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Birthday Girls - 2011

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Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 29 Sep 2013 18:48

Lovely to see you on here Margaret. Most of the members are on Facebook, but I am afraid I am no longer a member there. Hope you are keeping comfortable with your back, I know it has been very painful for you. I got rid of my bath some years ago much prefer the room I gained in the bathroom which meant we could have a bigger shower cabinet, we did not want a wet room.
Sylvia one op down, make sure you rest before your op on your eyes.

Weather here has been lovely for the last four days, foggy first thing then once the sun breaks through it has stayed lovely and warm till dusk. This evening the wind has got up a little but it is still sunny.
Ann like you I have most of my birthday cards made through till Christmas, but still have several special ones to make for daughter, daughter in law, 2 granddaughters, grandson, goddaughter and 2 sisters!! Keep putting them off as I have little in the way of new ideas for them. Wish I had never wrote them down looks even worse now that I have put it in writing! Have not even thought about Christmas cards yet.
I will get the Christmas groups, if that is what everyone wants out in the next week.
Have a good week everyone
Love Joxx


AnninGlos Report 27 Sep 2013 22:23

Home now, found it chilly yesterday but warmer today.

Margaret, good to see you back on here. This is a slow moving thread these days as there are so few of us, but we try to keep in touch.

Sylvia one op over, was that by a local anaesthetic or a general? Hope you feel ready for the eye op.

Jo i have quite a few Christmas cards made but need to get down to making a few more. Think I have enough birthday cards made for now. :-)


syljo Report 27 Sep 2013 22:05

Hi all,
Well I'm just alive. I was operated on last week - they said a small cut which took 90 minutes instead of 15 and have ended up with a burnt area - don't know how to call it in English. I am extremely tired but have to be fit for 9 October for my eye operation, then I still go every Tuesday for my new implant teeth.
I have little time for myself but have managed to make some Xmas cards.
Nice to see you Margaret. Margaret, why do you bother with a bath? I much prefer a shower - cleaner too! In a bath you sit in your own foul. I know everybody is going to jump on me now, but then this is what I think.
Well I think summer has come back for a few days as we had a lovely sunny day today.
Bye bye for now
Sylvia xxx


Margaret Report 10 Sep 2013 23:10

Hi Girls
Surprise its me Margaret been reading some of your threads not many of you which is a shame , i will try to get on a bit more.
Lots have been going on with me health issues with my back but i wont bore you with that .
We are having work done on the house and a new wet room as i am finding it hard to get in the bath well when we did have the bath the bathroom at the moment is like a bomb site only the toilet remains lol
love margaret from kent

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 10 Sep 2013 21:14

Lucky you Ann, the weather here is just like it is for Sylvia, so you are not missing anything except the cold!!
Sylvia, hope all the operations go well, are they doing everything at once or are they all different ops in stages, which ever you take care.
I will start my Christmas cards soon, I must make a few birthday cards first though as I have lots coming up this and next month.
Take care
Love Joxx


AnninGlos Report 10 Sep 2013 20:45

Sylvia, Hi, I have an IPad and I have to say it does what I want it to. It also takes good photos, but I have a connection that I can plug into the IPad and download photos from my camera card. I can also send photos by email from the IPad. Having said that you really need somebody to actually show you how all these things work.

Cloudy here in Tenerife today, we are here for 4 weeks,n2 down,n2 to go. I have just made a few cards while OH watches the football. :-D


syljo Report 10 Sep 2013 20:03

Hallo girls,
Yes, it is me writing from a wet, windy evening. Well it has been terrible weather all day, a mixture of sun ,wind, showers.
I have been home all day just doing what I fancied - made a apple, cinnamon cake and cooked some apricots and cut up lots of red grapefruits - if I don't cut them up before they never get eaten!
I shall be glad when the doctor has been next Monday to give me an injection for my cold shoulder.
The time is drawing nearer now for my operations. Eye operation, small opening on my stomach for my catheter and to finish off the implanting of teeth in my mouth.
The workmen have been working outside here for a few weeks now, but yesterday was the worst day as they turned off the hot water and it only came on again at 7.00 pm. We have what they call "town heating".
I have made around 20 Xmas cards, so hope to be on time this year.
Will close for now, t hinking of you all,
Sylvia xxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 28 Aug 2013 23:37

Sorry Sylvia I cannot help as I do not have a tablet, just my laptop and my phone. Use my phone for most things as it is on the internet and I can do everything I need to do, it is just small!! Would not be without my laptop though, it is portable and I can take it in the garden when the weather is nice and it still picks up a good signal. Daughters both have Ipads and they love them but can sometimes be difficult to print from them. Hopefully someone that has one will reply to give you much better information than I can.


syljo Report 28 Aug 2013 21:03

Hi all,
Today I could kick myself. I had just finished 5 new birthday cards and then I dropped a cup of tea over them.
Yesterday I went out and bought us a new coffee making machine. I am afraid the last two I bought I went in for "cheap and cheerful"and am now paying for my being thrifty!
I also want to buy myself a tablet and Samsung have just brought out a new one. Because this is an expensive item I am making sure I know a bit about what I am buying. I am asking all friends to tell me exactly what these tablets can do. The shop where I bought the coffee machine had a special offer for a tablet but it was the same make as the new one which has just come out so that will be out of date and I don't want that.
I want to be able to make photos and send them by e-mail and internet etc.etc.
Any dos and donts girls?
Have a nice evening, love Sylvia xxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 24 Aug 2013 23:26

Sylvia love the 'honest injun' havent hear that for ages, brought back so many lovely memories. Weather here very mixed as well and also it is getting dark so early now seems like autumn is on its way.


AnninGlos Report 24 Aug 2013 21:21

Sylvia, don't worry about it, our post is very unreliable, things go missing all the time.


syljo Report 24 Aug 2013 20:24

Hi everybody,
I was surprised whWhat funny weather we are having. Tis afternoon there ws suddenly a gust of wind, like Autumn, and it was dark very early.en I read the list of cards Ann received that my name wasn't on the list. Ann, honest injun, I did send you a card. Will send another.
What funny weather we are having. This afternoon it was like Autumn and a gust of wind blowing leaves from the trees and the sky dark.
I am still busy with several doctors. I do wish I could get away for a few days, but almost impossible at the moment.

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 21 Aug 2013 18:23

Evening Sylvia and Ann, good to see you both here. Sylvia hope you manage to sort out your computer problem as Ann said we miss you when you are not posting messages. Your beauty session sounds lovely it must be so relaxing, lucky you.
Have thought about Christmas cards, but that is all just thought but need to come up with some ideas first. Have managed to catch up with my birthday cards finally, but now need to start on September ones as have quite a few next month including 3 grandchildren to make for.
Enjoy the rest of your week :-)



AnninGlos Report 21 Aug 2013 12:56

Hello Sylvia, good to see you. I hope that you enjoyed your beauty session and that your face now feels lovely and smooth. (as my Mum would say like a baby's B**.

I hope you manage to stay on line and can decide what you want to do re a new pc or whatever. I have missed seeing your posts on here. :-)


syljo Report 20 Aug 2013 20:56

Hi everybody,Yes, at last I'm getting down to writing again. My pc has been out of order, but today we had a nice young man who explained our difficulties. It seems it is because we are wireless instead of a correct connection, so now have wires draped all over the place and still undecided whether or not we will buy a new pc or continue with this one.
Tomorrow I am going to my beauty session in the morning and in the afternoon my household help is coming.She works until 15.30 and then I will wizz off to the market. My face always feels nice and soft after the mask they give me and my hands too. I have so many colours nail polish to choose from.
I have a good stock of cards now so will begin on my Xmas ones.
Keep well, love Sylvia xxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 4 Aug 2013 19:41

Heavy rain here all afternoon today, but it was lovely this morning. No idea how to dress as it turned quite chilly but this morning it was lovely and warm, typical summer weather for the UK.

Not managed to get any crafting done this week, just need to get a few cards made for birthdays this week, will have to get a move on, but have 2 of the grandchildren coming to stay for a few days, so looks like it will be evening card making.
Have a nice week


AnninGlos Report 4 Aug 2013 17:56

Yes cuddles are lovely but sadly we won't see that much of him as they live 2 hours away, sadly none of our family live near us, I wish they did.

We had the rain today sylvia, luckily we were not going out and the garden really needed it. trouble is, it probably won't know when to stop now. :-)

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 1 Aug 2013 00:03

What a lovely photo Ann gorgeous baby, lovely getting lots of cuddles when they are so tiny.
We have had heavy rain all day today and it has been quite chilly such a change from last week, but at least no thunder storms. Hopefully it will start to improve soon.
Have a good week everyone.


syljo Report 27 Jul 2013 21:01

Just coming up for air. We have at last had a shower of rain today.But why did it have to come when I was at the market this morning? When I came home I had to take off all my clothes as I was wet through to the skin.
Nice to see some old names back on the screen.
greetings to you all.
Sylvia xxx


AnninGlos Report 22 Jul 2013 21:25

Hello Sylvia and Jo. Sylvia very good of your ENT specialist to be concerned. Very hot here today and clammy now but no storm as yet, sky is a bit black though.