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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 2 Jul 2013 19:38

Good evening girls, ( I can say that now as Dermot is not around at the moment)
Hi Yvonne, Jeni and Nolls.
Flippin heck, where has the sun gone. It's been tipping it down since lunch time, the garden is loving it, all the plants look like they have perked their little heads up.

Marilyn, have you heard from Linda lately? I am wondering if she has gone on holiday, and I have missed it, only I haven't seen her posting for a while now.

Nolls isn't it a lovely feeling, when we a plan comes together, like your getting your curtains washed.
I must get round to washing the nets, and cleaning the windows inside soon. The window cleaner is due to do the outsides soon, and after he has done that, the inside windows look mucky. Not a job I am looking forwards to I must admit.

Where have all the other newby's got to I wonder. Thank goodness Nolls is still popping in to see us.

Bye for now my cyber friends, take care Mo xxx


Yvonne Report 2 Jul 2013 16:07

Afternoon all

Just started raining here, I had to run outside to get the washing in off the line!

Jean is Scarlett taking her pony in any classes at the show? I enjoyed going to shows, didn't like all the preperation, I'm not very good at plaiting, it took me ages.

Nolls my son used to ride my horse untill he got too tall, he helps me out when I work in the evenings by getting her in from the field and giving her dinner and he grooms her.



Jeniwren Report 1 Jul 2013 21:00

Hello everyone, hope you all enjoyed your day. It sounds as though you have all been busy, don't forget to have some 'YOU' time as well,
I have had a good day, busy but good, getting 3 ponies ready for a small show on Sunday, just hope the weather stays fine for it.
Got to go and see the Cardiologist next Monday for test results, fingers crossed they will be ok.
Going to have a nice hot bath now then have an early night, early start tomorrow, at stables at 6.00 am.
Take care and stay safe, Good night, God bless.
Jean xx :-) :-) :-)

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 1 Jul 2013 18:35

Well at last the sun is shining though think it is going to rain again tonight but hopefully like the rest of the country we should see some good weather at end of next week. Been really pleased with myself last night took down one of the prs of curtains in living room, quite short but heavy and this morning couldn't sleep so was up at 5.30 got one curtain in machine and out on line by 6.30 and other about hour later (cool windy and no sun) then friend phoned about 10 to say they were coming for coffee so OH and I got the first curtain in, ironed it between us and put it over the bannister to air off all before 10.30 Friends came had a nice hour and then did the other one so both curtains hanging over stair to air and will put them up tomorrow - just a minute just polishing my halo :-D Hope everyone's OK ... Be Good . :-D

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 1 Jul 2013 18:22

Shelly I hope you didn't take the grandchildren to the nudist beach in Brighton.
I can't understand how it is, that we have had beautiful sunshine for the past two days, and yet other parts have had it the opposite.
Mind you, the family in Essex were as lucky as myself weren't they, being as we are so close in counties.

Nolls, our cat was like yours. She was a proper stay out, she enjoyed a good night on the tiles, and would not come in at night, but would then come in the next morning, and sleep all day after she was fed. We do so miss her now she is gone, but we have decided not to replace her, as we would never get another one like her.
That lime pie sounded lovely. And like you, I do enjoy a good roast dinner of a sunday, mind you, I could eat one any day of the week.

Marilyn, you must have been right poorly for you to have neglected your hair and nails, that is certainly not like you my love.
Don't you dare have a face lift, we luv ya the way you are.

Must go now, have to get a bath and get ready for darts. Take care all love Mo


GRMarilyn Report 1 Jul 2013 18:12

Hi Everyone...
I've had a girlie day today all on my own ...LOL

Hair streaked & cut .....nails manicured & fixed. bought some Veet !! to do my own legs !!

Wow a new me :-D

All I want now is a face lift .......then someone might LOOK at me ! LOL

Hope you all are enjoying this glorious weather :-)


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 1 Jul 2013 14:23

i went brighton yesterday took 2 of the grankids
weather was warm but not sunny and we wished we had stayed at home as all my olders ones had a BBQ and sun was shining lovely in the garden

mo my lighs are working fine big thank to roly :-D

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 30 Jun 2013 17:29

All right for some lovely warm day hmm! we have overcast all day and a cold cold wind .... now they promised us warm weather so can someone tell me where it is I go to complain...just not good enough :-(
Mo the lime pie was lovely really nice and we had it with cream and fresh mango - lovely we also had roast pork (which I found in the freezer from Christmas!!) just a wee one but plenty for 3 (daughter is up) It is ages since I have tasted roast pork like that it was so tender and tasted out of this world normally find pork a bit tasteless and like cardboard esp chops so we all enjoyed our lunch, I enjoy a cooked meal during the day on a Sunday it means we don't having anything cooked tonight if anyone's hungry they do it themselves I've done my bit!
Hello Yvonne nice to meet you, you certainly have a busy time does your son help you look after the horse that must be quite a big job to do, know y niece helped out in return for riding the horse, but very hard work.
Geordie I got a recipe off the internet for diabetic peanut biscuits they are lovely but I can't understand it they seem to use such a lot of sugar yet it was from the US Diabetic site still I only looked as I wanted to cut down on sugary cakes but ended up trying these, oh well will try again.
I'm just sitting here with the cat on the other chair completely out of it tried to get her in last night but no she was away on the razzle dazzle all night how I wish a cat was more like a dog that would answer you when called - last night she just sat on the pavement and looked me in the eye when I called her in and when I went for her off she ran...soooo I muttered a few choice words (like oh dear (not)) and went to bed. No doubt she will be out again as she has slept all day :-P

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 30 Jun 2013 16:23

Yes Nolls, Lilly is my two year six month old grandaughter. She is one of twelve grandchildren, and two great grandchildren.
The thought of your Lime pie is making my mouth water, was it nice ....... mmm slobber slobber, wipes drips from mouth. Oh and how did the merangues (sp)turnout yummy, naughty but nice.

Yvonne, my youngest daughter was like our Lilly is, but it was sheer laziness where she was concerned, having four older siblings to fetch and carry for her.
When Lilly is with us, she speaks quite a lot, and very clearly, but I think she may be having mum and dad on a piece of string.
It's heart breaking when our children pass their driving tests, but then cannot afford to buy, and more importantly insure a car.
One of our grandaughters has got one of the boxes that new drivers can now use, to reduce their insurance. She has just had a lovely refund from the insurance company, for her good driving. But initially the insurance for herself was phenomonal.
I hope your son enjoys his Corsa, and gets many hours of joy out of it.

Lynda, I hope the weather held for your BBQ. It's been lovely here today as well. The temperature in the car earlier, was up to 27, phew hot or what.
Talking of your type 2 diabetes, my OH is also the same. But since his stroke last month it's been playing about. Our GP has told him that if when his does his glucose levels of a night time, if it's 7 or under he must have two digestive biscuits, so that his levels dont drop drastically,whilst he is asleep. So naturally, he hopes when he takes it that it is lower, so that he can have his biccies, crafty monkey that he is, but I luff him anyway.

Bye for now everyone, speak to you soon. Mo xxx


GinN Report 30 Jun 2013 14:17

Hello, everyone, and nice to meet you, Yvonne!
I spent most of yesterday making cakes for a do at our Village Hall, and got quite carried away! Haven't done any baking for years, but my new oven is great. My cakes sold quite well, but many people were asking for diabetic suitable ones, so I'll have to look up some recipes. Would do me good, too, as I'm now type 2 diabetic, and rarely eat cakes and biscuits.
Weather is lovely here today, so OH and me are hoping to get the barbecue out. Now, that will definitely put the kybosh on it - in fact, it's starting to get windy already!
Love from Lynda xx :-D


Yvonne Report 30 Jun 2013 12:34

Afternoon everyone

lovely day today, OH is outside trimming the front hedge and mowing the grass. I don't do much in the garden cos I start sneezing and my eyes itch.

Welcome to our new friends, just introduce myself, I'm Yvonne and I live in Hertfordshire with husband, 1 son, a dog and a horse. I work part time in a large toy shop and at a local primary school during the lunchtime looking after the kids.

Lynda we went car shopping last week with son, he had seen a Corsa in a garage he liked the look of, he passed his test a couple of years ago but has been unable to afford to have a car, he's a poor student lol, he had a drive in it last Thursday and really liked it, It's an automatic, he did his test in a manual but wanted an auto cos he gets in a panic with gears so we are helping him to pay for it,he's using some of his savings and OH and I are making up the difference.

Mo when my sister was little she didn't speak very well, my other sister and brother and I were quite alot older than her so she just pointed to what she wanted and we got it for her. Mum would moan at us and said we shouldn't do it, anyway she soon got the idea of talking now she doesn't stop lol

Well must get on with some house w*** (sorry for swearing) I've had a coffee so will have to get of me bum! see you later


Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 29 Jun 2013 22:40

I'm Here!.... my how today has flown though not been doing much sat out for a bit in the garden then came in and made a Jamie O American lime pie looks OK will tell you how it is tomorrow . it took 4 yolks so had 4 whites left which I have tried my best to make into meringues the only thing is when I went for the parchment paper didn't have any so used tinfoil and I think they may have stuck on the foil will know when they come out of the oven :-( Mo Is Lily you little daur/g/daur? I am sure she will come well with her talking once she gets started we had the same with one of our boys but really it was more laziness than anything else and once he started to talk we couldn't stop him lol! Anyway now off to bed well will be off once I get the cat in ,,,,Nite All x

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 29 Jun 2013 19:17

Oh my goodness no one has been in today, apart from our Shelly in the wee small hours of the morning again.
Thanks for the photo of the lean to Shelly. You and daughter have done a great job of it, so good in fact that you can get yer bums round here, and build one for moi.
Our Lilly is being reffered to a speech therapist, as she doesn't say very much. If she wants something, she just points, and is given it, so theres no need for her to speak is there. Whereas, our great grandaughter Gracie who is only 4 months younger, is a real chatter box, it takes a lot to shut her up, she's just like her mum used to be at the same age.

I bet everyone is out enjoying the glorious weather, and thats why they haven't been on here today.
Bye for now peoples. Mo xxx


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 29 Jun 2013 01:45

i remember chrysanthemums we had them in the garden when i was a kid
thay were very big ones i remember them very well
i picked one and all eary wiggs crowed out of the pettals
i droped it a screemed nether did pick one again

mo yes we have been useing the leento every day we have even been haveing dinner underit

and little legs is getting big now and his talking is comeing alone
thay are now saying he has dyspraxia


GinN Report 28 Jun 2013 19:28

Hello, Pals - never stopped raining here today, so garden (and weeds!) are being well watered!
Been to Kings Lynn today - car shopping. Eldest grandson passed his driving test a week or so ago, and is keen to have a car. We gave my Fiesta to his Mum a couple of years ago, as when OH retired, we didn't need two cars, so bought a Fusion. Now the Fusion is to be passed to daughter, so grandson gets the Fiesta, and we get a C Max! (do keep up, now!). Hmm, I thought, I don't like driving large cars, so we also bought a KA!
The Show was busy, wasn't it, Lyndi, and I know what you mean about dog leads and mobility scooters - mayhem! I saw that Travelling Vintage Teashop, where the staff were singing and dancing - great fun!
I'm embarking on my cake making for the Village Hall, starting with an Earl Grey tea loaf, so I've got the fruit soaking. Costing me a fortune in baking tins and ingredients! Still, it's in a good cause, as we desperately need a new hall. If the loaf is no good, at least they can use it as the foundation brick!
Bye for now, Lynda xx

Nolls from Harrogate

Nolls from Harrogate Report 28 Jun 2013 18:54

Evening All!!
Well what a wet and now very very windy day bought two hydrangea plants recently to stand at the front door but the wind is coming down that way and they are both looking down the hill as if they are about to take off or I think when hydrangeas are in pots their heads are too heavy for the stalks and a good chance of them being beheaded!
Hope Jean you get better news about your heart fingers crossed eh!
Lynda & Lyndi you seemed to have a great time at the show ..we love going to the shows always manage to buy something usually a plant this year we were ready to go and said to daughter we wouldn't see her that week, Why? she wanted to know so told her.... "You Dafties it was last week" she said and so it was!
OK Marilyn your off the hook no polishing for you here, mind you I feel ill Before I start! and talking of curries just had one for our tea it was lovely though made it with just one of those jars and added tinned toms. think it might just might be a bit better than the old Vest*'s I can remember frying the noodles that was the bit I liked best. Not seen them in years and H/g doesn't have any pound shops ..a shame!
Think when people get these scooters they forget they are OAP's (usually) and start to re-live their youth , think I would be the same ohhh! the fun of it speeding along (at 2miles per hr) the wind in your hair not a care in the world opps! forgot my age lol! :-D
It's quite funny how some days you never see anyone but today first son came up to borrow something then other son's friend came in to give us something to give to said son then friend came up with daur, well she always comes on Fri for coffee, then the wee man down the road came in to collect the charity lotto money (never win by the way have won £20 in 11 yrs did put in a complaint today though ,,,just not good enough) :-( now then this was all this morning afternoon hubby is sitting at TV tennis on!! Oh neighbour came in to ask us to look out for parcel post for her tomorrow ...will do so just like buses never see them then 3 come at once :-D

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 28 Jun 2013 18:20

Oh my word what are you two like Lyndi and Geordie, dashing round the show ground in the rain. I hope you had your wellies on to save your feet from getting wet, you haven't got webbed feet have you, so you would have needed them. lol ;-)
Good to hear you had a good time though. All those freebies was great, wish we had something like that round here. Mind you we have got the Kent County show coming up next month, but they charge so much to get in, even with the senior citizen reduction it's not a cheap day out.
Last year it got rained off, and the site was water logged, you should have seen the amount of cars that got stuck, and had to be pulled out by tractors.

Lyndi, your talking about the invalidity scooters, bought to mind a married couple who live local to us.
When they drive through our shopping precinct, they look like they are in a wagon train, one behind each other. But crumbs, the speed they go is frightening, especially in such a small area. I am not sure if the wife is trying her damndest to over take the husband, and he wont let her, it's quite funny to watch. Especially when they get into the supermarket, and want to get to things on the top shelf, they have an argument who should reach up and get it.
And they are not the sort to give way, when another scooter gets close to them, talk about road rage, it's scooter rage.

Oh there you are Jeni, I guessed you were busy with the horses and stables.
Try not to worry about the enlarged heart, thats if it is enlarged.....As you know, they have told Roly his is enlarged as well, but that it's being controlled by his medication. ((((((((((HUGS FOR YOU MY LOTTLE LOVE)))))))))))))
How is young Scarlett getting on? Has she got any shows this weekend?

Marilyn, can you put a dish of your Curry down the cyber hatch for me please.
Evenm though we had Hunters Chicken and chips for dinner tonight, I quite fancy a curry now as well....Piggy me I know. :-D
I think I shall have meself a small mars bar to keep me going, and keep my strength up. Don't think I can eat a whole box of chocolates anymore, so have gone down to the mini bars, plus they are n ot sooo fattening.
Don't forget it's eviction night tonight Maz. One and a half hours of it tonight, but I just wish they would not put the adverts on after every ten minutes of the show, it gets me down, and I end up yelling at the screen, not that it makes the slightest difference.

Bye for now, speak to you laters. Mo


Lyndi Report 28 Jun 2013 17:11

Good afternoon everyone. Hope you all well, and if like here it is raining in your area, that you are warm and dry :-)
I had a lovely day at the Norfolk Show yesterday :-D Glad you enjoyed it Lynda. There were loads of school parties, hundreds of children eeeekkkk, they were everywhere!! And where there were no children you took your life in your hands as you tried to decide if the best option was being tripped up by the dangling dog leads held by inattentive owners or being mown down by one of the many (very many lol) mobility scooters. These options were mainly available in the confined space of the food hall or the flower tent!
Friend and I lurched from pitstop to pitstop, the bacon roll was to die for, the pimms certainly hit the spot, the vintage tea was delightful, and the freshly made-.while-you-watch lemonade was very refreshing as we sheltered from the rain lol. Inbetween pitstops we did see a few horses, cows and flowers :-D ;-)
I actually bought a couple of plants :-0, and was able to leave them safely in the plant creche until we left :-D
Enjoy your evening everyone :-)


GRMarilyn Report 28 Jun 2013 16:32

Hi All,

Glad you all had a great day ....

Vesta Beef Curries ...YES I used to buy them years ago ,can remember that they were dry before you added the water to the curry ..LOL...Mo I have seen them in the £1 shop .

Talking of Curries ....I'm making a chicken one tonight..hmm lovely ...I buy the tins of paste in the wholesalers ,REAL Curry Paste,just like the take a ways ..LOL
washed down with a chilled white wine ....hmm even better. :-D

Nolls......I was ill after I did the polishing ....LOL...... well tired really. had to have a kip !!

Been in the garden admiring my flowers , bought some seeds from USA and turned out to be plain old Cornflowers .....they named them something else .. :-S

Jean ...what a great photo of Scarlett on the horse , my she has grown.

Going now to prepare dinner, have a great day tomorrow .. :-D


Jeniwren Report 27 Jun 2013 22:03

Hello friends, hope you have all had a lovely day, sorry to be so late coming on but had a very long day at the stables.
It is really great to see this thread going again, nice to be able to catch up with everyones news.
Had to take time out today to go for a chest xray, seem to have a problem with my heart, difficulty breathing, my doctor thinks I may have an enlarged heart, not sure what that actually means but am sure it will be ok, will have to be, got a busy few months ahead of me plus a very active 3 year old granddaughter to cope with. lol. she is fast asleep now so am going to have a shower then a cuppa.
Good night God bless, take care and stay safe. xx :-) :-) <3