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MrDaff Report 4 Jan 2013 12:29

Spent an eventful night ......left my Wicker suit in the car as some guy was trying to chat it up, and took refuge in a nearby receptacle.
Was rudely awakened by the arrival of a pair of smouldering old socks :-| so moved on into the woods.

In fact, if you ho here :,Pwllheli,+Gwynedd&cid=0,0,2507885456291458903&ei=-MjmUMuLCoaW0QWFtYG4CA&ved=0CJ0BEPwSMAM

..then place your little orange man by the wooded area on Lon Cob Bach, look to the right and you'll see the car !! :-D :-D

Off to hunt down some food before continuing my search for the knickers......


BrendafromWales Report 4 Jan 2013 12:26

Have to say,it is quite warm for time of year up here in North Wales.

I was out in Betws y Coed last night,didnt get home until midnight ( dirty stop out)
people sitting at tables outside...admitted they have heaters...but the journey from the coast and back didnt warrant thermal wear.
Not saying it would have been cold at top of Snowdon,but the weather ,atmosphere with loads of Welsh,English,Scots was wonderful....even had a piper dressed in full outfit in the interval of the jazz group....Some South Walian young girls in the audience were so impressed with the whole evening we were taking photos of them with the band.
Everyone so friendly .We don't have any racial difficulties here to my knowledge these days....or maybe it's because I am old and not so sensitive.
Life is too short to squabble.We all have differences of opinion,but we should respect others thoughts..
Didn't think this thread would last so long!!!...getting to be a saga!


supercrutch Report 4 Jan 2013 11:33

Morning lovelies, status quo I see, thank you GR :-D

I am waiting for Suzanne to check in cos I have suffered a sleepless night, will we need bail money if she has been nicked for going commando in North Wales?
It's fine to do so here ;-) I am often found......

Anyway, I'm going to have a rummage down the sides of the sofas to see if there are any coins stuck in the fluff.


Kay???? Report 4 Jan 2013 11:01

Cliff R,J Lumley,,,,,,,,,were born in India under British birth rights,

Rod S is English by birth, he cant claim to be Scottish.

Ian H,,,,,,is Welsh by birth but still from Gt Brittain . Wales is another country from England.


'Emma' Report 4 Jan 2013 10:42

Sue congrats on a good thread, have read it all since you put
it on the boards, added very little although at several points
wanted to get stuck in on some replies but controlled myself :-)

A good debate all round and also very funny, long may it run :-D

Emma x


Allan Report 4 Jan 2013 08:58

lol John :-)

I was in the UK Army Reserve for 14 years...the bromide kicked in a few years ago :-(


JustJohn Report 4 Jan 2013 08:54

Allan. My wife has an excellent way of dealing with pompous old bores who think they have a God-given right to lord it over their work colleagues. Imagine them naked ;-)

They don't seem so threatening or imposing then. And we are all naked except for a few items of clothing. :-D

I once imagined a woman boss naked and it had a stronger affect on me than having bromide in my tea when I was a TA army cadet ;-)


Allan Report 4 Jan 2013 08:31

Diane, until i took a redundacy I was senior officer in local government, having started my LG career in UK and finished in Australia.

I worked with many managers, most good but some bad.

Of the bad ones I used to say "If you have to wear a Crown to show that you are a King (or Queen), you are not a King (etc)"

This applied to those who thought that all the trappings of being a manager, the metaphorical keys to the executive toilets, made them good managers :-D


JustJohn Report 4 Jan 2013 08:16

Have been cogitating this morning. Couldn't sleep as a result :-D

Cogitating why I am Welsh and why Hayley thinks I am nothing. Not sure how she would descibe me :-S :-S

Birthplace is important. So are parents and grandparents in determining how you feel about yourself. But think about these.

Would Donald Trump be right about Barack Obama being African rather than American if he had not been born in Hawaii?

Is Rod Stewart Scottish or English (born In England)
Is Cliff Richard Indian?
Is Joanna Lumley Indian?
Is Ian Hislop Welsh (born in Cardiff of Scottish parents)?
Is Joe Bugner Hungarian (birth place) or English or Australian?

I think a lot of the problem is that very few people are proud of being English. If they fly the flag, they are considered "racists". Is there an English identity, or is it split down into "I'm from Yorkshire, I'm from Cornwall etc"


JustJohn Report 4 Jan 2013 08:00

Lovely store we have slept outside in Pwllheli. Got no socks to wear this morning (they started to burn last night so had to throw them in a waste paper bin) so am just about to go into Pwllheli branch of Harvey Nichols to buy a pair before speaking to the Manager of Spar. Still no sign of Suzanne, but heard on Radio Wales this morning that a very attractive middle aged lady from Holyhead is shivering outside the cafe on top of Snowdon trying to get a cooked breakfast. Snow up to her waist. :-D

I reported the thread because MrDaff had become centre of attention and not me. :-P

No, I didn't report the thread. ;-) 650 plus hits in so short a time with so many contributions must be a record since I took over the chat boards back in August :-D :-D


Diane Report 4 Jan 2013 03:48

Lol Sue :-)

good night sleep well <3


supercrutch Report 4 Jan 2013 02:59

I do know what you mean..lolol but I am glad you came on and added. Nice to have 'fresh blood' to shake up us old fogies (that will make some choke on this thread) :-D :-D I shall be wielding my crutch to fend off insults when they see that :-D :-D



Diane Report 4 Jan 2013 02:47

Good night Sandie sleep well and warm <3

Hi Sue, yes I have to agree some of the post gave me a good giggle, I spent 3hrs early yesterdey morning reading all the post and decided I had to add my post.

There is one thing in life that really annoys me ( because I'v been on the receiving end many time's ) that is when people who are of opinion they are better than other's and demand that you respect them, I respect people who respect me, I have an older brother who would get on with the like's of Dr Lewis and for some reason he demands respect from those who he feels are inferior to him, he is nothing more than a bully and I have more respect for a Rat in the Sewers than I will ever have for him.

Rant over :-)

The thread has been very interesting though at time's a bit to close for comfort if you know what I mean.


supercrutch Report 4 Jan 2013 02:37

Nite, nite :-D <3


*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 4 Jan 2013 02:30

You wicked woman ;-)

I am well and truely off to bed now.

Nite Di and Sue xx <3


supercrutch Report 4 Jan 2013 02:24

Despite the spats it was a damn good thread, modesty aside...lolol

My complaint has gone in. If it's not reinstated an awful lot of people who had researched for ages before they added would have wasted their time.

Plus we had a laugh in places



Diane Report 4 Jan 2013 02:14

I hope not :-D :-D

Hi Sandie :-) <3

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 4 Jan 2013 02:08

Cheeky Minx ;-)

Edit....Sue not Diane !


Diane Report 4 Jan 2013 02:06

"I doubt Diane will be any prouder of her father and her ancestors that many of us are of ours. And they were all individuals - whether they achieved a lot or a little"

John maybe I'm a bit thick, but not sure why your comment about me being or not being proud was made :-S

In my post I was making a point of you always spouting how well achieved and knowlegeable you are and who you know, but with all this knowledge and connection you don't seem to be able to understand or see why you upset so many people on the threads.
In case you wondered why I put up details of my Uncle's achievements I did this because he is a man I have a lot of respect for, he is a man who gets a lot of respect and doesn't demand it, he is respected for what he has achieved in life but also because even with all that he has achieved he is also a humble man who would never disrespect some-one elses ideals or choices ( after all he speaks to me ) and I am the black sheep in the family, he treats me as an equal not something he just stepped in, my point is I have come across many in my life time who think they are above other's " including me " and treat some people as second class citizens and this attitude riles me, the way I see it is the said Dr Lewis is one of these people and seem's to think he has right's above some of his fellow human being's, You earn some-one's respect you do not DEMAND it, well not from me you don't.

Yes even though my Father had some faults and he did sometime's show disrespect to other's, he also had some very good qualities about him, one being he respected me for who I was and did accept and admit that because of the way he had been brought up he had his faults a failure's and his way of thinking was not always right all the time, that made me very proud of him and that is why I respected him .


supercrutch Report 4 Jan 2013 02:05

I didn't really go to bed, I was just waiting for that...lolol

If you can't win a fight, play dirty!

hey ho! If it goes it's been one of the best threads I have OPd for ages :-D

That means the next one up my sleeve will go up and that will draw in the whole of the UK and NI ;-)