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Wattle Club Number 4 for the Aussies and anyone wh

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·:*¨¨*:· Wilson ·:*¨¨*:·

·:*¨¨*:· Wilson ·:*¨¨*:· Report 9 Dec 2009 02:28

What do you mean you can't get corned beef in England????? I also thought corned beef was born and bred i the UK. :-)).

Mare i understand your tree thing, but as Loz says, you are there, and when you walk past the tree even if it only you and your OH that see it.
It brings a bit of Christmas spirit to you heart, and if your grandies come by, they will notice.

Merry Christmas All,


Laurie Report 8 Dec 2009 06:21

Ahhh Mare . . I am disappointed in you . . you are there to see the tree . . put your deco's up girl . . :)

We wish you a Merry Christmas . .
we wish you a merry Christmas . . .
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :)

:) :) :) L xo


Aussiegirl Report 7 Dec 2009 21:29

Goodness me..all this talk about veges is making me hungry..I love me veg and think I would make a good vegetarian...Not one that I wont eat..Hope my Chalet is working well on the meat Fred and it is ready for Christmas..
Us Aussies cant believe you cant buy corned beef in the butcher shops in the Uk..I thought that was where it originated, and was a staple diet on the UK

We don't have a Christmas tree any more as we usually go to one of the kids for Christmas and there is nobody here to see it so its enjoy the kids tree and watch the excitement of the grandies when they see the presents under it..

Well got to go and do some shopping today,,nothing exciting.only food,,you know,,that terrible habit we have all got into of eating...hee hee hee...

Love Mary xxxx

Cow Girl

Cow Girl Report 7 Dec 2009 04:20

afternoon all,

welscome to the wattler cooking

not many veggie I dont eat, always had to eat what was on the plate so no point in fussing, although was not particularly fond of trombone, even stuffed it was still watery....

we went up to the block at Crafers on the weekend and cut down a christmas tree, first time ever cut down own tree, uts a but straggily and leans to one side.......but its ours and looks grtand in a bucket of sand ontop of the dining room table.........

got a lovely early chrissy present a whizz bang massage chair (like the ones you have to pay for in shopping centres. It has cewrtainly made my old back feel better.

time to head off to the gym.....

love to all and ((((hugs)))) Cowgirlxx


badger Report 6 Dec 2009 09:43

There you Go Tony lol,getting picked upon yet again ,he he
Cauli either on it.s own or done with a breadcrumb and cheese coating [polish style] or done as a cauli cheese not forgetting the teaspoon of a good mustard,loooverly.
Parsnips ,wrapped in streaky bacon and roast in the oven along with whatever meat. or done the same way with honey ,not bacon,and even steamed parsnip mashed in with the mashed tattie mmmmmmm.
Neither peas ,or the broad bean make it into the kitchen i even dice or grate a little raw parsnip into my salads he he.cabbage too grated on a salad with beetroot leaves ,Wilson has the right idea lol.
The pot and tree idea is on hold for a while until i find a good tree with proper roots ,as when i checked the one in the pot carried a warning ,[this tree has had the main roots removed ,leaving only enough to stop it shedding needles for a few weeks,this tree will not survive outside in a garden [not daft these people are they]
My intention was ,to remove it from the pot and grow it on in the garden ,digging it back up carefully each December and putting it back out after the new year ,oh well ,back to the drawing board.
My beutiful moggie brought me a smashing present this morning ,one that earned her a special pat ,and stroke as soon as i saw it as i opened the door.
There was Hissy ,sat there waiting with her paw on one of my most hated who destroys many of my young seedlings ,one that i hate with a passion.It lay on the step ,feathers everywhere ,a nice ,dead wood pigeon,had it have been nice and plump i would have kept it for my son who loves game birds but i find too strong .
The cat always goes for the back of the neck ,even when she brings me a mouse so the meat was not mutilated or marked ,seems she even started to pluck it for me ,such attention to detail lol.
Any way ,after i picked it up and gave her a stroke and pat ,she went off quite happily,so now i wait ,for her to bring me a rabbit ,which will def' go in the pot ,lovely grub.
Hope all are having a great weekend ,either monging about ,or getting ready for the big day ,but with the weather over there ,stay safe all of you ,god bless ,Fred & Liz

·:*¨¨*:· Wilson ·:*¨¨*:·

·:*¨¨*:· Wilson ·:*¨¨*:· Report 5 Dec 2009 21:22

Morning All,

Ahh Tony, all those vegies you didn't like as a child, i pity you poor mum trying to get them into you :-)), I remember absolutely hating cauliflower, and would sit looking at it and moving it around my plate until it was stone cold and even more disgusting. I couldn't even con the cat or dog into eating it, and believe me i tried reeeal hard, but i luuurve it now lol. I love all vegies now, especially straight from the patch, peas never make it into the house to be cooked here lol, there is always someone out there just eating a couple. How can you not like parsnip mashed with carrot?, yummmy. I even like swede and turnips in small doses.

Badger your description of the cat doing circus tricks made me laugh, poor cat, you gave him fish aversion ha ha, wonder he let you feed him anything after that lol

If you put a pine tree in a pot, even a good sized one, it won't get too big for several years, might get a bit root bound, but they last for ages. We had one it a big pot for several years. and it doesn't drop it's pine needles everywhere like a cut one. Was a bit of a business getting it inside when it was getting too big, good job for the bag trolley. Just used to put it back outside in the garden for he rest of the year and not look after it too well.

Have a great Sunday


badger Report 3 Dec 2009 08:49

Hiya Tony ,glad i popped back now lol.
afraid i can't stand shark in any shape or form after the last time i cooked some up,he he ,i tried putting extra salt on it ,pepper ,and in the end paprika ,but it still tasted naff,but the cat was sniffing and looked interested ,so i put it on his plate and put it down ,forgetting that it was laced with cayenne pepper and paprika.poor little B****r took a massive mouthful and without chewing ,swallowed the lot ' I tell you ,over the next five minutes ,the poor cat did more circus tricks than i ever thought possible .
i can laugh about it now ,but that poor cat until the day it died would run a mile if you even put a piece of cod down for him one sniff of fish ,and he was history for at least an hour.
The only way to eat parsnip is to roast it with a covering of honey or wrapping it in streaky bacon and roasting with the meat.
Other than that mashing it in with the potatoesboiled though on it's own ,no way ,yuk
I have fresh home grown broad beans either cooked or raw on a salad ,ditto with carrot,or shredded cabbage,sweede, the same ,but turnip .i won't grow or eat any way ,it is disgusting.
We are thinking of a real growing Christmas tree next year,i do miss the smell of a real tree,and we can get a 1 and a half metre potted one for £14 which can go into the garden for the following year,which will see the two of us out in style.
You watch that roof you daft skyte lol,leave that sort of trick to the younger ones ,who heal faster he he.
Offto get ready for the fray ,lol,catch you later.Fred.


TonyOz Report 3 Dec 2009 07:28

Evening....:>)) .....and good morning Fred.

Could go a nice MacChicken burger meself for tea, but we are settling on two grilled Flake ( Shark ) with Tartae sauce..... and some tattie cakes ( with a smidgin of Vinegar ) from the local Finch & Chimp shop....:>))

Never been a Parsnip eater, although back in the 50s they were forced into
Eat ya Parsnips me dear ol mum would say....:>((
Never required that taste, nor for carrots or Swede, Brussell sprouts, Turnips,Pumpkin,Caulliflower, Cabbage ( Although i did enjoy Sauerkraut.... ) Dad used to say, Eat ya Carrots, so you can see in the dark...:>))

Always loved the summer Vegies.....Lettuce,Tomato, Onions, Spring onions, shallots, Capsicum, Peppers, Peas ( by the plate full ) Beans, Potato ( by the bucket ) Garlic sangas,....( Great for keeping the girls at bay, specially the ugly ones on a blind date.....hee hee ).....and my favourite was Broad Beans that i used to sit for ages at the table, and pop them out of their skin....Yum!

The summer green vege made up for the ones i didnt eat Brussel, Cabbage, Turnip...ect.. so i still got my dosage of Green Vege.

This Sunday i wil drive to the local Scout Hall and purchase a Pine Chrissy tree, as i do every year, although......they are getting a bit pricey now and about $55 au for a 6 footer.....but just i cant bring myself to buy one of those plastic K-mart ones.
Always had a Pine tree since the 1940s ( Tradition )

Only a few weeks to i woud like to wish all on the Wattle thread a safe and merry Christmas.

I will again this year don the red suit and white whiskers and attempt ( attempt i ) to climb up on our house roof with a sack of presents for my grandkids after they arrive on Christmas day.....and do the Ho,Ho, Ho..thingy...before our Xmas lunch.....and do my best not to fall off the damn

Keep safe everyone
Tony & Barb....:>))


badger Report 3 Dec 2009 06:54

Hi Wilson ,sounds to me as though the soil is exhausted..i reckon to grow parsnips and carrots in soil that has been well manured two years previously.,then use growmoore fertalizer every year after that,a liquid feed of some sort over the leaves helps too.but not one made from horse or cow muck ,all that will do is make the roots screw and fork.
When did you last lime the soil ,that helps release the food in the soil.
Could also be lack of water making the plants shoot away to ensure seeding before they die ,lol,you have found out too how temperementle root crops can be.
I add my hopes Merle that that knee will improve quickly,legs are no fun when they play up ,for whatever reason.and ,in my case ,age dosn't help a lot
Think the boss has ideas of doing a bit more present shopping later this morning ,so i think we are Metro Centre bound ,so ,if i play my cards right and persuade her to buy me a Mac donnalds chicken burger meal ,i may well get away with doing soup again for tea saves on the cooking and the power ,he he.
Looking again at you question Wilson ,and the mention of 15 inch tap roots ,i reckon your poor parsnips are heading down in a desperate hunt for water,this can also be the reason for them being dry and woody ,not good,those ones you will have to use as fuel on the B B Q. he he.
I havn't even looked at my root veggies yet ,they may even be worse than yours ,seeing as i was away for over six weeks at the worst time of year for their care ,oooooops.
Time to go and turn the meat in the chalet Mary ,and at this time of day ,i will be putting my gardewning jacket on ,brrrrr,
Catch you all later,Fred.

·:*¨¨*:· Wilson ·:*¨¨*:·

·:*¨¨*:· Wilson ·:*¨¨*:· Report 3 Dec 2009 03:56

Hi All,

Badger, you sound as productive as ever, now, a gardening question, my last two attempts at growing parsnips have been a waste of time. They grow like mad, lots of lovely greenery, and lovely long (15inches at least) roots, but skinny, no thicker than a pencil. Could it be that my soil is too rich? This year i just left them and hoped they would fill out, but they just got woody. I have grown them heaps in the past and not had this trouble.

Merle, my best wishes are with you and your brother. I hope your leg has healed, can take a long time.

Hope everyone is fit a well,

Take care


Zack Report 1 Dec 2009 11:39

Hello Mary, JA,. Cow Girl , Fred & Tony and Merle if you are looking in.Congrats to Cow girl at long last you must be over the moon to have a builder, I hope he is a fast worker.
Now badger whats with this Chalet , I think you would love the Bathurst weather and there is plenty of land here if you wish to pick up sticks and move, though you may not like the dust he!he!
Merle I hope you are feeling better, I am, thank goodness I hope I never never get that bug again.
Mary is your OH feeling better,I do hope you will be able to get to the Toowoomba Meet in Feb., I am looking forward to it.
Like you I am sick of my brick wall ,I feel like giving up on my John O'Brien.
I must go as (I wont be able to get up in the morning) Like the Song. Cheers to you all Marie.


badger Report 30 Nov 2009 16:44

Just got my puter back after taking it in to p C world for them to sort out why the package deal ,puter and t mobile dongle wouldn't work.
they got it sorted in time for me to pick it up at 2 pm after finishing the shopping.
I notice that there is an icon on the task bar that wasn't there before ,so it's possible the installation disc was faulty,of course ,they will have used there own master disc,but no matter ,sorted now ,and usable away from home in future yeeeeeees.
No Mary ,i wasn't worried about the cold in Cumbria ,in fact the east is colder,but the west is lots wetter ,and if we had have moved 5 years ago,our house where it was ,is likely to be either flooded now ,or right underwater ,lol.ain't moving now he he.
Besides.i may just do a deal with cowgirl ,lol,and build a wooden chalet in the bottom of her garden and live there he he.
I have a beutiful bit of rolled brisket in the fridge Mary ,and will get the set up out in the morning and start corning it in your chalet [again] he he.
Hope John reaches the upturn very quickly now ,Liz and i are thinking of him often ,knowing well what bad legs are about ,and praying that he recovers fully .
Well ,they recdkon that there is going to be a sudden drop in the temperatures over the next few days,followed by a nice blanket of snow ,and i ain't bovvered [Catherine Tate] we are starve proof for weeks if need be and jack frost can do his worst.
Have to go and ,feed this cat that knows her meal times better than me , and lets me know if i am a minute late in dishing up .lol.
Catch you all later.Fred

Cow Girl

Cow Girl Report 30 Nov 2009 12:42

evening all,

not been around much as been on the sick list, hopefully the little pills will work their magic and I will feel so much better soon....

Hi Mary, we settle on the new block of land on wednesday and have a great builder who likes our plans and is willing to work with us....we are then going to sell the other block...

Merle, thoughts and prayers with you and your family, keep your spirits up...

welcome to the new chums, we are a mad lot here and we can be quite silly at times.....but always great fun

I agree Badger we should do a swap wiht the weather, please get it all clean and tidy before we visit next

puta is being stupid so will go

peace to all

love Cowgirl xx


Aussiegirl Report 30 Nov 2009 10:24

Hi everyone.. We have had Maries dust here for a whole day and she can have it have had enough dust to keep us going for a lifetime..hee hee..
Marie Hope you are feeling better.. bugs are no good..

Merle Boy you dont do things by halves.. Do hope the injuries are healing well and you are able to take the dog for his walkes again soon..try the back door next that sad to hear about your brother..must be very hard for you and his family..Big hugs my lovely one and keep well..xxxxxxxxx

Fred You did well with the Sean will be happy to get back to the uk..though I bet the cold weather wont be appreciated after the lovely mediteranian weather..Do you tell me that the west coast is a lot colder than the east are crazy...stay in the

The OH has not been to well this last week but is slowly getting a weeeee bit better..He has his up and down days and the down are winning at the moment..butter.....

Been getting fed up with trying to break down my brick walls, so am trying to break down other peoples brick walls,,a change is as good as a holiday they say...about the only type of holiday I will get me

Big hugs for all..

Love Mary xxx


badger Report 29 Nov 2009 12:33

Hi all,Marie,Mary,J A Tony,Pearl,and anyone who looks in,Pearl ,never try to freeze cabbage ,blanching it makes it limp ,and by the time it frrezes it is well and truly overcooked.
You can buy it in freezer shops ,but that is freeze dried ,frozen in seconds ,but it still tastes naff to me,i grow a few o0f different varieties that are ready at different times,and kale that keeps growing for eight months of the year,apart from that ,if i can't buy a fresh one i go without.
The funeral went well and i at last found Junes and my grandads graves,so i am well pleased.
Alan ,it turns out was a royal Marine serving with a carrier squadron in the far east theatre.,during the latter half of the war 1942 to the wars finish and was demobbed in 1946.
The funny thing about it all was that he served the whole time on H M S Impaccable serving with the pacific fleet.
This was the same vessel that rescued my father in law from Singapore and took him to australia first,then to canada and finally england ,all that way with both my rellies on board ,lol,how weird is that ?
Neither had the sense to jump ship and make a new life for themselves,he he.
The other shock i got ,wasto find out that cousin Sue had married an old school freind of mine [Roger Newton] ,he came up to me and said ,ypou don't remember me do you ,lol ,you could have knocked me down with a feather ,lol.
Have to go now ,dinner is ready,be back later ,,Fred


Zack Report 29 Nov 2009 11:41

Hello Tony, Fred ,JA & Pearl of the South, it is some time since I have looked at the Posts,as I and my family have had a very bad bug and it knocked me for six ,I dont take to my bed very often but I have been out of action for a full week.I am feeling a lot better to-day.
We have had gale force winds for days, plus dust dust dust ! ! ! it has been hot then a cool change, and this morning nippy,but yes Tony a nice night to sleep. We need rain here, my rain water tank is 1/2 full so I hope we get a storm this week as the tank tops up our 2 ponds, with this wind, loss from evaporation is high.
Mary if you are looking in we sent the dust to you last night LOL
Merle,Sorry to hear about your Brother. You dont do things by 1/2 do you, what a bad fall you must be battered and badly bruised I hope you are recovered before XMAS.
Badger we have been following the news about the floods in England. I wish you could send us some of your rain .
JZ lovely to see you on the boards I hope you have a lovely Xmas
I must go and get some Beauty Sleep LOL keep well all . (((((( Hugs )))))


JALimestonePlains Report 26 Nov 2009 11:33

Merle out lovely Sand Pearl, so sad about your Bro, such a poignant time for you both big hugs
Duffer with that nasty fall but glad it is healing
You are a star with the jail, may angels walk with you, a very special ministry bless you and blessings on you each time you are there. Love and hugs


Pearl of the South

Pearl of the South Report 26 Nov 2009 08:43

Hi everyone, Fred, how do you freeze your cabbage!!!! Travel safely.Sorry to be so long away. I fell down the ramp, dragged along by the dog, rolled over the little safety rail and landed on the concrete footpath. Lost a lot of shin, right down to the bone. Have been having dressings on it every two days. It's finally closing in so thankfully no skin grafts.
My youngest brother who lives in Maroochydore has been diagnosed with a very aggressive cancer on his liver and several patches of cancer in his lungs. It freaked him right out for a bit and they turned up in Perth while waiting for results of needle biopsy.I flew up last Thursday and we all had a couple of days together. It's hard to say goodbye but I'm hoping the medical profession can buy him a bit more quality time.
Am back out at the prison for another sycamore tree programme.Monday and Tuesday for four weeks. Blimey this lot are a rougher, tougher lot than last group.Still, it's maximum security so must expect it I guess.My chrissy card orders have all been delivered.Can go back to the ordinary cards now.Am definitely all xmassed out.
Have been given the boot from Mental Health so must be ok. Still no word on a move so hope not before Christmas now.
Patch continues to provide much love and laughter. He's just taken Noeline to task about not taking him for a walk so she's headed off home with home and giving him his walk. Havent been allowed to do so up to now. well thats your bloomin' lotand i'll catch up again soon Luv to all, Me.


badger Report 25 Nov 2009 09:32

Morning all you lovely people over there over the biiiig pond think we could do with a swap,we could send you some of our cooler weather ,and you could send us some of your sun he he.
Hi J A ,Tony and any others who pop in ,yes ,its a tad wet here and rather windy with more rain on the way ,but it's the west who are bearing the brunt of it again.
Looks like a busy three weeks for Liz and i ,the funeral this weekend ,then down to Lyneham just before Christmas to help Sean settle in to the new Married quarters and unpack all the boxes which will have arrived from Cyprus.
Loks like we will have a nice quiet Christmas though ,the day itself we will be out with Sean And Marta to the youngest sons for dinner and tea,and boxing day we will be on our own ,Sean and missus off to friends for the day ,so, NO cooking for Fred [yippee] who makes no apology for getting Liz to cook the brekkie this year ,for the first time since we got married. i want's, no ,demands ,bacon ,egg and beans with a slice of toast,lol.
In BED YET, chortle ,best not push my luck though eh?
We will be off out shortly to take the bairns pressies down whilst they are at school,and will take some of the decorations down at the same time ,yippee,with that all gone ,we have room in the house again.
Stay safe all you peeps ,Fred & Liz ,snug and warm in their little pad ,are thinking of you all who are having a terrible time of it what with dust ,heat ,and smoke ,whatever.


JALimestonePlains Report 25 Nov 2009 07:08

Travel safely well badger and Liz
~~~~~~~~~~~~Wattlers a;;. I have been in the UK for 6 weeks looking after sick parents. A bit of a shock to come to 38 degrees
