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Favourite Films!

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David Report 29 Jun 2009 19:34

Bought 2 old classics today.
Richard Burton Clint Eastwood in Where Eagles Dare, and Clarke Gable and Vivien Leigh in Gone with the Wind


Nickydownsouth Report 29 Jun 2009 19:27

Yes Ed, Madness were good...I love Suggs, think he`s brilliant, no I didn`t know you and OH went to school with most of them........they didn`t offer you a place in the band then??? there was SO many of them surely 1 more wouldn`t have made any difference. .....Lol

Pity they didn`t show Born to Run again Ed...the crowd went wild { as did I with the TV blaring, singing along at the top of my voice....} didn`t realise Clarence is 67....



Elizabethofseasons Report 29 Jun 2009 14:29

Nudge please for film fans.

Thank you.


EyebrowsEd Report 29 Jun 2009 01:48

Hi Nicky,

Just caught a snippet of Bruce Springsteen (and they didn't show Born to Run!) I agree, he doesn't look his age, but I think Clarence Clemons impressed me more - how does the guy still manage to belt out those tunes on the sax at 67?


EyebrowsEd Report 29 Jun 2009 00:12

No Nicky, I missed 'The Boss' - I've been finishing off my youngest's bedroom. And anyway, the OH rules the telly so I have to wait until she's gone to bed before I can watch anything I like! (That's why I'm always up so late)

Just catching a re-run of Glastonbury on BBC2, Madness are on at the moment. Have I ever mentioned that the OH went to the same secondary school as most of Madness and I was at the secondary school where the rest of them went to?

Ha ha about Lee Evans - yes he was dripping last night, but the sweat stains on his suit were nowhere near where I'd expect them to be - I've never seen anyone perspire on the OUTSIDE of their arms before!


Nickydownsouth Report 28 Jun 2009 14:42

Public Enemy, thats the name Ed, I couldn`t remember it.......not a huge Johnny Depp fan myself ,but must admit he looks rather fetching in his trilby on the billboards.

Did you catch Bruce Springsteen at Glastonbury on BBC2 last night Ed,? we`d been to a BBQ so only caught the last hour, but did manage to see Born to Run and he finished with Dancing in the Dark { I think.........a bit too much vino last night...} Thought he was brilliant ,and didn`t look his age.... The Script were very good earlier in the day as well. The Specials were on Friday night, I thought of you Ed, didn`t think they were very good.

Dirty Harry Pam, isn`t that the one wilth the girl buried under ground with time running out? Pretty scary for its day I think.

I too have never seen Bridges of Madison County, but will try and catch it sometime, if its a bit of a weepy I`m bound to cry.


Edit... Yes agree Lee evans is funny, but I can`t get on with all that sweating....... always want to run him a shower and hand him a towel..........Lol

counting the days till to Wembley to see Take That..

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 28 Jun 2009 14:13

Yes David i remember that one, Shirley Mclain played the nun didn't she.



David Report 28 Jun 2009 09:28

Bridges at Maddison County is recommended. He can act.
It was made in 1995 when he was 66. He does,nt look it in the film.
An earlier western of his had him lusting over a woman on the run pretending to be a nun , He didn't know she was pretending. Two Mules for Sister Sarah

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 28 Jun 2009 00:27

Yes Ed we've been watching Lee Evans earlier too, he makes me ache with laughter literally! Love the bit with women pushing the car, jump starting etc. and it's all so true!! He's so, so funny!!! I'm still achey through laughing!

Glad you're doing ok with your exams...a MCPIT sounds very impressive.

I like Johnny Depp, but he's alittle bit girly for my taste, good actor though.

David I've never seen Bridges of Maddison County, but I have a friend who always cries when she watches it! So I'm guessing it's atear jerker.

This old thread of ours has been going a fair while now hasn't it, it goes a bit slow every now and then but we keep going.

Speak soon,



EyebrowsEd Report 28 Jun 2009 00:15

Hi Pam,

Yes I saw Dirty Harry was on but I gave it a miss as I'm studying again. Should be up for exam 2 soon; then it's one more and I'll be an MCPIT! (Yes I can put the initials after my name if I want and a snazzy logo on my CV)

Just watched Lee Evans on TV - trying to mop the tears out of my keyboard at the moment - he's got to be one of the funniest comedians on the circuit at the moment.

Can't believe Clint Eastwood is 80 though.

Looking forward to Public Enemy coming out - the OH will want to see that as it's got Johnny Depp in it as Dillinger (she's got a thing about Johnny Depp - especially if he's dressed as a pirate)


David Report 27 Jun 2009 22:11

Bridges at Maddison County was on earlier this evening.
Clint Eastwood shows his versatility.
Star, producer, director

He was 80 this week

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 27 Jun 2009 22:04


☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 27 Jun 2009 12:07

Watched Dirty Harry last night, forgotton how violent it was in places, made in 1971 I think.


☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 25 Jun 2009 12:28

Hi Nicky,

Yes hubby watched Occupation on the telly in our hotel room last week...i watched it inbetween having a shower and dozing. It was good wasn't it, i agree James Nesbitt's a good actor.


I don't mean I doze in the shower...that would be silly....oh you know what I mean!!


Nickydownsouth Report 25 Jun 2009 12:13

Oh The Towering Inferno....what a wonderful film, Pau Newman was the architect? and Steve Mcqueen the Fire Chief?....... with a superb star studded supporting cast.

Elizabeth, I can`t believe we only had 3 TV channels in 1980....!!!! How did we cope???...

Can you imagine telling our young childen today that there are only 3 channels they can watch, most of them won`t broadcast ANYTHING all day, {just the Test Card}, and they`ll all finish arounf 11.30pm,!!! .....they`d be horrified.

Like the look of the new Gangster film with Johnny Depp and Christian Bale thats being advertised at the moment, will try and get to the cinema to see that one.....

Sorry to hear the job situation is not resolved yet Ed, just hang on in there, someting will turn up trumps.

Nice to see you back Pam...seems you bought some of that nice weather with you. I`ve noticed the spaghetti Westerns have been on a lot lately, that and Arnie Scwarzanegger films, I think its because the summer tv schedule is pretty poor, so they put on lots of films to fill the gaps.

Did anyone watch "Occupation" about 3 soldiers and the affects on their lives of the Iraq war in the early 90s on BBC1 last week ? it was on Tuesday to Thursday night . We recorded it and watched it on Saturday afternoon to fill the Football gap, it was very good, and as a big fan of James Nesbitt it was nice to see him back on the small screen.



EyebrowsEd Report 24 Jun 2009 23:54

Hi David,

Yes Richard Chamberlain was the man who was responsible for the building of the "Glass Tower" and he used sub-standard electrical components to cut costs. I seem to remember him grappling with someone near the end to try and get out on the Bosun's Chair and the while thing collapsing and him falling a rather long way down ...

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 24 Jun 2009 21:22

Clint Eastwoods on tonight...spaghetti western, will go and give it a look as I love the music. (Good film too)


PS Elizabeth I know you like Steve McQueen and as you say he died very young...he died on the 7th of November 1980, my son Stephen was born on the 14th november...a week after. The nurses asked did I name him after Mr McQueen, lot's of sad ladies when he died I think.


Delboy2 Report 23 Jun 2009 14:57



David Report 23 Jun 2009 08:04

Didn't Richard Chamberlaine play an unsavoury character in Towering Inferno ?


John Report 23 Jun 2009 04:43

Whatever happened to the "disaster movie" as a genre?
They are still be made but more likely to be for the TV and all set in the States featuring characters personal problems being resolved in the final clip.

Recent disaster movie 'The Day After Tomorrow" which tells the tale of a world froze over and once again set in the States.