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Farm town chat ....Edit of title

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₪ TeresaW elite empress of deleted threads&#

₪ TeresaW elite empress of deleted threads&# Report 7 Jul 2009 19:51

1. The only reason I didn't answer was because I had no credit, then the battery ran out. As soon as I switched it on I got the message and replied to it.

2. You are as addicted as the rest of us, but even I wouldn't go planting pumpkins while on me holibobs

3. I have an even bigger river and a watermill now

4. Good to see you back hun mwahhh xx

Oh and 5, my connection keeps timing out when I've got a whole farm to myself, and just now, 12 lots of pumpkins, got two done and pooffffffffffff, reload game. grrrr


Julie Report 7 Jul 2009 19:47

Welcome home

Yes i watered ya flowers......& i got me house & now i own a waterfall lololol

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 7 Jul 2009 19:34


If you happen to come a cross an old lady whom talks to your scarecrow calling it Mo and asking it why its wearing her best coat, please treat her with respect, even if she does water your flowers in a very strange postion with yellow water???? and sneaks in to your farm houses and leaves with a wheel barrow full of cabbages!!! Just remember you will be old like her one think on :-))))

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 7 Jul 2009 19:26

Hello Claire... Yes I ma just plouging my way through 89 gifts have been to market all ready with a few and about to attack the rest, lol it isnt a round up I just waffled on :-)))

°o.OOº°‘¨Claire in Wales¨‘°ºOO.o°

°o.OOº°‘¨Claire in Wales¨‘°ºOO.o° Report 7 Jul 2009 19:23

lol Hayley, did you get any flowers sent whilst you were away? I was afraid that perhaps we'd forget & kill your originals so I took steps to ensure that you wouldn't be without or we'd have never have heard the last of it! call it "extra travel insurance"

Thanks for the mention in the weekly round up; I've never been in one of those except as one of "twinset & pearl" brigade

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 7 Jul 2009 19:14

** runs after Anita ....I never sawed you **

McAnne's Gahan-Crazy

McAnne's Gahan-Crazy Report 7 Jul 2009 19:13


Well me and my guard geese never even got a mention :O((

*goes off to trample Hayley's pumpkins*

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 7 Jul 2009 19:10

PS. Thanks to everyone for watering my plants :-))))

PPS Welcome to farm town Mildred :-)))

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 7 Jul 2009 18:40

I would just like to point out that I am no more addicted to farm town than the rest of you. As some of you are aware I have been to a very hot Portugal for a week, on Saturday it was so hot and I was so restless trying to sunbathe that I popped in to the internet café in the reception bit of the apartments, I was just going to pop in the thread on GR and have 2 euros worth (I cant believe I haven’t got a euro thingy on this keyboard either that or it was been worn off with the others?) when I found myself planting pumpkins on my farm.

I only wanted to see if Jan Scatty and Joanne had managed to buy their mansions or Julie her second farm house or Teresa her much needed river as these had become part of bed time prayers as much as bless all my family keep my children safe. However I became a bit engrossed with the said thread, as someone had been on a farm, which had not 1 but 2 mansions! The sheer greed of it! Jan was reduced to tears, Jessie Jo was hysterical yet again researching for her credit card, Muffy had clearly gone green with envy I even pictured her glaring at the screen with a face like a slapped arse. Claire suggested that it was very blokey,me, I just huffed out loud to the surprise of the kid sat next me to playing games “ common”. I also noted that Stevie was in a panic as with others he was unable to gain access to his farm, yes I did have a good smirk at you all. Just then my money ran out. I later received a txt off Teresa who failed to answer the one I sent her 2 days before I may add, skitting yes skitting as I had been on me farm.

I then became ill on my Jollies, (all say Awww), I found it hard to breathe, I had the mother of all head aches I really couldn’t breathe and was beginning to think that every breathe was going to be my last, even Itsmytelly got off his sun lounge as he was getting concerned, “ is it all your duty frees you’ve been smoking chuck?” As I coughed and choked back tears and glared at him to declare, “ NO I think I have Princess Pig flu”. Once again confined to barracks I found my self as if by sleepwalking or in a trance in the Internet café. Still no sign of Jan and Joanne’s mansions but Teresa had acquired a river very tastefully displayed as well I might add. I also read a very moving post off our Whirley, now some of you may know that just 12mths ago, Whirls and my favoured past time was trying to rip one and others face off, however getting to know her, find she really is a nice girl and I am please to call me mate, one thing that sticks out about her is she is a what I would call a real animal lover this clearly shines through even on her cyber farm as she was concerned that wasn’t enough room for her animals whom all have names if she was to plant more crops. Well I found it moving maybe it was my high temp.

So today I am home after being kept a wake a very selfish honeymooning couple in the apartment above ours, who had the skill to make bed dance across the bedroom floor ALL night and I mean all night (HELLO I have Princess Pig flu), we had to be up for silly o’clock this morning to be picked up for the airport I got up and could now breathe headache gone, but I had the most painful of tender pains in my right hand side of my tummy. I wailed and moaned all the way to the airport and then I noticed and in my ever dramatic way pointed out to Itsmytelly that the area of said pain was swollen, “ How can you tell?” came back his smug reply, well you can imagine the ciaos in the checking in queue in the middle of Faro airport after I head butted him,( my arms were to occupied wrapped round my waist or I would of punch him), anyway to cut a long story short I am home and my bloody pumpkins are not ready to be harvested. **Sulks**.

₪ TeresaW elite empress of deleted threads&#

₪ TeresaW elite empress of deleted threads&# Report 7 Jul 2009 18:11

Thanks Jan

Julie, it's taken me about three days of tweaking and moving stuff around to get it where it is. It's going to be ages before I get a mansion now, so it's just a matter of sowing and harvesting as much as I can from now on.

Going to get some security geese once I've levelled up though..


Scatty Report 7 Jul 2009 18:06

lol Claire :-)

°o.OOº°‘¨Claire in Wales¨‘°ºOO.o°

°o.OOº°‘¨Claire in Wales¨‘°ºOO.o° Report 7 Jul 2009 17:46

I've got too many cabbages for bridges & gates lol


Scatty Report 7 Jul 2009 17:28

Both of your farms are looking well good


Julie Report 7 Jul 2009 17:12

Have just finished mucking about with mine after 2 days of moving it one then the other....& i ain't telling you what i got lolol


Scatty Report 7 Jul 2009 16:18

Will have a nosy next time Im on there - probably 5 minutes time lol

₪ TeresaW elite empress of deleted threads&#

₪ TeresaW elite empress of deleted threads&# Report 7 Jul 2009 16:03

I've got a river, a watermill and bridges now.


Scatty Report 7 Jul 2009 16:02

brought another little house :-))


Scatty Report 7 Jul 2009 12:37

mind I havent all the money yet anyway lol .....


Scatty Report 7 Jul 2009 12:37

then I wont have the money lol - have been saving like mad - mind I cant resist spending just brought another gate lol
Its not as bad as I though I need just under 4000 points - if I say it quietly it sounds better

Free range guard geese
Love it!!

McAnne's Gahan-Crazy

McAnne's Gahan-Crazy Report 7 Jul 2009 12:33

Waste of time Muffy, I'll claim you were trespassing and annoying my livestock, which the geese are there to guard lol

Free range guard geese - don't think i'll get into any bother for that ;O) lolol