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Culinary Delights

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Greenfingers Report 8 May 2011 09:13

Will be thinking of you have a lovely time, I wll pop on thread when I can I think we are all too food orientated to give up. I still have to make the Lumberjack cake. OH and I have been working hard in the garden, we are trying to make it a bit more how can I say...older age friendly. As I have said to many I do not mind getting older, its the process I hate !!!

heres a lovely summer salad dish, which will stretch to 8 at least and if you do not like courgettes, you will after having this.

Marinated courgettes

6 large courgettes thinly sliced on a mandolin or grater or by hand, put in a bowl and salt leave for 1/2 hour.

meanwhile in a pan put 1/2 pint wine winegar, 3/4pt granulated sugar, 1/4 pint white wine 1 TBsp fennel seeds, 1 TBsp coriander seeds, 1 TBsp mustard seeds, 6 shallots finely chopped (or ordinary onion very finely chopped) 1 large red or orange pepper very finely chopped. Bring all of this to the boil, dissolving sugar. Take off heat . Rinse salt off courgettes put in a bowl pour over liquid, leave for a couple of hours to cool. It is a very surprising salad and totally delicious


SpanishEyes Report 7 May 2011 16:52

Greenfingers, tomorrow I am going to cook the meal you suggested on the first of the month as OH has been very busy, and is even staying at home to watch his dearly loved football team on TV instead of going to see it with his mates. So as he cooked a "fry up" today I thought that I would treat him tomorrow.


Yesterday we had visitors, again and I did a good old roast dinner with lamb as the joint....basically everything was put in the oven so not much cleaning of the saucepans etc, did par boil the potatoes/carrots first and also had fresh green beans and broccoli it was delicious. for desert we had freshly picked strawberries, grown in a neighbours hot house with real cream and /or icecream.

OH has just peeked over my shoulder and informed me that he would like your recipe for his meal on Monday!!

I am away from next Monday afternoon for about 8 days so please will everyone keep this thread going...I will try to get on a comp somewhare but know it is not going to be on the top of the list of things to do. I am so looking forward to the Church Blessing for my son and his wife, the officers Mess are cooking all the food so who knows I may get some tips and good recipies...however I do not see myself cooking for 150 people again!!!

17.52 hrs Spain


Greenfingers Report 7 May 2011 16:09

Mustard and Lemon Sausages with carrot mash

Serves 4

8 plump pork sausages, 2 TBsp grain mustard, a TBsp Dijon mustard, 3 heaped TBsp runny honey, 2 TBsp lemon juice.

For the mash 750g/1lb 10oz carrots and a large knob of butter

Oven at 200oC In a bowl mix the mustards,honey and lemon juice stir well, put sausages in a dish, don't overlap them and pour over the mustard mix. Bake for 25-30 mins rolling them occasionally as they will then take on a glossy coat. Meanwhile to make the mash, trim and scrub carrots, slice into chunks and put in a steamer over boiling water. Cook until just tender. Mash with a generous knob of butte and divide between 4 plates putting the suasages on top.....obsolutely delic :D

A Nigel Slater recipe.

Not the best photo of our patio but the photo I wanted was taken across rather than down and I couldn't figure out how to turn it !!!!


SpanishEyes Report 6 May 2011 18:47

Hello everyone,
Yes it has been quiet for a while as you say Greenfingers but maybe we have all been busy trying out our delightful Culinary Delights!
Also delighted with the recipe for the white sauce,I will certainly try this.

Thanks as well to Persie. yes please put on some more recipes, I lived in a very Jewish area when young and when I went High school , a convent, it was next door to an Hasidic Jewish school. We were always given food gifts to try on the special holidays and also lived and trained as a nurse in the east end of London and most of our neighbours were Jewish so I grew up with taste buds that appreciated their food.

Going to look for some more recipes and will be back later : ;-)


Greenfingers Report 5 May 2011 17:01

We have been quiet on this thread....I made the German Salad when my visitors were here and they loved it, I also added two sticks of celery cut reallt thin and it was mega.

Made Macoroni Cheese with pancetta in it for tonight, but OH took me to lunch so not used... but I did use my all in one white sauce..which I can thoroughly recommend.

Two oz butter cut up small, 2 ozs plain flour, or if you have an allergy gluten free flour works just as well, but it won't be as white, and 3/4 pint milk. Put on low heat and gently stir , you may not need all the milk (can use soya) just make it to your own spec. Once bubbling turn up a notch, keep stirring, then when thick take off hob. Mix in 1 DSP Dijon Mustard and as much cheese as you like,, or parsley whatever you want it for. It works every time and is so much easier than faffing about doing a roux !!


Persephone Report 2 May 2011 06:44

Bridget - if I am doing a stir fry I do the meat separately in a little frying pan and very lightly cook it and then chuck it into the rest at the last minute that way it stays tender and is not chewy. I usually whisk up one egg in a little bowl and then put a bit of oil in a non stick pan and pour the egg in as soon as this is cooked put it on a paper towel then put the beef or lamb cut in strips in the same pan. I cut the egg into strips and chuck it along with the meat into the stir fry at the last minute. If using pork or chicken it can be cooked with the stirfry as they have to be cooked through properly.

I find it fiddly but he loves them so I do one every two weeks at least.



Persephone Report 2 May 2011 06:38

My daughter attended a Jewish school - had a wonderfuly education there and of course we had to observe all the rules. A new form teacher had not long arrived and one of the other teachers was heading off to get lunch, she called out to him to get her something. He said what would you like and she said a ham sandwich ...LOL

The children were not allowed fish or meat or cheese in their sandwiches - because there was the risk of it not being done the correct way. They put on some amazing spreads at their various festivals and I have the recipes for quite a few of their "eats" if anyone would like them.



Greenfingers Report 1 May 2011 18:09

For your special meal would this do

Take a piece of pork fillet enough for two. Cut lengthways and bash till thin.

Sprinkle nutmeg and cayenne on top press into breadcrumbs and fry gently until brown and cooked, did this today and it was lovely, with green beans, asparagus . And you have so many desserts to look at on this thread you should wow your OH and make up for the stir fry.!!!

We all have off times but isn't it lovely when they still eat it bless them


SpanishEyes Report 1 May 2011 18:00

Oh dear! I cooked a stir fry today at OHs request. He was very kind and said it was nice...I am honest and it was horrible!!

Not sure where I went wrong.fib fib. We had some herbs and spices that I wanted to use and the beef was not very was called fast fry beef..well I shall not be buying that again.

To think of all the delightful dishes on here I hold my head down in sorrow and disappear... Do not worry it is only me being the actress I always wanted to be!!

19.02 Spain


Greenfingers Report 1 May 2011 15:13

No Jewish Bakers that I know of, don't think there are many Jewish Communities here, though plenty of others. The wedding is at the end of July so a few more weeks yet. It is going to be a small affair, so we have a choice of menu, which has already been submitted !!! Will regale you all with it later. Hope your sons blessing goes off well


SpanishEyes Report 1 May 2011 09:12

Green fingers I certainly do recall the fantastic breads that the Jewish community used to make. I do have somewhere I Jewish cook book which is rather tattered from usage I will see if I can find it and put some of the recipies on my Culinary thread.
I learnt a lot about being tolerant through living in the east end of Londn in my early years and then in north
London where I went to school after winning a place at a good school when I passed the 11 plus. The school was /is in Stamford Hill, I wnder if anyone on here knows that part of London.?
Are there no Jewish bakers in your area?

Have a rest for a couple of days before your daughters must be very excited. You will be able to tell us all how the day went what you wore etc..

It is only two weeks away now until army son has his marriage blessed. I am so looking forward to seeing the family again...

Well oh has brought me a coffee so saying goodbye for a while

10.14hrs Spain


Greenfingers Report 1 May 2011 08:27

Yes, Spanish Eyes, when my Dad worked in London, he dealt with a lot of businesses that were run by Jewish families,, and he would on aFriday bring home a Cholla bread which is I believe typical SAbbath fare. If you haven't eaten it has the texture of Brioche but not so sweet. I always lokked forward to that for Saturday breakfast . Was able for a time to be able to buy it at a well known supermarket. Not possible now although you can buy all manner of ethnic goods. Our visitors have gone was sooooo good to see them, next time will be our daughters wedding

8.35 am Norfolk UK


SpanishEyes Report 1 May 2011 07:14

Oh dear! AuntySherlock,

What have you done, which thread did you kill? Do not sweep things under the table, put them in the bin and start all should be tidy so please write again, we want your input!

It is a very still morning here, the sky is a pale blue / grey, and not even the birds are singing. The almost complete silence is rather eerie, and as I wrote the word eerie so I heard the first bird song of the day....perhaps they can mind read!

This morning I have read a few boards and left the occasional message. I found it rather sad in parts as so many people appear to be experiencing pain of one sort or another........I added them all to my daily quiet time, and hope that their troubles are soon resolved. The sea is dark blue and the sky is blue /grey, rather indicative of a grey day, but maybe we will have a dry day, that would be a nice change.
In a few moments I shall hear the church bells, which are simply but nevertheless, have an impact on the town, as soon the bakers will open for the fresh bread to be collected. At 09.00 hrs I will hear the first peal of the bells reminding everyone that the second mass will be commencing. I rather enjoy this time on a Sunday, it reminds me of my childhood. We went to church every Sunday morning without fail! We also took communion and then raced home so we could have some breakfast..... We could not eat before taking communion..........

Several times a year there would also be a parade with the girls dressed in White and also veils and the boys in grey or black trousers , black shooed and we walked for miles, singing hymns, saying prayers out loud, the parents would be carrying banners of the saints, Our Lady and the men carried the banners of Christ, or the male saints. We would eventually arrive at another church and have a wonderful time eating sandwiches of all types, cakes, drinking Lemonade, having ice cream and generally playing in either the church grounds or the playground of the school attached to the churc. Now just as I finised writing the last sentence so the full peal of the bells commenced! What timing.

Do any of you on this thread have special memories of Sunday or Saturday from your childhood?

We lived in a community which was predominately Roman Catholic or Jewish and we had a great time sharing our festivities.

Looking forward to hearing from you all, I know that many people are very busy but even if someone just has a quick glance, please simply say good morning/afternoon etc and then those of us who have more time will know who has been reading our threads.

Wishing you all a very good day


08.17 hrs Spain


Persephone Report 1 May 2011 06:55

Hmmmm who swept this under the carpet.... good thing I have my new superduper vacuum cleaner to get rid of it all.

It almost sounds like a chocolate trifle - Aunty Sherlock - I reckon I would put a drop or two of liqueur in it as well depending on what you fancy. I have one friend who does not like jaffa - but will eat chocolate, or eat oranges but not together so won't be able to put Grand Mariner in it.

Persie xx Vroom Vroom nothing quiet about me.


AuntySherlock Report 30 Apr 2011 22:09

Botheration. I've killed another thread.

Sweeps pieces under the carpet and quietly leaves.


AuntySherlock Report 29 Apr 2011 22:12

Hi Spanish Eyes, I am wondering if your Chocolate Refrigerator Cake is the one I remember, but that my recipe had been modified. If you take out the lady finger biscuits and just put the sponge cake in the tin and chop it up........ the rest of the ingredients and the method of making sound really familiar.

Thank you.


SpanishEyes Report 29 Apr 2011 17:03

We are not due a special day but I would like to make ny OH a special meal before we retuirn to UK for abou a week. We do not have children of our own but do have 6 betewenn us. Army son called me yesterday to say what a terrific "father" OH has been and therfore he will wear full tails outfit at the same sons Blessing of his marriage. He actiually said " I have two dads, one who made me and the other who cared fo me, I love them both so feel priveldged to have two dads" needless to say I cried.... I have always been rather sensitive about being divorced...
Now I wold like to cook a special meal for OH 2 so can you suggest a three course meal fish as OH prefers meat based meals

Many thanks

Just wondered if this could be expanded to "Special Meals" or Meals I Will Never Forget..

18.00 hrs Spain


SpanishEyes Report 29 Apr 2011 16:54

Fore Aunty Sherlock and anyone else who may decide to try this it is srcumptious!!!


4 oz. semi-sweet chocolate
1 tbsp. butter
4 eggs, separated
1 pt. thick cream
2 pkg. lady fingers biscuits
2 sponge cake layers
2/3 c. sugar

Melt chocolate in butter. Beat 4 egg yolks, add chocolate and continue to beat. Whip 1/2 pint of cream and egg mixture. Beat 4 egg whites stiff and add sugar gradually. Slowly add to cream mixture. Split cake layers through middle, making 4 layers.
Put one layer on bottom of a springform pan. Line sides with split lady fingers. Alternate layers of chocolate mixture and cake layers. End with one cake layer and cover with whipped cream. Depending on the depth of your pan, you may use 3 or 4 cake layers. Make the day before and refrigerate overnight

17.57 hrs Spain


SpanishEyes Report 29 Apr 2011 16:46

1.5kg/4lb free-range chicken

4 spring onions, sliced

6 garlic cloves, peeled, left whole

1 tbsp sea salt

10 whole black peppercorns

For the sauce
1 tbsp vegetable oil

1 onion, chopped

1 tbsp curry powder

1 tbsp tomato purée

85ml/3fl oz red wine

150ml/¼pint water

1 bay leaf

salt and freshly ground black pepper

caster sugar

2 slices lemon

squeeze of lemon juice

425ml/15fl oz good-quality mayonnaise

2 tbsp apricot purée (made by blending 4-5 stoned, dried apricots with 3 tbsp water)

3 tbsp whipped cream

To serve
1 tbsp roughly chopped coriander

rice, cooked according to packet instructions

Preparation method
1.Place the chicken into a saucepan with a tight-fitting lid, cover with water and add the spring onions, garlic, salt and peppercorns.

2.Bring to the boil and simmer for 30 minutes, turning the chicken once during the cooking process. Cover with a lid and switch off the heat. Leave for one hour, then remove the chicken, allow to cool completely, and tear the chicken from the bones into rough pieces.

3.Meanwhile, for the sauce, heat the oil in a pan over a medium heat. Add the onion and cook gently for 3-4 minutes. Add the curry powder and cook for a further two minutes, stirring well. Add the tomato purée, wine, water and bay leaf.

4.Bring the mixture to the boil. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper, then add the sugar, lemon slices and lemon juice, to taste. Reduce the heat until the mixture is simmering and simmer, uncovered, for 5-10 minutes. Strain the sauce through a fine meshed sieve and set aside to cool.

5.Gradually fold in the mayonnaise and apricot purée, to taste. Add more lemon juice, as necessary.

6.Fold in the whipped cream.

7.To serve, arrange the portioned chicken on a large platter, pour the sauce over the top, sprinkle with the coriander and serve immediately, with rice.
By Antony Worrall Thompson
From Saturday Brunch
1-2 hours
preparation time
30 mins to 1 hour
cooking time
Serves 4-8

So easy to makle and looks so good, and delightiful to eat.
Been using this recipe for years

17.45 hrs Spain


Greenfingers Report 28 Apr 2011 15:57

Sorry Auntie Sherlock
Cannot find any receipe like the one you wanted sorry.

heres an alternative using a packet of ginger biscuits.

Make up some coffee and infuse with brandy about 2 tbps. Whip up a pint of double cream and mix in some Camp coffee to taste. Dip quickly the biscuits in the coffee mix and sandwich together with a little cream and put on a serving plated to make a swiss roll shape. Do this until all biscuits used. Then cover with remaining cream. You should not need anymore cream, but if you do just make up to taste. To be honest it depends on how much cream you want !!!! The biscuits go soft and yummy and will fool people they will not realise that it is just biscuits. You can decorate with grated choc

3.55pm Thursday Norfolk UK