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## Canucks International ##

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Lesley Report 12 Dec 2010 16:56

Finally put the tree up yesterday and this morning one section of lights in the middle has decided not to work...grrrrr!! I haven't got the ornaments on yet but if I have to unwind all of the garlands and beads and then fish out those lights I shall be a tad peeved....and that is being polite!!!!
Yes Edith, lots of rain, pineapple express again last night. I always worry about the basement....fingers crossed, eyes and legs and all that!
Norm and I went into Nanaimo and did our big shop, came home broke. Ah! well xmas comes but once a year!!
OK I am off to fix that tree. Have a good day.

edith clace

edith clace Report 12 Dec 2010 13:31

Morning all, Well the last folks out of town left the door open and we are now in the frezzer.!!!!! -31 this a.m.
Most of the snow has been cleared away so the cold has decided to visit.
My car would not start yesterday so had to plug it in. Will try again to-day.
The "joys" of winter are hitting us early this year so we will hope for an early spring and a nice warm summer.
Might as well wish the year away heehee too D___cold to do any thing else.
Good to hear they finally got help in Scotland Veronica. Hope they prepare a bit for the next time.
Les, I see where Port Alberni got 170 mm of rain (on Canada weather channel) You must be sloshing about in high boots !!!!
Many of the locals have now chosen to spend Christmas in warmer places.
Florida and Arizona are favorites, so the exodus will take place about the 22 or so.
Time to start my day so bye for now. Edith XXXXX


Veronica Report 10 Dec 2010 15:50

Just got a call frim my cousin Gwyneth in Inverkeithing. The temperature rose in the last 48 hours from -15 to +8 and a torrent of water is flowing down the hill. Enough snow has melted that she was able to dig out her car and with the help of her neighbour bring it back up to the house and put it in the garage. On the way they went around by Tesco and got a big shop in as they are forecasting another big dump early next week.

Gwyneth called Tesco about her Aunts delivery and discovered that her 89 year old Aunt had forgotten to click on the complete button on her on line order for Tesco so it was hanging in limbo and would never have been delivered. Tesco told her that the drivers had been making special efforts to reach the very elderly clients on the route and that if she had completed the order then it would have been delivered even if they had needed to walk in from the bigger road. Nice to no. its a shame that she didn't complete the order as she has been doing it online for a while and always got it right. Anyway Gwyneth is going over by car tomorrow with a load of shopping so she is fully restocked.

Good news for the lady who is expecting, at least she can now get down the hill if she needs too.




Veronica Report 9 Dec 2010 22:04

Hi Les

Check out Wiltshire Farms again, late last year they brought out a range of smaller meals they are listed as Mini Meals and I just checked, they have even more variety than when my Mum had them. I was getting them online for my Mum and she loved them. They where just enough and I stocked her freezer with them so that the home helpers that came in could micro one for her for lunch for a change.

Unfortunately unless the army goes across the Forth road bridge to Inverkeithing then it won't be any help to Gwyneth and her neighbours, but it will hopefully mean that Gwyneth can get into Edinburgh by bus and train to check on her Aunt and make sure she is OK.

I like the sound of the crumbles Fred, I like oats in mine but since I got colitis I can't have them - I really love oatmeal raisen cookies and its a no go for the mince pies and the christmas cake and christmas pud - not allowed the dried fruits. I thought I would be clever and have a mini spotted dick that our local English shops sells - bad idea!!! spent half the next day in the loo. You live and learn. But I might just take a chance on one of my friend Jill's mince pies when Keith and I stay over on New Years Eve.

Keiths trip is going well and he is missing the worst of the weather, he has to cross the Penines to go to Goole tomorrow morning and the chap he is visiting emailed him to say the roads are good so fingers crossed.

All for now



Lesley Report 9 Dec 2010 17:05

We are still raining here altho no flooding so far. They do say that perhaps the lower part of the city may flood today as we have an unusually high tide....ah! weather....what would talk about with out it!! Meanwhile it is almost 9 am. here and the sky is so dark and overcast it could be nite time.
Well good to see that Edinburgh will get their roads sorted, will this work for your family, Veronica?
Fred I send my Dad a food hamper, usually from Tesco, about 3/4 times a year. I used to send one from Wiltshire Farms but my Dad said the meals from there were too big for him. I order this all online...pretty can even get fresh veggies and meat. My dau always sends her Grandad stuff from Marks and Sparks or Cadbury's and she does that online as well.....gotta love computers!! My Dad loves to get the Cadbury delivery as it comes in a purple box and makes all his neighbours a little envious. Sure wish I could get a Cadbury delivery here.....A big box of Milk Tray and a tin of "choccie bickies" woohoo!!
Edith I haven't eaten xmas cake in years so have a slice for me. My Mum used to make an amazing fruit cake, then she would "paint" it with melted jam, cover it in marzipan and ice it with royal icing. (Ya know royal icing is an art which I used to be pretty good at but you never see it anymore. Everyone seems to use fondant instead.) When the cake was all set she would put the frilly ruffle around it and together we would "glue" on the Santa and the sleigh etc...great memories of christmasses long ago.
Well if you can believe this.....I am still writing xmas cards and I must get them in the mail onward....


badger Report 9 Dec 2010 13:41

Snow joke Edith He He, just a postscript to my last message ,tried the oatie crumble topping ,and have to say it was yum,so i think a little cinammon may be added to my home made crumble mix in future,it adds a whole ,new dimension ,i forgot to ask the wife to take out the cloves from the fruit mix before using it ,so it serves me right that i found two in my pudding grrrrr.,but it was lovely just the same. making creme of Tomato soup this afternoon ,so i will be having a bowl of that for tea ,along with some buttered french stick ,[result .lol] Fred xxxx

edith clace

edith clace Report 9 Dec 2010 13:29

Morning all, Someone said "snow" so here we go again.

we have more now than in the last 5 years so the town employees

are having a time trying to find somewhere to dump it.!!

They make snow slides for the kids but even they are huge already.

Out to eat again tonight as we have yet another Christmas gathering.

I will put together a cheese tray to take along with some fruit.

Much easier than making a hot dish!!

Did get some special Christmas cakes at the craft show in Winnipeg.

With instructions to finish them off at home, am looking forward to a taste

tomorrow , yes I am going to cheat and try a bit of the dark cake.

The young lady who makes them has quite a reputation in the city and we

had to pre-order them in July.

Stay warm and well everybody. See you soon Edith XXXX


badger Report 9 Dec 2010 09:50

Hey there Veronica ,that wasn't a rant .lol,more a statement of fact in us over here having a useless load of b****rs in charge ,he he ,they must have heard YOU yesterday though ,Edinburgh council haver called in the troops to clear the streets.
Newcastle council have put forward another blinding idea [not] ,to get the public to clear the streets ,and paths while the council sit drinking tea in the depot's.i ask you,lol.
If the govenment would come forward with the idea of rounding up every fit body lounging on the dole and make them work for their money ,i would be all for it,far better again than using troops that could be used for their proper purpose,,
Hmmmmmm .hows about that mr Cameron ? that would save the country millions.
Hey Les ,i got my ramikins of crumble,lol,the threat of me going on strike,but as a reward ,i have already got todays dinner ready ,me having ,Lasagna,and i made her a nice cheese & bacon,cauliflower made with a cheese and onion sauce which she loves.
I normally do myself a macaroni cheese ,using half the sauce for that,so we both eat well ,cause i isnt keen on cauli' done that way, but i just fancied lasagna today which the wife hates [all the more for me ,lol.
The crumble i made the filling for ,using the last of the desert apples off the tree ,and Victoria plums,stewed together in a medium sauce pan ,no sugar ,desert apples and victoria plums don't need it.
The crumble the wife used packets for ,Mac Dougall brand ,one packet made of a mix of flour and oats with added cinnimon ,one ordinary crumble mix,the first time for the oatie one ,to see what its like .
She just waited until the filling was cold ,and packed the mix on the top ,a little like ramming gunpowder down a gun barrel ,he he. on;ly the wife uses the end of a wooden rolling pin ,not a ramrod .lol.
She even cheats with the custard ,using a packet mix ,i am the one who uses traditional methods normally ,making everything from scratch.
Friday ,instead of the usual fish and chips ,i am jacket tattie making ,using a filling of the tattie scooped out ,mixed with salt, cracked pepper ,a little mixed herb [fresh] onion and streaky bacon ,also finely chopped after grilling to remove most of the fat.i think two largish tatties should suffice.
I canget the car out today if i am careful ,so we are away locally to stock up again on the staples ,before the return of the ice and snow next week.
We arer managing well ,but that was a good idea off the thread ,i may indeed send an order in to Iceland stores ,or Asda,Morrisons, or even tesco if it gets hairy on the roads again ,lol.
Hope everyone is managing okay no matter where you are ,please spare a thought for our Oz cousins though ,they are having a really bad time of it in N SW,with the flooding,looks like they are copping the full lot again ,crops washed out ,homes innundated ,and lose of life ,thinks we are pretty lucky to be honest.
Catch you later all ,Fred.xxxxxx


Veronica Report 8 Dec 2010 20:59

Hi Les

I suggested they get on to the radio etc but they are bit backwards and coming forwards for my like. I certainly would have made a lot of noise by now.

Tesco is having a problem with deliveries, Gwyneths Aunt who is 89 and lives in Edinburgh has been waiting for a delivery for more than a week, her street is closed due to snow and abandoned vehicles. Thankfully she has a couple of thoughtful neigbours.

More power to that lady - what a gem.

Its snowing with us now. London, Ontario had adump of over a metre yesterday and more forecast, we have been lucky as the weather has gone all around us until now.



Lesley Report 8 Dec 2010 18:08

My Dad lives in Huddersfield. He has a lady from Age Concern who comes in and "does" for him and also gets his groceries. Well she is snowed in but last week she walked thru the snow to get the bus into town, went to Sainsburys, then caught the bus to take my Dad's groceries out to him. Then at 5 o' clock she made her return journey home.....a huge thank you to you are a star. Meanwhile I am going to try and get a Tesco delivery run set up for my Dad....he might be Huddersfields oldest resident - he'll be 97 in February!!

We are faced with heavy rain and today, high winds. This is a typical winter scenario for us and at least you can drive thru it. I always worry about our basement tho, as we did flood the year we moved in here in heavy rain. We did have all that work done to the perimeter drains so let's hope it is all holding up well.

Veronica, maybe someone up there on that street could just give the army a call anyway....I am a great believer in making a lot of noise when you have to....squeaky wheel and all that. And ya know, there will be many others in the same predicament, but maybe they should call the local radio/tv stations and get a bit of covergae....the pregnant lass, stuck in the snow, baby imminent would make a great story and I'll bet get them shovelled out quicker than you can say fish and chips!!

Fred, glad that you and Liz are hunkered down OK. Now about those crumbles....hmmm! maybe Liz could pop that recipe my way?? I need to junk out my freezer today so that we will have room for the "big shop" on Friday. Off into Nanaimo to Costco and will stock up on lots of frozen items. Then hopefully we'll get the last of the xmas shopping finished.
And I still haven't written or sent my cards....good job you lot all like Jacquie!! LOL
More later


Veronica Report 8 Dec 2010 15:38

Oh Dear Fred, I hope you feel better now after that rant? Your both lucky peeps to have each other.

I have also felt that the cost of buying the equipment needed to keep the country at least able to tackle the heavy snow more effectively would be offset by the savings in lost time for employers and employees. So what if it sits not utilized for some years. Certainly the east coast areas of UK and the motorway systems are always hit hard.

I feel for the young couple, now should be a time of joy for them, not a time of fear.

I remember helecopters delivering bread and supplies to our small town in the 1950's as the trucks couldn't get in to Louth over the hills.

I really do believe that using the army in some areas would help. People can only help themselves so much and Edinburgh and the whole of Scotland is in a right mess. How can people like Gwyneth and her neighbours clear the snow of a huge hill down into the town? they would give it a good shot but its an impossible task, they have already helped each other clear their driveways and paths.

Keep your chin up Fred, It can't get much worse can it?

No word from Keith today, Sounds like most of Britain is under cover of snow and ice - check out the BBC website.

Sounds like Norm has had a lucky escape with that fall, thank goodness he has no serious head injuries.



badger Report 8 Dec 2010 11:49

Can't see the councils ,or the ruddy government here doing anything to help the general public Les ,despite the cost of work lost in two days plus the cost of lost revenue ,,i e ,no deliveries ,people hospitalised through accidents ,is more than it would cost the country to buy the much needed equipment needed to keep the country at work.
This government is doing as usual ,what it does best ,sits on it's fat butt ,chuntering away ,beating it's gums ,too intent on making an utter ass of itself ,rather than doing something useful ,like getting itself off it's fat arse and getting it's act in gear ,that would mean working for a living .
Things never change here Les ,why do you think brit's are leaving this country in droves? if i were young and fit ,we would have left this useless played out country years ago ,lol[blame the missus] ,she wouldn't leave her mum when we had three beutiful chances ,job to go to in Canada ,and two in oz Grrrrr ,women ,he he
People in the know here say that it would cost far less in the long term ,to bite the bullet and get the winter gear in that Britain needs ,but our lot would rather beat their gums instead of getting on with it.
One to more cheerful things ,they are improving slowly but the days at the minute are still very cold ,but us two at least ,are dug in ,and managing well .
The wife was complaining [as usual ] he he ,that she had no room in the freezers to put the promised ramikins of apple crumble down ,but in rerality she dosn't want to do them because she don't like them humph so i got my big rainbow trout out of the freezer last night,re arranged it to give lots more room,and said ,There woman ,no more excuses ,get me crumbles made ,no crumbles ,no more cleaning in the house ,no more meals cooked for you ,Fred is on strike if i don't get them made today ,so ,off into the kitchen she has gone ,grumbling when she needs to be crumbling ,lol.
Tis okay folks ,sometimes she forgets herself ,and how lucky she is ,specially in the north ,to have a hubby who does all this for her ,he he ,so every now and then ,i have to remind her works anyway .
All the Christmas shopping is now done ,so we can sit back and relax somewhat ,whick is just as well ,the last time we went out ,the cold hit her hard ,minus 3 at one pm ,and i had to bring her home early because she was having trouble getting her breath in the cold,pray for a lottery win for us peeps ,the heat of Oz is far better than the cold here,though the oz contingant are in dire trouble with flooding and torrential rain ,poor Bu***s ,it's either one thing or another over there ,at the minute ,if it isn't floods or drought ,it's fire and locusts.
Dinner calls ,back later peeps ,


Lesley Report 7 Dec 2010 17:59

Veronica doesn't the army help out in times like this in Britain??? I remember years ago when they airlifted food for the sheep on Dartmoor when they were snowed in....hmmm! you would think they could help some of the people as well wouldn't you???
Is anything like that going to happen, Fred???
Norm not only has a black eye but half a black face. His eye closed up but seems a bit better today, at least he can see out of it.
Fred, the train is a lot of fun. In the summer on the weekends they have a "gang" of cowboys who chase the train down, hold it up and then rob everyone....lots of laughs. Also during the summer the mill is working and you can watch the steam donkey and the steam mill working with lumber...pretty interesting stuff. Come over anytime....always a bed here for you two.
The weekend was good. I did OK....I mean you can always do better. At one point we had a tour bus turn up unexpectedly. Anyway we all had fun and laughter like we usually do.
Now I suppose I should get at those xmas cards....late again. Thank goodness that I can do jacquie Lawson for most folks....I love her cards.
More later.


Veronica Report 7 Dec 2010 16:43

Hi All

Well I wouldn't have got into Edinburgh today if I had left my plans in place as the airport is closed again. Still no help for the folks at the top of the hill and people are trying to walk down as they are running out of everything now. Gwyneth tells me one young couple is very worried as their 1st baby is due this week and they don't have any way to get down the hill if she goes into labour. One of the neighbours with a 4 x 4 tried doing a run yesterday and got stuck before he got very far, he had said if he could get down and back up he would take the couple in an emergancy.

Such a bad situation in some areas. Keith made it to Liverpool and has emailed me to say he arrived safely although the roads are very icy.

Keep safe Fred


edith clace

edith clace Report 7 Dec 2010 13:26

Morning all. Sorry to hear of your snow troubles, Fred and Veronica.
We are very lucky we live in an area that removes it in a hurry. The locals
use their snow machines to get around if nothing is plowed. !!
Have been busy with all the Christmas craft shows, sales etc. seems to get a bit busier every year. Seems people are getting back to a traditional Christmas again.
Our annual Seniors dinner was held last night, a beautiful free meal provided by volunteers from all the churches and the Legion.
Santa had gifts for all and carol singing with some lovely "young" ladies.
Hope Norm's recovery is quick and he can get about again real soon.
Bless Bella for staying with her dad!!
Time to get going so will say bye for now. Edith XXXX


badger Report 6 Dec 2010 18:06

Evening all ,cold here ,i couln't see the colour of the car this morning ,it was covered in hoar frost ,minus 9c at 7 am ,brrrrrr,and this was the so called mild couple of days before the cold comes back ,lol.
Sorry to hear of Norms mishap Les ,i'm afraid it is partly the lovely Bellas fault ,bless her ,in sitting there next to Norm ,she was a likely cause of people steering clear ,,they would likely have thought ,with her sitting on guard ,they could have been attacked if they tried to approach to help.
It could also be that people just don't care anymore,but anyway ,thankfully ,norm came round okay and managed to get home.
That Bella should get a medal ,most dogs would have left him lying there.
I looked up your complex from the info you gave ,and was very impressed, and what a train you have ,boy ,i would love a ride on that line ,i issss Jeal'@ lol,we have no working mills /museums , i feel as though i'm missing out.
My gt gt gt Grandad spent some time over there ,working as a jumberjack before he moved into chair making and furniture manufactoring ,lucky blighter.
I can well believe the story regarding Inverkiething Veronica ,the councils in the north east are doing very little to clear anything but the main roads.
Maybe the people of that town should threaten that council ,and tell them that if they don't clear the hills and streets ,the people will clear them out of office at the next election,these councils are the same as our government,promise the earth at election time ,and then sit on their fat cooperate butts once they get in through the door.
Time to get the tea ,jacket tatties with butter ,salt and pepper,going no where tomorrow ,and will be hibernating indoors ,


Veronica Report 5 Dec 2010 15:02

Hi All

Well my trip to Scotland next week has now been cancelled. I can get to Edinburgh Airport but I can't get to my cousins home a few miles away. 7 days in and no one has been up the hill to help the folks living up there to dig out from 4 feet of snow. We are not talking out in the country - its in the town of Inverkeithing. No one can get up or down the hill on foot to shop (nothing in the shops apparently either). In an emergency no one could get help if they needed it. I think its disgusting, no excuse for abandoning folks this way.

My cousin is now rapidly running out of food, she ran out of milk 2 days ago and bread the same day. about 60 people live in the cul de sac and more further down the hill and the council has told them they will have to dig themselves out by hand!!!!!!!!! Some of these folks are quite old and have medical conditions. They have all got together and helped dig each others driveways out but to expect them to dig themselves out down a steep hill for about a mile is totally unrealistic.

Anyway nothing I can do about it - got it off my chest as I am angry for her, they all pay a lot of taxes and are getting nothing.

Keep safe



Lesley Report 4 Dec 2010 16:55

I am at the Market at the Mill all weeken along with the Mill's christmas village. Big bonfire every nite, xmas lites everywhere, Santa and singers. Come on over folks....its a great time even if a tad cold, minus 3 last night. I sold nothing yesterday so hopefully today will be better.
When I got home at 9.30 last nite I found Norm huddled in his chair with a face the size of a pumpkin. He had taken Bella for a walk and had tripped and fallen and knocked himself out when his head hit the curb. So there he lay in a pool of slushy mud, blood streaming down his face and no-one, repeat no-one stopped to help. Bella like the best girl in the world sat by her Dad til he came to and then they hobbled home. I took him to Emerg. They gave him some shots but said he seemed to be OK.
And so it goes. He is confined to the main floor of the house today. No walking, driving, chopping wood or any other shenanigans!!!
Ok have a good weekend....I am off to the mill....keep you fingers crossed.
BTW you can google MacLeans Mill i Port ASlberni. It will give you an idea of where I am.


badger Report 4 Dec 2010 12:21

Looks like the chalet is still safe this morning Mary ,but oh ,us up here in the frozen north are in bother ,he he ,we is stuck,can't get out of the drive onto the road outside ,never mind get onto the main a 69 or the A 1 ,but are we dismayed ? NOOOOOO,lol,we have decided to batten down the hatches and hibernate indoors.
Even Hissy has seen enough ,i am having to put her pout of the back door manually ,lol, ignoring the eyes ,that say ,don't want to go out in the cold ,you issss being mean,and i don't love you any more ,lets back in ,ooooooo ,i isssss hard ,lol.
So ,we are having a nice snug weekend in the warm ,having turned up the heating, and b****r the heating bills.
Dinner today comprises one small joint of Irish beef which i rescued from the reduced counter before the assistant even let go of it ,remembering to say ,thank you ,of course .
It was marked down to £1-97 and that for a three pound chunk,not at all bad,,and seeing as we rescued some Asparagus at £1-20,and spring cabbage at 29 p ,we are having a nice cheap lunch..
Stay in the warm all,including Jack who is braving the Canadian winter ,worse than what us Brits are getting by far ,lol.Fred


Veronica Report 2 Dec 2010 16:31

Hi Mary

It was me that was looking for a family in OZ, the one you found is too early and Tony has taken a look at the records and not been able to find much as the records for deaths and marriages we need are too recent and still not public.

I would really like help seeing when Davina Preston with her children emigrated to Australia and if her husband William was with her. It would be after 1919 as her daughter Barbara was born in Canada but before 1925 as her 2nd son Charles John Preston(Mills) was born in Gunddeha NSW.

She seems to have been a bit of a lass, no mention of husband William and she was with Charles John Mills and using the last name Mills on the 1936 Electoral Roll also the children where given the last name Mills on the record.

I can't find anything from the Canadian end on a death or emigration to OZ

Anyway, Hope someone can help.

I have spoken to my family in Scotland and Lincolnshire and they are totally snowed in as they either live on top of hills or down in valleys where they can't get up the hill! My cousin in Scotland has over 3 feet of snow in her drive and the road outside her home hasn't got a single tyre track. No one has been up or down since Sunday - its getting quite scarry as folks are beginning to run out of supplies and the local authorities seem to be making no effort to open up their road so they can at least walk down to get stuff. I hope their isn't an emergancy anytime soon in her area.

I hope Fred is OK - he won't run out of supplies but the sheer weight of snow is daunting. We are set up for clearing it in Canada and still it can be a difficult task.

best wishes to all who are stranded - keep safe.
