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Birthday Girls - 2011

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AnninGlos Report 18 Aug 2012 09:58

Diesel would work out more expensive for you then Jill if you don't do a lot of long distance travel.

Your weather seems about the same as ours, wet, then humid, some sun and more wet.

It seems like you made a good decision to move back to th I.O.M. then as you are doing quite well with your cards. Loved your birthday card, very pretty. I can see why they'd sell.

Yes, come on Genes more often, we do like to 'see' you and keep up with your news. :-)

Jill in France

Jill in France Report 18 Aug 2012 09:53

Good morning Ladies, I must really try and get on Genes more often.
Hope you are all keeping well and weather not too bad where ever you all are, been very mixed over here, very hot then lashing it down.
Been a busy month with two agricultural shows, the Southern then the Royal, both two day, very big events. I shared a tent with the Isle of Man Soap Company and did quite well, the best being that a new gift shop, Simply Manx .wants to buy mine to sell so busy getting messy making cards ready for their opening in September.
Doing a few paid demo's for WI groups so life is not boring over here :-)
On the subject of cars, I have always stuck with petrol, out of habit I think or just perhaps the car I wanted was petrol. Over here, there is nowhere more than an hour away if we want to go to bottom of Island and no duel carriageways apart from a mile outside the airport so don't think it makes much difference. John always preferred petrol but again, might just be habit.
Hope you have a good weekend

xx Jill


AnninGlos Report 18 Aug 2012 08:51

Our problem (One of them) is whether to buy a petrol or diesel. We have never had diesel and my car is petrol. As we get older we do get a bit :-S forgetful. I am worried that if we get a diesel the wrong fuel will be put in one or other of the cars. :-(

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 18 Aug 2012 00:27

Morning ladies. Good to hear that your back is getting better Ann, so difficult to do anything when your back is giving you so much pain.
Sylvia & Ann I hope you both enjoy your holidays in September and the weather is good for you, you never know it might be lovely and sunny, warm with no rain!

Ann I know what you mean about getting a new car, swapped mine a few months ago from a 4 x 4 to an estate car (need something to get the dog in as he is so bigggg) and it was awful for a start, but now I really love it and it is so economical on diesel saving me a fortune, can buy some more crafting goodies....

Have a lovely weekend

Love Joxx :-)


AnninGlos Report 17 Aug 2012 22:19

Hi Jo and Sylvia. Sylvia, I hope you both enjoy your holiday when it comes, we too are on holiday in September, we are going to Dorset, then on to Hampshire to our Grandson's wedding.
At the moment we are trying to sort out a holiday in October.
Thanks both, my back seems to be much better although I am being careful with it. I have made a few simple Christmas cards but I am not sure I shall make 150 as I did last year. Some on the list may have to have shop cards.
The other thing happening is that OH has decided it is time to change his car - he has had his current one, a BMW, for 6 years and it is a P reg so getting on a bit, but I love the car it is so comfortable for long distance travelling. And I hate buying cards, always feel it is better the devil you know. He has got his teeth into it now though so I guess a round of the local garages is on the 'menu'. :-(


syljo Report 17 Aug 2012 20:45

Hallo everybody once again from me. How is your back Ann? Hope that it is over by now.
So it is Saturday again tomorrow. At least I don't have any hospital appointments in a weekend!
The lump on my head is a tumour and I should soon have it taken away as my dermatologist will be back from holidays.
So it is almost September and time for us to go away for our short holiday.I am looking forward to the change of scenery. Johan has phoned the council where we are going so that we have nursing help at our holiday address. We can get two scootmobiles in the taxi (bus) so will have our own transport there.
I have been making some more Xmas cards so won't have the panic I had last year.
My granddaughter is back from holiday and she popped in during the week with her boy friend. Lovely caring couple they are.
My grandson (Linda's brother) is moving in a new accommodation with his girl friend next month. He had the opportunity of this accommodation from his boss. I wonder how he will get on as he has always relied on his mother or girl friend's mother to do so much for him, now the chance to show what he is made of!
He knows that I can be hard if I want to. When he used to smoke I stopped giving him money for his birthday and saved it up for him until he had finished smoking. A nice savings pot!
Now will close now. Where are you Jill?
Jo, don't work to hard, you show us up!
Sylvia xxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 14 Aug 2012 10:49

Sorry I have not been around for a while vertigo has kept me off the computer.

Happy birthday Ann for yesterday hope you had a fabulous day and the back is a little better!

Like you Ann we did not get the rain that was forcast instead yesterday was overcast warm and very heavy and today so far is brilliant sunshine and hot!

Sounds like most people have started their Christmas cards must get my self organised I am in the middle of making the cards for the BG for the next year like to get them all done and written ready. When they are finished will start on Christmas.

Have lots of family birthdays coming up including three grandchildren and I have no idea what to make for them.

Take care everyone
love Joxxx


AnninGlos Report 13 Aug 2012 22:02

It takes a while to get used to change as we get older Sylvia, but I think we all do pretty well. Thank you for your card, and your writing is fine, mine is awful, I blame the computer.

Thanks to Jo, Jill, Jean, Michelle and Heather too (I think they are the only ones on GR. I shall list the others in a few days.)


syljo Report 13 Aug 2012 21:17

Where on earth does the time go to? I spend so much time on myself these days and keeping the equipment I use clean. For instance the mask I have to sleep in I have to wash every few days, and I won't bore you with all the other things!
I shall be glad when my dermatologist gets back from holidays as I want the tumour on my head cut away. He has promised to do it when he comes back.
Every time I try to get onto GR I see they have changed things around and I spend a lot of time figuring how to get on. Maybe I don't like changes?
I'm looking frward to my week away in September.
Johan has been having trouble with his legs and now has to have elastic stockings.
Nice to keep in touch Ann, Jo and the rest of you girls. Keeps me sane sometimes!
Sylvia xxx


AnninGlos Report 8 Aug 2012 16:38

Hi Sylvia, I think people are either out and about or else busy with their gardens which seem to get away from us this time of year. I actually made five Christmas cards this week, and I have also done four scrap book pages, not been doing much gardening as I strained a muscle in my back at the weekend, (bending over to get the washing out of the laundry basket). So I have been mainly doing bits of craft work. I did go in to town this morning though, via the hospital to pick up hearing aid batteries, luckily we didn't get the promised rain so I didn't get wet as I thought I may have done.
It is quite warm here today and mostly sunny. And of course life in UK at the moment is all about the Olympics.
I hope that you are keeping well. at least you have made a start on your Christmas cards, they will soon mount up won't they?
This weekend we are going to see our daughter, not seen them for a few weeks, hoping also to see at least one of our Grandsons.

My next project is to make a wedding card for our eldest Grandson, he gets married on 22 September. :-)


syljo Report 8 Aug 2012 10:20

Is everybody on holiday? No postings yet in August!
We have the same weather as you, cold, wet, windy, some sun, thunder, what else have I left out?
Well I've started making some Xmas cards today so should be ok by Xmas


AnninGlos Report 27 Jul 2012 15:46

I don't know anyone who is going to the games Sylvia, I am not really interested in it all we have had it pushed at us for far too long now until we are all fed up with it.

Hope all your appointments go ok and you can get the letter from your doctor for the dermatologist to remove the lump.

Very hot and a bit thundery feeling here today, no doubt it will all end in rain.


syljo Report 24 Jul 2012 21:09

Hi all,
So the Olympic Games are almost here. Who is going?
I was in London for the last Olympic Games. Busy time.
Wat fantastic weather at the moment, but it is going to finish by Friday, then it will be back to normal.
Johan and I are going out on our scootmobiles tomorrow to have coffee with an ex neighbour of ours. She doesn't have children so doesn't see so many people.
I thought it was so nice of our grandson to pop in yesterday as I know he doesn't have much time. Now that his boss has told him that he has a flat for him in the centre of Amsterdam we shall see even less of him I suppose. Because it is one of the older types of flat there is no lift to his flat on the 1st floor so that stops me going. I would have taken a taxi to see him now and again, but that's life!
Enjoy yourselves, Sylvia xxx


syljo Report 20 Jul 2012 21:05

Hallo all,
What lovely weather we are having at last. I had to go to the dermatologist so was pleased it was dry. He (the dermatologist) is not pleased with my legs and feet. He said I now have a fungus on top of the other - whatever it was. I showed him a lump on my head and told him my doctor wanted to cut it out and I said I wanted him to do it. He said I have to have a letter from the doctor to the dermatologist and then he can cut it away.
Had a letter from the dentist today to go to the hospital to have 8 teeth out.
This must be in order before we go away end of September.
I went to see my granddochter in her new job on Wednesday but she had a day free, and when I arrived home I saw her bike and she was indoors.
My daughter, her mother, just phoned to say that she had been round this afternoon and wanted to know where I was. The hospital of course.
I've written all my August birthday cards out in case I cannot see very well soon.
I wish I had your energy Jo, you do so much.
Love and best wishes, Sylvia xxx :-)


AnninGlos Report 18 Jul 2012 08:23

Thanks Jo, I don't know how I missed that but also don't remember seeing a reminder on e mail.

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 17 Jul 2012 23:41

Ann, Ros is still in the group will let her know the card is on its way.

Heather congratulations on your great news. A lovely new granddaughter with a very pretty name, lots of kisses and cuddles I should imagine!!. Jack is very lucky with the apprenticeship but still he has worked hard to get there and it is so nice to see him get the reward he deserves, you must be so proud of him.



AnninGlos Report 16 Jul 2012 16:53

Hello Heather, how lovely to see you on here. Well done to your son, and congratulations on the birth of Bella-Rose, what a pretty name.

Jo, Hope you have recovered from having the grandchildren, lovely to have them and lovely to give them back :-D

I realised today that I missed Roz's birthday, or did she leave us? Not sure, however I have sent a late card just in case.

Sylvia, you will be pleased not to have to wear glasses during the day, hope all goes well with your operations. I have a few Christmas cards left from last year but may start to make some soon as I am well up with my birthday cards, just have my OH's wedding anniversary card to make now for the end of August.


HeatherinLeicestershire Report 16 Jul 2012 16:42

Hi girls, just a little catch up from me. Apologies for not being around much, very busy time for us at the moment, hope everyone is keeping well xx
We became grandparents again, Bella-Rose is one month old today and very gorgeous she is too, masses of beautiful dark hair & blue eyes :) Adorable xx
Our youngest son Jack, has just finished his level one in Engineering and will be starting an apprenticeship in Sept with a local engineering firm, he is so looking forward to it, really pleased he's managed to get a placement.., He is currently on a leadership course in Farnborough, put forward through the Cadets, away from us for a week, back a week and the Annual camp for two.... phew loads of washing to do, so hoping the weather gets better :-S

Thank you Jo, for updates via email, glad my cards are getting through, we did have a problem with things not arriving for a while, so it gives me peace of mind to know they are received.

Speak soon, take care everyone xx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 15 Jul 2012 11:23

Morning. It is lovely here today at the moment sun is shining with a little breeze makes a lovely change, even managed to get out and mow the lawns - but the clouds are now forming so could rain again this afternoon just for a change!!

Sylvia I am struggling to keep up with my birthday cards, have not even thought about Christmas cards yet, but will be very shortly when I have my birthday ones up to date don't really want to leave them till the last minute.

Have had 2 of the grandchildren plus their dog staying for a week, their Dad won a holiday through his work, (he seems to do every year!!) it is a working holiday for them and an exhausting time for me but they go home tomorrow so I will be able to catch up on my housework and everything else I have missed doing.

Take care
Love Joxx


syljo Report 9 Jul 2012 20:15

I think they will do one of my eyes at a time. I have to have drops in my eyes for a few weeks before - they will come at home for this and when the operation is over I need drops in my eyes again. I have been told it is a simple operation. They will replace the lens.
I wanted a new pair of glasses and will be cheaper off because when my op is over I won't need glasses during the day, just for reading. No more expensive double focus glasses!
What a weather we are having - torrential rain, then sun then more rain. How is your house Jo? I will keep my fingers crossed for you that you will keep dry feet.
Now it is the weather to make a batch of birthday/Xmas cards.
Love from Sylvia xxx