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Anyone watch Home and Away?

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MEgirl Report 3 Apr 2012 12:49

Berona they were always around where I played. Not in our yard, but along the streets. I did get a rash once. Mum was always telling me to stay away from the Oleanders. I think I have heard of cases of deliberate poisoning way back. We have one growing in the side passage, but keep it cut back. Pretty pink flowers.

I told you April was a nasty little *** LOL

Bondi Vet was on for an hour tonight. I was nearly having my own kittens!!! That wavy blonde hair and those blue eyes.


Berona Report 2 Apr 2012 23:51

Kim - I wish they had chosen an unfamiliar poison to name. I did hear many years ago that Oleanders were poisonous. I had six on my footpath for more than forty years with cats sleeping under them, and dogs lifting their legs on them - but nobody ever being poisoned by them.

However, they are very common here. I just hope that nobody gets any ideas from watching H&A.

Elijah and Leah leave us this month. Elijah is not coming back but Leah is only going on maternity leave.

Editted to include tonight's episode. All these 'secrets'!! Every time I look at it, someone new knows one of the secrets and it isn't Colleen who is doing it this time! Who needs a newspaper or a microphone with April around?


Berona Report 2 Apr 2012 23:45

Marion - I'm so sorry to learn the sad news. I have only experienced a few days from the time of death to the funeral and the tension has always been bad. Tension must have been terrible for you waiting so long in your initial period of grief. I hope you can relax more after Thursday.
My thoughts are with you.

If you want to talk, we are good listeners - but if you prefer to escape to Summer Bay- that's OK too.


Barbra Report 2 Apr 2012 09:24

Hello Marion
Dont really know what to say .just hope your family can have closure .when your brother is laid to rest, Rip.Take care Barbra


MEgirl Report 2 Apr 2012 09:08

So sorry to hear that Marion, didn't know your brother had passed. Please accept my sincerest condolences. xxx


MarionfromScotland Report 2 Apr 2012 08:50

Hi all.
Will get back on track soon.
Not been having a great time of things.
As you know my brother died,it's been a bit of shambles,the whole thing.
Anyway near 4 weeks after his death,his funeral is on Thur.
I wasnt dealing with it so had no say really.Just had loads of phone call's etc etc.
I could write a book on it but wont lol



MEgirl Report 1 Apr 2012 09:38

Amazing what you can find in your garden to poison an unwanted spouse!!!! No hints as you are not that far behind us.

Harvey would look far better with a shave, he used to be quite a looker in his earlier acting days. Barbra must be the bad boy image they are all attracted to with Heath.

We need Alfred back to restore order, lol. He must be in another stage play at the moment or some other venture.

Has been another beautiful day here with sunny, blues skies. Hope everyone is well and happy. Tata for now :-) :-)


Berona Report 1 Apr 2012 01:22

There is one young man who has just come to Summer Bay. A bit young, but paying attention to Indi whilst Romeo was away to attend the surf competition with Ruby.

The writers have resorted to the old well-worn jokes about the motel only having a double room available....etc. So Ruby gets the big bed and Romeo gets a fold-up one. Indi pays a surprise visit; doesn't see the extra bed - and you can guess the rest!

I have seen 'Harvey' before and he does look better after a shave. At the moment, he is being Mr. Nice Guy as Roo appears to be getting closer to him.


Barbra Report 31 Mar 2012 09:40

Wonder what Heath has got .that attracts the ladies
it must be his personality .cant see it myself .x
Harvey looks as though he could do with a good scrub
with the casting it looks as though the ladies havent much choice in men on H&A ,need some new blood
Hope you are well, a bit more cloud today .we have had some lovely weather ,but could be some snow next week .I dont believe it :-( Bye for now Barbra


MEgirl Report 31 Mar 2012 09:18

Just what I said!!!! LOL No true love when Heath is involved. ;-)


Berona Report 30 Mar 2012 23:40

That takes me back to Warren Mitchell as Alf Garnet. People used to say he was 'uncouth'.

I have seen a lot of popular words and sayings come and go over the years. One which annoys me is when people are being interviewed, they answer with "oh, absolutely!".


Barbra Report 30 Mar 2012 21:51

It gets better & better the teacher turns up at romantic cabin as April turns up to ..True love never runs smooth in H &A
when you hear you silly cow it means a woman or girl who like stirring things & trouble maker x
silly moo [mutton dressed as lamb ] I think xx


Berona Report 29 Mar 2012 22:41

She was at school with Heath so is his age. Now she has agreed to help Casey with his school work - and that has led to 'other' things. Almost got caught in the act - and by Gina, too!.......Yes, 'the act' - so now they have crossed over the line with both feet!

Indi and Romeo are having problems and a new man is waiting in the wings.


MEgirl Report 29 Mar 2012 07:30

My English ex-hubby used to say it all the time in 1980's. "Silly cow", that's probably where I got it from. Warning noted thanks!!

Miss Brown will be out of a job soon - how old is she??? Must be at least 24-25. Another silly ***.


Berona Report 29 Mar 2012 00:04

Yes, Kim. Be careful! That word had a lighter meaning here. It was used as 'twit' is used now until the post-war influx of immigrants from the UK. So many of them were highly insulted that the word seemed to drop out of the language altogether.
These days it is used more to describe a female who resorts to underhand methods, - a trouble-maker, etc.

Don't know if it's used in UK anymore. Never hear it in TV programs. Perhaps Barbra or Marion can tell us?


Barbra Report 28 Mar 2012 10:25

Bread was very funny didnt like the second Joey either .Jean Boht [ Nelly Boswell ] was excellent as the Mum
Kim the family are having a dinner tonight & April is cooking. Heath will be there .thats our next story TTFN

Hya Marion just a quick ~~~~~to you xBarbra


MEgirl Report 28 Mar 2012 07:15

Will they ban me for calling her a cow; I'd better watch myself.

Trouble looming tonight then after the sweet little dear blabbed the family secret!!! I don't know whether Heath's daughter has been living the the Braxton mother or if there is another grandmother, but she hasn't been around for ages, until last night.

Hope Brax behaves himself in tonight's episode and stays put :-S :-S

Hope everyone is well. :-)


Berona Report 28 Mar 2012 00:02

We had Bread here a few years ago and I taped some of the episodes. Still have them. I wouldn't have missed an episode of that for worlds. It seemed to finish rather abruptly though, much to my disappointment. I lost some interest when the eldest son was replaced with another actor. I had always viewed him like I view Brax.

I particularly liked it when the sons (3 grown men) would fight over the plastic trinket which came with the cereal packet!.


Barbra Report 27 Mar 2012 22:43

Use to watch a programme called bread about a family in liverpool .the husband had a fancy woman .his wife called her a tart is that allowed on here .I say a real rum un x
Not watching it much now its all the young ones life or lack of it .surfing & swimming seems to be the norm in summer bay :-)


Berona Report 27 Mar 2012 22:34

Answered my own question last night. The daughter appeared again.

As for April!!!! Don't say what you think of her, Kim - you might be banned from posting!