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Almost Pen Pals. Used to be Daily Diary.

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AnninGlos Report 30 Mar 2013 09:46

I guess that is psychosis Bridget, I have trouble with the IPad printing what it thinks I want to print too.

My Niece has suffered from something similar for many years now but I think hers is Schizophrenia. She is fine as long as she continues to take her medication. But if she stops taking it she ends up in hospital. Is that the sort of thing you mean. I am sure it will be sorted with medication and counselling etc. But I am so sorry to hear about his ambition to go into the army being thwarted.


SpanishEyes Report 30 Mar 2013 08:27

Not about A, but I will write about A later.

My grandson has been diagnosed with Psychios, which has been a shock to the family. Thank goodness that he showed no evidence of taking drugs or smoking.
Having looked this up and talking to friends who work in Health departments it seems that this condition is not uncommon and can be alone off sittuaition or can be treated with an excellent result.
Does anyone on here come across this in their or friends family? If so perhaps you would be good enough to add your experiences.

The sad thing for my grandson is that he will now not be able to join the Army.

Must go now but will be back about A subject


SpanishEyes Report 28 Mar 2013 16:31

A is for Army

Now that is quite a good one for me, well least I think so.

My mothers father was Albert Edgar Ford. A proud man for having been in the Army and five of his sons were in the Army or the Navy. One son was not the right person for this and some time ago I wrote about him.

Grandad spent his working life in the Army serving in the far east, WW 1 and was seriously burnt. He was firm, clever and knowledgeable and caring. I often feel sad that he did not live long enough to see some of his grandchildren in the Army, Navy and the Airforce. I do wonder what he would have thought about Girls being in Active work when in the services , not sure that he would have approved!
Our first family male who went into the Army goes back to the Battle of Waterloo who at the age of 12 carried the English Flag. The latest family member is my youngest son born just a few minutes after his twin brother. I am sure that you will understand why I say no more about him.
My younger sister was also in the Navy, met the man she married and then their first daughter also went into the Navy and became a nurse and cared for many personal.

All of my male cousins were also in the Services and I hope that our family continue this line.

I hope this is not too boring



TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 28 Mar 2013 15:07

A is for Army.

My Dad was a regular soldier in the British Army. My Mum always wanted to travel, I used to tease her that she married my Dad so that she could get her wish to travel in various parts of the world.
All four of their children were born in different places. three in different towns in England and one in Germany.

The only olace I recall living as a child beginning with "A" was Ambrosden near Bicester.
I have many happy memories of living there. It was a new (mainly army estate).
We lived in a wide cul-de-sac, which had large lawns for everyone to use. A great place for children to play.
We did a lot of skipping games, ball games, hide-and-seek and cowboys and indians.

There were also nearby fields etc where we could go blackberrying.

I was there at an ideal age 6-9, where outside play (and lots of it) were all I needed (or wanted).

Dad grew cabbages and potatoes in our large back garden (well, large for a housing estate).

We didn't have a t.v. but used to go next door to watch "Children's Hour"
I loved " Champion the Wonder Horse" plus a childrens news programme, on which I saw that there were women (steam-) train drivers, I think living in the Ukraine.

I know that we often look back on childhood years with rose tinted spectecles, but this was a lovely time in my life.

Don't think that I would have liked it so much if I had been a teenager.
I guess I was just lucky to be there at the right time in my life.

Dad left the army when I was twelve, so we stopped travelling.
At first I didn't have the time or money, now I don't have the energy.

But hope that oneday I might be able to get to Auckland in NZ.

:-D :-D :-D


AnninGlos Report 28 Mar 2013 12:17

A is the letter for discussion then. That’s easy as it is my initial. A for ANN, and I was born in AUGUST so two ‘A’s.

So, what to write about me? Not sure what you know about me but, I was born in Hampshire in the middle of The Battle of Britain. On this day apparently, the day that the Germans called Adlertag or “Eagle Day”, waves of strong attacks at different times over a ten hour period came in against Essex, Kent, Sussex and Hampshire. In the afternoon at approximately four o’clock there were two pronged attacks at Middle Wallop airfield and Southampton. The Germans lost 45 planes and the British only 13, and from these six pilots were able to return to their units. I was born in a nursing home not far from Southampton as the crow flies.

We evacuated ourselves to Purbrook for a couple of years during the war. I must have been two or three when I remember having my own garden patch where I grew seeds, and about the same age when, with my Mother and Aunt Elsie, one of her sisters, I went walking and collecting bluebells in Stakes Hill Woods Purbrook. I was told by my Mother, although of this I have no recollection, that when I was just two I one day let myself out of the front gate and toddled off down the road, crossing a main road before a neighbour spotted me and took me home. Thank goodness for the lack of traffic in those days.

My memories of the war are few really, I remember going into the Anderson shelter (another ‘A’) in Purbrook, sometimes spending all night there. That was an adventure to a three year old, with cups of cocoa and stories read by Mummy or Daddy. I also remember one day being in Portsmouth and hearing what we thought was aircraft going over, making us run for a street shelter, until we realised that what we actually had heard was a heavy horse and cart coming down the road. I remember seeing the ruins of bombed shops in Portsmouth, particularly in Southsea when we visited Bulpitts, one of the larger stores. The girders and gaping basements, full of deep black water, being the images that little girls’ nightmares were made of. And the other memory I have is of visiting the British restaurant for lunch and the all-pervading smell of cooked cabbage that greeted us as we entered the restaurant. In fact I do remember having nightmares where I was falling down the black holes from girders in the ruins. In January 1945 we returned to Fareham, a bomb had fallen in the vicinity of our bungalow and we decided to move back in to clear up all the damage it had caused. I remember the cot that had been left there (my cot) was full of glass.

VE (Victory in Europe) day, May 1945, was exciting for those of us only used to the drabness of war. We had a street party – it was held in Fairfield Avenue just around the corner from us. It was fancy dress and I went as a fairy, wand and all. I can remember afterwards there was a bonfire and the adults were all singing in the street. I was four years and nine months at the time.

That year I started primary school at the Church of England School, a strange choice by my parents as they were Baptists but I presume in their eyes a school where religion was taken seriously was the best option. From there, in 1951, I went to Purbrook High School. But that is another story.

So that is my piece for letter A :-D


SpanishEyes Report 28 Mar 2013 08:26

Well! Toilets in one way or another seem to have got us going again.

Thinking about what other stories we discuss, smile about, laugh about, cry about etc I wondered if we should go through the A to Z.
So I sugest that we all write about the "The Letter A" we could each choose what ever we want. What do others think of this suggestion? I will look in again some time today and see if there have been other suggestions .

Personal request.
A few days ago a person contacted my about a Ryan Tree which has people directly related to her. This tree is about a good friend who asked me to help him as his health at the time was very poor. Better now I am pleased to say. I think the tree was stated about 5 years ago. If anyone could find this tree PLEASE nudge it for me.

Many thanks.

Well time to do some house work so must go

Have a good day

Bridget :-)


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 26 Mar 2013 00:46

Gerard, sorry, just reread your post and seen that there was nowhere to wash hands.

Now that is bad. Did you have to get some water out of the river for her? Or perhaps some bottlesd water was put to good use.

Hope that she didn't have to worry for long.


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 25 Mar 2013 21:32

Ann, you made my bellys wobble (with laughter).


AnninGlos Report 25 Mar 2013 21:18

We were travelling across a part of Germany. I don't speak German. At a rest area on the Autobhan we stopped and I went to use the loo. As we were only just into Germany I didn't have German currency handy. It was coin in slot in the doors. I must have looked flustered, a large German lady, muttering in German stuck her foot in a door when somebody came out, grabbed my arm , shoved me in the door and slammed it. Oh didn't know what I was giggling at when I came out.


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 25 Mar 2013 20:34

Bridget! That poor cat!

I remember well the toilets with a chain. There was often a knack to getting it to flush properly (e.g. two quick little tugs, followed by a MASSIVE pull).

And if you were a child there was always an adult around to call "have you pulled the chain?"
We don't hear that nowadays.

Gerald, what a shock for your OH, I hope that there were some wash basins (and taps) so that she could at least wash her hands under running water.

I recon that this type of loo is still around in country areas. A big lorry coming along every now and again to empty the tank.

This cold weather (we have snow) has made me think of toilets in schools, many years ago.
The children would have to go across the playground to the toilet, which usually didn't have a roof, so was open to the elements and very cold in winter.

Many houses too had out side loos, sometimes shared with other households (eg back-to-back houses).
Most people therefore had a "guzunder" for night time.

Anyone else have any amusing (or sad) stories? Even second hand ones?


Greentiedmonster Report 23 Mar 2013 09:44

On our last visit to America in 2006 we stayed in a lodge by a lake in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Georgia. On one of our driving days we went up into the mountains to see where the white-water river boaters started from - OH was dying for the loo and there was a public one near the car park. She went into the shed like feature and discovered a very basic toilet which was seated above a cesspit and nothing to flush - basically a hole in the ground with a seat. OH was astonished that it wasn't better (being in the USA), and was most disturbed she couldn't wash her hands, she wasn't dying for a pee, as she has just reminded me!


SpanishEyes Report 23 Mar 2013 09:00

OOOH. :-D <3 ;-) :-P

What an idea!!

OK here is my story about "Loos"!

When I was about Three my mother allowed me to use the Loo by myself. We had a cat at the time as all around us were mice and rates from the bomb cites as this story was in 1949. We had I long chain which we used to flush after our visit. On this occasion our cat came in and I am not a cat picked him up, put him in the loo. Quickly sat on the loo and pulled the chain............mistake. The loo flew up in the air. I fell off and the cat rain away soaking for my mother, well she was not pleased with me, so I leave to you to imagine just how angry she was.
PS I am still not a cat person.

Sorry cats.


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 22 Mar 2013 22:36

lol Berona :-D

How about that for a subject Bridget -
"loos I have used (or haven't used). ?

;-) ;-)


Berona Report 22 Mar 2013 20:50

When I was in France, I queued up to go into a public toilet only to find that it was divided into two rooms - one had urinals in it - the other had closets, so when the queue divided into two queues, we had a couple of men amongst the ladies.

An attendant was collecting 5 francs by holding a saucer and a cleaning cloth in one hand and ONE very thin piece of toilet paper in the other, (which she handed to the person who put the money in the saucer), and as each person came out of the closets, she went in and wiped the seat. If that wasn't bad enough, when it came to my turn, a scruffy man came out of one and she went in and wiped the seat for me - all wiping done with the same cloth!. . I can tell you, I would not have been able to use that toilet if I hadn't been desperate!!

There, see? Who would have thought of using public toilets for a subject?


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 22 Mar 2013 18:28

Greetings from Birmingham.

I forgot to tell you about going to the toilets at the rock climbing olace.

Had to walk through the rock climbing room, making sure that I didn't walk under any ropes.

Went through the door marked "toilets" and the first door on the right had a picture of a lady wearing a long skirt. As I wear long dresses myself (most of the time) I was quite chuffed to see a picture that resembeled me.

Opened door, great no queue, started to go into a cubicle on my left when I noticed a row of urinals further into the room :-S :-S
Wondered for a moment "why are there urinals in the ladies loo, how on earth would a woman use them??" :-S
When it struck me!! :-0 :-0 I was in the gents!!!

Some one had drawn extra lines on the pictue of a man on the door, turning the pants into a long dress.
I backed out, hoping that no one had noticed.
Should have remembered that the Ladies Loo is always further away than the gents (in my experience).

It is winter here at the moment, snow overnight which melted late morning, early afternoon.

It is now snowing again, but temp. is just above freezing, so at the moment it isn't staying on the ground (or anything else). If it is still snowing when the sun goes down, things are likely to change.

Saw a wren in the back garden a few minutes ago, hope he finds food and shelter.

Bridget, I'm not very good at thinking of subjects to discuss, but will try to join in with any that are already on the thread.

However, if I think of anything (don't hold your breath), I'll get back to you.
:-D <3 :-D


Berona Report 21 Mar 2013 22:05

I'm afraid I'm useless at thinking of a 'subject'. I usually roam around a few threads and read what people have to say, then, if I have something to add, I post on it. Otherwise, I go on to the next thread.
I have been contributing to SueMaid's thread since it was started in 2009 and usually have something to say on whatever subject they may be discussing. If they 'speak' of something I know nothing about, I just read it all and digest it - but I feel better for it because I may have learned something new!

Why not just say whatever is on your mind - good or bad - and others will join in the conversation until it is exhausted, and another subject pops up?


Greentiedmonster Report 20 Mar 2013 08:17

How typical of a man - and that is coming from me - if I can't find anything I always tell OH that she has 'lost' it or 'hidden' it. I retired last year and I don't remember having to supply a Birth Certificate, but perhaps because you are abroad it is needed.

Well it has been a quiet month since I was last time on here. But spring is here - I spent a few minutes tidying up the front garden - but I keep neglecting the back - the hyacinths are coming through despite the poor recent weather.

My football team is at last performing and I have progressed further with my family tree, but otherwise nothing really to report.

When the sun is out I become more active :-D

Keep adding to the thread everyone, I am thinking of a subject for us all

Signing off now, love to all, prayers for those in need, Keep warm (or cool)
<3 :-) <3 :-) <3 :-)


SpanishEyes Report 20 Mar 2013 07:03

This morning I went through this thread from the first day to now! We certainly have discussed many things and shared good, bad and indifferent matters. This set me wondering if any one else has done this, and if so what did you like / dislike?
I really enjoyed the times we have discussed certain given items, and describing where we live, and special topics suggested by people on here.
This set me wondering if we could start doing this again, and if so perhaps we could during the next week submit two items each which we would like to discuss and then each choose which topic we could start discussing ? This would not stop other every day thoughts etc but would be great fun and a learning time........

This morning the sun is shining but there is still a fairly strong wind.
Yesterday OH could not find his birth cert, and this made him very cross, I must have looked through every draw, cupboard etc to no avail. Of course I have a lot of these through enjoying finding my ancestry and that really made him cross. Now why should I be responsible for the missing cert!!! Are all men the same?? In the end I got onto my comp and ordered another copy..............The cost was shocking but in the next four weeks he will have his cert. he needs this to be able to satisfy the people who will tell him about his Old Age Pension and he should start this from the 25 th of June. I do not recall having to go through so many hoops to get mine nearly 8 years ago.......

Well by now I expect that whoever has read this will be bored so no more from me except to say" have a good day and if this does not happen just tell us and we will send you happy thoughts!

It was darts night last night and OH came second. As usual I just chated to everyone and made everyone laugh when I took the board around a the tiny pub/ cafe pretending that I was one of those young girls who do this on the TV when darts are on.!!!


TessAkaBridgetTheFidget Report 15 Mar 2013 15:57

You didn't bore me Bridget. It was interesing to read about someone educated by the Jesuits.
A few years ago now, I went on holiday to the Far East, inclusing Malacca (in Malaysia), and was surprised to see a massive ststue of St, Francis Xaviour, who was a Jesuit and a missionary.

Had my toe nails done last week, at the college, quite pleased with the result. A little pampering goes a long way :-) :-) :-)
Youngest grandsons came here last Saturday (aged 8 & 9).
They had been to a new (for them) gymnastic club), at part of the Alexander Stadium, home to the famous Birchfield Harriers.

Later I went with them and my son, to an Indoor Rock Climing place.
Only the little ones did any climbing this time. Both had a good time and want to go again.
The people in charge said that they would love for me to go climbimg as well, as there are no higher weight or age restrictions :-0 :-0
Actually, I would love to try it but need to do more of my exercises tostrengthen my knees. Perhaps I will think seriously about it if (or should I say when) I loose forty pounds.

Monday 4th March was a warm sunny day, with no cold wind. I was happy to wait outside the supermarket for the Ring and Ride (special) bus to take me home.
Monday 11th March, I went to the same supermarket, this time I waited sitting down inside the supermarket, as it was really cold windy and with some snow, what a contrast :-(

It was dry most of yesterday, but rained in the evening, has been raining most of the day. The washing on the line (out since yesterday late afternoon), is getting a good rinse :-P

Still haven't sorted out my new cooker. I want an electric one, but it has to be only 500 wide. I also want a ceramic top, a timer, and a double oven (not that I am fussy or anything).

Keep your fingers crossed for me that my old faulty oven stays on long enough to roast a small chicken later today (please)

Hope that eveyone is okay.

I am off to write a couple of (important) letters YUK!

:-) :-) :-)


SpanishEyes Report 14 Mar 2013 11:24

Well here it is exactly mid day. The sun is shining and the trees are still swaying but the sky is blue not black so I am hoping that the worst is over.

Yesterday I went to Alcossebre about 20 minutes away and had my hair cut, I am delighted with it. It reminds me of when I was about 14, many many years ago. I was told off for putting on to much spray !

OH has gone into the garden to sweep all the mess caused by high wind last night, quite a task. Jet and joe are with him. Pleased to say that Jet is keeping well. Both of them sleep quite a lot of the day and Jet finds somewhere he can hide

We watched the new Pope this morning and I am happy that he is a Jusuit as they are the people who ask the awkward questions of the church, they do not simply comply and they make people think and explain why they are right. My eldest son was educated by them and has fantastic way of asking who, how, what, when, by whom etc and kind to those in need. He even brought tramps to our house to give them food, and sandwiches to take away. Even now 41 years old, married, works hard but still helps anyone he can, regardless of their position in life. However he is not a fool so helps those who will put something back into the community and not harm others. His twin brothers are similar.

Enough from me, I do not want to bore you all!,,

:-) <3 :-) <3