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Has the heart gone from the message boards? update

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moonbi Report 19 Mar 2011 05:06

Hi to spanish

Such a good idea to write about your family history.
I have written and published a family history book for my OH family. That was in 1997.
Now I am writing the story of my mother's family who have roots in Cranford St Andrew.

If you have done most of the research, then it comes easier.

I have never taken an online writers course, but was a member of the local writers group here for a while. though not now.
That was very helpful, as the purpose of the group was constructive criticism.
Some writers groups, are not so positive, if you get my meaning?

If you have good sentence construction and follow the guidelines of writing process then its just putting it all together in a way that flows and makes sense to others.
Using "word" program makes it all easier, these days, because one can delete, move text and spell check.

Use your friends to read what you have written to see if they like it.
adding photos, maps ancestor charts etc brings it to life for the reader.

But then again I know of a chap who just writes what suits him. He doesn't write for the reader.

All the best with your venture



Cath2010 Report 19 Mar 2011 06:35

I too have never read Lord of the Flies. Like Ann said, it has never appealed to me.
Hope everyone is well and Sylvia I hope your joints feel a bit better soon. Cold damp weather always makes my knee worse.
I would love to write but would never have the confidence.
Best wishes to you all

Cath xx


SylviaInCanada Report 20 Mar 2011 00:03

Hi all

I've never read the Lord of the Flies either. It has never appealed to me.

Cath ...... thank you. It's the changes in the weather that bother me most. If it would stay cold and damp OR hot, then my joints eventually get used to it and hurt less.

But this change about day by day, with nothing staying the same for longer than 2 days is the worst!



Cath2010 Report 20 Mar 2011 07:57

Morning folks,
a grey start here today but not too cold so thats ok.
Sylvia I do hope your pain eases soon. Can I ask what part of Canada you are in as I am having problems searching for some ancestors in Ontario. Have found a death for one of this particular family, (he died in tragic circumstances when only 22) but cannot find deaths of his parents or anything at all on his brother. I have only limited info on them and its driving me round the bend.
Hope everyone has a good day,

Cath xx


moonbi Report 20 Mar 2011 11:16

Goodnight all

it was a very warm Sunday, following a clear night with the biggest full moon I have seen here for a very long time.

Amazingly bright.



Cath2010 Report 20 Mar 2011 11:29

Goodnight Annette.
Sweet dreams.


AnninGlos Report 20 Mar 2011 13:48

Bridget, are you talking about open University course. I beleive you need a lot of commitment and time to undertake one of those course. Quite a lot of essays etc to meet dead lines. If you think you can handle that then go for it.


AnninGlos Report 23 Mar 2011 22:25

Yes Island, I think you are right. it is since the long threads evolved, which makes them more like the old chat that people seem to prefer, that people seem to have disappeared off the boards. I am as guilty as most as I too go on several long threads.


moonbi Report 23 Mar 2011 23:57

I think it may be that Long threads provide consistency and possibly a sense of "aquaintance" with makes those of us who are looking for interest, feel at ease.

I have actually found that right here on this thread, and keep looking in to hear from my 'friends'. If I may call you that.

The essence of ' heart' ?
you could take that to mean a few different things.
I usually refer to 'Heart' as life or keen interest, or focus.
eg "put your whole heart into the job"

Today looks like a gray sky day, its been raining through the night and is much cooler, so I think autumn is well on the way. The japanese myrtle in my garden is just beginning to yellow, and a couple of leaves have blown off in the wind.

Son1 in Maine told me it snowed again there, but not quite so cold; he didnt have to wear gloves yesterday!
He sounded a bit sad, its been a long winter for him, so I think he just wants to see the sun again.

Here in Aus we have had a long wet summer, and now will have a wet winter. So El Nino is doing her best this time to get everyone in the whole country.

Out the window, I see a couple of little wrens hopping about in the camellia tree. two little jennies, but I cant see the blue one yet.
They always come to my camellia tree over autumn and winter.
with all the greenery from such a wet season they are very happy with the bug supply.
I just love to see them, and a couple of night ago I heard quite a few kookaburras singing out before they settled for the night. They are loud when they get calling out in groups.
I cant wait to see the brown shouldered kite, who soars over the field across the road. It comes every autumn and winter too. The are quite large birds with white /gray underneath and browny black on the top of the wings. The head is brown and the legs are reddish colour.

My grandson will be back here for 2 days. I go pick him up from school today. On Saturday our State has to go to the voting polls,
The present govt hasnt done anything for this area, most of the finance goes into the big cities. We could really do with a big supply for our 3 hospitals in this area. Recently They have been cutting the number of theaters open to do surgery, and closed down a few wards as they havnt got the money to keep them open.
Its all a shambles, and my daughter is so lucky to be working over the border. Her friend is working here, as a theater nurse, and hasnt had much to do except rearrange instrument trays, and linen.
She was asked to stay at home; but she wont. she needs the money pay her bills too.

Lets hope the voting will get us some positive results for this area.

Best wishes to all,


moonbi Report 24 Mar 2011 00:07

Catherine 2010

I had to laugh for Your suggestion of sweet dreams was an appropriate one.

A Couple of nights ago, I dreamed that I was visiting Cranford looking for my ancestors. It was all so real. I was hosted by a man named John and he showed me the gravestones, but I couldnt read it as it was green.
that scared me because I have never been to England.

Now I definately know that I spend far TOO much time looking on free reg just before bedtime.

Funny heh?
Anyone else have dreams about things like that?


Cath2010 Report 24 Mar 2011 18:50

Hello all,
been another beautiful day here, sunny and warm.
Annette I am like you. I stay up looking for ancestors and then dream of cemeteries etc all night long.
This is a great thread, everyone friendly and thoughtful. I have become reluctant to start threads and tend to stick to those I know.
Hope you are all keeping well, safe and warm.
Take care,

Cath xx


SylviaInCanada Report 25 Mar 2011 00:41

Hi all

we have had a couple of really lovely days ........... sunny and quite warm. I think I should look out at least a couple of lighter weight sweaters!!

Today (the 24th) is my daughter's 37th birthday .... where did those years go???

It is also the 50th anniversary of my mother's death. I was in my 2nd year at unviersity, and she was only 57.

Strange that J should later be born on the same date.

Cath .... you asked where I was. I'm in British Columbia, on the west (Pacific) coast

Every province in Canada keeps its own records, so you have to know which province someone lived and died in in order to find the information.

Plus there are very strict regulations on when bmd information can be released .... known as the 50 / 75 / 100 year rule.

I don't really know too much about tracing people here ....... we were the immigrants, so I've never actually had to find anyone

Try googling "Ontario Vital Statistics".



Cath2010 Report 25 Mar 2011 07:07

Morning all,
Sylvia thanks. I have tried but got nowhere so will probably have to be satisfied with what little info I have. I know the family lived in Toronto and eldest son died in St. Johns, Newfoundland, I have plenty of info on him but the rest of the family are a mystery.
Another nice start to the day here, hope you are all well.

Cath xx


AnninGlos Report 25 Mar 2011 08:52

Annette, yes I think it is the familiarity and 'friends' that draws us to long threads and I am pleased that you have found that on this one. Your poor son, it must be much harder going from your climate which is warm to a colder one like Canada, lovely though the scenery is the temperature adjustment will be hard. Hopefully spring is around the corner for him, or maybe they will just launch directly into summer.
Your birds sound wonderful we have the wrens and I love them, they are so cheeky. I have seen Kookaburras but only in an aviary where they were bred in a tropical garden in Cornwall, they can be heard all over the garden, loved them.
Catherine Please don't be reluctant to start threads or the boards really will stand still. Spooky to dream of cemeteries, maybe one night the dreams will reveal the answers, now that really would be spooky.
Sylvia Glad you have a weather change, that will please Annette's son Lol!! Hope J had a good birthday and that you had many happy memories of your Mum, She was too young to die so it must have been a sad time for you.

well I had better get dressed to go into town, got the chiropodist to look forward to today, not my favourite.


moonbi Report 26 Mar 2011 07:26

I tell you all what happened yesterday was a bit spooky!

There is a lady from GR who had offered to go to Cranford for me and take some photos.

She had asked me what I would like a photo of. So I told her to definately take one of the grave stone of my "top of the tree". If there was one, that is.

So yesterday in my email box was this photo, clear as ever, and the headstone was covered in green moss. Just like in my dream. Some of the inscription could be read though, so we knew it was the correct one.

Hows that for dreams coming true!


AnninGlos Report 26 Mar 2011 09:04

As you say Annette, spooky, but wow, that is great to actually find a headstone. None of mine seem to have been able to afford one.


Zack Report 26 Mar 2011 10:00

Hi Ann ,
I saw your comment on the heart going out of the posts Yes I have to say that I am dissapointed also as I used to post regulaly on the Wattlers thread but unbeknowns to me some of the members were at odds with one another so they started another thread outside of Genes.
Several of us have been trying to keep the thread alive but we are down to about 4 or 5 people, and none of us post very much.
I was invited to the other site but I find it difficult to access and to navigate through, so if any of you lovely people would like to come to the wattler's site for a chat please do drop in.
We have a lovely friend called Fred who comes to visit, he lives in England, and is a real Character.
I must go and have a look at the TV to see how the polling is going .
Moonbi you must live in NSW also, I am in Bathurst.

Kindest Regards to you all


Cath2010 Report 28 Mar 2011 07:53

Morning all,
welcome to the thread Marie.
Annette spooky but satisfying. I am hoping to get some photos of ancestors headstones when I go to Ireland next month, I hope at least some of them could afford one!
Hope everyone is well, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to all,

Cath xx


AnninGlos Report 28 Mar 2011 09:54

Good morning Marie, it is so disappointing when that happens and so silly to 'fall' out like that but it does happen. I suspect the name of the thread is a little offputting to people who won't understand what Wattlers are. I am going out in a moment but will try to remember to look in on your thread.


moonbi Report 29 Mar 2011 02:38

Hi Marie,
Its not often that we hear from another nsw'er on this thread.

Im not sure what a wattler is, but I havent got interested in any of the aussie threads, even though I read them from time to time. Im more of an international person, my self.

I have lived on the border, twin towns of Albury/Wodonga for about 20 years. Before that we were in Indonesia, and before that in Sydney.

The voting threw OUT the labour govt of 16 years, in a major way.
I think our local Liberal man will now be on the front bench of the new govt.
Do you think he can do anything for this rural city?
I dont think there are any funds left for them to work with. Major siphoning of funds went somewhere into some pockets.

my daughter had to travel to Bathurst a couple of times for residential nursing school a few years ago. She thought it was too spread out, and hard to get directions where to go.
Have you lived there very long?
