a big bullying bully did but by the end I changed to tortured soul that is how I assuemed the author had meant him to be.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 8 Feb 2013 12:53

Civil Partnerships have only been around for 9 years. It’s too soon to introduce same sex civil ‘marriages’. It’s the word ‘marriage’ which is the sticking point for many heterosexual people. Marriage is a union between couples of the opposite gender in a place of worship and had been for centuries until the introduction of Register Offices which took the name for Civil Unions.

It would be more acceptable (possibly) for Civil Marriages and Civil Partnerships to be re-written to provide identical rights and responsibilities and called a Civil Partnership or Civil Union. It should be up to the places of worship to decide if they were willing to ‘Marry’ same sex couples, or to provide a 'Blessing' ceremony.

You should have seen the ‘letters to the Editor’ in the local San Francisco papers and on-line forums when same sex Marriages was introduced there! The legislation was scrapped a couple of years later – those who had ‘Married’ weren’t sure of their legal status.


ChAoTicintheNewYear Report 8 Feb 2013 12:49

There are hetrosexual couples out there who don't want to marry but would like to have the option of a civil partnership, as marriage/civil partnerships are the easiest way of protecting your legal rights. Rights that you don't have as an unmarried couple...straight or gay.

Are you sure about the parental responsibility Chris? I know stepparents in heterosexual marriages don't have parental responsibility, unless it is applied for.


JustJohn Report 8 Feb 2013 12:47

In my yoof, I read Wuthering Heights and believed Heathcliff was a sullen confirmed bachelor. It had no connotations for me other than he didn't want to marry - and I never got the impression that Emily Bronte wrote his character as a homosexual :-D :-D

And gay meant happy then. Queer meant out of the ordinary - he's a queer chap meant he was an interesting and unusual fellow. And perhaps I should get whooshed for making that point :-( :-(


ChrisofWessex Report 8 Feb 2013 12:39


I think you will find that the present civil partnership ceremomy gives the couple similar rights to those of a mixed sex marriage.

It includes rights of n.o.k., inheritance tax, social/pension benefits, housing,parental responsibility to partner's children by previous relationship, tenancy rights and life insurance.

I do have several friends who are drawn to the same sex and each one of them has said - the civil partnership was all they wanted - equal rights. Saw no reason for a marriage ceremony as such.

One couple had a partnership ceremony last year only after one had been seriously ill and the other realised that if the worse happened (as he had been warned) he had no rights to carry out his partner's wishes.

As to another posting and the term 'confirmed bachelor' I know one man who would be very upset to be told he was not interested in women. I know he fell, head over heels in love on at least three occasions, hurt badly on two and the third he knew it would not work out. His ambition always was to be a good husband and father.


JustJohn Report 8 Feb 2013 12:36

Carole. When cornered, aivlyS quietly slips away and then spends next few months telling me I am stalking her. Nowt so strange. I do know I am not the only one she dislikes.

Anyway, I feel I have given her a clear challenge to state her views on gay marriage - and I will defend to the death the right of her opinion. As long as she doesn't use short words starting with h or q ;-)


PollyinBrum Report 8 Feb 2013 12:36

Saying Hello to the big E!!! :-D :-D :-D