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Wattle Club Number 4 for the Aussies and anyone wh

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TonyOz Report 23 Nov 2009 10:48

Hi Fred.

We are hearing here on our Tele's here in Oz... that things are not so good over in parts of England at the moment also.

21 Nov 2009 ... Raging floods have engulfed northern England's picturesque Lake District following the heaviest rainfall ever recorded in Britain.

Floods, Bridges collapsing,( Cumbria ) ect,ect....Engineers are carrying out urgent safety reviews of the 1800 bridges in Cumbria, northwestern England, following the region's worst floods ...

Safe travels.



badger Report 21 Nov 2009 11:42

And ,a good morning to one and all [just ] lol.having caught up with the housework at last ,and unable to do much in the garden without a boat i thought i would come on hear and beg alls pardon for being so lax since we came home.
We have just about finished all our Christmas shopping now ,and there is plenty of time to finish what's left,the meat is in the freezer .all small joints this year because we are on our own most of the time,
We found nice pieces of beef,pork,lamb ,and Gammon [ready cooked honey roast gammon from Aldi] which is now cut and in the freezer with the rest of the stuff.
We also found a nice medium chicken,a small duck ,and now have only to collect the turkey from the farm up the road..As soon as the garden dries out i will start picking the veggies for the freezer,still loads of calabrese ,leeks ,carrots and parsnips and late cabbage to come out for freezing ,plus two barrels of tatties so ,no matter what ,we won't starve ,even if we get snowed in for a month.
There are three big bags of four in the cupboard with two big packets of yeast so we are well prepared for what ever comes .
I did manage to get out back this morning long enough to rescue some carrots before they went down for the third time it's that wet out there,but thank the lord we decided to move here five years ago ,and not move over Carlisle way ,things are very rough over that way.
I will have to steer well clear of the west coast route when i go down to Wycombe for the funeral ,so i updated the sat- nav last night and will go down via the A 1/M 1, before cutting across county to Chipping Norton.
From there it will be over to Wycombe ,stopping overnight at The premier Inn at Loudwater ,before coming back to Wycombe in the morning to pay my respects to the family at Wycombe cemetery.
From there i will head ,via the m25 to the m 1 and home.
I hope everyone is still making the best use of their pools to keep cool,not very nice out there in Oz at the minute ,i sent my cousin in Brisbane aa bell twice this week and havn't had a reply ,so ,either she is off on holiday or the heat is getting to her ,i am a little concerned because she is a bit older than me and suffers when it gets as hot as it is.
Hope everyone is okay,and managing,take it easy everyone ,and stay safe.Fred


TonyOz Report 20 Nov 2009 21:20


A much cooler Saturday in Melban.
Thunder ,Lightning and some wet stuff on Fryday arvo dropped the temps down quite rapidly.
A bit of drizzle during the night, but a much better comfortable sleep. O/cast outside, but quite nice.

Mary. I think we will be using the pool quite a lot this summer, something tells


Aussiegirl Report 20 Nov 2009 00:16

Hi everyone..We have another hot one today.

Tony.. Glad to see you are making good use of the pool..and the neighbouring kids mind winter is not far off...hee hee hee...Can you use the BBQ when it says a fire ban..are you having catastrofic levels today... I think some places here are..thats a signal for some idiot to start one..just you wait and see...

Just might head to the pool myself...

Hope all are well and enjoying the hot weather..good time to stay inside and do some FH..

Lotsa love Mary xx


TonyOz Report 19 Nov 2009 08:04

O'oops. Hi Barbra......:>))

Yes...i know most Aussie's on the GR boards. Done many a lookup for them at some stage or rather, or spoke on various threads.
Iv'e been here since 2003 and again in 2004 when GR was GC ( Genes Connected ) and seen many threads come and go over the years.

This one was started in 2005 ( from memory ) mainly to give Aussies a place to chat while our UK cousins were asleep. ( time diference )....but its always open to all, and many peeps from the U.K and Canada drop in to say G'day everynow and then. I also belong to other Aussie sites/forums where most of the origional Wattlers now are.
A lot of friendships were formed from this particular group and Aussie meets are held all over Australia every year. I moreso only log on to GR now days to do research, but drop into this thread to say G'day to whoever is about. Spend more time on the "Trying to find " board helping others looking for Aussie immigration from the U.K.

Scotland is a beautiful country, and myself and wife holidayed there in 2006. Edinburgh, Fort William, Stirling, Skye, Inverness, Glencoe, among others.......and we will return again to see much more hopefully soon.



TonyOz Report 19 Nov 2009 07:32

Hi Carole...:>))

Yes...its been in the 30s for a few days now in Melb, and our pool is getting a good working out too. I clean it methodicaly every morning before i head off to work......because i know when i arrive home later in the day i will be in

Trouble is...half the neighbourhood kids are in it too....:>((
Nothing is sacred anymore....not even a blokes pool.



Carolee Report 19 Nov 2009 07:23

Hello Tony

Isnt it hot here, just heard the news...its going to be another hot night tonight, 28c. Roll on Saturday....Rain!!!!!

I'm going for a swim in the pool, I think I'll spend the night out there!!!!

Enjoy your beer, Tony.



TonyOz Report 19 Nov 2009 07:14


Very warm in ol Melbin town. According to my temp gauge in my part of Melb.....its hovering around the 37-39 c.....Northern Victoria and Adelaide is around the 42c...and its still only spring....:>((
Still sitting on 35c at 6:00pm

Can only hope people are preparing themselves for Bush fire season, and pray that we dont get a repeat of last years devistation that claimed so many lives, and wreaked havoc throughout the Country.
I feared for some of my own children and family members living along the fringe of outer Melbourne and surrounding bush land in the Gippsland region of Victoria.
Two members of my wifes family had been evacuated last year from their farms and it was a worrying time.

On a lighter note, hope everyone is fit and well.

Tony...:>)) * enjoying a nice cold beer*....cheers.


Zack Report 16 Nov 2009 02:32

Hello to you all, and welcome Carolee and Barbara nice to see you on our board Dizzi I have noticed you on other boards ,I am flat out keeping up with 2 boards this one and .
Well its Butter Hot here and has been for several days however it is cool at nights very hard on the Plants,we could do with some rain.

How are you Mary,I am rather tired, the family are all well says she keeping her toes crossed, need the fingers to type.
Sir Tones you are in good form I see.
Sebastian has finished his exams and got Early entry to the Uni here. He is pleased. Barbara does her last exam to-morrow, it is the last one for the year, she got a High Distinction for one of her assignments, she is doing well only 5 more years to go, I hope I can survive that long doing the baby sitting and cleaning up after them, moan moan LOL bye bye (((( Hugs ))))) to you all Marie from hot hot Bathurst.


TonyOz Report 15 Nov 2009 12:58

Dizzi. ( When your looking in )

Cant find him in Tasmania or N.S.W..........but,given the fact that this ship dropped off Convicts at Geelong ( Victoria )

Eg:..... sailed on to the Port Phillip Districts. Arrived in Geelong on 20 March 1845 where 175 Exiles were discharged.........

This ( given and allowing for spelling errors ) and early Aussie Index's are full of E' TITCHNER/TITCHMER/TICHNER/TICKNAR/TICKNER

This is a marriage found on Victorian Index's and the marriage took place in Geelong in 1851.

Surname: TICKNER
Given name: William
Sex: Male
Spouse S/name:PARKER
Spouse Given name: Margaret
Year: 1851
Fiche: 806
Denomination: Presbyterian
Parish: Geelong

Now i cant give you a 100% positively absolutley.....but thats about as close as i can get...because BDM index's for Victoria around this era were not complete by any means.....alphabet letters were droped off or added on.....soundex spelling errors.......Many ex convicts also changed the spelling of their names,as i said........ as not to bring shame on the family i will have to let you decide mate.



TonyOz Report 15 Nov 2009 11:15

Hi Barbra. Welcome to the Wattlers thread.

What tother side might that be ( Fellow Aussies )

There are quite a few Aussie on these boards.......a few on Records Office, Tips boards, General, Chat, Trying to find, Surname Board, History,.......or do you mean another site.

I visit most boards, but mainly add to this one. ( it has sentimental value )....:>)).......and began in 2004.

Have a nice day.


TonyOz Report 15 Nov 2009 10:49

O' looks like it dropped off Convicts all over the place.

Tasmanian Archives Convict ships
"Sir George Seymour"
One voyage only
Male convicts on board
Departure Port: Woolwich / London / Downs Departure Date: 09 / 21 Nov 1844
Arrival Port: Hobart Arrival Date: 27 Feb 1845

Convicts landed: 344 (2 Sydney, forwarded later, 175 Port Phillip, 169 Hobart)

Surgeon's Journal possibly available on AJCP microfilms.

So he could have served his few years in any State.

N.S.W.....Victoria( Port Phillip ).....or Tasmania


DIZZI Report 15 Nov 2009 10:25



TonyOz Report 15 Nov 2009 09:11

Well he might have Dizz.?

Cant see any marriage for him, or a far.
He also could have moved around Aussie and settled in any State.

He didnt murder anyone, so he could have gone back home....if he got a full pardon. He also would have been allowed to go to New Zealand too.

Will check for you a bit more...but cant promise anything ( specially Convicts....because many changed the spelling of their names to avoid being chastized...or to cover themselves from bringing shame on the family name.

The Surname TITCHNER in Ozzie has many spelling variations Dizz.

Will check for you....:>))


DIZZI Report 15 Nov 2009 09:01




TonyOz Report 15 Nov 2009 08:56

O'i Dizz.

If he was knocking orf Sheep...he wern't posh...mate.

I guuess you could say he was a Baa-Baa- Baaaaaad lad....:>))

Anyways...... he did get a conditional pardon.

William Titchner, one of 345 convicts transported on the Sir George Seymour, 04 November 1844.

Details: Sentence details: Convicted at Kent Assizes for a term of 10 years.
Conditional Pardon.
Vessel: Sir George Seymour.
Date of Departure: 04 November 1844.
Place of Arrival: Van Diemen's Land.

Conditional Pardon in 1847 ( N.S.W ) ...alowing for Aussie spelling
TITCHMER William - - - - RW 16 Jul 1847 [4/4428] 772 - 039

I s'pose you have the right now to claim a peice of Aussie soil mate....We do have a few acres we can spare.

About 7,690 odd square km's...not counting 8,000 odd Islands...should set you up mate.......but someones going to have to mow the



DIZZI Report 15 Nov 2009 08:43


95759| Titchner, William)) | | Exile | Sheep stealing | Maidstone | 15 March 1843 | 10 years



play me cards right girl free holidays now who on here owns quantas !!


Aussiegirl Report 13 Nov 2009 23:29

Hi everyone.. We have hot again long to winter...cant wait..

Well life has gone back to the usual and am trying to find who cemented my brick walls as they did a blurry good job of them,,just cant seem to knock any down..

Nice to see new faces and you are all most welcome..

It is so quiet on here at the moment as so many are away..lucky butters...

Merle Hope you are ok and enjoying life..Have they told you when you are is the knee...

Marie Are you baking yet..It gets so much hotter there than here as we get a sea breeze..hope you are well..

June.. How are you going...

Have a nice weekend all..

Love Mary xxx


Zack Report 8 Nov 2009 08:48

Hello everyone,I tried to post last night but have been having trouble with my internet server . I actually wrote an email but in the middle of it it froze and I waited & waited, meanwhile looking at Independence Day on the TV.
So to-day my Grandson put me on a new server so I hope all goes well.I wanted you all to know I have read all the words spoken about Lewella , and how lovely were your words Tony telling those of us who had'nt known her as long as you,what a Geat Lady she was. I always had a good laugh when I read her Posts.




Carolee Report 8 Nov 2009 04:08

Hi Laurie..thanks for the welcome:-))

Hello to all.... Wattler's :-))

Tony..I know Fitzroy, my family first lived in Northcote, St Georges Road..We used to catch the tram to go to School every morning, in the late 60's, then we moved to Preston. Later, when I got married, my hubby and I bought out first house in Etham, our next move was to Diamond Creek, then we headed west. We kept out growing our houses due to having our children, as you do!!

I also had family from Lancashire,(my dads side) in fact I just recently found out that my gr gr grandfather died in a coal mining accident in Ashton Under Lyne, (Broadoak Colliery Co) I actually cried when I read that, he was only 35 years old!!!
No wonder I couldn't find him on the 1901 census!!!

It is very hot here today, and like you, we are having good use of the pool and the air con!!!

Enjoy your day all!!

Carole xx