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Has the heart gone from the message boards? update

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~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~  **007 1/2**

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~ **007 1/2** Report 27 Nov 2010 21:53

It's definitely different Ann. I used to love General when it was the threaded board and chat had no threads. I think it went downhill when both became threaded. I loved it when it was so popular you couldn't keep up with all the threads lol I lot of lovely and interesting people have left or rarely post these days ie lemon Nelly,Daniel, Empress Hayley, Eldrick, TW, HRH Lynda too, also hardly see Polly and Woody on here as much as I used to. Miss Daff too ((((hugs for her))))

I think there has been too much fighting too. So much so, people can't seem to disagree with each other (which is natural) without it been seen as something personal these days. That's a shame.

There's still a lot of lovely people here too :) If I were to change the set up of GR (it would probably be unpopular though lol) I would merge chat and general and call it "general chat" lol, I would then merge all the genealogy boards together.

It would be nice to turn back the clock :)


AnninGlos Report 28 Nov 2010 09:39

SRS you took the words right out of my mouth. I too wondered if it would be a 'tonic' if they merged the two boards. Originally i was against it but both boards are struggling so why not merge them into general chat?

Jean (Monmouth)

Jean (Monmouth) Report 28 Nov 2010 10:14

I do not drive so rely on my unsociable husband to take me out, but not anywhere where i can chat! The GE threads have been a life line to me for advice, encouragement and general chat, as you can see by the number of times I post. It would be a shame to let miserable people to put us off. Those who only read I am sure would have something to contribute if they plucked up courage. I know I am not the only person who feels like this. I like the silly threads but am not the sort of person who can let go like that, unfortunately.


Island Report 28 Nov 2010 11:02

There are lots of friendly fun people posting so stop moanin' and get stuck in (I mean that in the nicest, fluffiest way :-))

Why not start a new thread and see how it goes. I still get people who don't give me the time of day but that's ok. I never understood why some had rows so just ignored them, all seems calm now though.

Come on chaps, 'tis the first day of the season of goodwill.

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~  **007 1/2**

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~ **007 1/2** Report 28 Nov 2010 11:07

Hello Island,

I'll give you the time of day :)

I don't think it was a moan, just a way of seeking solutions....and you've got a good solution....get stuck in lol

I think it's disheartening when you start threads and people don't respond. Or when you answer and people take it the wrong way and it becomes personal. But as you say there's some friendly people on here - Ann's always been one of them :)))


'Emma' Report 28 Nov 2010 11:43

Only been on about a year (I think) and have chatted with several of you.
Tried FB but didn't like it, threads on GR are funny,sad and interesting.
Am not on in the evening so have missed the arguements till I read them
the next day well, the least said about them the better, I don't mind people's opinion and have given mine but once I've said my piece I forget about it and wouldn't think of holding a grudge. OK I know some have been bullied and followed to other threads by folk and that is a sad way for adults to behave, don't know the solution to that one. On the whole I like
the site but I have a problem joining a site with 1,000's of replies in it, feel I am intruding into something private, stupid really but thats just me. lolx



Sue Report 28 Nov 2010 11:54

Only yesterday I saw a thread which had only one reply, and it was in my opinion a good idea for a thread. So I posted.
Later in evening I saw another thread , the same thing essentially, but worded slightly differently and as the poster was well known, replies seemed to flow in.
I couldnt help thinking, if I was the poster of first thread, would feel a bit let down.
Also agree, if ideas are slightly off the average there is not much response. Maybe people are uneasy about being different.? Sometimes I have had ideas but daren't post for being thought of as whacky. We are all individuals and i feel there is narrow mindedness on here.
I hope no one takes offence at this!!

It seems to be a case of who you 'know'

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~  **007 1/2**

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~ **007 1/2** Report 28 Nov 2010 13:08

"It seems to be a case of who you 'know'"

I tend to agree with you there Sue unfortunately.

However, I think you should post anyway - I wouldn't worry about being Whacky, there's enough of us on here that fit that description lol


Cath2010 Report 28 Nov 2010 15:12

Hi to you all, I've only been a member for about 10 months but I love these boards. All the chat and silly threads as well as the serious ones. Lots of very nice people on them still but I guess some others will always be difficult or out to just start an argument. I'm not on FB so am happy to stay here with new found friends many who have helped this newbie get further back with research which was proving hard. Thanks to everyone

Cath xx


Deanna Report 28 Nov 2010 15:19

I am so sorry girls... and boys..... I have to admit to NOT coming on very much lately, but I am SO COLD.
My computer is in 'The Cubby' which at one time was the 'coal hole' in the bungalow.
it has no heating , and a stone floor.
we did have carpet on it but it has long since been 'shredded' by use and I need a new one.

Just like you Ann (as you no doubt know) I am so addicted to the *general board*, and would hate to see it go.
I apologise but I am SO COLD.
I will certainly try and be here more often.....
If I don't use it, I may lose it and I would be so sorry about that.

Does it count at all that I think of you all all the time? ;-0)

Deanna X


AnninGlos Report 28 Nov 2010 16:22

Deanna, might the answer be for you to get a laptop and wireless so you could use the laptop in your warmest room. We do miss you when you don't post on here you know. And thanks for thinking of us.

Island, I have tried, I am always 'getting stuck in' and adding threads. but sometimes it is really hard going.

Sue, Just put your threads up, wacky or not (actually some of us like wacky!), if nobody replies it can't hurt you and who knows you might hit on one that is popular.

And yes, threads with thousands of replies are a bit daunting I agree, but I know that if you put a post on usually you will be welcomed.


LindainBerkshire1736004 Report 28 Nov 2010 19:42

Hi Ann
Hope you pop in to Friendly Thread when you want some company.

I have been on here for about 5 years now and we are a bit nutty but it's one of my favourites along with daffs and a few others I read quite a few but don't always add.

I have met a few people from GR now, a lot when we had a Berkshire meet several years ago. Lots of those have left or no longer post. More recently I have met Jude at the Usk Show last year. Sue(off Friendly at Sandhurst this June and in October Marilyn off Friendly too. Seems we can get to know each other through "chatting"" even just using words and shared experience.

Everyone welcome I'd suggest going to last page and going back just a page or two to get the feel of us and wouldn't dream of trying to read it all as it has been running for a couple of years now !!!!

Linda :o) XxX


AnninGlos Report 28 Nov 2010 21:28

Thank you for your input Patricia and Linda. I will have a look at the friendly thread, dip my toe in the water but it is a bit daunting on such a long thread I have to admit.

Patricia, I think the general board is used how it always was. GR suddenly put the way it should be used up long after it started. Originally there was a chat board which was not threaded, just post after post which could be hilarious and fast moving but chaotic and there was a general board for general discussion. Then GR had some sort of 'fit' and changed the chat board to a threaded board, at the same time they decided to put instructions that the general board should be for general discussion on genealogical topics, which is actually what happens on the Tips board. So they confused peopel. Those who had always chatted on the gen board stayed there and those that chatted on the chat board stayed there and some left. Gradually those that are on the gen and chat boards drift across and back which is why they could now be happily merged.
I can't comment on your other topic of people criticising etc as I rarely go on Records board except toa sk for help. But no hornets nest your comments were valid.

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~  **007 1/2**

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~ **007 1/2** Report 28 Nov 2010 22:07

Oh I know what Patricia means ;) When I started & just used the genealogical boards, I used to think General (& then chat) was a bit scary but in some respects I think they've mellowed, it's the genealogical boards that can be a bit fraught at times. (still full of nice people though)


ButtercupFields Report 29 Nov 2010 12:02

Thank you for this thread, Ann and it is interesting to read the various replies. I think it is natural to contribute to the threads where you feel 'comfortable', and that is what people have done. Speaking for myself, I enjoy a bit of fun and fantasy, a break from reality, and we have had such wonderful threads in the past, but since Hayley, Muffy and Sueping, TW left, I feel things have got a bit 'flat'?

But the heart will always be there. GR was the first forum I ever joined (all those years ago) and like you, Ann, I am very fond of it and the people on it. I have never felt intimidated by any of the nasties who appear from time to time, and it would certainly not stop me posting

Here's to a few more laughs on the boards! BC XX.


AnninGlos Report 29 Nov 2010 12:40

Thank you for that BC. I do feel that GR admin have a lot to answer for as they have, in the past gone totally over the top with banning people without getting to the heart of the matter. Life bans are so unfair for people who have given so much for the boards, and as soon as they instigated those their friends left. I know people should be adult and not bite back but we are only human and I feel a month, 3 months, 6 months would be fair bans before a life ban.

I too am too old to fell intimidated (sorry, not insinuating you are old of course BC I know youa re only 21) by any trouble makers. I will not let them interfere with my pleasure.


R.B. Report 29 Nov 2010 12:41

I agree with you Anne the heart is missing from here and it is such a shame.
I used to come a lot,but now it just know and again.



AnninGlos Report 29 Nov 2010 13:01

Maybe if everyone made an effort to come on here more and also tried to add their own threads, no matter how trivial, then it could pick up again. I have noticed SRS puts up lots of threads, some take off, some don't but they keep the boards moving which is what we want. Even threads like this and the what is your weather like generate some interesting discussions. Let's all try it.

Good to see you Lizz


R.B. Report 29 Nov 2010 13:16

Hi Ann,

Thank You for the welcome.

I put a weather thread up only morning ~hope all is well your end.



Sue Report 29 Nov 2010 13:20

Agree it would be a good idea to merge the two boards Chat and General as stated by some, as they seem to be the same anyway. The only slight difference being I think, some people post more on either one board or the other, while a few post on both.!!.
As a one off I saw some innocent person post an obviously much asked question, only to be 'shot down in flames' in my opinion. I tried to defend but opposion too strong.!! I bet that person never posts again.
I think the boards could be more'welcoming ' to new people even if they dont post all that often.
Thanks SRS and Ann for your comments on posting.