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Favourite Films!

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☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 28 Sep 2009 21:33

Hi folks, thanks for nudging this thread too!

Haven't been on here for a bit as have done a couple of night shifts...and Roy I still haven't watched Sunset Boulevard...but am going to in a while.

Hi Elizabeth, hope you're okay.

Totally agree with you about the film A Matter of Life and Death, very good. I think I have mentioned this film before, can't remember who starred in it...but it had such a sad ending and made me cry when I saw it as a little girl..."A Tree Grows in Brooklyn".

Regards to all......



Elizabethofseasons Report 28 Sep 2009 19:44

A little nudge

Thank you


Elizabethofseasons Report 24 Sep 2009 23:24

Dear All


Yes, Roy I remember seeing this film.

I also like "Here comes Mr Jordan" a film on a similar theme, with
Claude Rains, Robert Montgomery and James Gleason.

Oh and another excellent fim "A matter of life and death"
with David Niven.

We have a stockpile of films that we all seem to watch over and over again.........!

Hello Pam, nice to see you back.

Best wishes to all

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 24 Sep 2009 13:47

Morning film lovers,

Roy I still haven't watched my DVD! Going to have to give it a look tonight!

Yes I remember Patricia Hayes in that play years ago, I have to be honest though...think i was more interested in going out with my boyfriend of the time...but I think they may have repeated it. It makes me think of Alan Bennett's Lady in The Van...I have that on Audio tape and love listening to it...if you have trouble sleeping Mr Bennett's voice just lulls you to sleep, better than a sleeping tablet I suspect!

Take care everyone...........


☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 23 Sep 2009 15:14

Another good acttress, Patricia Hayes, i believe she was with Hancock too. "Go to work on an egg".

Back later I expect.


PS. Picked up a DVD for 99p...all about the year I was born...1955!

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 23 Sep 2009 15:12

Yes Roy we had a lovely time, we went to Menorca...we used to go there a lot when the kids were younger.

My DVD was waiting for me when I got home too, going to watch that one evening soon...want to make sure it's an evening when i can have a glass of wine and a few dips and enjoy the wonderful film that is Sunset Boulevard. My husband says he doesn't know what I see in films like that and he reckons they're depressing...'uncultured crone' as Hancock said to Mrs Cravat!! My lovely old nan reminded me of Irene Handle the way she spoke, she made me laugh even when she was being deadly serious!!


☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 23 Sep 2009 11:29

Sid James was a very good actor in my opinion. I loved him in all the"Carry Ons", that laugh!! I also remember him and Tony Hancock and my dad laughing 'til he cried, brilliant stuff! Who remembers the episode with them both called The Economy Drive I think it was, they tried to go without the telly and stuff. Brilliant! I also loved Hancock in the film The Rebel, and the brilliant Irene Handle as Mrs yourself a favour and watch a bit on you Tube!

Regards to all,



David Report 14 Sep 2009 07:47

I remember him opposite Tony Hanncock in East Cheam, think he played a cabbie


David Report 13 Sep 2009 17:52

Sid James was into every thing stage, TV and films
I recall seeing him him in a war film with Laurence Harvey.
He was a PO who wanted to be scuba diver aka sabatoge

Was he South African ?


EyebrowsEd Report 7 Sep 2009 21:09

Hello strangers!!

Took a really short-notice break down to Devon to see some friends before I started work, which is why I haven't been on for a while.

Completed my first day in new job today - really good but unfortunately the train in front of mine broke down on the way home this evening and it took me three hours to get home (normally takes an hour).

Watched an old favourite of mine yesterday afternoon - The Sands of Iwo Jima; one of the seven John Wayne films in which his character dies. I love that final scene where his squad are raising the flag - an iconic picture.

Catch up with you all soon ...



SandyB Report 7 Sep 2009 00:45

Just watched the film United 93 on ITV. What an engrossing film, I didn't even get up to make a cuppa. You really felt the build up from what seemed like a normal day for everyone, to the realization, helplessness, & the horror of what was to come. I felt like shouting at the screen at times, and felt drained when the film ended.


David Report 5 Sep 2009 18:20

There was a remake of Cape Fear Pam.

Robert de Niro starred as the villian but he wasn't a patch on the origional role played by Bob Mitchum


Nickydownsouth Report 5 Sep 2009 15:35

Did any of you catch the film United 93 on More4 last night? Its the one about the plane in the 9/11 tragedies that was taken over from the terrorists by the passengers in mid air and crashed to the ground to avoid it being flown in to the White House which was thought to be the intended destination.......... was well put together and was punctuated with the relatives of the people on the doomed flight watching the horror unfold on TV as the Twin Towers went down and the other plane crashed in to the Pentagon...

Of course no one actually knows what went on on the plane as there were no survivors, but presumably all the calls they made to relatives were accurate., and it was all reconstructed from the information given by those families.............

Left me with a lump in my throat...........

They`ll be many films/documentaries in the next week with the 9/11 anniversary coming up, will probably watch some of it, I don`t think any one of us can say we wern`t upset as the events unfolded on that terrible day, I don`t know of anyone personally who was involved ,but my heart goes out to all the families and friends of those who were..... .....


EDIT.....United 93 is on ITV1 sunday night 9.00pm..

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 5 Sep 2009 15:27

Hi all, this will probably be my last post before we go away.

Sandy, yes Menorca is lovely and we've been a few times too, and it was a favourite when our kids were younger. I love the Carry On films too. Believe Jim Dale now lives in the USA and done okay for himself too.

David I'm not a fan of Brad Pitt, so wouldn't watch fight club, not my cup of tea...but agree with you about This Happy Breed, lovely film. Robert Mitchum...very scary in Cape Fear!!

Seaham, will have to look out for that film, and get my tissues ready by the sound of it!

Take care folks and will speak soon.....

Pam. :○))


David Report 5 Sep 2009 13:14

Robert Mitchums portrayal of the booze sick sherrif in ELDORADO is so funny I often watch it.


SandyB Report 4 Sep 2009 22:46

"The Hurricane " starring Denzel Washington is a very watchable film. It's about a boxer-Rubin'Hurricane'Carter- who is sent to prison for a crime he didn't commit.
His long struggle & his dignity reminded me of Burt Lancaster in The Birdman of Alcatraz - Must admit 'Birdman' comes nearer the top of the list of my favourites films though.


doddsy1 Report 4 Sep 2009 21:14

The Fighting Sullivans - a true story of a loving family who suffered terribly in WW2............the only film where I really felt like my heart was breaking.

Google for the story as it was the film that Saving Private Ryan was based on.
All five Sullivan brothers sign up for the U.S. Navy and all five die side by side because they'd insist upon enlisting that they all stay together on the same ship but it was hit by a torpedo.
These brothers are held in high esteem in the States but once you see the film, you'll never forget this family............I defy you not to cry


SandyB Report 4 Sep 2009 21:06

Hope you enjoy the holiday Pam. I love Minorca, nice & relaxing laid back family resorts. We've had a few holidays there with my son/daughter & grandkids & would love to go back again.
We're going to visit my son & his family in Spain in a couple of weeks and are soooo looking forward to seeing them. Hope to have some new dvd's to take over for them. Last time we took them The Carry on Collection, and spent a few nights with a glass (or two) of wine,chuckling at Barbara Windsor, Sid James & all the gang. Barbara seems to have been going for ages & she still looks good in Eastenders. I liked Jim Dale too, he was in a few- I wonder what happened to him?


David Report 4 Sep 2009 20:47

I watched the film Fight Club starring Brad Pitt and others.
After a slow start it became a good film.
But wasn't the ending weird ?

☼ Pam ☼

☼ Pam ☼ Report 4 Sep 2009 20:43

Hi Sandy, glad you managed to change it so your name comes up.

No haven't seen the film you mention, did enjoy Gregory's girl which is about football but in a different way. Think it's one of Ed's favourites!

Talking of Ed, he and Nicky haven't been on for a while, expect there busy.

I wont be about for a week or we're off to Menorca next week, can''t wait's been a long year!
