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ATOS (one day this could be you)

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JoyBoroAngel Report 26 Sep 2012 11:53

i agree Ron (opps did i just say that )

seriously well said :-D


TheBlackKnight Report 26 Sep 2012 11:45

I do wish ATOS (and the government) would stop trawling out this "we don't make the decisions" rubbish as an excuse. Firstly, it does in no way excuse the behaviour, and secondly, you may not directly make the decision, but as such a decision IS made from the evidence you provide alone, you clearly steer it absolutely.
Not only must this cruel reform stop, but these horrible slime at ATOS must be held to account. When this is all over, I do hope that they face criminal proceedings. Why can't people take in some hidden camera's and expose what is going on and as a backup in case lies are told against you? Tell your story's to Newspapers, MP's etc Spread the word simply because enough is enough.


JoyBoroAngel Report 26 Sep 2012 10:32

In his (rather limp) response to a constituent, LibDem MP Tim Farron brought to my attention the real reason why the govt will not dismiss ATOS and ask for the money back. The contract with them is until 2017 and there is no get out clause even if the thing is duff.
Clearly when some (in my opinion criminally evil) high up civil servants in the DWP did (what I may perceive as a fraudulent act of putting together the mechanism for deliberate disability denial, seemingly so their friends in UNUM could make a packet) they stitched the whole thing up in law. They write the law (MPs think they do but it is the top notch civil servants who are unelected but paid by us, who actually write the laws).

It is an Emperor’s new clothes scenario. The little boy shouted years back, people at the front can see the Emperor is naked, the Emperor (Ca'moron' et al) know they are naked and yet they have signed a contract they can not get out of, so they are still hoping the people at the back will not notice

*** Mummo ***

*** Mummo *** Report 26 Sep 2012 10:24

OH had to go for a medical a couple of months ago (his second one in 2 years, first one was at home )
The receptionist was very friendly and helpful as was the doctor he saw, yes he was asked questions and he told the truth and he provided the medical report from the hospital about his injuries when he fell from the loft , we left quite happy.
Oh and other half was told he wasn't fit for work.
Can l just say that l have also heard some really bad stories about ATOS but just thought you'd like to hear OH's experience.


JoyBoroAngel Report 26 Sep 2012 10:06

GRMarilyn yes i agree

but dont think this company are doing the genuine people justice
and i am giving people on GR to tell their tales :-(

also encouraging the genuine to appeal if they need to


JustJohn Report 26 Sep 2012 09:14

AnnC I am hearing that we are experiencing exactly same in Wales anyway - whoever is doing it. Everyone who can get to the medical and breathe is ok - then they have to appeal.

That is obviously not the answer. There are jobs out there (well, the assessors and their clerical people are new jobs) but not that many. Young chap (Iwan) I was talking to yesterday in Pontypandy has tried and tried to get work - and he is about 30 and pretty fit.

But his only transport is a bicycle and, as you know, it is not easy or safe to be cycling round the Valleys in all wealthers and gradients.

Had seen a couple of new people in jobs last week - a cleaner in public toilets in Pontyclun and a "greeter" in MacDonalds in Llwynypia (again, toilets are part of that job). Was impressed what a good job the young man at Pontyclun was doing, and the young lady at MacDonalds.

Asked Iwan if he had seen the vacancies. Told me he had applied for both jobs - and that there were 80 applications for the part time toilet attendant in Pontyclun.

So Iwan continues to try and live on about £60 per week as a single father with a little daughter. What can you say? :-S :-S And he has no disability of any sort.

At least our local Remploy factory is still going - just.


GRMarilyn Report 26 Sep 2012 09:00

Joy ...

Lets not forget ATOS was introduced by the last Labour Government in July 2009 .

Nevertheless I don't agree how folk are judged under ATOS its about time THEY were checked.
About time this Government checked them out ....


AnnCardiff Report 26 Sep 2012 08:39

I've never heard of ATOS - had to google to discover it's a French owned organisation - presumably we don't have it in Wales?


JoyBoroAngel Report 26 Sep 2012 00:49

The government signed an agreement with the french company Atos
so we cant get rid of them till 2017
But if Atos are un happy they can use the get out clause
Over 100 people have died shortly after this company said they were all clear to get a job
I am no against the medicals I just question some of their findings
and their qualifications to examine the claimants

I am so against people defrauding the benefits system
But surely their has to be a better way to do things :-(

BUT why are we pay this company billions for doing such a bad job


Sylvia Report 26 Sep 2012 00:08

I had cancer 4 times.4 major surgeries and 8 months of weekly chemo.then radio treatment. I have been told the cancer can spread anywhere . 5 years ago I was told that i wasnt expected to live 5 years. I am very happy to still be here although I have a lot more health issues. I recieved my appointment from ATOS exactly 5 years to the date of being given my prognosis.


maggiewinchester Report 26 Sep 2012 00:05

Don't foreget, the reason they've raised the pension age is because jobseekers is less than the pension.
People may be living longer, but it's well known they're not necessarily fit!


Rambling Report 26 Sep 2012 00:02

don't get old, don't get ill, don't get unlucky, just better to die and "decrease the surplus population"...

:-| :-| :-|


maggiewinchester Report 25 Sep 2012 23:57

There was a programme on TV exposing ATOS a few months ago.
Strikes me, themoney they're paying to ATOS would be better spent on disability allowance.

There aren't any bl**dy jobs anyway!!

Even if the people ATOS deem 'fit for work' get a job, what's their sickness leave going to be like?

I've got a chronic condition - diverticular disease - diagnosed last year. In my opinion it's caused by stress at work.
The colonoscopy used to diagnose it has caused me an awful lot of problems, it's made my colon very sensitive and I now get painful symptoms, which I didn't before. I'm under a 'capability procedure' at work because of my sickness record - and had to leave work today due to back pain - it's like the pain you get when you have a kidney stone (which I've had). I'm also prone to spontaneous vomiting and rectal bleeding - which I'm sure they wouldn't want me to do at work.

However, when I haven't got symptoms, I'm fine



Sylvia Report 25 Sep 2012 23:57

I will see how I get on tomorrow when I go for my medical with ATOS.
I think I already know the outcome.



AnnCardiff Report 25 Sep 2012 23:50

my daughter-in-law has just graduated from Bristol Uni a a nurse and for a few weeks before getting a Staff Nurse post with our local Health Authority she worked in a private old peoples home - they had one thermometer for all the patients!! she went mental when she discovered that and all the other qualified staff seemed not to bother - she got money out of petty cash and went to the local chemist - she could only get the Peppa Pig ones for children - the ones which you put on the forehead, so she got a pile of those

the one they were using was the type you put in the ear and it was clogged with earwax!! yuk!!!


jax Report 25 Sep 2012 23:48

Read it

Yes been there, had the rubbish report...been subjected to going to a tribunal over a year after I appealed...sorted within minutes luckerly

My medical took place on a bank holiday sunday...wonder how much she was paid for that?

I remember there was something about my appearance or that I did'nt look unwell....which at the time I thought what has this got to do with anything.


AnnCardiff Report 25 Sep 2012 23:47

I'm an OAP - I'm not going down the mines!!! :-D :-D


JoyBoroAngel Report 25 Sep 2012 23:39

i was shocked at people been treated in this way
in a country that gives billions to overseas country

yet neglects the sick and disabled of this country

they will be sending OAPs down the mines next to earn enough to live :-(


AnnCardiff Report 25 Sep 2012 23:28

I think we're all reading your posting and have a feeling we know what we are going to download and don't want to see it - that's my story anyway :-)


JoyBoroAngel Report 25 Sep 2012 22:56

Ive just read this link
and am so disgusted the sick and disabled are treated this way
by anybody let alone somebody who are paid by this Government
God forbid we ever get ill