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Wattle Club Number 4 for the Aussies and anyone wh

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Alison Report 30 Apr 2009 05:36

Thankyou everyone for the warm welcomes. I think I may take up that offer of help soon. Not just yet as it's not a good time but maybe in a couple of weeks.

Mary in Sydney - yes it's Gloucester in NSW. Anyone know it?

Alison xx


Aussiegirl Report 1 May 2009 07:38

Hi everyone..

Just had a bit of luck with my Scottish side of my family..Scotlandspeople now have records up to the present or nearly,,which is so good as it only went to 1905 when I last looked,,I managed to find some deaths that I have been searching for so it was a good 6pounds worth..solved a few mysteries..

Having a lazy day today doing some FH and as it is my grandsons birthday, and they will be round soon for dinner..I had better move..

Merle It was great chatting..Anytime you see me on messenger contact and chat...dont overdo the sorting..and watch that knee..big

Slinky...Did ya bust the site trying to post,hee heehee heeh ee,,,they sure didnt like you posting..what did ya do to them,,huh..???try again...great to see ya back..

Love to all and hope you are all well..

Love Mary xxx


June Report 2 May 2009 03:43

Hi Alison, Yes, I know Gloucester. I have never seen a town with so many shops selling heating appliances. Says heaps about your winter!
But it is beautiful countryside around there. Before they did the Buladelah mountain bypass, used to use the buckett's way all the time.

Cheers, June (in Batemans Bay)

Pearl of the South

Pearl of the South Report 2 May 2009 12:57

Hi lovely peeps, many thanks for the encouragement. I don't mind the move so much now. Getting used to the idea.Went up on Wednesday and had a look at one of the units they are hoping to put me into. They are lovely .22units but the place is like a morgue. Cant hear anything and after 31years next to a primary achool and all our traffic it will be a bit of a culture shock but I can always escape and go down time town or summat.Just have to wait till someone moves out!! before I can move in so could be here for a while yet.I'm putting my bulbs in tubs just in case.
The knee is slowly mending. Even did a bit of gardening today without falling headfirst into the bleedin garden.
Had to take my wedding ring off the other night coz my fingers were swollen now can't get it back on and the jeweller says its too thin to work on so will have to look for a substitute for the time being. Hi Ian my friend might see you later in the year. Havent used my free bus tickets yet.
Have had a bit of luck with FH of late and have been trying valiantly to keep up with it. The puter still turns itself off whenever it feels like it and causes a great deal of exasperation. Hey Ser Tones I found another convict.That makes two convicts for oz, a cattle duffer, two piratesand a ticket of leaver. Howzat!!!No wonder we're like we are. Trouble with a capital T.Anyway, that s enough for now. Be good Luv Me


badger Report 3 May 2009 11:37

Morning all you lovely people ,nice to have a bit of a sit down ,after a frenetic three days in the garden and greenhouse ,so busy that i have had to give up with a crook back he he [that will teach me] that i am no longer a spring chicken.
Having a laid back day ,with nothing to do but weedkiller the next doors garden where her son is going to put the new lawn,don't want the lad to do himself a mischief with chemicals.
He has done a fantastic job of her new patio though ,it's just that he has no green fingers he he.
When we moved here four years ago Pearl from a house hard to the inner city interlink road to this lovely quiet backwater we couldn't sleep for a few weeks because it is so quiet,but ,you will soon adjust,and it has it's compensations .
Glad to hear that you have had some luck with family history Mary,i seem to be stuck in a rut at the minute with my lot,sigh,but you can't have it all ways.
Hope all are having a great holiday ,Fred.


Zack Report 5 May 2009 05:12

Hello all Wattles,WOW what a lot of news I have had to catch up on.
Mary No snow here yet brr, but a couple of weekends ago it felt like it, the last 3 days have been beautiful true autumn weather, I love this time of year.
I Have been looking after my Granddaughter she has been very ill,(she lives with me ) until the house she has bought is signed over to her, they thought she had Meningitis,they did lumber punctures on her and stuffed them up she has been in a great deal of pain with her back and has had severe headaches, I took her back to her doctor and he rang the anaesthetist we were sent to him and he booked Sarah into hospital ,he told her she has the headaches from the botched job they did on her ,the fluid from her spine is leaking out .
Early this morning he gave her a epidural then took blood from her this was then injected into her spine, she is now home with me and already the headache is getting better.
Dr.W.told us that if it hadn't been fixed it would have taken
9 weeks to heal. Thank goodness it has been sorted out.
The last 4 weeks have been a nightmare I sure hope the next few months are a little less hectic.
Printheth L'oz I hope you have a lovely holiday
Welcome to all our new Wattlers they are a mad bunch at times but Good pals.
Hi Tony, so pleased to hear of your success. I hope to get to Maryborough some time in Winter still trying to find that John O'Brien,you know he probably changed his name he certianly didnt want to be found.
Well folks I have much to do I am going to poison all those weeds that have grown in the last few weeks , I just havent had the time to do much gardening . Hugs to you all Marie from Bathurst.


Laurie Report 5 May 2009 05:29

Just me popping in again to see how everyone is getting on . . hope the cooler weather isn't making life miserable for anyone.

Had a lovely weekend with the honeymooners, just getting organised for this weekends trip up to hand over the new camper van to the younger son . . picked it up yesterday, and have started filling it up already - can't let the opportunity to get some things back up home . . :)

We haven't booked yet but will probably spend the weekend at South West Rocks.

Yes Alison . . I know Gloucester, used to go there to play hockey from Forster/Tuncurry one or two years ago . . teehee

Glad things are going better for you Merle my lovely . . . keep the chin up. Now we know your FH . . it all makes sense . . teeheee

Best go get washing in . . had a bruken machine till this morning - so had a few loads to do. There is no recession in the little fix-it mans household to be sure.

Stay well, and keep the grin gear working

:) luv Laurie xo

Sandra by the sea

Sandra by the sea Report 5 May 2009 07:27

hello to all wattlers out there,it has been ages since I posted on here.
Only got back from Perth last night,had a busy time and very tiring but great,was unable to meet with Merle as way to far to go.we were only around perth and surounds
Had a great time watching the BMX Nationals,at the start of their trip my Granddaughter had an accident while playing and ripped open her foot and crushed her little toe she spent 48hours in hospital and had surgery.but like a trouper she is she went on to race later in the week with a well padded special shoe she became 8year 3 Australia champion.
her brother got to semis in both classes and qualified for the "worlds" in Adelaide in am one proud Nana.
The other part of the trip was to meet people contected to my Mothers tree
and was very interesting.
The weather in the west was great nice and warm so missed the cold snap you had here.
sounds like everyone has been busy with this and that.

time to catch up with the post.
Bye for now Cheers Sandra in the Gong.


badger Report 5 May 2009 09:26

Good morning all ,from one near winter country to another,lol, last week i was taking breakfast outside on the patio ,sunning my white nobbly knees[ not a nice sight] ,and this week we are back to rain ,sitting indoors with the heating back on .
For something to do this a m i was looking at the construction of the Tyne and Sydney Harbour Bridges and was amazed at how two architects from different sides of the earth could design two bridges that looked identical,but one being far longer than the other.
I was also amazed to find out that both bridges were built by the same firm.Dorman Long of Middlesbrough.
I always thought that the Sydney harbour bridge was a copy of the tyne bridge too ,wrong again he he your bridge was started a full year before ours ,but your ,bridge being nearly ten times the size of the Tyne Bridge took three years longer to complete,so ,i suppose its easy to see where the mistake comes in that you nicked our design lol.
Having seen a close up photo of the bridge on the net this morning ,cor ,it must be some sight to behold ,stuff your opera house he he ,i know which looks far better to me.
I would still love an extended visit to your fair land,but it needs a lottery win for sure now,cause Liz could only make the trip in a few thousand mile stages ,a little expensive for a pair of decrepit old pensioners he he.
I did manage to get into the greenhouse to pot on some veggies yesterday,some kale ,and some herbs,but i will go back in there this afternoon and do my midsummer cabbage.
Found some nice seeds via the net last week too ,and they have arrived today,some Holland late cabbage [a huge white type ,great for stir frys and Coleslaw] so i will put some seed in next week ,i also got a free three packet of herbs for ordering in the first place ,which pleased the missus ,she takes charge of all the herbs ,being far better at growing them than me .
It's my clumsy great fingers i reckon ,herbs seem to require a delicate touch ,def' not my style he he.
As of now ,for a few weeks anyway ,all that is showing in the veggie patch is the windmills i use to keep the birds away from the seedlings ,not that i need them yet ,it's just that i need the space in the chalet ,and it is getting a little crowded in there ,more so ,as when i go in there ,hissy comes as well ,i think she likes to be with me ,or she likes to supervise ,a sort of minnie Liz ,you know lads ,a woman thing [ducks to avoid the slipper] ,lol.
Gonna have to do a shoot,company has arrived [good god ] someone knows where we live.
Catch you later Fred...

~~~Hz by the River~

~~~Hz by the River~ Report 5 May 2009 11:43

Hello everyone,
Beautiful autumn days here at the moment, after a brief flurry of snow on the mountains an hour away last week and two mild frosts.
Hi to Fred, I like reading about your garden and wish I could grow "sparrowgrass" here,my little plot is really too small to dedicate to it, and I'm not sure it would get through our summer. I am doing the autumn clean-up in the garden and just planting out the volunteer lettuces, and hoping to get some chinese greens up. Then the fun of deciding where to plant things in spring - I love seed catalogues!
Sandra what a thrill to be there to see the grandies do so well in their competitions, glad your journey west was so successful.
~~ to Merle, Ian, JA, Gwenda, Mary, Tones - some good leaps forward on the FH front for some, very exciting. I am finally getting a few nibbles via Ancestry connections, nothing thrilling but it can be interesting checking out why you're NOT related sometimes lol. I never give too much away, but reply often with a question, such as, "was your John Smith born in
Gloucester UK or Gloucester Australia" Often that's the end of the interchange lol.
I was given three quinces last week and with trepidation looked up what to do with them and decided I might end up with a tiny jar of quince jelly if I really tried hard. Well, I used my crock-pot and ended up with four beautiful small but shiny jars of delectable quince jelly,
I'm so proud! So I've ordered pancakes for Mother's Day breakfast next Sunday, on which to spread my lovely quince jelly.
OK time for a cuppa, and a request to hear lines being learned for Drama class tomorrow by DD17, bye for now, ~~ Hz


Aussiegirl Report 6 May 2009 07:31

Hi everyone It is a lovely day today in ole Sydney town..Quite mild and sunny,,around 23c I think..boootiful

Lovely to see everyone popping in..Marie What a time your poor little grandie had..Really feel for her..did she go to the new hospital or the old one..I spent a couple of days in the old one and it sure was old..but such a beautiful building,,Do hope they are not going to pull it down..Would be a shame..

Merle Glad you are getting used to the thought of the move..Time to start thinking of what you are going to take and what you are giving to Noeline..hee hee..big hugs..

Sandra Sound like a very successful time was had in the west..Glad you had a nice time..

Fred.. Just you go and tidy up in my Chalet..Don'T want any dirt over the floor or on my table..what if I won lotto and made a surprise visit...hee hee hee...

Been a busy time lately and the OH has not been to good,,A bit better today..Actually going up to my brothers for lunch at Tumbi Umbi on Friday,,First time out for weeks..other than down to the shops..will be nice to get out on the road again..Feeling a bit like cabin fever coming on..hee hee hee hee...

Well better go and see what is for dinner..

Lotsa love Mary xxxx


Zack Report 6 May 2009 11:01

Hello Everyone,what a lot of mail to read ,Badger I do get a good laugh from your posts keep it up .

Pintheth L'oz,I come from QLD ,Rocky many years ago

Alison I have a daughter in Tuncurry she has a Dance Wear shop on the Highway into Tuncurry. If you ever go to Foster /Tuncurry you cant miss it, they have a big sign on the Wall of their Home.
Hi Mary I do hope your Oh stays well.

I also feel like busting out I think I will pack my car and head north I would like to go and see some of my friends and relatives up north, would also like to visit some graveyards round Warwick as I have ancestors buried at Yangan near Warwick.

.I will make it a slow journey visiting places I have wanted to call into but never had the time, of course I know what the girles will say ,
((((YOU cant go on your own ))))) I might ring them when I am a couple of hundred miles away Hehe.
Well all you lovely Wattlers I must Go. Laurie I hope you have a great time in Veitnam Hugs to all Marie from Bathurst.


badger Report 7 May 2009 15:57

Afternoon one and all ,from a windy but sunny Newcastle,where the old git is having a well earned rest after putting out the rest of thebedding plants out front,and then going into the chalet to pot on the rest of the veggie seedlings .
It's looking real good in there now ,all the tomato plants are well away,the cucumber plants ,and pumkin plants ditto,and even Liz's floewr seedings are doing well.
Our 'dendron bush is going to flower any time now ,and the honeysuckle is following bud wise very closely,and nearly all the bushes on thefront patio are budding up nicely.
Liz bought a lovely ham shank back home testerday and set to making six big pots of pease pudding for the freezer ,and cooling the shank and putting that in the fridge ,last night.
Today she has made a large pan of soup with leek ,ham,carrot ,parsnip, onionand chopped swede in ,before using the last of the ham meat in making six ham and egg pies,not at all bad for ther cost of £1-60 lol.
Hope one and all are now looking forward to the weekend which is nearly with us again,cor ,nearly half way to father christmas again he he ,ooooops ,was that a slipper that shot past my nose? how very dare you ,Fred.


Alison Report 8 May 2009 09:20

Hello Marie,

I know exactly where your daughter's shop is, you're right, you can't miss it.



TonyOz Report 8 May 2009 11:08


End of another working week, and looking forward to sleep in tomorrow.

Some exciting news for me personally, and had an email from a cousin in Eng ( Essex ) to say they are hopefully coming out to Aussie ( Melbourne )in late August , early Sept. We met on the Geno Net in 2001 after finding we shared the same 5 xGreat Grandparents......and that our 4xGreat grandfathers were brothers ( b.1752 and 1756 ) two of 6 siblings.

We exchanged cultural differences, and once we understood each others Lingo/dialect ...( Ozzie v's Brit ) we became good friends and swapped much info on our family 4x greats and the path they took through the years leading up to ourselves.

We stayed at their home as guests in Essex, when we holidayed there in 2005 and 2007 and they took us on the guided tour of our ancestors Villages and Parishes ( Church and Cemeteries ) and around greater London.

This will be their first visit to now its our turn to show them around Melbourne/Victoria.....and force a good Kangaroo steak and a few sauteed Witchetty grubs into them.........hee hee,...for forcing me to eat Jellied Eels and Black pud while i was over

Wishing all the Mums, Nana's & Great Nana's, Aunts, and all those of the opposite sex a happy Mothers Day on Sunday and hope someone spoils you rotten.

Alison. Just in case your thinking Fred ( Badger ) is from Newcastle ( N.S.W )..........Its the Newcastle in Northumberland U.K..

Wishing all a great weekend.



Alison Report 8 May 2009 13:13

Hi Tony,

Thanks for that - I had a feeling after I posted that message that it was Newcastle in England. It just didn't sound right. Still a lot of the place names around Fred's Newcastle are very familiar having been used around 'my' Newcastle too.



Anne Report 8 May 2009 15:03

Evening all,

its been lovely catching up with all the posts......

life has been abit fraught in the last week, it appears that the "boss" has been bleeding the business dry and is about to declare bankruptcy, leaving us without jobs and owing a months wages......... he keeps promising to fix things........however we have reached the point when we dont believe a bl**dy word that comes out of his not sure where or when its all going to end...

Mary, how are the water jerks going? we have had another letter form the council, requesting further information about the house placement and where the sewage system is its actually good news, its another small step forward....

Anne also had some amazing news from a distant relative we have only had contact with in the past few weeks. (this is a second cousin I think!) anyway the cousin (who is 72) and her mother (who is 92) remember Annes mother living with them, when Annes mother was about 15-16, and the possiby correct nake for wife no 3 and the chid that lived with them. Quite amazing really. So Anne will go to see them in a few weeks on her way to Iona, as Dolly is very ill and not expected to last much longer.

hope everyone else is keeping well and enjoying life......

nite all sleep well

love June (CG) x

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 9 May 2009 08:36

Hi everyone who still on here I have been away a lot this year already and am off again in two weeks so will be arpound less but will try to get back when I can June are you ok and what about you merlie perlie girl how's thi ngs

I am madly sorting stuff out of caravan that is going to be traded in for new one as I want to Minimise what I have in new van smaller storage space in this van only 2 feet smaller but does make a difference to storage

Especially as I said on the other side we must decide if we want to do some beading while away or some painting pickles that is or FH or or sort out my terrible filing or scrapbooking OMG so much stuff
All the stuff out off the van needs washing before going back into the van I am talking cutlery plastic containers crockery saucepans frypans etc I have already done all the bedlinen etc while we still had some sunshine I am a hoarder of the worst kind (thanks Mama )and it's terrible how much one can hoard I have thing from the van I haven't used in two years so that is staying home Mike's favourite was a tin of Nestle's Condensed Milkthat spent five years coming away with us and was never used the butter thru it out I said ok well now can't make caramel slice I was gunna haha it was there in case I couldn't go without them and I have for 6 yrs so there .
must go and get on with my work love to all specially those who need a hugga



badger Report 9 May 2009 08:53

mornig peeps ,from Newcastle [tyne and wear ,england] lol Newcastle OT from now on to avoid any confusion hee hee.
Someone else sorting a caravan out before hitting the road i see ,but there is no way ours will be exchanged ,i'ts too comfy and lightso that in can be towed comfortably by my nissan note with a 1-4 petrol engine,fully loaded at that,the son is taking it away for a couple of weeks next month,and we may be going down Blackpool for two weeks in July.
We got a nice chicken yesterday from a local shop,fresh and ready to party,so after i have done the back lawn ,so the boss can get her washing out now that the winds have died down ,i will get on with dinner for laddo coming for the weekend.
be back this afternoon ,Fred.


Alison Report 9 May 2009 09:15

Hi Badger,

Just thought I'd say hello since now I know exactly where you are.

Alison (in Gloucester - the NSW one)