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Has the heart gone from the message boards? update

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AnninGlos Report 31 Jul 2011 09:21

Pleased to hear that you had a good time with the family. MJ is just at the age when he realises he doesn't 'know' people. We had the same with our two youngest grandchildren who we didn't see as often as the older ones when babies.

Sorry to hear about your friend, I guess chemo/radiotherapy will rely on whether the tumour is malignant or benign. I wonder how long she has had symptoms that she hasn't said anything about. I hope that she recovers well.

Regarding your friends on holiday in N Zealand, it just shows that you can have a holiday with few clothes. I assume they were able to get copy passports. I hope they eventually get their money back. Glad it didn't spoil their holiday anyway.

Here is hoping for good results from the biopsy and hope the soreness is wearing off for you.


SylviaInCanada Report 31 Jul 2011 05:16

Hi all

We got back on Wednesday. Then spent the day with himself unpacking the cases, and doing the washing! My back was very painful ........... I'd managed without too much trouble for most of the trip, but there was some quite dreadful rocking on the train on Tuesday which I think was the final straw. Plus the fact that I could't do one of my exercises, which was actually one of the most important ones (or so the physio told me on Thursday!).

We had a wonderful time

One week with J, M and MJ. MJ has really grown, is on the verge of walking and has 2 or 3 words. He takes his time to accept people ..... although I did get a smile on our first morning. It was another 3 days before he would sit on my knee! However, we went back to the house on the Thursday evening before leaving on the train, having been away since the Sunday (so, 4 days) .......... J stopped at the day care to pick up M ................. and he broke into a broad smile when he saw us in the car!

5 days at the conference, which turned out to be much more interesting that I had feared. Several of our good friends from across the country were there, so it was great to meet up with them.

There was one rather worrying time .................... one of our friends, a woman of around 50, was "not right", and got worse as the week progressed. She was hesitant, then gradually became more and more disoriented .............. by Wednesday, about 6 of us were very worried about her. She is in the middle of moving to a new job hundreds of miles away from where she currently lives, so we thought fatigue, dehydration, even medication not working properly.

Anyway, she eventually got home on Thursday, but slept in all day on Friday ............. her husband took her to emergency on Friday evening. Within an hour she had been transferred to a larger hospital in a nearby town. She was operated on on Sunday morning ......... the cause of the problem was a large tumour on the left side of her brain. The operation went well, but she is still in Intensive Care, and we are waiting anxiously to hear how she will be.

It seems that we in Halifax were the first to see any symptoms although the surgeons think the tumour had been growing for quite some time. So the whole episode from showing symptoms to operation was 7 days!

Her husband thinks chemo and radiation will be in the cards ...... as well as rehabilitation etc.

Then we had the 6 days on the train ................ it was much busier than when we do it in the winter, but, as usual, we found a congenial group of people, and spent most of our time in one of the dome cars talking and laughing!

I have been to physio on Thursday, and he tried to work out the kinks in my back.

Friday was the biopsy day. I had to lie on my side pinned into a mammogram machine. They had to find the site (or sites) of the calcifications, then get a sort of tiny knife in there through a tiny incision, and take very thin slices. They took about 5, then went away and examined them under ultra high power magnification. Luckily, everyhting went fast, and was only pinned there for about 30 minutes.

I am now bruised and sore!

I have already made an appointment with my Family Doctor for August 10, and hopefully, the results and specialist's recommendation(s) will be there by then.

Although the radiologist did say that she might be recommending that another biopsy be done by a surgeon ................ just to make absolutely certain that whatever is there is benign.

One very interesting thing ....... we met up with our old friends from university days while we were in Halifax .

They were in Christchurch when the NZ earthquake hit last September.

They were staying in a small hotel in the cente of Christchurch, which was next door to a tall hotel (the Grand Chancellor) that started to collapse, but ended up leaning on the smaller building beside it.

Their belongings, including passports and money, are still in that room as no-one is allowed in until the Grand Chancellor is stabilised.

They decided to continue with their holiday to Australia and New Caledomia .............. even though they only had the clothes they stood up in, his wallet, and a small amount of money that she had taken with her (she'd left most of it in the hotel room).

He didn't buy himself any more clothes ........ he said he had a shirt that dried in an hour, he could wash out his underwear, and he washed his socks then attached them to the end of a hairdryer, turned it on and so dried them quickly!



moonbi Report 31 Jul 2011 02:48

hi sylvia
hope your cabin holiday was fun.

sorry to hear you have back ache and soreness.All better soon I hope.


AnninGlos Report 30 Jul 2011 09:43

Welcome back Sylvia, hope the soreness wears off soon.


SylviaInCanada Report 30 Jul 2011 06:06

Hi all

Quick message

I'm back

Had physio on Thursday to try to fix my back, and had the biopsy today (Friday)

I'm sore ...... pinned in one place for about 30 minutes by a very delicate part of my anatomy

will read back, and talk more later



AnninGlos Report 27 Jul 2011 17:20

Hi Moonbi, it was only my daughter that I had on my own while he was away. My son was born in 1967 and OH came out of the RN in 1968. you are wishing the months away to your summer and we are trying to hold them back so that we at least have a summer before the autumn sets in!


moonbi Report 27 Jul 2011 00:04

I understand your situ Ann, so you basically had to raise your brood alone?

son2 will train as a marine technician for 4 yrs based in Cerebus. which is east of Melbourne near the entrance to Bass Strait, with 2yrs of the 4 at sea. but I guess not all in the one time.
lessons then at sea, lessons then at sea etc
our navy are practicing their skills on a joint "thingo" with the army, off the Qld coast this week. my neighbour has a gson who is there, she had a phone call from the ship and it was him!

Hope you all are well
from a very foggy minus1 start to the morning here
hey, noticed my daffodils have started to open up yesterday.
One month early. Looks like they are tired of winter this year too.


AnninGlos Report 26 Jul 2011 08:54

Hi Moonbi, no didn't ravel at all. He was very lucky and was mostly based near my home town (He was Fleet air arm Radar Elect so put the radio/radar in aircraft etc.) Except when he was on the aircraft carrier HMS Eagle and then his draft was unaccompanied.


moonbi Report 26 Jul 2011 02:41

Hello Ben,
nice to meet you.
Cath, how did you go with the removal order from the record office?

Ann did you travel a lot when your oh was in the navy?

Its cold and windy here last week or so. today -1 to 13 degrees celcius.
Grson coming back here for two nights, have to pick him up from school soon.


AnninGlos Report 25 Jul 2011 21:37

Hi Cath and here was I thinking that it was usually warm in Guernsey in the summer. It has actually been hot here in Glos today. And is still hot.


Cath2010 Report 25 Jul 2011 21:33

Evening all,
popping in to see if everyone is keeping well and those who have been on hols are back yet.
Summer has not improved much and I keep hoping tomorrow will be better, alas it is not to be :-( :-(
Have been doing lots on my tree lately and discovered a photo of my GG grandfather who emigrated to Melbourne in 1858. He is wearing a uniform of some kind but as yet it remains a mystery to me.

Going to Ireland again in September, hope to track down some of the elusive ancestors while I'm there.

<3 to all,

Cath xx


AnninGlos Report 25 Jul 2011 21:19

I am well thank you Robin. Just had family for the weekend so feeling a bit exhausted.(All the rearranging of bedrooms and cooking for 6 instead of 2 but it was lovely to see them.

Ben, hello, is this your fist time on this thread. You are very welcome and nobody is allowed to be nasty on here.


AnninGlos Report 25 Jul 2011 21:18

I am well thank you Robin. Just had family for the weekend so feeling a bit exhausted.(All the rearranging of bedrooms and cooking for 6 instead of 2 but it was lovely to see them.

Ben, hello, is this your fist time on this thread. You are very welcome and nobody is allowed to be nasty on here.


Robin7 Report 25 Jul 2011 20:24

Yes i need to renew mine soon as well Benjamin.


Benjamin Report 25 Jul 2011 19:01

Yes I have been on GR since 2004 and have made several friends especially on the Depression?anxiety thread. Talking of that I need to renew my membership. It is coming to that time of year again.

On other sites I have come across forumers who are friendly and welcoming when new members join but soon start being rude to them, that includes moderators who welcome newbies with open arms when they introduce themselves but soon turn nastier to them and argumentative. I have experienced that and many other people I know say that.


Robin7 Report 25 Jul 2011 18:02

I can iron but not to the standards my OH can so if she doesnt mind i ask her to iron mine if were off somewhere. If its my work stuff i do it myself.

by the way how are you Ann.



AnninGlos Report 25 Jul 2011 17:53

Lol Robin.

Moonbi I think Sylvia is still on holiday, not sure when she gets back.
My OH was in the R Navy and he now does all the ironing (He didn't when he worked but took it over when he retired before me). he is better at it than me, especially trousers. Except he has been know to put creases into jeans!


Robin7 Report 25 Jul 2011 17:23

Hello everyone

I have a fair few years till mine are adults. Its good to see the life skills shown to young poeple it will hopfully carry on as they have their own and inturn pass those skills on.

And its good to see members returning to the boards dont worry about getting told off im always in trouble lol. :-D



moonbi Report 23 Jul 2011 00:07

Son2 is the last of them to leave. but no, he has to learn to do all his own washing to navy standards, and we had to buy a good iron so they can teach him how they want his parade outfit to be pressed.

I dont do any of their washing anymore. each time a child turned 17 I told them now your washing is your own. Showed them how to do it, would answer their questions, and then let them to it. they soon learned when they were running out of undies.
Except now little g'son is here and I do his school clothes sometimes.

I only have the one daughter. I think girls are good in small doses. So only the one. Turned out she was much harder to raise, she is fully assertive and break the rules whenever.
the boys are mostly compliant with my rules.

have you heard from Sylvia lately?


AnninGlos Report 22 Jul 2011 08:24

I like that sign Moonbi. I am sure it will feel strange when your youngest son leaves, but he will be back...... with his washing. Is he the last of your children to leave or do you have any more daughters?

Theresa, I feel older by the minute with Grandchildren now in their twenties and owning their own homes and a daughter due to be 50 this year.