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3 Jun 2011 07:57 |
Just a quick one to say hello to all before i leave to get the bits in for the B B Q i have promised my grandson ,and his wife ,before they go back to Lyneham camp. I have to get some oak chippings ,so that i can smoke the chicken breast strips,some cumberland and Lincolnshire snags. and other stuff. I then have to make Sag ,Aaloo ,and Bombay potatoes along with a few marinades for meats ,and fish. The B B Q will be over four hours or so ,because i intend enjoying the weather ,while it holds lol :-) I wonder if i have any Barnes tribe over in Wiltshire from the past ,could be interesting to have a look see . Hope all are having a good weekend wherever you are ,Fred. :-D
3 Jun 2011 08:23 |
Hello to you all, Gosh Fred that BBQ sounds good, too cold for a BBQ in Oz very cold, with a fog that refused to leave until midday, nasty cold wet fog :-( I hate fog Grrrr.
Hi Yevette, I too need Food and drink but wanted to say hello to Tony ,Cazz, Mary and anyone who should stick their head in ;-)
Regard's to you all :-D <3 Marie
3 Jun 2011 23:29 |
Morning :-)
Fred. That BBQ does sound nice :-) Our bar-bie has the cover put on it now and tucked away for the winter, but your posting makes me long for our
Off to the dear ol mums this morning to do some concreteing. Her driveway is starting to feel the years, and slowly buckling up under the the stress of car traffic,aussie winters and summers over the last 50 years. Need to rip it up in places,reform it....any lay more concrete.
Nine or ten weeks to go before we head north and off the Aussie continent for Thailand :-) I'm packed...........3 pairs of shorts, sandals ,shaving gear, and thats me done Mind you though, i have to pack all this in a very large suitcase ( orders from the Mafia.... aka Barb ) so madame can fill it to the brim with goods purchased for the return trip......hee hee
Bacon & eggs are calling me for breakfast, so wishing all a great weekend however you spend it.
Av a good un.
Tony... :-D
4 Jun 2011 00:26 |
Well that is one reply that I lost,,try again..
Tony How many weeks to Pooooket...whoes counting... :-D Can I come for brekky,,can smell it from here... :-)
Fred BBQ sounds lovely,,Sean is going to miss your cooking when he goes back..and you are going to miss him..
Nothing much happening here,,Its getting cooler but still only 2 blankets on the bed,,colder next week they say so might have to get the doona out by then,,
Have a lovely weekend all
Love Mary xxx
4 Jun 2011 10:15 |
Morning all from a chilly wet and windy day in B B Q land ,yep ,we are baack to normal :-S. It all wen't well considering ,no Oak chippings for the smoking ofr the fish ,B & Q ,have stopped doing it ,disgusting i calls it getting hundreds of people to buy the tools from them ,and then refusing to stock the small stuff to keep customers coming back for supplies ,very short business sense in my view,and i will seek pastures new from now on. Went to Morrisons next ,to get the best snags around ,very meaty ,tasty ,low in fat with no rubbish or gristle in and ditto the burgers, both steak ,and pork. Brought a bit of other stuff along with some fresh eggs ,because we were low. Unpacked every thing when i got home ,and started to put the eggs ,from the cardboard box ,into the wire hen bowl we have ,and got halfway through the chore before i got distracted by the missus ,asking me if i wanted a drink ? i ask you ,out for shopping for two hours on me own ,lathered ,and tired .of COURSE i would like a drink :-S. Any way ,i turn back to the job in hand ,thinking ahead to the next job ,then wake up in this world to find i had returned all the eggs but one back into the cardboard box :-( he he ,i don't beleiiiiive it . At least ,senior moment behind me ,it all went well ,the young un's on the loungers set up on the lawn,the missus under the parasol ,at the table away from the sun [at least ,i think it was the sun ,,lol,seen it so little this year i am beginning to wonder :-\ The other grandson Chris ,went home last night ,but is coming back today after we have finished the shopping ,but has been warned ,NO B B Q today lad ,i need the day off to rest ,he he after three hours cooking at the burners ,cap on head to protect the big centre parting ,and the clearing up afterwards i am off duty today so there . Have a good weekend all ,catch you later ,Fred :-D.
4 Jun 2011 13:08 |
Evening All Hi Marie, thought my computer was causing the problem, but if your hving trouble also, maybe its something to do with the site, think I will send them a message
5 Jun 2011 10:01 |
Evening :-)
Well thats another weekend gone for us in the southern hemisphere.
Mary. Not long till Poooooket now, but whose I'm counting...thats who!!. :-D Mattes a fact, i'm even packed mate. Well i was packed, but Barb keeps shoving things ( nic nacks ) in me suitcase...LOL
Luckily the sun shined over Melbourne city this weekend, and it gave me the time to get the concreteing done for the dear ol mum.
Baby sister turn 60 on the 12th June, so we are off to celebrate at the pub this coming weekend.
Hope all have had a pleasent weekend.
Tony :-)
5 Jun 2011 10:45 |
Evening Wattlers
Tony, shurrup about pooket, I is jealous not going on holidays, boo hoo
Well, I am still having trouble downloading so have sent message to GR, so heres hoping it is fixed very soon :-(
5 Jun 2011 11:58 |
The only reason i work now days is to go on holidays mate... :-D
The government tells me i cant retire till i'm 67.......and Barb we go on holidays now before it gets to the stage ( Alziemers ) that we cant remember if we had any holidays or not!!!.....lolol
6 Jun 2011 07:44 |
well Tones, If it makes things better for you, I cant retire until I'm 67 either.
all you got to do is go Shazz, I desperately want to get away from the cold too, Cant see it happening over the winter months though. I want to go to Istanbul(told you that) via Kuala Lumpur and off to the UK to see if it does really get warm in the summer, or they are having us on.
I had a quick look at your tree Shaz, I dont think we have the common ancestor happening or with Marie.
6 Jun 2011 11:33 |
OH Dear, Still having problems with the site, have sent a message to GR last, and AM still waiting for reply :-P
So until (hopefully) it is rectified, I will just be
8 Jun 2011 06:19 |
loiter away xxx
8 Jun 2011 07:03 |
Yvette ,Don't bother wondering anymore as to a summer in Blighty ,as i was out in the garden at 5 am this morning and could see my breathe on the morning [chilly air] i can say certainly ,the answer to your query is a resounding NO ,he he. We had our summer last week ,two days of lovely sun and now it's bacl to cloud ,cold and rain ,hmph,Fred,off for porridge to warm up . :-P
8 Jun 2011 08:56 |
Fred. If it makes you feel any better...our top temp today Melbourne was 10 celcius...and 4 celcius on our ranges ( Dandenong Ranges )
Tasmania 10c Canberra 10c Sydney was 16c and the sunshine state Queensland capital "Brisbane" was 18c
Mind you though, it is winter down under....but i still hate it....LOL
Tony "Sitting by an open fire" BBBrrrrrrrrrrr :-)
8 Jun 2011 11:15 |
I do use world clock to drool over the places I would rather be. observed that although I'm whinging about winter, London had the very same temperature range as us today. Don't know about being up at 5. I'm going to visit my mum out in the country in July. It will be foggy and frosty, but I'm quite looking forward to that - a holiday! yaa We have the open fire Tones, but the wind has gusted a couple of puffs of smoke back down the chimney and I'm sure we are going to smell like a bbq tomorrow. Long weekend in NSW this weekend, A happy birthday to your sissy Tones Hot water bottle is waiting lol, have a great day and warm night x
8 Jun 2011 16:43 |
I hear you all ,enjoying time by the fire ,but i issss peeved ,lol,it is supposed to be summer here ,not autumn ,he he :-( ,Fred ,Sitting in front of HIS fire,18c here at mid day .brrrrr. :-P
9 Jun 2011 09:34 |
Hello, Badger,Tones Shaz ,Yvette,& cant forget Mary . I am one cold bunny brr It is freezing here in Bathurst the past 3 days so cold, no sunshine, rain& wind cut's through you like a knife, have you got the picture :-(
I went to the gym today for the first time in about 3 month's took it very easy as I dont want to do any more damage to my knee , I enjoyed the workout ;-) Badger,I hope it warm's up for you in the next few day's.
must go and see if there is anything worth watching on Tv. Keep well me hearty's Marie
10 Jun 2011 11:53 |
Howdy All Way to Marie, keep up the good work, but take it easy on the knee. I started a gym back in March last year, and broke my ankle a month later, along with snapped tendons and ligaments, so that put a quick stop to my exercise....pppp
~~~~~~~to anyone dropping by.... :-)
12 Jun 2011 11:28 |
Morning [for me ]Marie.yep ,take notice of what Zack says ,it's easy to be too keen going back into a gym after an injury ,going daft and doing yourself another mischief ,lol,been there ,done that ,and got a tea shirt ;-). Well ,we had good steady rain here nearly all day yesterday ,which carried on all night,and only stopped shortly after the plurry cat had me out of bed at 5 a m. :-S. By the time i had fed the missfit her brekkie ,nearly delivered on the end of my slipper ,lol,i made a coffee ,dried my patio chair down and sat out just as the sun came up and out too . It is warming up nicely out there now ,and all the rain has done a lot of good ,making all my vggies seem to grow half an inch overnight. I have tom's on my plants in the greenhouse ,buds on my cucumbers and courgettes,and Strawberries on the plants around my two older trees ,looks like nearly cream tea time ,yum. :-). Looks like i may get a bumper crop of onions and leeks as well ,to go with my kale plants ,come on there ,he he ,lots of Calgannon this winter ,yeeeees,result :-D. You got a few spare minutes there Tony? ,i could do with a bit of concreting done here as well,not much true ,but i am getting an earful off the wife ,and her rotary Line that she brought ,i def need a proper lawn spike ,and a large square concrete bed for it sunk in the lawn ,to stop the wind loosening it up ,oh well ,i will have to get on with it i suppose ,so it' off To Wicke's,a small bag each of cement and gravel and get a square of turf out of the lawn. At least ,what's left will come in handy to lift the flag at the gateway of the drive and raise it half an inch ,seems to sink every couple of years ,but in reality it is sliding down the slope s tad ,maybe using cement as well this time will cure that problem . Hope all are enjoying their weekend ,no matter what weather you are having. Fred is NOT stopping with the B B Qs this winter lol, just buying a Chimnea which will enable me to sit near it when lit ,burn the wood scraps ,and burn some snags at the same time ,snow or no snow :-P.,Keep well and safe all Fred.
14 Jun 2011 14:36 |
Just a quick pop in to wish Sir Tone a very happy birthday..Hope it was a good one and they spoilt you rotton... :-) :-) <3
Hope all are keeping warm and those that are flying somewhere arnt affected by the volcano ash cloud..
Do you think it will spiral up to Poooket Tone..better start blowing now,, :-) :-)
Spare a though for the poor Kiwis and the new lot of earthquakes which must be driving them stressful..
Well off to bed..
nite Mary xxxx