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7 Feb 2010 05:21 |
What an interesting version of rockabye baby. Did you grow up liking the amber fluid.
7 Feb 2010 04:54 |
My mum and dad used to like to go to evensong on Sunday
I can remember them taking me across the road to my grandparents to be babysat on those evenings, and also on some Fridays and Saturdays.
I can also remember being given a little eggcup filled with a liquid from a bottle that Granddad kept on the floor by the side of his chair where it could not be seen. I can even remember having my little eggcup re-filled on at least one occasion
I can remember that on evenings other than Sunday, one of them would ahve gone up to the off-license at the top of the street to have this bottle or a jug filled.
I even knew that it was some sort of stout or dark beer.
I would have been about 3 or 4, possibly as old as 5
I never said a word about this ......... until some time in the mid-60s, after Mum had died and I was chatting to Dad about "old days".
Dad looked at me absolutely amazed, said they knew that I had slept well after some of theose evenings, but
"they were tee totallers, they never drank" ..... said in absolute astonishment!
7 Feb 2010 04:45 |
You watch we are going to get another of these threads whooshed. Discussing religion, how dare we!!
7 Feb 2010 04:43 |
Yes most definitely and that is why I am noting the very small collection of people using the name in any way. I think it might call for certificate getting but that won[t give much more info than what we already know.
Re the churching yes I agree with the deterioration of the church within family lives. I can remember my mum telling me that dad was a Sunday School teacher when he was young. I was very surprised. I can never ever remember him utter one comment about religion in all my life. I never asked him why, but it would have been after the war.
My parents did send me to Sunday School. I requested permission to stop attending after a few years. I can remember my exact answer when my Mum asked why. "Because the story never changes, it is the same thing year after year, the same thing at the same time each year. It is very boring." Somehow I must have missed the point of the stories!!!
7 Feb 2010 04:13 |
Churching was very important in the days when everyone was a member of the church ................... anglican/protestant or catholic
I don't know that it was that important when I was born, except to certain people .......... and it most certainly has not been a part of life for very many years.
Could your unusual name not have been given as a second name, but became the name used and thus was thought to be the first
fi you understand what I mean?!
7 Feb 2010 03:44 |
I was not aware of the concept. Indeed I had to search and read about it. Seems to me it is explained as giving thanks for the safe arrival of the child and the wherewithal to bring that child up. Obviously from your comments it is also "good news" for the husband!!
Being a devout agnostic, if such an adjective describes the word, I can see very little usefulness in the practice. However as with all things of that ilk there are those who believe and take comfort in that belief so, to each his or her own.
And my head hurts. I have been doing a search for anything BDM for an unusual first name. Can get it as a second name but nothing as a given name. Stupid people why do they keep changing their names.
7 Feb 2010 03:12 |
that's true!
me? I think churching might have been fostered to soem extent by the women
............. their husbands couldn't touch them until after they had been churched!
7 Feb 2010 01:34 |
I remember when I first encountered that concept -- I think it was while browsing a dictionary for potential dirty words at about age 10 -- it just struck me as disgusting. Still does. Much more so, of course.
The idea of women as unclean/unholy. Vulgar.
At least you didn't get carried off by the bad fairies she attracted in the interim!
7 Feb 2010 01:17 |
I'm also a Sunday's child
born in one of the worst winters in England ............... so bad that Mum couldn't get to church to be churched for 6 weeks
and that was very important back then!
7 Feb 2010 00:16 |
Hmm that's a bit of an improvement on blithe and gay.
6 Feb 2010 21:53 |
Am I not always.
Another version says good and wise.
6 Feb 2010 20:50 |
Morning. Sunday morning here, still calm and cool. Waiting for breakfast. Re the cigarette ditty I did search and checked out the lyrics. In comparison there is a subtle change of lyric from the original available on line and that change definitely highlights the ...... well it makes it more meaningful.
And me:
Tuesday's child is full of grace.
I am about as grace - full as a hippopotamus in a mud wallow, but thankfully not quite as large.
And as for the religious connotation of the word. Well I think that's another word in the verse that definitely needs changing.
And as for being bonny blythe good and gay. Just take each of those words and define them. Strewth what a prissy little dear you would be, if you were actually BBGG.
6 Feb 2010 18:06 |
You don't want to be bonny, Ladykira??
You'd think Monday's child might be born to launder, but no, fair of face, moi!
6 Feb 2010 17:53 |
Indeed, AuntyS, that second is an original, and yes, the package included both of the main elements - the humour and ... the rest. ;) When we sat emailing to and fro in the wee hours, we really were laughing our heads off more than anything else. Well, a lot of the time.
Cigarette Blues, that's an oldie. And I can see you not getting the innuendo in that first time around -- I sent it to a fellow poster of ours at the board where No.2 and I met, and his wife had to explain it to him -- but I'm still not going to quote the lyrics here! I have to say it didn't take me two listenings! But the other, hm, that's not exactly subtle. ;)
Here's an original doing Cigarette Blues -- Bo Carter, "Delta Blues Guitar Original". No.2's is faithful but a little livelier I think, and of course has the harmonica. Mind you, the song is perfectly in line with the male-centred ethos of blues that is part of my basic aversion to the genre.
Can I retrieve him? I'm wishing more and more, but I think that one has crashed, and burned. :(
6 Feb 2010 13:22 |
I was born on the sabbath day
bonny blithe good and gay.
Reads again. Oh dear. They need to change that rhyme.
6 Feb 2010 13:19 |
Hands over dummy to FannyByGaslight.
I am a big girl now.
I think I was probably potty training by then.
6 Feb 2010 11:56 |
LadyKira,I may take that title of youngest from you?.
In the year of 58 while that lot were growing up fast,probably with minds wandering toward making merry with the local lads, I was being born in the early afternoon of a wet and soggy winters saturday.
They say that Saturdays child works hard for a living. How true that saying has been...sigh
6 Feb 2010 11:10 |
It is strange about Finlandia. I had the words we sang imprinted on my brain for many years. When I looked at the words on line just recently they did not bear any resemblance to what I thought I knew. Well I did not recall any of them.
Must do some more brain cell stretching and see if I can recall what words I remember.
6 Feb 2010 10:33 |
So I am the baby then
We had a hymn that went to the tune of Finlandia at our wedding. Beautiful.
Cigarette Blues?
Sounds dreadful.
6 Feb 2010 07:08 |
I need to go back to Janey's dream!!
I made a CD and listened intently to the songs provided.
It was really fortunate that I happened to pass a convenient location for changing one's soggy bottom, driving in damp undergarments may cause chafing..
Well you did warn there was a definite possibility of adult interpretation of the lyrics.
I listened inattentively to the cigarette blues the first time around. First reaction was, "Well given the current climate of harassment of smokers that one won't make the top 40. However, he is being very generous sharing his cigarettes with his girlfriend."
Just as well I was cruising down a fairly clear highway on the second listening, nearly drove the vehicle up the nearest gum tree.
And if sharing cigarettes raised a tickle of mirth just imagine the state of my undergarments when I listened attentively to Computer Blues.
Don't know the origin of that little ditty but it is in dire need of a change of title to Technological Innuendo Blues.
So after I changed into something drier I looked for the possible source for that particular song. Hmmm interesting, isn't to be found.
Is it an original.
Are you able to retrieve him????????????
If the dream has the sense of humour to go with the voice, the guitar playing and shares his cigarettes and his computer skills as well, he is obviously a keeper!!!
And Sylvia IC, if this post causes this thread to be whooshed I will start you another one by posting the words to that song there on.