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JaneyCanuck Report 14 Nov 2009 21:48

So, Just Fee, how exactly is you doing work with orphans inside England under no threat from anyone an answer to my question:

"You ever put your safety and possibly life on the line in the service of victims of a murderous regime?"

Your safety and possibly life were on the line ... in Weston super Mare?

Here, Lisa JJ.

1/ Why do you "virtually hold all UK soldiers serving in Iraq in contempt with a dollop of hatred thrown in"?

JaneyCanuck Today at 18:19
"I pretty much have contempt for most in the US and virtually all in the UK who are 'serving' in Iraq, however. Pure contempt, with a dollop of hatred thrown in."

Nonetheless, that is not a "generalization". It is a statement of my feelings / opinion.

The invasion and occupation of Iraq are illegal under international law and not in any way otherwise justified (as an invasion of Rwanda might have been, or an invasion of Sudan might be, based on overwhelming international opinion about humanitarian aid that is not yet codified in international law or sanctioned by international practice).

That's enough, really. The fact then that the infrastructures of the country have been destroyed - material and social - and thousands upon thousands of non-combattants have been killed and more maimed, and atrocities have been committed by the occupying forces ... I need some further reason, something you might not already be aware of, to feel contempt for participants in the action? Do none of them have free will?

Anyone who wants to claim that three short paragraphs are beyond their comprehension - be the claim true or false - has my pity if it's true, and my contempt if it's false.

All of which was pretty much summed up, of course, by:

JaneyCanuck Today at 19:07
If it is my opinion that the invasion and occupation of Iraq is illegal, unjustified and all-round wrong to the point of evil, what would you expect my opinion to be of the people who perpetrate it?

Which really strikes me as pretty succinct.

2/ Would you go to RAF Lyneham and repeat your above comments as the flag draped coffins appear from the rear of the aircraft?

I'm tired of searching the back pages of this thread.

The implication was plainly that I was a coward.

If not that, the implication was that I am a horrible human being.

If I happened to encounter Margaret Thatcher's family grieving at her funeral, I would feel no need to express my opinion of her to the family, any more than I would feel any need to express my opinion of perpetrators of the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq to their families. Even though Margaret Thatcher was without question a more disgusting human being than most any soldier in Iraq could dream of being.

THIS is a discussion about a particular subject. In this discussion, I have expressed my opinions about that subject. And, of course, had them repeatedly distorted and been personally attacked.

Ceremonies for mourning the deaths of individuals are NOT discussions of ANYTHING.

So your question, Mr. Bugler, was just another tired attempt at character assassination.

I have no idea why my fingers decided that Bugler was spelled with an 'a' despite the evidence in front of my eyes. My humble apologies for my fingers ignoring what my eyes saw.


LittleWhiteDove2022351 Report 14 Nov 2009 20:58

jedward want Ice Ice Baby?


JustFee Report 14 Nov 2009 20:51

and i,m going in the bath

thanks to littlebugler chris and all the other servicemen and women where ever they are because we can sleep safe in our beds tonite because of them

Fee xx


JustFee Report 14 Nov 2009 20:41

where ? weston super mare where do you think ?

i actually wrote a book about it . but just keep slinging the insults at folks , don't you worry about it lol

your problem ? you just think you know everything .

and this thing about freedom of speech . well theres limits you know . like for example you couldn't sit in the middle of a crwded cinema and shout " fire " could you ?

but then you as the hot shot lawyer would know that wouldn,t you .

want to know why this degenerated ? cos when someone dares to disagree you get personal .


Fee xx


JaneyCanuck Report 14 Nov 2009 20:28

Just Fee: "when the bosnian war was at its height i was helping and protecting children many of whom were orphaned"

And where was that then? Somewhere where your safety or life was in danger because of what you were doing?

You or others may also have missed where I spent a lot of time working to protect refugees from Saddam Hussein's regime. As the Iraqi embassy also was well aware. Twenty-five years ago. Where were all the soldiers then, hm?


JaneyCanuck Report 14 Nov 2009 20:26

I'm getting even more nauseated.

I answered Little Buglar's questions. Your "question" asking me why I didn't is therefore a false claim.

It's what's called a loaded question. It is loaded with a false premise. It is exactly the same as me asking you: "Why don't you stop beating your dog?"

"Oh and to add did you not claim or whatever that soldiers were rapists and murderers??"

Yes, why not multiply your sins? Why not use every deceitful trick in the book to score points by making your adversary look like a lying, vicious person not worthy of being heard?

So you're claiming that no soldier has ever been a rapist or murderer?

Tell me. Are you really trying to pretend that I said that ALL soldiers are rapists and murderers? Are you really that desperate?


JustFee Report 14 Nov 2009 20:24

just read your big long post and by the way yes i have thank you

when the bosnian war was at its height i was helping and protecting children many of whom were orphaned

so like i said wind yer neck in - please

Fee xx


JaneyCanuck Report 14 Nov 2009 20:16

LisaJJ -- why is it that you make the false claim that I have not answered the dear fellow's questions?


JustFee Report 14 Nov 2009 20:10

like everything else - in your opinion .

compile what you freekin well like

Fee xx


JaneyCanuck Report 14 Nov 2009 20:08

Oh, and I'm still waiting for someone to quote a single personal attack by me in this thread. (No, saying that someone's prose is incoherent is not a personal attack.)

Shall I compile the insults and attempts at character assassination against myself?

Long live free speech, sez I!


JaneyCanuck Report 14 Nov 2009 20:07

Some purely sickening stuff here.

No, Rose, I have not offered ANY representation of the military. That is kind of the entire point.

Julie Ann, if some country wants to "defend itself" against an influx of drugs, there are a lot of things it can do. One is to put pressure on to have the opium poppy crop in Afghanistan legalized, so that small, impoverished farmers can grow it legally, not be beholden to or intimidated by organized criminals or "terrorists", pay taxes, educate their children and contribute to the development of their communities -- and the opium can be used to make pain-killing drugs for sale at reasonable prices to other less developed countries.

That would make too much sense, wouldn't it? I wonder whether it would be contrary to someone's interests ...

And btw, why not acknowledge that I SAID that Afghanistan is a particular case because there WAS a credible threat to international security?

Not from drugs -- international law really doesn't allow for invading countries because they produce things another country doesn't like. If that were the case, Canada would be free to invade the US because its irresponsible firearms laws result in guns being smuggled into Canada and being used in crimes and murders on our streets.

I'm of two minds on Afghanistan but tend toward opposition to the current "mission", which Canada is a participant in, in numbers disproportionate to our population. In fact, this job I have to finish is about that very thing ...

Just Fee: "got the balls to stand on the front line ? thought not then wind yer neck in"

Got a question? Any chance you could ask it in a civil manner?

Whatever. I'll give you an answer.

For several years I was active in supporting the Iranian resistance to the Khomeini regime. I did things that regime didn't like. Someone I knew was knifed by an embassy operative. I was followed by men with guns who accused me by name of having arranged for one of their star athletes to defect.

You ever done anyting like that, Just Fee? You ever put your safety and possibly life on the line in the service of victims of a murderous regime?

Little Buglar: "Well, I never got my simple, short answers I asked for. Just a load of cryptic twaddle that made the Times crossword a sinch."

Tough bananas. And it's "cinch".


JustFee Report 14 Nov 2009 20:00

to borrow a bit from the film " a few good men " its only because of people like LB we can all sleep well and safe in our beds .

janeycanuk may be educated but she certainly aint inteligent .

doin a job ........ that has given me the right hump ! !

Fee xx

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust***

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust*** Report 14 Nov 2009 19:57

night LB
sweet dreams

and dont worry bout feeling uneducated,
me or hubby feel same every time we talk to our son, we dont need someone
like that to say it,
an i didnt join the army, (well i forgot i did when i got married lol)



Rambling Report 14 Nov 2009 19:52

Goodnight LB sleep well :)


Rambling Report 14 Nov 2009 19:49

".......the military vs. me, well, vs. a particular representation of me."

equally you might have said

"me versus the military well, vs. a particular representation of the military" ?

I could ask you what your opinion was on Iraq's invasion of Kuwait which started the '1st Gulf War'...or the scorched earth policy of saddam, or his slaughter of the Kurds... was the second Iraq war justified to 'finish the job' that Bush bottled out of ie removing Saddam once and for all?....

all just words, and opinions... but this month as last , young men die, and women ...and men...weep for them as they are carried home , so now is not the time to blacken a soldiers name or repututaion, individually or collectively...

leave it till there is no one grieving, when 'History' will decide the 'verdict' on who did most or least .

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust***

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust*** Report 14 Nov 2009 19:45

wish i cud say it as simple as that JF


JustFee Report 14 Nov 2009 19:44

over 50 million peeps reckon they are serving there country . janeycanuk reckons they are just doing a job .

who is wrong here ? dur easy answer .

you know how to insult people you know lots of words . that,s all you know . you know sweet fa about real life .

got the balls to stand on the front line ? thought not then wind yer neck in

Fee xx

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust***

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust*** Report 14 Nov 2009 19:43

im sure reference defending thier country

i did say in a thread down the page
soldiers in afghanistan are trying to rid this country of the fear of terrorist attack
like bombing airports, shoppin centres, trains,

and also they are tryin to stop the trail of drugs from these terrorist, heroin, coming into this country,

this is how they defend our country

oh but your in canada arent you janey


JaneyCanuck Report 14 Nov 2009 19:39

This has pretty much degenerated into the tag-team who will brook no dissent when it comes to the military vs. me, well, vs. a particular representation of me.

I do have to get that job done now.

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust***

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust*** Report 14 Nov 2009 19:38

and wives

rose im glad you put it back on course
details very quickly go out of my head

in asking about the poem originally the thread detracted from it by stating soldiers rape and murder

thats what made me engraged to start with

for someone with a lot of hatred for the soldiers
janey you seem generally filled with hatred for any one and anything
may they word something to your distaste ,