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Favourite Films!

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Jane Report 30 Jul 2009 07:36

Thanks for the welcome Nicky DS.
I have just watched an amazing film called The Black Book. it is a dutch film with subtitles (but don't let that put you off) set in WW2 about the Nazi occupation and the Dutch Resistance. It is not for the squeamish or faint hearted, but it is brilliantly done. The director is Paul Verhoeven, who also directed Basic instinct and Robo Cop (not films I would go for).
i needed a bit of light relief after that, what better than Mama Mia!


Elizabethofseasons Report 29 Jul 2009 23:54

Dear All


I saw this film on DVD recently:

" The Dish". Its about the televising of the moon landing in July 1969 and the part that the Australian TV Network played in getting the TV footage sent across the world.

Sam Neill stars. A very good film.

Has anyone seen the original of "Assault on Precinct 13"?
Most of the cast were unknown actors. Violent, tense but
brillantly made.

One for the youngsters, "Finding Nemo". Aahhh! Lovely!

Best wishes to all


Nickydownsouth Report 29 Jul 2009 10:40

Hi Ed....., Thanks for remembering the name...knew you`d know it.......

How are you Ed...? any news on the job front?

You and Pam have been noticably absent from this thread lately, suppose its holiday time, and everyones out in their gardens in the evening enjoying the lovely summer we`re having at the moment.....LOL (typed as the wind outside rattles the windows, and the dark clouds are gathering.....again...)

Yes Denzil Washington did have to beef up for the film role, but hes lost it now....saw him on Jonathan Ross on friday night..



EyebrowsEd Report 28 Jul 2009 20:45

Hi David and Nicky,

Yes I mentioned the Charles Bronson film on the previous page - it was released in the UK as "The Streetfighter" but in the US as "Hard Times".

I'd like to see the remake of "The Taking of Pelham 123", but the original was excellent with Walther Matthau as the cop trying to catch the criminals and Robert Shaw as the main criminal. I see that Denzel Washington put on about 40 pounds to play his part in the film.



David Report 27 Jul 2009 20:02

I liked Nicholas Cage in City of Angels


Nickydownsouth Report 27 Jul 2009 09:06

David..... Think I know the Charles Bronson film your on about where hes a bare knuckle fighter.......I`m sure Ed will know its title.

John Travoltas been great in many films Pulp fiction, Swordfish, Basic, The Generals Daughter and of course as the King of Cool Danny in Grease to name but a few. Yes I knew John Travolta has a pilot license.....imagine having a back garden big enough to land a Jumbo jet in!!!

James Coburn another great actor as well.

I see The Rock was on BBC1 last night, did any of you catch it? I don`t like Nicholas Cage but it is an excellent film, mainly due i feel to the performance of Sean Connery.



David Report 26 Jul 2009 22:41

John Travolta was good in Phenonomum also as an angel in Michael

Flies his own Boeing 747 !


David Report 26 Jul 2009 22:39

Charles Bronson played a bare knuckle boxer in a film I forget the name of.
James Coburn played his agent

Before being crippled with arthritis James Coburn was a martial artist I read.


David Report 26 Jul 2009 22:18

You seldom see them now, not even on TV but I always enjoyed a musical.

Paint yor wagon being the most recent.


Nickydownsouth Report 26 Jul 2009 22:14

Hi Jane , and welcome to the thread, its been going since december last year, and is frequented by myself ,Pam, Ed, David and recently Elizabeth...... like your film choices a wonderful Life, such a great film, and Dirty Dancing is one of my all time favourites, Ghost another great one...though I`m not actually a Patrick Swayze fan......

The reader...wasn`t that Kate Winslet,? it came out the same time as Revolutionary Road that she also starred in and won the Oscar for , I saw that one and enjoyed it, Leonardo de Caprio was excellent in it as well.



Jane Report 26 Jul 2009 21:48

I have only just found this link,seems it has been going for 2 years!! First film I ever remember as a child was Its a Wonderful Life with the lovely Jimmy Stewart, I can remember every bit of it. Fave films, how about anything with Gary Cooper(wasn't he handsome?) Musicals,West Side Story, South Pacific,Singing in the Rain, Calamity Jane....A bit more up to date The Bridges of Madison County, Dirty Dancing, Moonstruck Ghost,Braveheart,Chocolat, oh i am such a romantic!! Then the last film I saw, The Reader, which was fantastic.
And there is still loads more!!


Nickydownsouth Report 26 Jul 2009 20:35

I see they`ve made a remake of the Taking of Pelham 123...... Denzil Washington and John travolta star in it ,and its directed by Quentin Tarantino, so bound to be some spooky bits in it....its released this week.....another one to add to the list.

I liked the original, but think this will probably be better as John Travolta plays Bad/Mad very well.........



BarneyKent Report 26 Jul 2009 15:03

I liked Charles Bronson in Chato's Land. He plays an Indian whose wife is raped and murdered by a mob from the local town.
He kills one of them and then disappears into the rough country, (his type of land). A posse follows him and he picks them off, one by one.........................

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 26 Jul 2009 13:40

I remember being at High School Ed, I was 14 years old....Christ I'm ancient!!



EyebrowsEd Report 20 Jul 2009 22:40

Just about to start watching the docu-drama about the Apollo 11 moon landing. I think it is the first global event I really remember - I was 6 at the time and a space nut. Jeez 40 years ago ...


EyebrowsEd Report 20 Jul 2009 22:30

Yes Pam,

Charles Bronson died in 2003. Just checked he did have dementia in his later years.

One of his films that you don't see much of now is "Hard Times" (Released in the UK as "The Streetfighter"). Set in the Great Depression, it's the story of a bare-knuckle fighter, played by Bronson and also starring Jill Ireland.

Also, a film of his that I really like is "Red Sun", about the train robbers who hold up a train and steal an ancient samurai sword being carried by the Japanese ambassador as a gift to the President. Bronson is one of the robers and he is railroaded (no pun intended) into hunting down and recovering the sword. He is accompanied by the ambassador's surviving bodyguard, played by the eponymous Toshiro Mifune.

Charles Bronson - nearly always played a rogue with a heart didn't he?


☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 20 Jul 2009 19:58

Hi Elizabeth, thank's for the info and confirming that. Doesn't time fly, I can remember Jill Ireland dieing and seeing Charles Bronson and David McCullam chatting at her funeral in Hello magazine. He's dead too I believe, Charles Bronson, think he had very bad dementia in his latter years.

Speak soon,



Elizabethofseasons Report 20 Jul 2009 01:50

Dear Pam


Yes, Jill Ireland was married to David McCallum.

Jill did meet Charles Bronson on the set of "The Great Escape".

She later married Charles and they had a daughter together.
They made several films together including:

"Breakheart Pass"

David went on to marry again.

Sadly, Jill became ill in 1984 with cancer and died in 1990, age 54.
She had written two best selling books about her illness and life.

Best wishes

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 20 Jul 2009 01:09

Hi all, watched Kinky Boots on telly tonight, bit daft but easy going and one you can watch with most members of the family!!

Wasn't Jill Ireland married to David Cullum at one time, and she went off with Charles Bronson. Think it was when Bronson and Cullum were in The Great Escape.



EyebrowsEd Report 19 Jul 2009 23:17

Aaah there you go - I CAN see what Clint Eastwood saw in Sondra Locke - sometimes it takes a man's perspective ...

(Not my cup of tea exactly, but she does have some qualities that gets the heart rate going).