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Favourite Films!

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☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 10 Jul 2009 15:45

Thinking of you Ed, good luck with job interview!!



EyebrowsEd Report 9 Jul 2009 23:47

Oh believe me ladies, I DO understand women ...

My OH used to work with my MIL in the same school before my youngest was born. So they'd be there together all day, in the same office, and then call one another up every evening without fail. What did they have to speak about ...

I don't get the text wars though - have had conversations with the OH via text (or should that be txt) - which could have been sorted out much quicker and cheaper if she'd just BLOODY PHONED ME.

I suppose that because by trade I spend 8 hours a day in front of a PC, along with evening studies in front of it as well, that I don't really feel the urge to use FB. I'd much prefer to catch up with my mates over a beer ...

Nicky, yes Armageddon is a great film, seen it several times and will probably watch it again. Liv Tyler - what a cracking woman (dad's a bit strange looking though but I love Aerosmith) - stole the show as Arwen in the Lord of the Rings trilogy for me (much better than Cate Blanchett).

Things moving on a pace - got a call from an agency regarding a job this afternoon, said yes please and then I get a call back 2 hours later stating the manager wanted to perform a quick telephone interview later this afternoon. So he called me at about 5:30 and we chatted for 15 minutes or so and he asked me if I could go down to their offices tomorrow morning for an interview! So I'm off down there for 10:30 (it's also about a 15 minute walk from home as opposed to commuting into London although there will be a degree of visiting customer sites). Sounds interesting - it's for a firm that supply IT solutions to small/medium businesses - so I'll be working for a company that specialises in what I really want to do with my career - design and install IT systems.



Nickydownsouth Report 9 Jul 2009 11:30

The other thing us "females" do is spend hours on the phone talking to someone, only to put the phone down to go out to meet them..... you men will NEVER understand us Ed...don`t even try to begin to............ you`d get on well with my OH, he despairs at us all as well, and like you lives in a totally female dominated house, as he always says, even the dogs a bitch, and he dare not try and find out the sex of the Goldfish because he KNOWS its going to be a female.......

Back to the films I see Armageddon is on Saturday night BBC1 about 10.45pm, I know you lot don`t like Bruce willis, but give it a try, its a great film, and plenty of action and adventure for the men, as well as Liv Tyler as eye candy, I gaurantee you will love it........ it was the top grossing film at the cinema the year it came out, so plenty of people must agree with me.


☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 9 Jul 2009 10:53

Morning all, ah young Ed you wouldn't's a woman thing chatting on FB to my cousin in Birmingham, her husband says the same about ringing each other up instead...but you don't get to use the keyboard and sit at a screen and look at each others photos etc and other peoples photos etc. No you're on a sticky wicket there with us'll never inderstand us Ed, and you of all people should know with three ladies in your house. Do you ever get in the bathroom??!! My hubby says if we only had one toilet he doesn't know how he'd have got on with me and our daughter!

Mind you I'm in agreement with you about e mailing each other whilst in the same office...mind you I have been known to text friends and they text me ( and we were about ten feet away) when I worked in a call centre a year or two back!!

Speak soon,



EyebrowsEd Report 9 Jul 2009 09:12

Couldn't agree with your hubby more about your cousin in Birmingham, Pam. It's like people at work who sit in the same office and email one another rather than just walking across the office to have a chat. Although there is a reason behind this - some people use the email as a record that the converstation took place in case the s*** hits the fan at another time. Bunch of anally-retentives if you ask me ...

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 8 Jul 2009 14:12

Hi Nicky, yes I remember her and Terry running the pub now you mention it.

Getting back to FB, yes I know what you mean, my daughter nagged me to go on it, but to be honest I agree it's for younger people and I feel I've no things in common with whoever is on there. I talk on line to my cousin in New York and another in Birmingham, but apart from that I very rarely use it. My hubby says why don't you just pick the bloody phone up to speak to the one in B'ham...fair comment actually!!

Speak soon,



Nickydownsouth Report 8 Jul 2009 11:12

No Pam i`m not on Facebook either........ both my elder girls are, and i just think its something for the youngsters, some of my friends are "friends" to my daughters, but personally I think they cramp the young peoples style...if the youngsters want to discuss their latest night out and what they got up to then let them.....without their mums friends being able to read every word. ...and anyway I know I`d get addicted too, but must admit its great for keeping in contact with people who live far away.

Yes Pam I think Michelle Holmes was in Corrie, and she was in Emmerdale at one time ,her and Terry ran the pub, she was brassy in that....she was also in The Chase on BBc1 last year, a series about the vets practice.....she played a tarty piece who married the elderly vet, and he promptly died about a week later, leaving her at loggerheads with his grown up children played by Gaynor Faye and Nicola Stephenson....did you watch it?, they ended it after the 2nd series, which wasn`t nearly as good as the 1st, it was written by Kay Mellor. I think your right about the other girl being in Benidorm, her names escapes me, but shes a good actress. EDIT...Siobhan Finneran, just googled it....

Films that made me laugh...

The last remake of Beau Geste with Marty Feldman.... it came out in the late 70s, I remember seeing it at the cinema.

Big....Tom Hanks, one of my all time favourite films.

Monsters Inc. My favourite Disney/Pixar film.

Carry on Jack..... with all the usual suspects... sorry Pam following a bit of a theme here.

Marley and Me...with Jennifer Anniston, Owen wilson and a huge supporting cast of Labradors, hadn`t laughed so much in ages...

I think i must be as uncultured as you Pam...Girl with a Pearl Earring dosn`t appeal to me either... Lol


☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 7 Jul 2009 23:55

Hi Ed, yes I can imagine it wasa pain in the bum...I've only been on it a little while and I'm slowly getting addicted, best to stick with GR I think!!



EyebrowsEd Report 7 Jul 2009 23:40

Hi Pam,

No I don't do FB. The bloody thing was the bane of my life in my last job. We found that people were using it so much we had to block it from corporate use as it was interfering with the business. Then we got complaints - yes people said they needed it for work fer gossake!

Most IT techies I know feel the same about it. We all also hate email.


☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 7 Jul 2009 23:21

Are any of you on FB?


☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 7 Jul 2009 23:16

Funny films, here are some of my favourites......................

Steptoe & Son Ride Again, A 1973 classic, especially the scene with Harold coming out of the tomb in the grave yard!!

Yes Nicky See No Evil Speak No Evil, very funny film

The film of Rising Damp, the series was brilliant I thought, was watching a thing on telly the other night about Len Rossiter.

All the Carry Ons, well save about 3 of the later ones..."My you've got a big one!", "I'm from Texas Mam...we all have big ones from there!" (Carry on Cowboy) Love the 'in your face' sea side humour and Sid James laugh!

The Likely Lads film, very funny.

The Rebel, starring Tony Hancock...and the great Irene Handle as Mrs Kravatt his land lady..."Uncultured Crone!" Brilliant stuff.

Watched a film earlier 'Girl with a Pearl Earing'...Gawd it was boring! Or am I an 'uncultered crone' as Hancock would say, ha ha!

Speak soon,


EDIT: Nicky wasn't Michelle Holmes in Good Night Sweetheart and also Coronation Street at one time? The other girl in it I think is in the series Bennidorm.


David Report 7 Jul 2009 07:51

I still like Escape to Athena
Stars Kojak and a German Roger Moore and Elliot Gould.
The female interest is Gina Lollobridgida playing a hooker and half of Hart to Hart just playing.
Anthony Valentine plays a convincing German

It's entertaining


Nickydownsouth Report 6 Jul 2009 22:26

Another very funny Richard Prior /Gene wilder combo...See no evil speak no evil, at least I think thats what its called.

Rita,Sue and Bob lets sing altogether now......

"We`re having a gang bang ,we`re having a ball"................. yes it is very crude, but quite funny....That Michelle Holmes plays "cheap tart" very well.

edit...sorry have to disagree...I love Goodfellas...I think its one of Ray Liotas finest roles, but must admit the swearing IS over the top....


BarneyKent Report 6 Jul 2009 16:02

Agreed about Blazing Saddles, one of the USA's funniest films. But Monty Python & the Holy Grail - I thought it was undiluted rubbish, but then I never liked Monty Python on TV.
We all have different tastes.


EyebrowsEd Report 6 Jul 2009 15:20

Hmmmm ..... funny films. OK, here's five good ones to get the brain going:

1. Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Love the knights 'galloping' along like kids, being followed by their squires clapping coconut shells together!

2. Liar, Liar with Jim Carrey - some great examples of saying what you think.

3. The Money Pit with Tom Hanks, about a young couple who buy their frst, run-down house and spend a fortune doing it up.

4. Silver Streak - My favourite comedy duo here, Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder. How many times can you be thrown off a train?

5. Oh yes and Blazing Saddles. Pass the beans!!!

EDIT: Yep I did watch AI: Artificial Intelligence all he way through in the end.


David Report 6 Jul 2009 15:19

As the Goodfellas themselves would say, it's nothing personal, just business

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 6 Jul 2009 12:49

Hello all, films I don't like...don't think I've got enough time!! But I'm with Ed on Goodfellas, don't like violence just for the sake of it and that scene was totally over the top.

Talking of Ed...this behaviour has got to stop...forthwith young man!!!! We can't have you going out and having a good time...that would never do!! ha ha!

I was talking about this thread last night as we had some family round for a bit to eat etc. and got talking bout funny films and ones that are a bit earthy...

One that always made me laugh and I'm not sure if we have mentioned it, Rita Sue and Bob too, very crude in parts but funny. The drunk old dad always makes me laugh!!



Nickydownsouth Report 5 Jul 2009 22:35

Theres lots of good films on tonight Ed........Long Kiss goodnight is on channel 5 at the moment, and Inside i`m dancing is on ITV3...I v`e never actually seen the latter one, but have always wanted to, apparently its a real tearjerker, but i didn`t realise it was on till 10 oclock, and by then it was halfway through.

Iv`e seem The Long Kiss Goodnight a couple of times and both Geena Davis and samuel L jackson are excellent in it.....



EyebrowsEd Report 5 Jul 2009 22:29

Films I don't like:

Goodfellas - I turned off after the opening scene - I'm not a prude but I felt the violence committed against the person in the boot of the car was totally over the top and unwarranted.

Blair Witch Project - what a load of c*bblers ('nuff said)

Anyway, back to the title of the Thread - Favourite Films!

A really nice Spielberg film is about to start - AI: Artificial Intelligence. It is about a robot boy who's given to a family and wants to become a real child to win back his adoptive mother's love. I might not watch it all the way through, we'll see how it goes.


Nickydownsouth Report 5 Jul 2009 18:41

Yes Bernie Closer was a bit of a shocker...i`m not sure I felt comfortable with Julia Roberts talking so was really out of charecter, though don`t think I`ve ever walked out of a film.

Havn`t seen Atonement ,so couldn`t comment.

Films I didn`t like....Powerpuff Girls....god it was awful, had to take youngest daughter, think I fell asleep through it.
