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**Ann** Report 15 Jul 2010 21:41

Evening All!

Its some silly task i think, had grandson extra this week so not able to catch up with my internet surfing!

However...........there is going to be something happening re Davina MCCAW!! in going to squawk! .Bob Righter will be playing conversations which the housemates have had into the BB house.........should be good if it is true!

Well Steve, what can I say, he is acting very strange isn,t he, he has never been one I have taken to but I dislike him even more now.

In bed at the moment listening to the heavy rain, resting my poor feet! The little horror is back saturday morning for an overnight stay, so there goes any chance of a quiet Sunday!



**Ann** Report 15 Jul 2010 21:57

Are you at the ready ladies!


GRMarilyn Report 15 Jul 2010 22:38

OH my God....... I'M Loving It .............. Cant believe It ..!!!

Grinding me teeth now ........Grrrrrrrrr..

Now why didn't she chuck that block of ice on the floor to smash it ..? LOL


**Ann** Report 15 Jul 2010 22:56

Oh Pleeeeeease! get Josie & JJ off the screen!!


**Ann** Report 15 Jul 2010 22:57

Has marion fallen asleep?!


GRMarilyn Report 15 Jul 2010 23:09

Hi Ann.......

I recon they both gone a kip ...LOL

So she really loves him ...... well what a strange girl walking off like that .
Its like 13year olds .....LOL

Night everyone ....tomorrow EVICTION !!!! HE HE ....


**Ann** Report 15 Jul 2010 23:29

Nite nite Marilyn.



**Ann** Report 16 Jul 2010 19:37

Where are you all today?

Big argument with JJ & Iffy today...........something the parrot said!

Some sort of a twist on tonights show at the end, but from scouring various sites it seems more like a task...........Ben in diary room eating a meal and rest doing the task so he can have his suitcase back....cant see a twist in that at the moment!

Can someone wake up Marion!


GRMarilyn Report 16 Jul 2010 20:04

Hi Ann,

I didn't know Ben had his suit case taken away ....LOL

Oh gonna find out about the row......

be back .....xx


**Ann** Report 16 Jul 2010 20:07



Friday 16th July 2010

For TX in Tonight's Live Show 10.35pm Channel 4 and tomorrow night's highlights show 10pm Channel 4.


Tonight, during the second Live Show Big Brother is going to call BEN to the diary room. He is the only housemate yet to have won his suitcase back after 5 weeks. So Big Brother has decided to treat him to a quiz all about himself in order to finally win back his suitcase.

But, in typical Big Brother style this is no ordinary task. Whilst BEN completes his quiz all the other housemates will be given BEN outfits. Trousers, shirts, jumpers to wear around their shoulders, and of course a thatched blonde wig.

BEN will return to house full of look-a-likes and there shall begin Saturday's task - BEN DAY.

The Housemates will be woken up by Michael Jackson's song 'Ben' and they will spend the day in manner of the posh boy housemate.

Big Brother, tonight 9pm and 10.35pm on Channel 4.


StrayKitten Report 16 Jul 2010 20:11

yeah the parrot is going to say phrases fromt he housemates over the next few days, and they have to guess who really said them,
gona be war haha

OMG noooooooooooooooooooooooooo

good job im at a wedding tomorow and wont have to see it haha x


MarionfromScotland Report 16 Jul 2010 20:15

*walks in yawning and rubbing eyes* lol

Hi you lot. Had a visiter lastnight so got held up clearing out the kitchen.
Its getting a bit of a face lift starting tomorrow.
Had the grandkids here today so didnt get near here lol.I'm now sittng in a room full of Kitchen stuff.
Just as well I'm used to camping as the kitchen is no longer a kitchen.

I'm off to get a comfy seat and watch the other TV. Theres a microwave and kettle in front of this one....

Will catch you all tomorrow :)))



**Ann** Report 16 Jul 2010 20:17

Thats why its Bens Day Stray, they know you are at a wedding and wont do damage to your TV


**Ann** Report 16 Jul 2010 20:19

Well hello stranger!


StrayKitten Report 16 Jul 2010 20:22

aw Marion, how you gona cope with the mess, im geting my heating system upgraded soon and soooo not looking forward tot he mess haha x

its a good job Ann else all me tellys wld be screenless haha


GRMarilyn Report 16 Jul 2010 20:43

Well bu**er me I never knew they were without their suitcases ....Oh where have I been ....LOL

They look as though they got enough clothes in that god what more do they want ?????

Just read a bit of the Row.......but cant seem to understand what its all about I need to SEE IT ALL to understand ...LOL

Blimey Ann you are well informed....have you got BB inside info ..LOL

Glad Ben is a chosen person ...did you notice they all wanted him out of the den first !!

Throws Marion my slow cooker ....

Hi Stray,....... hope you a have a lovely day at the wedding .


StrayKitten Report 16 Jul 2010 20:52

yeah its gona be a fab day,

i wonder who goes tonight then im hopign its iffy!


**Ann** Report 16 Jul 2010 21:13

Dont think Iffy stands a chance tonight judging by the crowd reaction when her name was called..............GOOD!


GRMarilyn Report 16 Jul 2010 22:13

Guess What ?????

I got my electric blanket on ......LOL I'm freezing going to bed to watch the rest of BB..

IFY GOES.......wait and see, I did like her at first

Why don't .JJ be a man and do something to Josie she's gasping for him ..LOL .............its like watching paint dry .......uggggh


**Ann** Report 16 Jul 2010 22:20

Electric Blanket! I have just popped out for some fresh air I am boiling!

I am fed up with the J & JJ saga it is so boring!