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Wattle Club Number 4 for the Aussies and anyone wh

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Allan Report 24 Jan 2010 23:21

Hello to all.

I've just popped over from the other Aussie thread.

I hail from Australind in WA (about 160 kms south of Perth). I'm originally from the UK but have been in WA since 1982.

I'm married with two adult children (is that an oxymoron?) and am now semi retired.


Cow Girl

Cow Girl Report 24 Jan 2010 11:15

evening all,

not been around much in the last 3 weeks as was organising a craft exhabition for a fund reaiser for church, we need $300,000 to fix the ceiling in the hall......its 150 years old and the extreme hot weather in the past few years has dried out all the mortar and buts are falling off!!!
anyway putting this thing together in less than 3 weeks took a fair bit of time and energy.....but we pulled it off and raised $1200 in the process....not bad for a rush job

now getting ready for our traditional Australia day bbq...... plenty of snags, shrimp and tinnies.....great fun

Hi Pearl and Marie, 2010 is certainly going to be a better year..

Welcome Sidney were all allittle crazy here so welcome

love to all June cowgirl xx


TonyOz Report 22 Jan 2010 08:33

Evening....:>)).......and good morning Fred.

Very muggy today in Melb. 34c
Just waiting for the change ( rain ) they promised us later on this evening.

Merle. Nice to see you on the thread mate
Bronchial Pneumonia, Asthma,Shingles!!!......were you going for some kind of record last year?
Hope this new year sees you in good health, and best wishes from Barb and me.x
Best wishes to your brother too, and hope all goes well for him.

Sydneybloke. Welcome to the Wattlers thread.
I agree....nothing to be ashamed about our convict ancestors. Many were the backbone of this country, and it was through their blood, sweat and tears that much of our foundations were laid upon. I have six in my own family tree now, along with two first fleeters on the Scarborough in 1788. I have been writing about their lives in my family tree album from various records found in Oz, and a great peice of FH for my grandkids to read about when they are old enough.

Thank goodness the one dayer's ( cricket ) has started, as it gives me a good excuse to grab a coldie and sit outside on the decking to watch it. Cant watch the test matches ( to slow ) but i do enjoy the pace of the 50 over matches.

Chi-knees for tea, so best i go skin them.........,>))

Av a good un.



badger Report 22 Jan 2010 08:21

good morning all ,from a little warmer and still very wet Newcastle over the pond.
Things are improving here ,i can at last start to lift the veggies from the garden for use ,so the only thing i will have to buy for a good few weeks is onions.
We are off shopping with the youngest son this morning after which he is coming here to fit the lagging round the cold water pipes under the kitchen sink,i can't get down there any more because my knees are too sore ,lol
In case i don't get back before the day next week,happy Australia day all ,i will def' be there in spirit after all i have been told about it by all you lovely people.Fred.


Sydneybloke Report 22 Jan 2010 06:27

Hello Wattlers,
I'm new to this thread. A nice sunny Sinny day today, just too *** hot. Much worse away from the coast too.
My first Aussie ancestors left England involuntarily, but made good in the new country. I'm not ashamed that they were convicts.
Tony spoke of Wiltshire. I also have a great grandfather William Jay (mother's side) from there, Warminster, about 1861. Should get the birth certificate sometime. Only two children, one of whom never married. Since his arrival his descendants have moved far and wide across this country, but he is buried only a few km from where I live.
I don't watch the tennis much. but OH is an addict.
The cricket is on-going, with the Aussies playing 5 one day matches against Pakistan. It would be nice to see them (Pakistan) win a couple or three, just to reduce the arrogance of some of the Australian side.
~~~~~~ to all from Sydney

Pearl of the South

Pearl of the South Report 22 Jan 2010 03:44

Well, third time lucky I hope.Can't seem to get on the page. Hello all, I'm back again. Bronchial Pneumonia, asthma and shingles laid me pretty low. All hail the new year!
Am still awaiting the call to move. The oldies must all have survived the Christmas break.
Do hope you all enjoyed yours, and many thanks for including me in all the lovely messages.They brightened the hours no end. Was in hospital at home so was pretty bored by the end of the month. Dear little dog was very attentive though, he's great company.
Was Derek's birthday last Sunday so everyone joined in for lunch at the squid shack where he alway's loved to go.
GD no3 did well in her nursing exams. 3 distinctions.Very pleased with herself,as of course we are . GDno4 passed her final school exams and is now waiting to see if she will be offered a place at uni.
no2 starts at bible college in March. They're all testing their wings. Rianna says she aint goin' anywhere. Noeline turns52 on Sunday. Crikey!.
Brother Melvyn has started his chemo at last. Had to put it off for a couple of weeks cos he got the same bug I did.The general opinion is it will help with pain control ( chemo).A curious thing has happened there. An Asian Dr told my sister that if he has up to 8 cups of tea made with tea bags a day, the arsenic in the bags will help, so he's been doing as he was told for the first time in his life and theres been no extension of the cancer in the last three months yet its a very aggressive cancer.It's given him a lift anyway and he's coping with things much better.
I've been accepted on the prison worship team and start tomorrow.Prison has accepted me too but I'll wear a large flower or something so I don't get mistaken for an inmate.!
Have been dog sitting this week and I definitely don't need two dogs The neighbourhood knows it too. Noisy little buggers.
Two9 phone calls later I'd better sign off and gfet some lunch so see ya, Luv Me. By the way Barb, I watched the cricket all day so I know how you feel. Hope you enjoyed your tennis


badger Report 18 Jan 2010 08:12

Morning all you people no matter where you hail from,lol,Tony ,glad to hear that it has cooled down a tad where you are,but it's still too warm for my liking,he he ,once it gets over 35c i'm done.
Yes,i have heard of the Barnes's from the west country ,but don't know if there is any connection to my bunch,i can't seem to get back any further than 1560 when the bucks Barnes family seemed to be centred around Great Marlow,and i don't know if they are of the irish or Kent descent branch.
Bit like my Jones lot who started in Wales[ of course] ,then seemed to invade England and all corners of the empire ,lol,no telling where they will turn up next.
Well ,i got the new bird feeder out into the garden yesterday ,and this is a good one that the eldest son and partner got us for Christmas,with lots of hooks to hang various sorts of food for many different birds,a bit like a bird Hilton i reckon ,only the best grub catered for ,there is even a big tray for water ,and a smaller tray for bread , they should be well happy with it.
All i need to do now ,is put up the nesting box in the hope of attracting a wren or great tit.something i can watch while i am sat on the patio.
I have a lot of winter damage to sort out in the front garden this spring ,the lawn is a mess and a half ,and the flower borders are even worse ,a sort of disaster area,still ,i suppose it will keep me busy for a few weeks.
Nearly time to start out back too,with the chalet to clear out ,and the buckets and boxes to prepare again cooooo ,i could do with a bit of help ,anyone fancy a weeks free holiday for a bit of help out there ,lol.
Have to shoot off now ,the car is in this morning to have the door lock fixed.
Catch you all later ,Fred.


TonyOz Report 18 Jan 2010 05:17


Much cooler the last few days in Melbourne, and some much needed rain for the garden.

Australian open ( tennis ) has started in Melb City, so i guess i wont be seeing the mrs ( Barb ) for the next two weeks. I better stock up the pantry and
She is refusing to answer her hair dressing salon phone, in case someone want to make an appointment....and it might upset her Tennis days off.....ha ha

I have been warned not to answer

Fred. I just had a quick "google" on the Nissan Qashqai, and it looks a nice vechile. I noticed it topped the 500,000th customer delivery, so must be a popular car.

Speaking of Wiltshire, i also have a great grandfather on my mothers side ( George Barnes ) from Devizes, Wiltshire.Bapt in St. Marys 07 Oct 1809
He was a carpenter/builder who moved to Liverpool in 1835 and married at Walton on the Hill,Lancashire, before coming to Australia ( Melbourne )with his wife and 7 daughters late in 1850s. They had two more children ( a girl and finally a son ) born in Melbourne not long after they arrived......One of his 8 daughters Sarah Barnes, produced 18 children in Melbourne. Amazing what a bit of fresh Aussie air can do for the re-productive system.....;>))
Between the 8 girls they produced 55 grandkids ( all born in Melbourne ) to George and his wife Martha Barnes.
Good thing he was a carpenter, because he would have spent most of his life adding extra bedrooms to his daughters houses, just to fit all his grandkids in.
Cant say they didnt do there bit to help populate the
His only son, also, George Barnes,the youngest, never married, and died a batchelor, but with eight elder sisters to contend with......he was probably a bit ear bashed, and prefered to live life

I only had two sisters and that was plenty......:>))

Best i leave it at that, in case i get myself into trouble.

Av a good un.

Tony.....:>)) *with four daughters, but knew when to stop*


Zack Report 18 Jan 2010 02:16

Hello All,
It is some time since I have had time to read the posts. I am pleased to hear you are all well.
Hz sorry to hear about your father he sounds like a Character I hope he has a good recovery.
Cowgirl good to hear from you ,and I Pray your brother regains his sight and can go back to his teaching, we cannot afford to lose male teachers,especially Primary school teachers.
I hope all goes well with the council and they pass your Plan's.

We have had a cool change overnight the wind is blowing a gale & has broken branches off one of my new Wattle's D----!
I will have to rescue the washing shortly I hope we get some rain.
Badger some of my ancestors came from Wiltshire the surname is LAY. I hope your weather change's for the better real soon.

It looks like i wont be able to make it to the Wattler's meet as I have a hospital appointment in Feb. and I wont be able to undertake the long drive to Toowoomba, However by hook or by crook I will make it to the next meet. Kindest regards to you all Marie.


badger Report 17 Jan 2010 09:01

How is everybody over the pond? hope all is okay with you all but it seems a tad quiet and more than a little worrying.
Things seem to be sorting themselves out now ,the house is nice and snug again,and at last ,after many attempts ,sorted the trimer out ,lol,no more need to turn it on and off from when i get up ,to going to bed at night ,siiiiigh ,luxury indeed he he ,one now gets up AFTER the heater has kicked in and goes to bed BEFORE it shuts down ,lol[ i could get used to this]
I have had the confirmation letter from Nissan,the new Cashquia will be delivered in june 16 of this year ,with the diesel engine i wanted,and all mod cons ,at no advance payment .
I will have folding electric door mirrors ,that are also heated,wipers that start themselves as soon as they sence rain,automatic lighting that come on as soon as conditions are met,a quick heat windscreen for frosty conditions,and even a sensor to warn of puntures in tyres ,hey ,this is beggining to sound like an aircraft with all these latest gismo's.
The best thing of all ,is the seats hight off the road ,now the old girl [ouch] only has tro swing herself round the seat and move forward ,and she is on her feet ,lol,no need to even bend her knees.
How she gets in is another matter ,he he ,told her she is on her own there,i have done my bit to make travel a little more comfortable for her.
Have to get myself awaay now ,we have to go to Cramlington to deliver Connors birthday card and call in at the local bakers for the teatime buns.
Catch you all later ,Fred.

~~~Hz by the River~

~~~Hz by the River~ Report 13 Jan 2010 10:15

Hey Badger,

Open up the windows wide and get ready to receive several huge gusts of VERY HOT AIR ............LOL........ will 43 degrees do??
In return, we would like a truckload each of that white frozen stuff wot melts into slush !

June, all the best for Andrew, glad he's back "home" and getting top notch care. He will be resourceful whatever happens, teachers are rather special people.

My Dad (92) has just had surgery and managed to alarm everybody by having a post-op bleed over the weekend, but all is back on track now and they got all the cancer. He is a bit weak and needs extra care, but already has the nurses telling my brother and I that he is a gem of a patient (and he couldn't talk for two days on ventilation!). DD (18) was great company during the crisis, she visited yukky Intensive Care several times without complaint, and in return I took her to Chadstone Shopping Centre to enjoy their air-con and a look at Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton, Guess etc, and Bridge Road Richmond for $5 bargains! We spent $10 each!

We got our cool change here in NE Victoria overnight and a little rain, so tonight I will SLEEP!
Cheers everyone, Hz


Aussiegirl Report 12 Jan 2010 09:57

Hi everyone... Was b hot today but have had the a/c on all day so its not to bad..Went shopping this morning and the heat in the car when I got back to it had melted the E-Way Tag off the windscreen and it was sitting on the floor..according to the makers they are impossible to get off the windscreen when once stuck I know

June So hope the op on your brothers eye goes well for him..Wattle power heading your way...Glad you are making some progress on the house even if it is only the front fence and gate...goof for you...Sounds like a great trip coming up to the UK...enjoy ....can I carry your bags...hee hee hee..

Marie Hope you are not cooking out there in the west...

Merle How goes you ..hope you are well...

Tony Bet the pool has had a flogging thing you have done for the family make good use of it...

HAving a quiet life here... My Uncle in the UK has started his tree again and we are collaberating but he is getting so confused,,,he has rejoined Ancestry and is pinching stuff off my tree and adding it to his to bring his up to date..lazy butter...LOL..

Going to be a bit cooler tomorrow so heres hoping. Hoping the UK mob are keeping warm,, we see a lot about your snow here on our tv.glad we dont have that sort of winter...

Lots of love
Mary xxx


badger Report 12 Jan 2010 08:42

Hi All [and a Big Raspberry to th one who is boasting about being nice and warm ] he he,ruddy freezing down in Witshire ,with more snow forecast for this afternoon lol.
We managed to get off the camp leaving Sean in bed [poor lad ],when will the forces learn to send people from hot countries home in summer ,not winter ,grrrrr ,they did the same to me ,and my uncle ,Ray ,home to blighty in january from the middle east cruel that is lol.
Hope Andrew gets a positive result Cow Girl ,time indeed that something went his ,and your way for a change,reckon the insurance company involved in the fiasco should be given some grief,they are quick enough to take the money ,but slow to respond to a claim,even when they should be able to move quickly as needed in your case ,the gits still drag their heels.
Hope you are right to tony in that the fire bugs stay away ,you peeps have real problems with the heat and fires without them putting their oar in.
Time to go and make my breakfast porridge ,i need something to warm me up ,swap you lot some snow and water for a little warmth he he.Fred.

Cow Girl

Cow Girl Report 12 Jan 2010 08:09

thank to all the wattlers who have sent good wishes positive thoughts.

Andrew had surgery yesterday and it went well. He will have to wait for 3 weeks to see if he has regained any sight, He only had 2 % sight before surgery so any improvement will be good. It is such an unknown, he may gain all or nothing, it might be in the next few weeks or few years........he is a primary school treacher, grades 1-2, so he doe snt know if he will be able to return to work this term.......its all huge waiting game, very hard for such an active person.

on a more positive note the weather has broken and we have had a few hours of lovely rain.....

love to all june (cowgirl)


TonyOz Report 11 Jan 2010 03:15

Arvo from a very warm Melboune .

Only worked this morning ( Monday ) as the temp was 43c at midday, so called it quits for today, and went home early.

Toal fire ban day was declared for the State of Victoria.

The Temp gauge on my patio decking ( in this neck of the woods ) is reading 46c......and for us southern staters South Victoria, that are ***s'posed*** to be the second coolest state next to Tasmania in Oz .....its a hot one.
The heat we can handle, but the hot winds that come with it, peel the paint right of the house weather

Just hope there are no idiot fire bugs ( arsonist ) around, because with these high winds we have in Vic.... they would have a field day. ( Idiots )

Our news reports are warning our elderly to stay indoors and drink lots of water ( dehydration )

Stay cool.....and for our U.Ker's up the other end of the planet....stay

Av a good un

Cow Girl. Sending best wishes for your brother.

Tony...:>)) * Who's gunna go jump in the pool *

Cow Girl

Cow Girl Report 9 Jan 2010 10:33

thanks HZ, unfortunatly it is not as good a news as we hoped for. He arrived home this morning and went to see the eye specialist straight away, unfortunalty they dont beleive that reattaching the retina will make any difference to his sight, he will be basically blind in one eye. It could be that evan if he was in Australia and saw a specialist immediatly and had surgery immediatly it may not have made any diffrence...................however the trek back to the hospital in Saigon and the delay caused by the insurance company all added to the diminishing odds of a good result.

So we need a wattler miracle please.

love June (cowgirl) xx

~~~Hz by the River~

~~~Hz by the River~ Report 9 Jan 2010 03:58

OOPS Cowgirl, forgot to mention Good Luck with your brother, glad your sis made a NOISE, it's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease, and insurance companies can pretend to be a bit deaf unless you jump up and down. Let us know how it all turns out, ((hugs))

~~~Hz by the River~

~~~Hz by the River~ Report 9 Jan 2010 03:54

Hello everybody from a 38 degree temp at 3pm on a Saturday. No change expected until Tuesday. There is a breeze and some cloud, so we hope no stupid firebugs get the idea to have some fun - this is a threat during the night because even the young people can't sleep, it's cooler, they do not put brain into gear...... We are so lucky as a town with a river which is FREE to swim , quite a few spots to get to, great parks with trees, it all helps when the "summer daze" hits !! MOI - I am in the airconditioning!. Did the garden watering at 6am.
Badger, we are waiting for you to check in anxiously ..............the satellite pictures of UK which made our news and newspapers in the last 48 hours are AMAZING! I feel so sorry for people trying to actually travel in UK, Europe, North America, at this time. Then again, being stranded might be it's own adventure.......... a test of one's ability to cope. But the cold and inability to get about must be a problem. Here we have the Red Cross doing their phone call checks to the housebound three times a day instead of just the once - what a great idea, remind the oldies to drink their water and makes sure they have the air-con on etc.
I have trouble sleeping at night when it's hot, so I'm thinking of taking a nanna nap this afternoon, and weird as it may seem, I found some frozen soup in the freezer and that's about all anyone is interested in eating for tea tonight, so wasn't that easy !
Cowgirl June that is great that you are making headway on the property, and your venture overseas sounds marvellous- hope it progresses as planned.
Better go, puddy tat is around my feet, she may need a feed or help in finding a cooler spot.
Take Care All, Hz

Cow Girl

Cow Girl Report 8 Jan 2010 12:52

have to write this in parts as the puta gets silly if i have to many words!!

dotn think I will be able to ake the wattler meet either. We fly out in May for 4 months overseas, so need to save the pennies and work as much as possible before I go (as only casual so no holiday pay!) any way maybe the following year I can wattle!!

Mary....we have a drive way and new gates on the the warrawong block all very exciting and the plans go inot the council in 2 weeks.....fingers crossed....again!!

hope those who need to stay warm..... do, those who need to stay, those who need to stay and the rest have a great day!!

nite all

love June (cowgirl) xx

Cow Girl

Cow Girl Report 8 Jan 2010 12:45

evening all from a very very very warm Adelaide,

its been a nasty north wind day with a few more to follow...

also had a frustrating day as my brother, who was trekking in Vietnam with his partner, developed a detached retina, however the bloody insurance company mucked them around for 24 hours about where or when he could have the surgery he needs to regain his sight. My sister in Melbourne jumped up and down at the insurance company and finally got them to agree to a course of action. So he has had a procedure to put an air bubble inot the eye to stabilize the retina and is then boarding a direct flight home to Melbourne with an appointment at the specialist as soon as my sister picks them up form the airport.