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Favourite Films!

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David Report 6 Jun 2009 10:21

Upstairs in the one and nines :))
Thats about 8p
Money was worth something then


PatriciaAnn Report 6 Jun 2009 10:14

Hi everyone,
It's a grotty morning here in Devon. There was a thunderstorm when I woke up! It sholud have been the church fete but that got cancelled.
Brief Encounter is also a good film. i like the old fashioned films!


David Report 6 Jun 2009 10:06

Paint Your Wagon
Lee Marvin and Clint Eastwood
Seen it maybe 40 times, still makes me laugh

The reaction to the breast feeding Mormon lady was the best


David Report 6 Jun 2009 10:01

I read some where that Gone with the Wind was filmed in stages and the burning of Georgia there were several versions of that shot.

I have the film The Battle of the Bulge film on 2 videos and parts of it are distinctly different

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 6 Jun 2009 09:55

Hi All and welcome to the thread Patricia.

This Happy Bread was directed by David Lean and written by Noel Coward. Yes I've seen it a few times too, nice old fashioned film, Celia Johnson played the mum as I remember and Stanley Holloway was the dad. A good choice.

Oh yes Nicky and Edd...always keep the old vileda mop and bucket handy. And just a threat of bleach in the bog too ...always have to warn hubby there's some down the upstairs loo after he grabs the paper and his cup of tea after work.....☺

Am working a night shift back on tomorrow night I expect. I do about 5 nights a month...mustn't over do it!!!



Nickydownsouth Report 6 Jun 2009 00:18

OH is also watching Terminator as well Ed........... yes remember the scene in Jarhead....think hes holding a photo of the girlfriend at the time isn`t he....? was a good film though, Jake Gylenhall was excellent in it as I remember.

Re the mop and bucket.......seems you don`t need any pointers........ youv`e already got it all sussed...!!



PatriciaAnn Report 6 Jun 2009 00:16

My favourite film of all time is "this Happy Breed" It was made during the war and it was in colour. It 's all about this family who live in the same house for 20 years. It starred Celia Johnson. I've seen it so many times that i know the words off by heart!


EyebrowsEd Report 6 Jun 2009 00:11

Hi Nicky,

I've currently got the original Terminator on. Arnie at his meanest - I can't believe it came out 25 years ago!

Watched a pretty good film last night called Jarhead with Jake Gyllenhaal. It's based on a book by an ex-US Marine who served in the Gulf War of 91. It was really dark and had some really memorable lines in it, especially where the main character is sitting in the latrines "relieving the boredom" - if you know what I mean!

PS: I did laugh at your comment about the mop and bucket - I'd just finished washing the kitchen floor when the OH came home!


Nickydownsouth Report 5 Jun 2009 23:44

Sorry you didn`t get the job Ed............. domestic goddess isn`t all its cracked up to be..... the shackles round the ankles chafe a bit after a while, they play havoc with your skin tone....... the endless cups of coffee and daytime TV can take its toll, { not to mention the time in the garden when the weather is good} just remember always keep a bucket of water with a mop stood in it in the kitchen, then as OH pulls up outside in car/comes through the door from work you quickly jump up and start cleaning the floor................. muttering something about how busy you`ve been, and how cleaning your house is a bit like the Fourth Road Bridge, add that when youv`e got a moment you WILL make them a cup of tea/coffee .................. of course this isn`t something I have EVER done myself, but I do know some that have.

Watched a couple of films last night, Deception premiered on Sky movies, starring Hugh Jackman and Ewan mcGregor....not either of their finest roles, but watchable, even if most of the film felt like bits of other films you`ve seen before, and then after we watched Universal Soldier...think we`ve spoken about it on here before, I didn`t stay up till the end as it ended quite late, but still enjoyed it again.


☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 5 Jun 2009 23:40

Yep David spot on, it wasn't Mammy the one that Rhett brought the red starched petticoat from Paris for, but the younger black girl...well done.



David Report 5 Jun 2009 16:20

I'm only guessing Pam but I'd say it could well be the black slave lady to Vivien Leigh's Scarlett O'hara in Gone With the Wind

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 5 Jun 2009 15:36

Hi Ed, yes get those spuds peeled!



EyebrowsEd Report 5 Jun 2009 15:17

'Twas academic anyway Pam - didn't get the job! The other candidate only lived a couple of miles away and could get there in 30 minutes if he walked briskly! That kind of swung it for the other bloke in the end. Never mind, they are a big company with offices all over London and South East. They have said they will keep my details on file if a position nearer to home becomes available; so something positive came out of it.

Had a squizz around the job boards and there's not much about on a Friday so I did the housework!! (I could always retrain as a domestic goddess)

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 5 Jun 2009 12:58

Don't know what happened with my last post all over the place!

No Ed, that is a VERY long time to travel to work and so early a start too.

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 5 Jun 2009 12:56

Here's a quote I say now and again...see if you can guess what it's from...I also get the tone of voice and accent to a tee I'm told, here goes...

"Oh Miss Scarlet I don't know how to deliver no baby!"

Gone With the Wind. ☺

Ed, I'm so envious of you seeing INXS. Seen them on telly doing live concerts but to be there must have been fantastic.



David Report 5 Jun 2009 08:33

The Dirty Dozen was a classic.

Telly Savalas got killed in the origional, yet was in the sequel. That's entertainment.


David Report 5 Jun 2009 08:30

Now my mule here, he thinks your'e all laughing at hin

Clint Eastwood


EyebrowsEd Report 5 Jun 2009 01:11

Oh yes one other thing - I'm always saying "You're only supposed to blow the bl**dy doors off!" (Michael Caine - The Italian Job)

Anyone else got a favourite film quote they use a lot?


EyebrowsEd Report 5 Jun 2009 01:09

Hi Pam,

Interview was OK apart from the fact that the Transport for London website said the journey would take 1:25 and it in fact took 2:15 - really impressed them by being 15 minutes late for the interview (NOT). Not too sure if I'll take it even if it is offered to me as I really don't want to spend 4 1/2 hours travelling every day - if I was on the 8:00 start I'd have to get up at 4:45.

The job was a bit "pigeon-holed" as well - I'd have been looking after two systems (although big ones) - whereas I'm used to managing 9-10 different systems. Reckon I might have got bored.

Just read that David Carradine was found hanged in a closet - a touch of the Michael Hutchence there. (I was also a great INXS fan; I saw them three times in the 80s-90s).

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 4 Jun 2009 23:52

Yes David, with regard to Richard Burton...that's another thing my hubby says all the bl**dy time..."broad sword calling Danny boy!" I'll kill him one day! ☺