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Auntie Motie a Genteel Tale of Everyday Life.

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Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 21 Feb 2014 22:56

Good Evening Ladies

Our middle fruit has had a tattoo...grrrrrrr...grrrrrrr...if she has only had what she says I can live with it...not that I have a choice:-| the pictures I have seen only shows a very fine line cross on her neck just below the hairline:-D

Hope you are all enjoying the sunshine.
Lesley x


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 18 Feb 2014 21:05

No need for a search party Auntie I am here :-D

Little flutterings and wonderful for you all Susan <3 I hope your fruit is keeping well.

Our middle fruit is only supposed to be visiting Thailand for four weeks then home...well that was the plan, she has know informed us she is going to try and stay longer...wait for it...she also said so you will not be shocked when I get home I am thinking of getting a tattoo while I'm here...she knows our thoughts on tattoos :-| :-| :-|

The grand babies are beautiful:-D I'm not prejudice ;-) but I am amazed at how gentle our 18month tornado is with her 8 week cousin :-)

How is FTE getting on in her new employment Teresa, still enjoying it I hope.

Lesley x


Susan-nz Report 18 Feb 2014 19:14


My Mama met Sophie Tuckbox many moons ago. Mama's Aunt introduced them. :-).. As an aside, my Mama's paternal grandmothers boyfriend (as I can't find a marriage certificate :-D) worked backstage at the Palladium... Mama and I went to see a show at the Palladium when we were in London town, Sister Act it was. Some useless information for you. ;-).

I too can see the moon and the sun in the morning sky. :-). Today the sky was a tad red so we must be in for rain... Perhaps your excesses will soak down to us at the bottom of this earth.?. You have far too much of the wet stuff and we are in need of H2O...

Our kitchen is still in a pickle after our flood.. I am waiting to hear from the assessor re repairs.. I have a mind to change our flooring - seems like a good time to do just that. OH agrees luckily for me.. The dishwasher is still disconnected, I am getting a bit fed up with hand washing the dishes.. Oooh, get me, who do I think I am. :-D ;-).

Fruit is starting to feel little flutterings. I went with her to the midwife last week and heard the heartbeat. :-). Quite exciting.

Lesley, hope your fruit is enjoying her travels. I have never been to Thailand but have heard good things from those that have. Is your fruit coming to my neck of the world?. How are your little grandbabies doing?.

~~~~ to Teresa, hope you are all well and FTE is enjoying her new job.?

Petunia, who might be getting married?. You can whisper to me, I won't tell a sole. ;-). Did you find a suitable hat?. The only hat I can do is a sunhat...

I am off to see about a new phone today. I am after an eye phone.. Not sure I can master one but time will tell.. Technology and I are not well suited..

Have a lovely evening, can you see my moon yet?.



MotownGal Report 17 Feb 2014 20:02

Good evening Ladies,

We are in full flow here, so lets not stop!

How lovely to attend weddings dear Upsidedown Susan. No one I know seems to get married these days. They all 'live in sin!!!'. But I have a sneaking suspicion there is to be a wedding for someone I know in the near future. I shall peruse the selection of hats and see what is appropriate.

I last went to a concert a very long time ago dears. That Sophie Tuckbox was at the London Palladium. I thought she was a bit 'broad' for me, but that naice Mr Askey was on telling jokes. A lovely young man called Dickie Valentine was top of the bill, such a sweet looking young lad. And a lovely voice too. Aaaah, what a night that was!

Teresa dear, we must all have the same moon! I saw the man combing his golden hair too. Strange seeing the moon on one side of the sky, and the sun on the other. I wonder if Susan can see that too?

Pat-trish-aaaah has gawn to help bail out people in Surrey dears. She jumps on the tuk-tuk in the morning, gets the buckets out, and returns home at night, cream crackered.

Octavia, Georgianna and Beatrice are all well. They strangely all have relatives in the flood areas, and have taken in their families while they dry out. Most of their rellies are well to do, and live in the posher areas. So it makes sense all round to keep in with them.

Will this concert include a Terry Hall, Teresa dear? No the one with Lenny the Lion of course, but he of the tonic suit and pale complexion?

I hope dear Lesley is well, should we send out search parties yet?



Cooper Report 17 Feb 2014 16:51

Hallo one and all :-D,

Aunty dear I do hope the old soldiers and sailors enjoyed their day, I have been atoiling at paid toil but did notice that the sun was up and the ground a bit dryer so I supposed the day had been fine and dandy.

How is Par trish aaaaa? We do not seem to have heard from the dear thing of late. I do hope all is well with her and the rest of the posse at Motie Towers. Ah the power of the tinternet, so lovely to see all the photos and your small people sound very sweet :-D

I see you have a new picture. It looks very glamorous, I did think it a likeness of Joanna lumley or the shrimp :-D

have you been watching the olympics at all, I have caught bits and bobs of it, the young gals on those skeleton runs are very brave, nerves of steel Aunty, nerves of steel.

Susan I wonder if it was the same man in the moon who was shining through the cutain and windows for the whole of Friday night, what with him and the danged howling wind I was a frazzel by Saturday morning :-( I have to say though that driving in th early morning I often see beautiful moons :-D

I have seen quite a few lookalikees, Freddy, Elton TRex, to name a few. We saw a brilliant Fleetwood Mac tribute a couple of years ago. An Aunt and Uncle came with us. They had seen the real thing in the past and said it was very hard to tell tne difference.
We are orf to see a popular beat combo at the end of tbe month in the style of regae and Two Tone. Its the original line up bar one. We have seen them before and are back for more :-D :-D

orf now to assemble the grub



Susan-nz Report 16 Feb 2014 19:39

Good upside morning Ladies,

Petunia, I am aghast at the conditions in parts of your fair land. Poor poor people, surely there can't be much water left in the sky to fall.?. You are quite right, we cannot fully imagine the horrors those affected are having to endure. I sincerely hope things will improve asap.

Oooh, fake tan, I am very weary of the ruddy stuff.... I tend to stay away from it now. I am like the shining beacon of whiteness as far as me pins are concerned. :-D. Oh well, that is how nature intended me to be, or at least my genepool :-(.. I sadly did not inherit the 'olive' shades one of my sisters did :-P.

Our bbq party was a hoot, as my dear friend said so eloquently, your OH looked 'creepy' ;-). We shared quite a few laughs.
We attended a wedding on Saturday. It was a garden wedding at the home of the grooms parents. It was a stunningly beautiful sunny day which ensured a wonderful wedding. The happy couple were overcome with emotion, I am sure they will live a long and very happy life together.

Yesterday afternoon, OH and I along with two other couples, attended a Rod Stewart impersonator's concert. Now I am the biggest sceptic as far as 'impersonators' go, but this guy was so good. We were all pleasantly impressed.

Lesley, your socks sound, err, delightful ;-). You shall be easily recognisable..

Glad to hear FTE had a good first day. :-) :-) :-).

I am pup sitting until I go to work. The pup has, or had I say , had, a string of rubber sausages.. She is so funny to watch. She runs riot with the string hanging out of her mouth, swings the string from side to side and runs like the wind. She has managed to destroy the string this morning... Off to the $2 shop I go to replace the 'toy'. ;-). She and I went for a walk this morning, it was such a beautiful morning. The moon was still up and I could see a 'face' in the moon. It so reminded me of childhood pictures of the moon, happy smiling face :-D. disclaimer: I have only had 'tea' this morning ;-).

have a lovely evening,



MotownGal Report 16 Feb 2014 11:15

Gooood morning dear Ladies,

What a sad little thread we are, dropping further down the charts to doomsville!

I don't quite know why I just said that, but I read it in a common rag of a newspaper and it caught my eye. I just could not wait to repeat it. So I did. And I still don't know exactly what it means!

I have been looking at the news rather a lot over the last few days, and I have great compassion for those poor people who have been flooded out of their homes. You cannot imagine just by looking at pictures, I tend to think that unless you actually go there and witness it first hand, you have no real conception of the disaster.

Cornwall is severely waterlogged. I remember visiting it years ago with some relatives of mine. Walking along the harbour with the sun shining brightly. It is now a very sad sight with the waves crashing against the houses opposite. When will it all end.

I must say I was jolly pleased to see William and Henry, or Wills and Harry as I know them, helping out with the sandbagging. They are good boys and their mother would have been proud of them.

I am getting regular photos via the Tinternet of dear little Valentine and Celestine, what little treasures they are. The proud parents are sending me weekly reports. How much difference a week makes when they are growing and flowering like cabbages.

I shall not outstay my welcome dears, I have plenty to do. I am visiting the Old Soldiers and Sailors this afternoon. Tis lovely and sunny here, and I think we will wrap them up warmly and go for a stroll in the grounds. Get some fresh air in their lungs and bring roses to their cheeks. Then back to the Refectory for a bean feast and a glug of grog.

Pip Pip
Auntie Petunia


Cooper Report 10 Feb 2014 16:08

Thankyou Lesley, FTE has communicated via the power of the text at lunchtime and said it was nice with nice people which is a good sign.

I know the baby barn, many moons ago we got FTY stuff there. It has been there a good many years now. They were always very helpful.
Im glad your Friut is setlled and happy. I looked at the link and it looks very nice.

Thankyou for the tan tip. I know of a Fruit who I can pass on the tip to :-D The Fruit loves a good fake tan but has never got the knack of getting the hands the correct shade :-D :-D :-D :-D That Fruit faked tanned another Fruit one day. It took a certain Mama a lot of elbow grease to try and get the Fruit from orange to a golden shade of tan :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Aunty dear have you tried talc :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S

Running for cover



Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 9 Feb 2014 22:44

Good Evening Ladies.

No Teresa I did not hear about the bus :-S last Wednesday I did drive to a certain baby barn en route to your hilly town, there was water running off the fields and across the road then :-(

I have recently learnt a very simple yet invaluable fake tan/sun lotion stain removing tip...milk....not gold, red or silver top just cheap and cheerful milk from a plastic bottle....would you be so kind as to pass this onto Mrs Berry please Auntie, it may come in useful when Pat-trish-aaaaah returns from one of her jaunts in Essex :-D

Our middle fruit is enjoying her time in Thailand mind you she has only been there 2 day's:-D this is the link to her travels.

Busily sewing red buttons up the outer side of my knee high white socks in readiness to wear in June ;-)

I hope all is well with you and yours Susan <3

Good Luck for tomorrow FTE

Returning the dingy and oars Auntie it sounds as though your need is greater than mine at the moment.

Lesley x


MotownGal Report 9 Feb 2014 19:22

Susan dear, dont put ideas in our heads, for we may turn up in Londinium wearing socks and sandles! That would be a sight for sore eyes I can tell you. I hope the party went well for you all.

Teresa dear, we are a little moist even on the Hill. There is a blocked drain and the water is collecting to such an extent it is almost a mini lake in the road. One does venture past in ones high-button boots, but there is always an oik who thinks it is funny to drive through at high speed. I read in the paper t'other day, someone did exactly that, but....................unbeknown to him, there was an offduty policeman in the car behind. He had him for driving without due care and attention! Jolly good show too!

I hope the dinghy proved successful Lesley, I trust you are paddling sedately around and about.

More rain to come!



Cooper Report 9 Feb 2014 07:06

Pah, the spelling is orf kilter, when I said new I should of said knew! :-D :-D :-D :-D


Cooper Report 9 Feb 2014 07:04

Cooooeeeeee, Auntie..........has Pat rish aaaa hurled that dinghy down the cyber hatch yet????? Tis a little late for me. I venured orf to paid toil before the larks on Friday, drove through a flood which was once a main road, well it was a road the evening before, I hithered cross country and arived at my destination five minutes early :-S :-S :-S mind you a medicinal tot would have helped my frazzeled nerves but instead I had a naice cup of tea before starting proceedings. In fact as I found out later a bus had broken down in the flood where I had driven through :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S

lesley may have seen it all on the news unless she is still out waiting for the dingy!!!!

Mind you it is nothing like those poor people down south, as you say Auntie, furniture can be replaced but it is the precious personal belonings which are irreplaceable.

I hope you enjoyed your celebrations Susan :-D socks and sandles :-D they are still in fashion in some parts here :-D :-D :-D ;-) ;-) not in this house but round here generally. Keep your eyes peeled in the summer months, it will be like stepping back in time :-D :-D :-D
I do hope your fruit is feeling a bit better. Its miserable early on but gets better :-D

FTE starts in the world of paid toil tomorrow, hope the weather settles a bit, we were trying to work out a cross country rout just in case.

Aunty dear, a certain Papa I new said that he bought the Sun to partake of the sports pages :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S :-S tuttty tut tut tut.

Toodle pip for now

Teresa :-D


MotownGal Report 8 Feb 2014 19:57

#removes four-inch nail from mouth#

Just one more........................ugh................those nails leave a funny taste in ones mouth!

I really did not think it would come to this, but I am hammering nails into the framework of the Ark. It is jolly hard work with woolen gloves on, but as you all know I have the most lily-white hands, as I do not do manual labour, but needs must when the devil calls!

The sou-wester keeps moving too, and the rain is dripping down the back of my neck, the gum boots are filling up, and I am very miserable indeed.

But, doing my duty is what it is all about, and I will be the Saviour should the floods reach this part of London. I do not think we will need to float this boat, but at least it will serve as a shelter for the well-to-do neighbours. Of course I shall have no riff-raff sharing with me, possibly just good friends such as Beatrice, Georgianna and Octavia and their families. I shall of course take in Mrs Berry and her brood. [we have to eat, after all] and maybe a few families of good social standing.

Never let it be said that I am less than charitable in that respect! Tutty tut!

Open your cyber hatch and stand well back Lesley dear, I am sending the dinghy down, along with paddles and an outboard motor. Pat-trish-aaaaah has more muscles than I, she can lift it into the hatch.

Keep well and warm, and dry, gels.



Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 7 Feb 2014 14:46

Popping in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Auntie Petunia I hope you don't think me rude for asking but do you think I could borrow your inflatable dingy again please?

Popping out>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Lesley x


MotownGal Report 6 Feb 2014 19:45

Congratulations to Teresa's and Susan's respective fruits on their achievements. Well done both, so lovely to hear of something uplifting.

How are the little ones Lesley? Growing by the day?

Oh those poor people down in the South-West, what a horrid time they are having with all that water. I cannot imagine living like that. Furniture can be replaced, but it is the personal things like photographs. They cannot be replaced if the water ruins them. So sad.

We are fine up here on the Hill, but it is still raining cats and dogs. The Ark is still on standby.

That naice Mr Gently is back tonight. I do have a little soft spot for Mr Shaw. Even when a long time ago he had flowing locks and rather tights jeans I remember. I am coming over all flustered just thinking about it!

Ugh! Sorry ladies, that was me throwing a jug of cold water of myself! I am surprised at myself! Tutty tut.

The celebrations for August are coming along naicely, I will let you know what parts you will be playing nearer the date.

Keep dry all!



Susan-nz Report 4 Feb 2014 19:02

Good upside down morning Ladies,

Everything is going swell with my fruit, though I am a little concerned, she has had a headache for two days now. Time to get seen to me thinks.. I did pop into a little persons shop the other day - but restrained myself. :-).

Yesterday, the chap who built our kitchen came to take the boards off the cabinetry under the breakfast bar. Phew, the stench of damp is revolting. Admittedly the water damage seems to be in one area only. But when I got a torch, lay as flat on the floor as my belly would allow, I could see water damage lines for Africa... The chap who came, said let the cabinetry dry out, it should be fine. He will just replace the damaged outer panels..... :-| :-|. I am not having that. I have given OH the assessors number , I would like him to come back and see ( and smell) for himself... The flooring guy hasn't been yet... The insurance will only pay for new flooring up to the doorway between kitchen and laundry. It is an open plan type area, half a floor doesn't cut the mustard... I feel a battle may be looming...
OH remove the dishwasher from it's cavity which exposes the adjoining kickboard. More waterlines in evidence. :-(.
Moan over...

We are orf to a BBQ at a friends house tomorrow. It will be Waitangi Day here, a supposed celebration of NZ..... Every year there are 'incidents'. I just enjoy the day off work.. Anyhoo, my OH has decided he wanted to go 'retro'. Off to the Op shop I went and hey presto. One pair of walk shorts, one pair of walk socks, one horrible shiny shirt, one horrible 'hat' and one funny old belt.... A blast from the 70's indeed. I nearly wet myself with laughter at the dress rehersal... :-D..
Apologies to those who wear walk shorts and socks :-\.

I do hope you are all well, enjoying the first few signs of the plant world coming back to life. Petunia, hopefully the Ark has been put away again. Perhaps I should bring my gumboots with me in June.?

I am looking to upgrade my phone. I am on a plan and still have some few months left on the current plan. Apparently I cannot just upgrade my phone and stay on my plan. Nooo, I have to pay an exorbitant fee, buy a new phone and plan. :-( :-(. :-P to my provider.

Time to cut some sandwiches and get on with my day. Have a pleasant evening.

Toodle pip,


Diamonds-R-A-Girls-Best-Friend Report 3 Feb 2014 23:25

Teresa that is great news, I hope FTE enjoys her new position:-)

Many moons ago this mama use to have a childline sticker in her car and on many occasions I pointed the telephone number out to our fruits.................I never did find a similar sticker for a parent line :-D ;-)

Someone pass the smelling salts I think Auntie has fainted from shock..........was this because the sun or the Sun was mentioned :-D

I hope all is well with you and your growing family Susan <3

Lesley x


MotownGal Report 3 Feb 2014 20:22

#splutters# The Sun! Good grief Teresa, what are you trying to do to me?

I only ventured into that territory once, I must say I was a bit surprised! On the inside page was a young gel without her liberty bodice on. She looked cold too!

Then further on was a member of a popular rock combo describing how he and his band mate went in for the excesses of the rock culture. I am still not sure of all the vernacular especially a rock-pipe! I know of a briar but not that. Is it a special kind only used by musicians? Second thoughts, dont bother telling me. I am confused enough as it is! #keep your comments to yourselves, gels#

Soooo, ladies, I shall be doing a little organising in June. Nothing to do with the World Cup, although I have been keep your eyes peeled for private messages, and venues. Be like Dad, keep Mum. Cryptic enough for you all?

I shall be looking at that naice Mr Paxo very soon. So will need to settle down in a mo.

Keep warm all.
Auntie Petunia


Cooper Report 3 Feb 2014 18:57

:-S :-D :-D :-D :-D ;-) read the sun auntie, all the info you need will be there :-)


MotownGal Report 2 Feb 2014 19:29

Summer Solstice you say? I think that is a looooong way orft dears!

Are we to dress like those folk of Midsomer Murders yesterday? They ended up with rather nasty things happening to them!

We have had rather a pleasant day here, and I decided to go to the haberdashers to get some material for the Old Soldiers and Sailors tableau. Oh dear, not being a sporty type of person as you know, little did I realise that there was a London Derby this afternoon!

I must say they were very colourful in their attire and their language. I have never been called Old Darling by so many people that have not introduced themselves to me in a proper fashion! I was not impressed!

I beat a hasty retreat and will consult the newspapers before I go shopping again on a Sunday afternoon.

Tutty tut, and then tut again!