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Gwyn in Kent
23 Oct 2018 09:28 |
Good morning Cynthia and other friends too.
I often look in, but seldom comment.
Interesting reading about the pews, today. Our local 'daughter' church now uses chairs, which are more comfortable, but not nearly so easy to accommodate the nearby whole school of children, when they come for Christmas, Harvest and Easter services....there are a lot more children than chairs, but we cope.
Not far from here is Romney Marsh, which has many old churches. Many have box pews, where each pew has it's own door to close and just room to seat about 4 or 5 people. Great for keeping little children in one area as it's like a family playpen, but I don't suppose little ones would have been allowed to roam, anyway, when the pews were first put there.
23 Oct 2018 07:36 |
Good morning :-)
Don't worry Vera - there's no pressure to respond honestly. :-D
I have been reading about church pews...….boring you may think but, actually, no :-D
When we enter a church, we are used to being able to sit down on something but our earliest ancestors would have struggled. Pews weren’t introduced into Christian churches until about the time of the Reformation in the 1500’s. Until then, people stood, leant against walls or just milled around. Occasionally, some churches would put some sort of seating around the wall of the church which is said to be where the saying ‘The weakest to the wall’ comes from.
The first pews weren’t as simple as the ones we are used to. If our churchgoing ancestors were wealthy, pews could be bought and paid for or even rented. Sometimes they could be quite high with curtains round them and some had a fireplace too! These special pews brought in some much needed income but, eventually, common sense prevailed and they were gradually replaced by the ordinary pew we know today.
Nowadays, some churches are replacing their pews with chairs. For me, one question remains… on earth did our female ancestors with their voluminous skirts, manage to perch on a pew? There are so many cartoons about church pews……….
Lord we thank you for the seating in our churches – the seating where we sit and meet with our friends in worship; the seating from where we pray and sing hymns. The seating which, in many cases is where our ancestors once sat – in worship and in praise. Amen.
Cx :-)
22 Oct 2018 20:47 |
You are right Cynthia when you say it is thee and me, and I am afraid it is rather more thee as I only post now and then.This is partly because I never feel I can add much to your excellent posts and partly because, even at my advanced age, I am still struggling to decide exactly what I do believe.
Your posts often make me think and that can't be a bad thing.
I am sure Kandj will be back to join us before too long, when she feels better able to cope. In the meantime she is in my thoughts <3
22 Oct 2018 07:53 |
Good morning :-)
Lord, thank You for my health. Thank You that You are my Healer. I ask for Your power to help me function. Bless me with an increased measure of health today. Help me to feel it, acknowledge it, and thank You when I notice it.
Give me wisdom to be disciplined in managing my body, in what I eat and how I exercise. Protect me as I go about my day. Thank You that You are a shield around me. Thank You for life. Help me to embrace what I can do today in Your strength.
Love to all Cx :-)
21 Oct 2018 07:24 |
Good morning :-)
It seems to be me and thee these days Vera.....never mind. Its always good to hear from you.....or anyone :-D
The Collect (special prayer) set for today
Grant, we beseech you, merciful Lord, to your faithful people pardon and peace, that they may be cleansed from all their sins and serve you with a quiet mind; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The gospel is taken from St. Mark and tells of the two disciples who asked to sit with Jesus in heaven.
This morning we have the annual Enrolment Service for our Boys' Brigade. This organisation continues to flourish which is good news.
Cx :-)
20 Oct 2018 21:21 |
Thank you for this week's posts Cynthia. OH and I always seem to be so busy but I do make time for a quick look at this thread each day.
I hope the bereaved family found comfort in the "send off" they gave their little boy and I pray for strength for them as they continue to grieve.
Keeping Kandj in my thoughts as well <3
20 Oct 2018 07:12 |
Good morning :-)
The funeral of the little boy went off very well, all things considered. There was a piper, a glass carriage with white horses who sported pale blue plumes. We were joined by Mickey and Minnie Mouse and Superman. An immense procession followed the carriage to the local cemetery. It was a bit eye-opening but that it what the family wanted. God bless them in the days ahead.
For today:
Wigan has been a powerhouse of prayer for generation upon generation. It has It is our responsibility to pass on the Christian faith to others – to our family, neighbours, friends and workmates. O Lord Jesus, You manifested Yourself in the world when You lived among human beings in the days of Your earthly life. Today, it is only through Your members – such as myself- that You are manifested in the world. Help me realize that we live in what has aptly been termed a ‘global village’, where all feel the need to share their experiences and enrich one another. In such a world let me regard Your truth not as something to be hoarded but as something to be shared with others by my actions as well as my words. Help me to share my faith with all whom I encounter – not ostentatiously but quietly, not with pride but with humility, not out of fear but out of love, not to overwhelm them but to inspire them, not for my gain but for Your glory. Amen.
Cx :-)
19 Oct 2018 08:35 |
Good morning :-)
Today we have the funeral of the little boy who drowned on holiday last month. It is going to be a mammoth event I understand. We pray for his family and friends on this sad day.
Dear Lord,
I don’t know who or what will cross my path today. But I do know that You are my rock and my fortress. You are my shield and my strong tower. Help me to anchor myself to You today. Teach me how to stand strong in You and choose only Your way today. Help me walk by Your truth and not my feelings. Help me to embrace anything that comes my way as an opportunity to see You at work and as opportunity to point others to You. Amen.
Cx :-)
18 Oct 2018 07:43 |
Good morning :-D
Dear God,
Thank you for the gift of family and friends. Holding them in my heart is one of the most precious things I can never get tired of. Bless everyone, for they deserve all goodness You have given to me. If I may do something wrong today, please forgive me. Amen.
Hope everyone is okay. Love, Cx :-)
17 Oct 2018 07:32 |
Good morning :-)
Dear God,
I thank you for waking me up today. You have given me another sunrise to enjoy. Thank you for the wonderful sounds of nature and the cool breeze brushing through the trees making the birds sing beautiful melodies. I praise You, Father, for allowing me to live another beautiful day in Your Kingdom. Amen.
Love, Cx :-)
16 Oct 2018 07:48 |
Good morning :-)
On Sunday I was present at three baptisms - 2 in our own church and one in another. The third one was the grandson of our late beloved vicar and his wife. How they would have been so thrilled with this delightful little boy. He is such a happy and contented baby and would have brought them so much joy. I felt sad that they have missed so much happiness but life doesn't always work out the way we want it to does it?
Dear Lord, this morning, I pray that You give me strength today, to be strong for You in this world full of temptations. You know that there are struggles that I will go through today. I pray that You be with me as I go through them. Carry me when I am too weak. Amen.
Cx :-)
15 Oct 2018 08:05 |
Good Morning :-)
My car sounds as though I am a boy racer. Its such fun!!!
Dear Lord, You have brought me to the beginning of a new day. As the world is renewed fresh and clean, so I ask You to renew my heart with Your strength and purpose. Forgive me the errors of yesterday and bless me to walk closer in Your way today. This is the day I begin my life anew; shine through me so that every person I meet may feel Your presence in me. Take my hand, precious Lord for I cannot make it by myself. Amen.
Holding kandj in prayer at this sad time.
Cx :-)
14 Oct 2018 17:18 |
Good afternoon...
Oh what a morning! My car was making weird noises last night, so I took it out at the crack of dawn to see if anything had altered. Nothing had so I got onto the RAC. I was hoping against hope that it could be fixed so that we could get to church. Bless the man who came, it was all sorted within less than an hour!
This was followed by 3 baptisms and then, after rushing home, and cooking lunch, our son, wife and grandson called unexpectedly. I was going out to a friend's baby's baptism so couldn't stop. I also had to pick up my laptop from a friend. So, all in all I have never stopped. Day of rest? hahahaaaaaa
The Collect (special prayer) set for today :
God, the giver of life, whose Holy Spirit wells up within your Church: by the Spirit's gifts equip us to live the gospel of Christ and make us eager to do your will, that we may share with the whole creation the joys of eternal life; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The reading is from St. Mark and tells the story of Jesus and the man who asked the question…”Lord, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
Cx :-)
13 Oct 2018 07:18 |
Good morning :-)
May you find a gift this morning Laid out for you in the sky. A beautiful reminder That sets your hope in flight.
May you notice birds above you That soar and ride the winds. And know that as you lift your prayer God lifts your heart and sings.
May you hear the sweet birds chirping May you smell the fresh cool air And know that God's love is all around Holding you so dear.
May this day be like a present That fills your heart with awe And takes your world from grey to gold And soothes your very soul.
Cx :-)
12 Oct 2018 08:14 |
Good morning :-)
Thank you Vera. Yes, we send our love and prayers once more, to kandj who faces yet another death in her family bless her. She will miss her big sister so much. <3
Bless this day, Oh Lord. Protect and guide me. Lead me in Your way of righteousness. Even as the weekend approaches, prepare my mind and thoughts for what I have to do today. Comfort my mind and take away all worry. Because You are the great provider and You never fail me.
I come to You with an open heart, oh Lord. Search me and remove anything that is not of You, that is not pleasing in Your sight. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Cx :-)
11 Oct 2018 08:14 |
A lovely prayer Cynthia. Thank you.
Kandj’s sister sadly passed away on Sunday. Sending Kandj and her family condolences and much love. You are in my thoughts and prayers <3 <3
11 Oct 2018 07:32 |
Good morning :-)
I come before you O Lord As the sun rises may your hope rise up in me. As the birds sing may your love flow out of me. As the light floods into this new day, May your joy shine through me. I come before you, O Lord And drink in this moment of peace, That I may carry something of your hope, love and joy Today in my heart.
Cx :-)
10 Oct 2018 11:37 |
Good morning :-)
Ooops I missed yesterday morning. I have a computer problem and have borrowed one from a friend. Life gets a tad hectic at times.
For today :
The End Of The Road Is But A Bend In The Road
by Helen Steiner Rice When we feel we have nothing left to give And we are sure that the "song has ended"-- When our day seems over and the shadows fall And the darkness of night has descended,
Where can we go to find the strength To valiantly keep on trying, Where can we find the hand that will dry The tears that the heart is crying--
There's but one place to go and that is to God And, dropping all pretense and pride, We can pour out our problem without restraint And gain strength with Him at our side--
And together we stand at life's crossroads And view what we think is the end, But God has a much bigger vision And he tells us it's only a bend--
For the road goes on and is smoother, And the "pause in the song" is a "rest," And the part that's unsung and unfinished Is the sweetest and richest and best--
So rest and relax and grow stronger, Let go and let God share your load, Your work is not finished or ended, You've just come to "a bend in the road."
Cx :-)
9 Oct 2018 18:52 |
Hello all You didn’t have a good start to your day yesterday Cynthia.I hope you have had a better day today.
Kandj, if you look in, you are ever in my thoughts and prayers <3
Cynthia was talking about prayer last week and I admit I often find praying difficult. I dug out a little book “The Christian Life” which our priest gave me when I was confirmed (in 1956!) to see if it said anything about prayer. There are several pages on the subject but one quote seems to encapsulate what Cynthia was saying.
“As a child goes to his father not only when he wants to ask for something, but because he delights to talk to his father and to hear his father’s voice, so we should delight to talk to our Father in Heaven and to listen to His Voice; this is what we really mean by prayer”.
Wishing you all a peaceful night.
8 Oct 2018 13:55 |
Good afternoon, a rather hectic morning I'm afraid.
A good start to the morning.....I discover I have left a downstairs light and fan on overnight and I spill my much needed mug of coffee - one of those days perhaps? ??
However, my start to the day is nothing compared to listening to the news. An horrific car accident in the US killing 20 people; accidents causing holdups in the locality; 2 young men dying after completing a half marathon and worrying news about our beautiful planet.
Lord, we bring all this before you today. We feel helpless in the face of such tragedy. Please bless and comfort the families who have lost loved ones, that they may know your love and your peace. Help us to care for the beautiful world you created for us - to use its bounty wisely and to take the advice given us on how to look after it. Amen.
Cx :-)