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Has the heart gone from the message boards? update

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Cath2010 Report 20 Mar 2011 07:57

Morning folks,
a grey start here today but not too cold so thats ok.
Sylvia I do hope your pain eases soon. Can I ask what part of Canada you are in as I am having problems searching for some ancestors in Ontario. Have found a death for one of this particular family, (he died in tragic circumstances when only 22) but cannot find deaths of his parents or anything at all on his brother. I have only limited info on them and its driving me round the bend.
Hope everyone has a good day,

Cath xx


SylviaInCanada Report 20 Mar 2011 00:03

Hi all

I've never read the Lord of the Flies either. It has never appealed to me.

Cath ...... thank you. It's the changes in the weather that bother me most. If it would stay cold and damp OR hot, then my joints eventually get used to it and hurt less.

But this change about day by day, with nothing staying the same for longer than 2 days is the worst!



Cath2010 Report 19 Mar 2011 06:35

I too have never read Lord of the Flies. Like Ann said, it has never appealed to me.
Hope everyone is well and Sylvia I hope your joints feel a bit better soon. Cold damp weather always makes my knee worse.
I would love to write but would never have the confidence.
Best wishes to you all

Cath xx


moonbi Report 19 Mar 2011 05:06

Hi to spanish

Such a good idea to write about your family history.
I have written and published a family history book for my OH family. That was in 1997.
Now I am writing the story of my mother's family who have roots in Cranford St Andrew.

If you have done most of the research, then it comes easier.

I have never taken an online writers course, but was a member of the local writers group here for a while. though not now.
That was very helpful, as the purpose of the group was constructive criticism.
Some writers groups, are not so positive, if you get my meaning?

If you have good sentence construction and follow the guidelines of writing process then its just putting it all together in a way that flows and makes sense to others.
Using "word" program makes it all easier, these days, because one can delete, move text and spell check.

Use your friends to read what you have written to see if they like it.
adding photos, maps ancestor charts etc brings it to life for the reader.

But then again I know of a chap who just writes what suits him. He doesn't write for the reader.

All the best with your venture


Fiona aka Ruby

Fiona aka Ruby Report 18 Mar 2011 22:03

Lord of the Flies was a set book when I was at school so I read it then. but I can't say that I've ever had the urge to pick it up again since.

Has anybody read 'The Little Stranger' by Sarah Walters? I think it's absolutely brilliant; but, although it was shortlisted for the 2009 Man Booker Prize, I don't know anybody else who has read it - apart from OH who didn't like it!


AnninGlos Report 18 Mar 2011 20:41

Bridget I have not read Lord of the Flies, it doesn't appeal to me.


SpanishEyes Report 18 Mar 2011 18:54

I have spent some time each day trying to read William Goldings' Lord of the flires, I still cannot get engrossed in it. Am I the only person who has never read this.? Sorry I haven't been on here since my first comment but have been fairly busy and also trying to keep alive the threads I started.

I am thinking about doing an on line University course on "Writing" has anyone else done this, and if you have any experience in such courses I would be delighted to read your comments. I want to start by writing about my ancestors.
Take care
19.50hrs Spain


AnninGlos Report 18 Mar 2011 18:18

Sylvia I hope that you have a great time at the dinner dance.


moonbi Report 17 Mar 2011 04:47

Hi Sylvia
Sorry to hear youve been in pain. I really hope that Resting up does the trick; you want to be able to enjoy that dinner dance tomorrow!

Hope you all have a great time and a good amount is raised to help the opera students.

The last one I went to was Marriage of Figaro which I truely enjoyed.
Its not so much the singing for me, its the costumes, drama, and stage effects that bring the meaning to me. It not often something like that comes to our town.
Usually have minor theatre plays, musicals and the like.
Still that's so much better than travelling very far to see/ hear something.

I have a few cds of the group Human Nature, and also of the group Blake. My favourite of their albums is "And So it Goes" which is a little bit celtic in sound.
Otherwise my other individual like is Andrea Botcelli, especially when he sings with Celene Dion.

Take care


SylviaInCanada Report 17 Mar 2011 03:26

Hi everyone

Life just seems to have been so busy ...... yet I'm not sure why!

Grandson was 1 year old on March 9 ................ that year has just flown by!

The weather has been really changeable here for what seems like weeks ..... actually about 3+ weeks! Unfortunately my joints react badly to atmospheric changes, so I've been taking more of my strongest painkillers than I like.

This afternoon, it all caught up with me ............. and I went to bed at about 2 pm, and slept until after 5 pm! Didn't even hear OH come home about 2:30, make hinself coffee, etc etc

Have to be bright and cheery for tomorrow .............. we're going out to a dinner dance, a fund raiser for the Student Opera Program that OH helps with (sometimes even singing in the chorus, as the tame greybeard!).

Take care everyone



moonbi Report 16 Mar 2011 22:54

Young grandson has gone home for 2 days, as mum has 2 days off.
Today I want to work on my tree and fix all those little inconsistencies that the FTM program said I have in the way I recorded the dates on GR
Seems like I didnt use the correct format of 01 Sep 1800 all the time;

and reverted to either 1 September 1800 or such like. Its not that I have entered incorrect dates for bdms but that the way I did it wasnt the same throughout.

There are quite a lot to fix up, but if I can get it done this morning, then I can generate a Register report, and print it out.
then I can see just what I need to spend time looking for from now on.

Hoping you are all well


AnninGlos Report 16 Mar 2011 16:48

Jump in when you like Helen. Elizabeth Goodge used to be one of my favourite authors although it is a long time since I read her books.

Helen in Kent

Helen in Kent Report 15 Mar 2011 23:07

Can I just jump in? First time I have read this thread. Several of you have commented on a book by Elizabeth Goodge, if I have got that right. As a chlid my favourite book was "The Little White Horse" by a lady with the same name....


AnninGlos Report 15 Mar 2011 20:44

It was yesterday Ctherine becaue the sun shone and it all looked beautiful with mountains in the distance capped with snow. However, today we had mist, drizzle and rain. But the day ended with a beautiful sunset over the mist, goodness knows where the sun came from


SpanishEyes Report 15 Mar 2011 20:43

Hello everyone.
My apologies for being away for so long. Some people on here will know that I have been unwell since around September last year which has been a very difficult time. I did retire and this is documented on other threads so I will say no more.
I am back home and having a wonderful relaxed time and I do not miss work at all.
I still have my down moments but try hard to manage them.
I have been posting on other threads especially those that I started.

It has been good reading through the last 3 or 4 pages and seen some books mentioned that I will try to read.
Currently reading a book I had as a child, in fact the book that made me hooked on reading. It is called Tommy Apple and his Adventures in Banana Land by James Laver and the pictures are by Henry Rox.
When I first read it I thought it was simply a fun book but now I can see that it has other messages as well, and is most likely have been a satirical writing.

Well time to go,


Cath2010 Report 15 Mar 2011 19:41

Hi to all, hope everyone is ok.
Annette you must feel very proud of your son and daughter, both doing such rewarding jobs.
I look after my grandchildren every afternoon and have to say it is exhausting. Ages 2,3,6 and 9. The eldest 2 are at school until 3.15 so thats not so bad but the youngest 2 are real livewires and keep me on my toes till they go home at 6pm.
Ann I hope you are having a nice relaxing break, I would love to see the Lake District, I bet the scenery is beautiful.


AnninGlos Report 15 Mar 2011 18:04

Thanks for your recent input, glad you are all OK. Good to see you back Annette, it must have been frustrating reading and not being able to reply.

I am on holiday at the moment in the beautiful Lake District. so replying on my netbook.

Natural disasters seem so much worse with the instant pictures and continuous reporting we receive. No bad thing to know how others are suffering is it. I feel so sad for the people of Japan and also for the many Britains who are missing.

An interesting thought Bob.

Keep it going folk. Sorry should also have responded to K and Catherine, thank you for your comments.


K Report 15 Mar 2011 12:48

Sadly Japan is on part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, a volcanic and fault area which extends around the Pacific and includes San Francisco and California with the San Andreas fault. These areas will be affected inevitably by earthquakes as the earth's plates move and they are now more heavily populated with the increasing population growth.

I agree with Annette that with the instant reporting now possible the media has a capacity to help people appreciate the enormity of such disasters as never before. However there are numerous events including flooding and abnormal weather events that can be partly attributed to climate change, deforestation and other man made problems.


moonbi Report 15 Mar 2011 10:32

so sorry for my absence folks.
My subs had expired in Jan and I was only able to connect again last week.
I have been reading all your news , but could not respond.

Its been a busy couple of months here, and the rain goes on. just this last Saturday I had 35mm in 20 minutes, the gutters tank and spouts were all overflowing and water everywhere out back in the patio. to day was very warm and fine.

Son 2 who graduated from high school last December, has successfully moved through the process of joining the Navy, and will be going in about 2 months time. Its nice to know that what he had his heart set on will eventuate; as the criteria is very stringent, with many interviews and fitness and medical tests.

Daughter has started nursing as a Div 1 about 50 minutes drive from here in a palliative care hospital. Her formal graduation is coming up in April. So we will have to have a party to celebrate her hard work over many years to get this far.
Because of her working away, I have been on nanna duty for my 7 yr old grandson, usually 4 days a week.
He takes the bus to school, but I always go and get him from school as its such a long day for him. He is an easy boy to look after, but I still get pretty tired, extra washing, doing homework etc

My FTM for mac 2010 software arrived about 2 weeks ago, and I have been playing around with that most mornings, learning and going through the tutorials. I brought my GR tree gedcom into it the other day, but
I only want to have it on my laptop, not online.

may I comment about worlds disasters?
Seems to me there is nothing new under the sun.
Could it be that we hear about these things so easily this century,
and in the past things went un recorded?

I studied ancient history, and there were terrible disasters in those times too.



Bobtanian Report 14 Mar 2011 10:56

Dunno If what I say next makes sense to any one else......the earth has always had a natural wobble..
now to my mind. you cant keep digging stuff out of the earth change it into something else ( Like oil, Coal Iron ore,etc and deposit it elsewhere with out causing some more imbalance
