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Now druid free, please add something :-)

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Eeyore13 Report 3 Jan 2013 14:48

Makes sense to me...

I do know that when I've been away & when I'm coming "home" my heart sinks & it is a known phenomena that people who leave this place always come back...

the conclusion is "It sucks" :-(


Rambling Report 3 Jan 2013 14:48

" "The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there."


supercrutch Report 3 Jan 2013 14:42

Merlin, could you please C & P it if it's online? :-D

OK allegiance.

I have NO allegiance apart from supporting the English rugby team :-D :-D

I feel comfortable to different degrees in different areas, I guess that's my allegiance because as I have said many times the UK isn't my top place to live.

I feel uncomfortable in London as I no longer recognise the place I grew up in.

As we drive towards Kent, I relax slightly.

As we drive towards the Cambridgeshire fens I relax slightly.

As we drive beyond Epping Forest I relax a lot.

As we drive from the West coast towards the valley's house I relax a lot.

As we arrive near the north Herts/Essex border I relax completely. Plop me in anywhere further north than Saffron Walden and I am at 'home'.

So I guess I am saying that we all can find areas that we feel 'at home' in even if we don't currently live there. It's all down to personal experiences.

I would suppose though that if I returned to live in Great Chesterford or Birdbrook nothing would be the same. So it's rose tinted specs.

For me having lived in so many UK locations plus Spain and Germany I am rootless. I don't think I could raise a passion about anywhere TBH let alone an allegiance.

That's why people expressing fierce views about anywhere leaves me cold especially if that view looks backwards and not forwards. Times change and so must we.

No idea if that makes sense but it does to me ;-)


Merlin Report 3 Jan 2013 13:37

Just thought I would put this on. :-D todays Daily Mail has an interesting story on Page 19,the right hand column. :-D :-D


Eeyore13 Report 3 Jan 2013 12:32

Wales is a beautiful country-I have had some great times there (when I was younger!) & I've also experienced the people talking in Welsh when you walk in a Pub thing-here the nearer the border you get (I'm near the border) they just stop talking & stare at you & if the landlords are happy to lose trade cause the locals think its their be it, a lot of the Pubs are now closed. Basically like Wales we rely heavily on Tourists the young people have gone to the Cities for work & the town I live in has the second highest OAP population in the UK-quite bizarre really there's nothing here for them. The Undertaker is a busy man!

John-I read your posts & have to smile, you're so like my late Father in many ways. Particularily the "I know I'm right because I'm always right" method of attention seeking. He to was inclined to demand attention in shops, the GP's most everywhere...I used to follow him 'round apologising, in the end most places felt sorry for the "old man" as he was obviously ill.

I don't know why people act in this way, is it the way you're brought up? Some alpha male thing? I am interested.

Your Druid is just a rude old man-that's all,end of. Surely you cannot really defend an older male bullying a younger female for any reason?

Venom,vitriol etc- maybe have a look at how you speak "AT" people, its not about you being Welsh or where you're born its about how you treat people & you have an unfortunate tone that gets peoples backs up, just like my Dad did for 91years.


aivlyS Report 3 Jan 2013 12:32

JohnLovesCocoa Report 3 Jan 2013 10:10

It is very worrying to me that some have been researching me. I have no real secrets, but have never thought to go digging into anybody's tree on her

Yes well John it was very worrying for me when you put up a thread asking GR members for info on me ... your details are all over the internet , your choice ... mine are not .


ChrisofWessex Report 3 Jan 2013 12:20

Muffy - read that article - could not believe that Millions of Grants given to print books in welsh and only a handful bought.

So much for the enthusiasm of the welsh speakers - they evidently can only read in english!


Kay???? Report 3 Jan 2013 11:55

There has been a change in the law regarding birth registering,,,,,,,2000/1

now if your child is born outside of the county where you live you can register at your local office....the BC will of course all be correct where the birth took place...

Its always been possible to register a birth at another office than one local to the birth ,-- ***as per declaration***,,,,but not in another country,of which Wales is classed as,,,,,,but saying that this thread isnt about birth rights,,,,,,

Its about an arrogant man who subjected a person to conform to his cause.......a meglamaniac in the true sense of the word.

Welsh born people should hold on to their heritage,no point in having a Welsh lanuage if its not going to be used,,,,,,,,,but used by those who wish to converse in it with someone of the same mindset,

Anyone taking up residence in another country is encouraged to learn the lingo,,,,,we've seen it on here many times....


supercrutch Report 3 Jan 2013 11:48

Firstly, Diane no need for apologies :-D

Muffy, I read the article but more importantly the comments. It's no wonder that we still struggle to find middle ground.

I am thinking about allegiance prompted by Rose's post. I want to add to that but need time to give my answer rationally.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 3 Jan 2013 11:35

As a Union, we’ve been encouraged by Central Government to accept our mutli-ethnic ‘incomers’ and respect their traditions. However, we expect/encourage them to learn to communicate with the wider community.

In England, Scotland and N Ireland, the common language is English. Wales is officially bilingual. The Welsh speakers are doing themselves no favours by shunning or otherwise discriminating against English speakers. What happened to accepting the diversity that makes up the UK? It does work both ways!

(Strikes Wales off the holiday destination list)


Muffyxx Report 3 Jan 2013 11:33

Thought of this just now when I noticed this online.hmmmmmmmm.


Muffyxx Report 3 Jan 2013 11:21

I just don't understand this whole thing really...If a Welsh couple moved in next to me....spoke Welsh....flew the welsh flag...I wouldn't bat an eyelid..their house their long as they don't expect me to do the same then that's fine as far as I'm concerned...each to their own.

Yet it seems if I were to do the same in Wales...I'd be run out of town???? Blimey.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 3 Jan 2013 11:11

RR said
"I don't think it particularly matters where one is born....allegiance to a country is often chosen later, rather than due to birthplace"

My neighbours would agree - born in India, he says that he sees himself as English more than anything else.

Similarly friends living in Cornwall for the last 40 years have more loyalty to that county than the one they were born in.


TheBlackKnight Report 3 Jan 2013 10:51

Here it is again, now it's he is the victim in all this.
John please will you stop insulting people? we are not silly, stupid or anything like that.

If you was'nt born in Wales like your mother told you then your mother told you something untrue for a reason & I think maybe you need to find out why that reason is. It may affect your family tree. I know I would like to know if it was me. Maybe if you behaved better towards all the people on here you might find a little help in finding something too. But I guess it all depends on if you like the truth?

I don't think you know what truth is & if you do you probably could not handle the truth as it seems you are brainwashed into a lot of things.


JustJohn Report 3 Jan 2013 10:10

It is very worrying to me that some have been researching me. I have no real secrets, but have never thought to go digging into anybody's tree on here.

Why assume that someone does not deserve to have an opinion on a subject. Why try to suggest I am not Welsh.

The three things in my life that are important to me are my family, my religion and Wales.

I have probably failed to do enough to promote all 3 so far. But life is not over yet.

The vitriol on this thread and constant taunting (for no obvious reason to me) has upset me. What you gain from it is beyond me - a very different world to the one I inhabit. It is a shame anyone cannot give an alternative view without being slated or ignored.

I was told I was born in Pine Grove, Rhos on Sea by my mother (my widowed grandmother's house). My birth certificate says Hallam House, Penn Fields, Wolverhampton - which is what I put on my tree. Quite pleased if I was acttually born in Wolverhampton. It is not important to me where I was born - more important that I was actually born. I was not there to verify facts at the time, and mum has long since died. Dad bought a house in Penn, Wolverhampton in 1947 and the sale of Pine Grove house paid for most of that. The three of us apparently moved to Penn when I was very young and I lived in Penn and then Finchfield till about 14. Very happy childhood - brought up to love Wales, spent all holidays in Colwyn Bay.

I doubt Diane will be any prouder of her father and her ancestors that many of us are of ours. And they were all individuals - whether they achieved a lot or a little.

And we are not always politeness personified when we speak or write to anyone else. We have good days and bad. And probably more bad days as we get older. And Dr Lewis and the cashier and the store manager are probably all similarly flawed human beings to ourselves and would all have handled this very differently on a different day. But life is not a rehearsal - bury things, move on.


PollyinBrum Report 3 Jan 2013 10:06

I can not comment and do not wish to expand on much of this thread, however, one or two posts are factually incorrect. When your baby is born you must register their birth within six weeks with the registrar in the district where the birth took place . You can apply for a correction to the birth certificate at the the register office where your child’s birth was registered eg. for minor mistakes in a parent’s occupation, birthplace or address, the correcton will be recorded in the margins of the original certificate.


moonbi Report 3 Jan 2013 07:58

Lewis ;
and I refrain from calling him Dr. because I cant come at feeding egos;
he said something about his honour being restored.

For him the incident ( am I allowed to read between the lines?) was NOT really about "the language" ; rather it was about honouring him. the language thing was used as an excuse; or a ruse to have his honour topped up.
Dr Octogenarian narcissiaticus !!

Respect or honour must be earned, not demanded. and if he had indeed earned it honestly in the past, he must have lost it somewhere along the way.

When some needy old man wants honour, he goes to any lengths to get it.
and I agree with Dianne, age makes ones faults more irritating, not less so.


Diane Report 3 Jan 2013 07:34

The first thing I want to say is......

Law of the land,

Registering a birth
When should you register your baby's birth?

When your baby is born you must register their birth with the registrar in the district where the birth took place within six weeks.

My question, what special permission did your father have John that allowed him to be able to register you in a district were you were not born ?

John I have read many thread's that you have posted on and you either know, knew, are a part of such and such an organisation or have been such and such in your life I can only guess you are a remarkable person to have packed so much into your life.

I have a very famous Uncle who in my eyes has achieved so much and with all your remarkable achievements I would think you will either know him or about him.
Let me show you what honours you may even share with him.

CANTER, Prof. David Victor, PhD; FBPsS; Professor of Psychology, University of Liverpool, since 1994; b 5 Jan. 1944; s of late Hyman Victor Canter and Coralie Lilian Canter (nee Hyam); m 1967, Sandra Lorraine Smith; one s two d. Educ: Liverpool Collegiate Grammar Sch.; Liverpool Univ. (BA Hons 1964; PhD 1969). Research Associate, Liverpool Univ., 1964-65; Strathclyde University: Res. Associate, 1966; Res. Fellow, Building Performance Res. Unit, 1967-70; Lectr, 1971-72; University of Surrey: Lectr, 1972-78; Reader, 1978-83; Prof. Of Applied Psychology, 1983-87; Prof. of Psychology, 1987-94; Hd of Dept of Psychology 1987-91. CPsychol 1988; AcSS; Hon. Mem. of Psychology Society of South Africa; FAPA; FRSA. Mem., Forensic Sci. Soc. Hon. Mem., Japanese Inst. Of Architects, 1971. Man. Ed., Jl of Envmtl Psychology, 1981- 2002. Man. Ed. Jl of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling 2003- Publications: Architectural Psychology, 1970; Psychology for Architects, 1974; (ed jtly) Psychology and the Built Environment, 1974; Environmental Interaction, 1975; (with P Stringer) Psychology of Place, 1977; (ed jtly) Designing for Therapeutic Environments, 1979; (ed) Fires and Human Behaviour, 1980, 2nd edn 1990; (ed jtly) Psychology in Practice, 1982; (ed) Facet Theory, 1985; (ed jtly) The Research Interview, 1985; (ed jtly) Environmental Perspectives, 1988; (ed jtly) Environmental Policy, Assessment of Communication, 1988; (ed jtly) New Directions in Environmental Participation, 1988; (ed jtly) Environmental Social Psychology, 1988; (with M. Comber and D. Uzzell) Football in its Place, 1989; (ed jtly) Empirical Approaches to Social Representations, 1992; Criminal Shadows: inside the mind of the serial killer, 1994 (Golden Dagger and Athony Awarded) ; (jtly) The Facets of Homelessness, 1995; Psychology in Action, 1996: (ed jtly) Criminal Detection and the Psychology of Crime, 1997; Assessing Accounts of Crime, 1998; (ed jtly) Profiling in Policy and Practice, 1999; Interviewing and Deception, 1999; The Social Psychology of Crime, 2000; Profiling Property Crimes, 2000; Mapping Murder, 2003; Becoming an Author (with G.Fairbairn) 2006; Geographical Offender Profiling 2 vols (with D.Youngs) 2008. Written and presented six-part TV Series “Mapping Murder”; contribs to learned jls, newspapers, radio, TV. Recreations: clarinet, musical composition, horticulture. Address: Department of Psychology, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZA.

Now he is some-one who has done a lot in his life, if you have achieved all that you say you have then you will also have a list like this to show.

Now I'll appoligise to the rest of you and Sue for going off the threads original subject but I am fed up with all this I am or I have or I know every time John post on a thread.

When I return to this thread later I will for the first time ever probably have been RR by some-one ( so be it )

Now in line with the subject and reading all the post posted I'll add my bit shall I.
My recently departed Father was around the same age as the person in question (Dr Lewis )and as much as I loved him he seemed to believe he had the right to do this kind of thing, I don't think he would have taken things to Dr Lewis's extreme but I on a couple of occasions was present when my Father to me treated a shop assistant with disrespect, and told him so and even went back into the shop to appoligise to the person he had spoken to and I must say they were very understanding and put it down to my dads age, I didn't think this to be an excuse for his behaviour, to me my Father had been very rude and I told my Father that I felt embarrised by the way he had spoken to the person. My Father was brought up with the belief that the customer was always right no matter what, my oppinion on that way of thinking is snobbery and thinking he thought himself better than the shop assistant and I am of total disagreement with my Fathers way of thinking.
So my oppinion of DR Lewis ( and this is my oppinion ) is he decided the check out assistant was in his eye's being disrespectful by not abiding his instruction, and for whatever reason he was going to do his best to belittle her, and on principle was not going to give her the satisfaction of not submitting to his demand's, in other words he was being a bully in my eye's.

I have given my oppinion on the basis of my own experience :-)


Guinevere Report 3 Jan 2013 06:37

My aunt (Welsh ancestry going back 300 years and counting) once remarked that there is little more irritating than a "born again" Welshman.

Apart from chicken pox.

And chicken pox goes away, eventually.


TheBlackKnight Report 3 Jan 2013 01:42

JohnLovesCocoa 3 Jan 2013 00:27

"My father could not get a good job in Colwyn Bay and had a reserved occupation as a Building Society Clerk in Wolverhampton Freeholders in Queen Square, Wolverhampton."

JohnLovesCocoa 3 Jan 2013 01:22
After war, dad worked for my grandfather who was Colwyn Bay Pier Manager, I believe. Dad's job had been kept open in Wton and they decided it was best for him to return there when grandpa was taken ill and soon died.

What a contradiction

Got cocoa now off to bed nite all