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Just Jean

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AnninGlos Report 10 Jan 2016 20:03

Oh yes, happy 80th birthday Huis, have a lovely day.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 10 Jan 2016 19:32

A VERY HAPPY 80TH BIRTHDAY HUIA. I hope you are both enjoying your special birthdays.

I hope I have got the time difference correct, I am always having this problem with my cousins in OZ as well.
Luckily for me, the three cousins in OZ are now on face book, so we chat via that, rather than phoning and getting it wrong.

Take care everyone, sorry it's only been a quickie, but will speak to you tomorrow. Hugs Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 10 Jan 2016 12:36

We understand Huia and it works both ways sometimes.


Huia Report 10 Jan 2016 04:11

It must look as if I dont care about anybody else as I never mention your various problems or birthdays, but because of the time difference, by the time I have read it everybody else has said what I would have said, had I been here much earlier, if you know what I mean. I do think of you all and hope you will all have a happy and healthy year ahead.


Sallie Report 9 Jan 2016 22:28

Hello girls,

Ann, thank you for letting me know that Marie is okay, it's nice to know that she is.

Alan and I went into Derby in the week, I needed to buy some new trousers, so went into M&S, but couldn't find any. Like you said earlier, parts of the Derby store also looked as though it was having a jumble sale too.

I managed to exchange a top that my cousin bought me for Christmas, it was too big for me, so exchanged it for one of the new range tops they have, but of course had to pay double the price of the top she bought me, and that wasn't one of the cheaper ones either. Never mind, It was what I wanted, and it feels comfortable.

It's the the trousers length I am having trouble with, with me being only 5ft even the the short lengths are far too long, even in the petite sizes.

Mo, hope that your son and daughter in law had a better and much easier time with Lilly, and hope that they have managed to get the phenergan today. I really do feel for you all and hope that the hospital will soon be able to find out what the problem is.

It is the psychologist I have not my CPN who is having her second baby that will be on maternity leave. sometime in April. She already has a little boy and is having another at the end of April.

Alun's sister is coming down on Monday, it will be the first time we have seen her since her husband's (Alan) funeral. We are going out for lunch, so that we can have more time to sit and talk. She is driving down from Ilkley in Yorkshire, so hope that there will not be too much heavy rain for her journey.

We all still have to exchange our Christmas presents. As things were in November with most of our family, Christmas was the last thing on all our minds. Looking forward to seeing her on Monday.

Jean, hope you and J are both feeling a bit better. Will be thinking about J when he has his colonoscopy and wishing him good luck.

Huia, wishing you a Happy 80th Birthday for Monday and also a Happy 56th Birthday to your son. Hope you have a a lovely time.

As you said Sylvia, I think most of us have health problems. I hope that all will turn out okay for everyone. Good Luck with your Gastropscopy and that the results are good.

I need to write a few letters to some family and friends, so really must try and get them
written and posted.

Take care everyone

Speak to you soon.

Love, to you all. Sallie. xxx <3 <3 <3


Sallie Report 9 Jan 2016 22:27

Hello girls,

Ann, thank you for letting me know that Marie is okay, it's nice to know that she is.

Alan and I went into Derby in the week, I needed to buy some new trousers, so went into M&S, but couldn't find any. Like you said earlier, parts of the Derby store also looked as though it was having a jumble sale too.

I managed to exchange a top that my cousin bought me for Christmas, it was too big for me, so exchanged it for one of the new range tops they have, but of course had to pay double the price of the top she bought me, and that wasn't one of the cheaper ones either. Never mind, It was what I wanted, and it feels comfortable.

It's the the trousers length I am having trouble with, with me being only 5ft even the the short lengths are far too long, even in the petite sizes.

Mo, hope that your son and daughter in law had a better and much easier time with Lilly, and hope that they have managed to get the phenergan today. I really do feel for you all and hope that the hospital will soon be able to find out what the problem is.

It is the psychologist I have not my CPN who is having her second baby that will be on maternity leave. sometime in April. She already has a little boy and is having another at the end of April.

Alun's sister is coming down on Monday, it will be the first time we have seen her since her husband's (Alan) funeral. We are going out for lunch, so that we can have more time to sit and talk. She is driving down from Ilkley in Yorkshire, so hope that there will not be too much heavy rain for her journey.

We all still have to exchange our Christmas presents. As things were in November with most of our family, Christmas was the last thing on all our minds. Looking forward to seeing her on Monday.

Jean, hope you and J are both feeling a bit better. Will be thinking about J when he has his colonoscopy and wishing him good luck.

Huia, wishing you a Happy 80th Birthday for Monday and also a Happy 56th Birthday to your son. Hope you have a a lovely time.

As you said Sylvia, I think most of us have health problems. I hope that all will turn out okay for everyone. Good Luck with your Gastropscopy and that the results are good.

I need to write a few letters to some family and friends, so really must try and get them
written and posted.

Take care everyone

Speak to you soon.

Love, to you all. Sallie. xxx <3 <3 <3


AnninGlos Report 9 Jan 2016 15:42

Sallie/Sylvia, thank you for your thoughts. Daughter and grandson went to the burial ground (Woodland site) with a few flowers and she said it was very cold. she says it was Jon's last joke, dying at christmas so that had to go out in the cold. she is ok anyway.

Sallie, I have seen Marie on Facebook so I think all is well with her.

Sylvia, I hope they can get you sorted out if it is an ulcer, but good that you are controlling it yourself. I have to say I would miss spicy foods a lot.

We have just come home from Cheltenham, it was dry but quite cold. M&S looked as though it was holding a jumble sale, a huge area was filled with sale stuff, most of which was onvious why it had not sold before. All I bought was a bracelet to put in the 'present' drawer. We then treated ourselves to lunch at Carrluccio which was very enjoyable.It was really crowded, they are so popular, people were queuing for tables and it is a large restaurant. I enjoyed sharing a pate and toast with T and then I had lobster spaghetti followed by a shared Tiramisu.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 9 Jan 2016 15:35

Hello girls, good to hear from you all.

Huia, enjoy your time at the shop love. Having company does help the time to pass I know, otherwise boredom does make us dose a lot.
You have got good neighbours helping you out whilst you are unable to drive.
I have been meaning to ask you, have you had any more problems with your old ratty visitors recently, or have they at long last got the message that they are not welcome.

Ann, at the moment there is no diagnosis for our Lilly. But it appears on the surface, that she can change from being a lovely kind natured child, into a little demon within the blink of an eye.
She feels no pain, and has many a bruise or black eye from throwing herself into a paddy.
Fortunately, there was no early morning phone call today, her mummy has taken the batteries out of the home phone.
Our number was on instant dial, that's how come she rang our house, and hank goodness not the emergency services.

Sylvia, Lilly has been doing what we thought of as strange things, since she was about two years old, and she will be five next Saturday.
I am sorry to hear that you may have an ulcer, have they given you a date for your camera jobby.
A friend of mine has had it done several times, as her throat closes, and they have to clear debris from inside her throat so that she can swallow properly. I know it's not exactly the same as yourself, but they sedate her before they do the proceedure, but don't knock her out completly. In fact she had it done just before christmas, and was quite excited because she was able to enjoy roast potato's, something that we take for granted, but she had been unable to swallow for a long long time.

Sallie, by the time your CPN nurse leaves to have her baby, she would have helped you to have confidence in her replacement. And perhaps, she will still come and visit you, with her new arrival.
It does take time for the medical proffession to get any medication sorted for us, and thank the lord they have managed to sort yours out at long last.
You have no idea, how pleasing it is to hear from you Sallie.
Now as for your weight loss, don't worry to much about it, just enjoy the food you eat, they are keeping an eye on it for you, and they don't seem to be overly worried about it.
And just think of all the lovely new clothes you can buy, now that you are a lot slimmer.....I am jealous.

I do hope Marie is well, and nowhere near some of the fires over in OZ. They have also had quite a lot of storms, I know as my cousin is quite pleased that her water butts are fuller.

Elizabeth if you should drop by, I do hope you and the family have a lovely weekend.

Time for me to go now, so I will love ya and leave ya for today. Hugs Mo xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 9 Jan 2016 01:17

seems we're all having health problems!

Mo ..... they think I might have an ulcer because I vomited coffee grounds before Christmas.

I'm on medication and a bland diet, but now I need to have a gastroscopy (the camera down your throat into the stomach) to see what if anything is wrong.

I've felt pretty good since it happened, although I have to be careful to chew everything really well (the old 100 chews!!), and have to be careful not to have anything spicy.

What Lilly is doing is really scary! Has she been self harming herself for long?

I do hope they manage to get her in to see the hospital doctor very quickly.

Sallie ...... it is good to know that you are feeling better.

Jean ...... you did worry us, you naughty thing :-)

Ann .......... thinking of you, your daughter and family at this time (((xxx)))

Huia ............... Happy Birthday for Monday xxx

Also Happy Birthday to your son xx

You just take care, and don't do too much xx


Sallie Report 8 Jan 2016 23:47

Hi girls,

Huia, like Mo, I didn't realise that you had had a mini stroke on Christmas Day and had spent four days in hospital, I hope that you are okay now.......just don't try and do too much at the shop, take it very slowly. I'm sure that one of your kind neighbours or friends will willingly take you to the shop and back home, when you would like to go there, so that you will have some company.

Hope that you and your son will have a lovely birthday and that you will all have a nice meal with all your family together.

Mo, I really hope that the doctor will be able to get Lilly to see someone at the hospital on Monday. It has gone on far too long for Lilly now, with one thing and another,she really needs to see a doctor at the hospital immediately on Monday.
Her mum and dad must beside themselves with worry and must feel so helpless.....and of course both you and Roly must be feeling the same way.

I am thinking about you all and hoping that whatever problem Lilly has, they will soon find what it is, and that they will able to start treating it as soon as possible.
Love to you all and especially Lilly. Bless her. Hugs to both her and Ava. xx <3 <3

Ann, I have been thinking about your daughter and family today, on the first anniversary of her husband's funeral.

I hope that you and T are both okay.

Jean, so glad to see your post and receive your pm. We have all been concerned about both you and J. Hope that all the tests you have had at the hospital, will all be
okay with nothing to worry about.

Good luck to J for his colonoscopy in the week, I'm sure everything will be fine. Will be thinking about him.

Elizabeth, it's always nice to see your posts on. I hope all is well with you and all your

Thinking of both you and your OH and hope that all your family are okay.

My CPN came this afternoon, it is always nice to see her. She told me that the Psychologist I seen yesterday will be working with me on the therapy that I will need to start on. Her second baby is due in April, so not sure I will have when she is on maternity leave.

I feel a lot better with the antidepressants I am taking now, I can now cope with life a lot better. I had started to diet before going on them and lost just over two stone, but the tablets I am now on has suppressed my appetite, so I am not able to eat as much as I did, and up until now I have lost three stone thirteen pounds. I feel a lot better for losing it, but don't want to lose too much weight. Although my CPN and the nurses at the hospital are keeping a check on it.

We have a lot of hospital appointments coming up for the rest of this month and February, between Alun, Jennie and myself, with one thing and another.

I wonder how Marie and her family are. I hope that all is well with them all.

Will speak to you all again soon.

Take care everyone.

Love and hugs, Sallie. xxx <3 <3


AnninGlos Report 8 Jan 2016 21:49

Oh dear Mo. Have they actually had a diagnosis for what lily's problem is? What makes her so destructive, both of herself and other things? They must be frightened to go to sleep at night.


Huia Report 8 Jan 2016 18:59

Mo, I want to go to the shop as I enjoy the company. I know the boss wont let me work too hard. I get a bit bored sitting here at home on my own. Being banned from driving for a month I feel a bit frustrated, but my funeral director neighbour is taking me in on Monday, as she will be working, so I can look at the shops in Papakura, then either get a bus to work (only 2-3km) or one of my co-workers will pick me up just before lunch to take me to the shop. If I was at home all day I would probably take frequent naps on the settee, purely from boredom I suspect. I need more exercise, including exercise for the mind and soul.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 8 Jan 2016 18:27

Hello my friends,it's so good to hear from you.

Huia, I am sorry to hear about your stroke, I really had no idea it had happened love.
Have a wonderful joint birthday celebration with Peter, and congratulations in advance for your 80th birthday.
Typical Huia, feeling the need to go to hospice shop, even after what you have been through. You have to slow down my love, but knowing you as we do, you are unable to just give up and sit on your bum and do nothing. Just take it slowly please.

Ann, it's hard to describe my bedroom curtains, they are basically a beige background, with red and gold embroidered flowers on them, they look really nice now that they are up.

Hi Sylvia, so whats this about your having medical tests, I do hope things are not serious love, I send you my very best wishes, and have everything crossed for you.

Well girls the latest on our Lilly. At 4.17 a.m this morning, our phone rang...(.panic stations who is ringing at this hour of the morning) Hello...Nanny me and Ava are playing,.....are you downstairs nanny we are upstairs....I woke Ava up and we are's night time darling it's dark outside,.... I am awake nanny and playing.
Oh good lord, I said I am tired now babe, and I am going back to bed night night.
I rang our son first thing this morning, to explain what had happened, and D.I.L phoned me back saying that Lilly had woken at 3.00 a.m and had gone downstairs and wrecked the place. She had heard Lilly talking, and thought she was speaking to Ava, when in fact it had been me.
Lilly's face was swollen and bruised where she had been throwing herself around, D.I.L broke down in tears at what she had done to herself.
Anyway to cut a long story short, Lilly was taken to the doctor at tea time.
Whilst in there, she broke the doctors computer, the instrument for looking in eyes, and threw his paperwork around the room.
D.I.L tried to stop her, and the doctor said to ignore it, as he wanted to see how she was reacting.
He got straight onto the hospital, but the person he needed to speak to had gone home. So he has written himself a note and stuck it on his wall, to remind him to ring the hospital first thing monday morning.
For the time being the doctor has prescribed Phenegen (sp) to help her to sleep, but none of the pharmacies in town had it, so it can't be used till tomorrow night.
Oh lord, I wish she would sleep a full night, and allow her parents and sister to sleep as well.
So after the early morning call, we were both like zombies this morning, but this is only one night, not a daily occurence as it is for Lilly's family.

Jean, take care sweetheart, stop chasing J round the apartment, you know it's not good for you. love ya <3

Big Hugs ((((((HUGS )))))) for our lovely

Well nighty nighty girls, take care, hugs Mo xxx <3


AnninGlos Report 8 Jan 2016 17:39

You are lucky you could change it at all, took me ages to be able to change mine and still can't get rid of the christmas bauble. :-D


JustJean Report 8 Jan 2016 17:24

whats going on I was my usual name and then it was changed to my christmas one now its refused the old one so here is my new name :-S :-S :-S :-S


JustJean Report 8 Jan 2016 17:13

hi folks, just a quickie to say sorry that I havent been on for some time , issuses due to the fall, more hospital visits to come .I wont bore you with the details just hope you are all doing o.k.take care Jean xx


AnninGlos Report 8 Jan 2016 08:49

Huia don't go rushing back to work too soon will you?
I hope you enjoy your birthday meal with your son who was obviously born on your 24th birthday, a lovely present.

Sallie, Our grandson is at Nottingham University studying language (namely Spanish and German).


Huia Report 8 Jan 2016 06:37

I see the last time I posted on this thread was before Christmas. As some people know, I had a mini-stroke on Christmas day, spent 4 days in hospital. I have been banned from driving for at least a month. Not easy when I live so far from town. I will have to beg for rides from neighbours or pay a lot of money for a taxi. At least I am well stocked up on food apart from fresh fruit. I have powdered milk and have frozen some of the fresh milk. Frozen and tinned veges. Also stocked up on some dried fruit.

The neighbour who took me in to the hospital is a funeral director. How many people are delivered to hospital by a funeral director? At least she wasnt driving the hearse.

Tomorrow (Saturday) my son and his wife are coming up from Rotorua to take me to Papakura to celebrate our birthday (he will be 56 on Monday, I will be 80). My daughter and granddaughter will be meeting up with us there. Peter has to work on Monday, hence the early celebration, plus I am hoping to get a ride to Papakura to work in the Hospice shop. If I cant cadge a ride with anybody I will have to get a taxi, about $80 I imagine, but I havent asked any neighbours. There will probably be somebody who will take me or bring me home or both.


Sallie Report 8 Jan 2016 00:19

Hi girls,

Nice to see you all on here,like a few other threads on GR for a while, it has been very lonely.

Thank you Mo, my appointment at the hospital went okay, have to go back a week on Wednesday 20th so the psychologist can finish the rest of her assessment on me. So then she will hopefully be able to tell me what therapy I will need to start with. Alun goes to to see the cardiac surgeon the day before on the 19th.

Like you all, I am wondering if Jean and family are all okay. I am getting concerned that she hasn't replied to our pm's, it is not like Jean not to reply to them. Thinking of her.

Ann, keep forgetting to ask you if your grandson is in Nottingham University or Nottingham Trent University an which campus he is on. As you probably know we live nearer to Nottingham than to Derby, and of course Alun did his degree at Nottingham Trent University, physics and maths for three years and then the extra year for his teachers training.

Hope he likes and enjoys being at University in Nottingham and that he will do well with his degree.

Sylvia, hope things are not too bad for your friend and that she is comfortable.

I know I read on one of the threads that you are having some medical tests soon. I hope that they all go well for you and with nothing to be concerned about .
Hope that OH, and your family are all okay.

Huia and Marie, I hope that all is well with you and your families.

Glad you managed to find the curtains that you liked for your bedroom Mo. What colour are they?

I hope and pray that the doctor will be able to soon get Lilly referred to someone as soon as possible, it is a very worrying situation for you all. Bless her, I will be thinking about her. Sending her love and hugs and also to Ava too. <3 <3 <3

Will speak to you all soon.

Take care everyone.

Love and best wishes. Sallie. xxx <3 <3 <3


SylviaInCanada Report 7 Jan 2016 22:18

Oh dear,

Lilly is a real problem isn't she?

I hope Jean is OK xxx

It is nice to see Sallie posting again :-) xxx