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Birthday Girls - 2011

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syljo Report 30 May 2013 18:54

Hallo everybody,
Yes, like you Jo we are having a cold spell which doesn't seem like ending just yet. We've just had our last year's bill for the extra heating we used last year, goodness only knows what it will be like next year.
Yes, the birds here are eating all the food we are putting out for them, robins, starlings, blackbirds, magpies and the pigeons which I don't like coming in the garden as they make such a mess.
Come on girls where are you all, Anne, Jill, Jean, Ann and all the rest of you clever crafters.
Have a nice weekend.
Love, Sylvia xxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 3 Jun 2013 22:17

Hi Sylvia, the weather here has been lovely all over the weekend and again today warm and sunny it makes such a lovely change from all the horrible weather we have been having. You never know it might be here to stay!! :-)

Most of the other members go on facebook, so don't come over here anymore but I am not a member on facebook anymore so not really sure.

At least we have three birthdays this month and I have lots of family birthdays as well so will be making lots of cards.

Have a good week everyone


AnninGlos Report 5 Jun 2013 21:58

Hi, I was away for four weeks in Tenerife Sylvia, I did nip in here occasionally but the Internet was a bit iffy with the I Pad so I didn't spend as long as usual on here. Then there was all the washing etc when we got home, followed by hair and dentist appointments before we go to Lanzarote for two weeks next week.
Sylvia sounds like the plant market was fun and you managed to spend some money. We have had lovely weather the last few days and have been able to sort out the jungle that was our garden when we got home from Tenerife. :-)

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 5 Jun 2013 22:44

Ann, you are just having too many holidays, me, I am just very jealous!!! Hope you had and will have a lovely time. Relax in the sun, at least it will be warmer than here at the moment, today has been quite chilly again. Hope the sun returns very soon.


HeatherinLeicestershire Report 11 Jun 2013 21:33

Just popping on to say Hello. Hope you are all doing well.

Heather xx


AnninGlos Report 11 Jun 2013 21:56

Hello Heather, good to see you on here, hope you are well.

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 11 Jun 2013 22:14

Evening Heather, hope you are keeping well, Love the longer hair!!



syljo Report 23 Jun 2013 21:46

Hi all,
Well weather still cold and wet. I had to change my clothes on Saturday when I got soaking wet whilst shopping.
Last Tuesday was a fantastic warm, sunny day and Johan and I took a taxi with our scootmobiles to the village where we used to live and met up with an ex colleague of Johans. It was market day there so we looked around and also the shopping street, which had changed enormously since we lived there some 20 years ago. I cannot believe that we chose to go on such a lovely day - the warmest of the year so far.
We had no visitors on Fathers Day as by coincidence both daughters had other things so we've just had them both this weekend. One Saturday and one today.
Susan the youngest has just come back from 2 weeks in England - Lincoln - and bought me lots of things from England.
I am not on Facebook either Jo. I cannot see the need at the moment.
I baked a banana cake last Friday and Saturday baked an apple tart. I now want to try to make a carrot cake. If anybody has a good recipe, please let me know.
Now till the next time, love Syl xxx


syljo Report 25 Jun 2013 19:18

Am I alone again? Nevermind I'll write a few lines.
I suppose you are all busy. I guess Jo is playing catching up in making some cards, I have a lovely stock now so don't have to bother for a while.
I do wish the weather was warmer, the sun did shine for a little while today but not enough to warm me up.
Marks and Spencers have opened a new shop again in Amsterdam. My granddaughter came around here this afternoon for a chat and if I want anything from Marks she will get it for me. M&S used to have a store here but they closed up, so this is a surprise.
Now girls its your turn to write next.
Love and best wishes, Sylvia xxx


JustJean Report 25 Jun 2013 20:17

Hi, Sylvia, I have been busy closing down my craft room, and now busy sorting out all the stock so I can sell it ,I have decided to turn my conservatory back to what it should be, I took it over completley and card making became an obsession and very expensive, I will keep some stock and continue for now sending to the Birthday Girls, but not do many for other outlets I had...trouble is I had no idea just how much stock I have, so it will take some time to clear it all, we have also had a big electric job done the first lot was a botched job, so I am worn out, I must say I am looking forward relaxing a bit, plus my daughter can have her friends round and have somewhere to sit and chat, she has M/S and is just getting over a bad relapse and couldnt get out as usual.what really matters is family... hope you and your o h are doing o.k. and you
take care love Jean xx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 25 Jun 2013 22:14

Sorry Ladies, I have been so busy this last week just have not had time to catch up on anything!! No Sylvia I am still playing catch up with my card making, have so many to get finished, they are all started but not finished, my sister has ordered 12 cards, all stitched which will take me ages as I need new glasses!!

Jean such a pity about the craft room but as you say the family must come first, and that is where I have been for the last week, babysitting, house sitting, visiting sick relatives and looking after an elderly relative, would love sometime for my card making! Hope your daughter is a little better now and that her M/S has settled down a bit.

All of you take care
Love Joxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 21 Jul 2013 20:38

Wow almost a month since I posted, didn't realise that so much time had passed. Hope everyone is keeping well and managing to keep cool in this very hot weather, although it is quite cool here today for a change.
Have managed to make a few cards this week, but still have some family ones to get made. Find it very difficult to make young teenage girls cards especially when they do not like 'cutie' type cards.
Jean, hope getting rid of your craft room is going OK and that you are not finding it too stressful, such a pity but as long as you can keep bits so that you can keep making your lovely cards.

Sylvia, hope you and Johan are both keeping well and enjoying the lovely weather.

Speak to you all soon.



syljo Report 22 Jul 2013 19:07

Hi all,
Well here I am again. Not been able to access the site for around a week now.
Lots of disappointing things with me as usual, but we'll get over these. Visited the ENT speciaist today. I hadn't seen him for some years - since he put the last grommet in my ear and which fell out the other day. He actually phoned me this afternoon to ask me whether I had got a specialist looking at me over my weight loss - now lost 37 kilos. How kind of him as it is not his job.
What a heatwave we are having. It's too hot to sit in the sun.
See you soon.Love Sylvia xxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 22 Jul 2013 20:55

Evening Sylvia, well it has been lovely here all day till now!!! We have a thunderstorm with torrential rain, hope it passes soon as my daughters dog that I am looking after really does not like thunderstorms, my dog is fine, think that is because he is a little thick!!
Sylvia what a lovely doctor to be so caring even though it is not part of his job makes a lovely change. Hope you are managing to keep yourself cool in the very hot weather.


AnninGlos Report 22 Jul 2013 21:25

Hello Sylvia and Jo. Sylvia very good of your ENT specialist to be concerned. Very hot here today and clammy now but no storm as yet, sky is a bit black though.


syljo Report 27 Jul 2013 21:01

Just coming up for air. We have at last had a shower of rain today.But why did it have to come when I was at the market this morning? When I came home I had to take off all my clothes as I was wet through to the skin.
Nice to see some old names back on the screen.
greetings to you all.
Sylvia xxx

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 1 Aug 2013 00:03

What a lovely photo Ann gorgeous baby, lovely getting lots of cuddles when they are so tiny.
We have had heavy rain all day today and it has been quite chilly such a change from last week, but at least no thunder storms. Hopefully it will start to improve soon.
Have a good week everyone.


AnninGlos Report 4 Aug 2013 17:56

Yes cuddles are lovely but sadly we won't see that much of him as they live 2 hours away, sadly none of our family live near us, I wish they did.

We had the rain today sylvia, luckily we were not going out and the garden really needed it. trouble is, it probably won't know when to stop now. :-)

Jo Jo

Jo Jo Report 4 Aug 2013 19:41

Heavy rain here all afternoon today, but it was lovely this morning. No idea how to dress as it turned quite chilly but this morning it was lovely and warm, typical summer weather for the UK.

Not managed to get any crafting done this week, just need to get a few cards made for birthdays this week, will have to get a move on, but have 2 of the grandchildren coming to stay for a few days, so looks like it will be evening card making.
Have a nice week


syljo Report 20 Aug 2013 20:56

Hi everybody,Yes, at last I'm getting down to writing again. My pc has been out of order, but today we had a nice young man who explained our difficulties. It seems it is because we are wireless instead of a correct connection, so now have wires draped all over the place and still undecided whether or not we will buy a new pc or continue with this one.
Tomorrow I am going to my beauty session in the morning and in the afternoon my household help is coming.She works until 15.30 and then I will wizz off to the market. My face always feels nice and soft after the mask they give me and my hands too. I have so many colours nail polish to choose from.
I have a good stock of cards now so will begin on my Xmas ones.
Keep well, love Sylvia xxx