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## Canucks International ##

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Lesley Report 29 Dec 2010 16:49

OK only a few days of too much food and wine.....time to get back to normal just like Edith says. I did cook a pretty amazing pork loin on the 23rd. I scored the top every half inch to about a depth of half an inch. Then I doused it in maple syrup, and then sprinkled it with a good steak spice. Roasted....yummy and so tender...might have to cook another one of those!!
My family have all gone home and now we wait for friends to arrive on the 31st. Then more family mid January....I am thinking I will leave my tree up until then as it is festive...hmmm! well maybe not.
Hope Santa was good to everyone, he was very nice to me...LOL!! He was especially clver when it came to Rhian. She got so many "crafty" things it kept her and us busy for the whole day.
Looking at blue skies today altho a tad colder. We had 288 mm of rain from the 23rd to the 25th....thats almost a foot...pretty wet I'd say!!
More later.


badger Report 29 Dec 2010 14:20

Afternoon all,from darkest Wiltshire,where the wife,grandson and i have just had a very enjoyable stir fry for dinner.
Getting the new puter set up very well after ditching internet explorer for google chrome and yahoo,which shows what a waste of space explorer was ,everything now runs far faster ,ans with no errors at all.
We are having our party tea later on today ,crackers ,party food and all the trimmings ,seeing as the grandson had no one with him for Christmas until we arrived.
He certainly enjoyed his special dinner which for the most part ,we brought with us.
We saw the resident grey squirrel this morning ,lol, teasing the three young cats that belong to a house over the back of here,it was sitting on the fence chattering at them ,and scampered up the elder tree as soon as they got close to him ,or her.
Hope everyone has had a good time over Christmas ,,we are heading home on new years eve and should be home by tea time ,to share our tea with Hissy ,he he ,wonder what she will do with her new year toy,a catnip filled toy mouse made of a heavy cloth ,with a string tail,she still loves her stuffed wool balls ,and chases up and down the stairs with them.
I even took Liz to Morrisons today ,to do a little shop for the tea ,and fill the car up ,but it' easy to see it's far warmer down here ,as she got around no bother at all,which is nice to see.
Time to go ,i have to send a few emails out before i get the tea ready.
Take care all,catch you all

edith clace

edith clace Report 29 Dec 2010 12:47

Morning Seems all our group are on holidays. Welcome back after a delightful Christmas. I spent it with the family and of course overdid the food intake but will now get back to regular time schedules !!!!!
The weather was perfect for a change, little snow and milder temps.
Looking around at the rest of the world we feel blessed.
Hope all our friends in Oz are O.K.
The east coast of Canada has had a terrible time as well, too much snow with high winds etc.
The west is wet and windy although Les was o.k. on Christmas eve.
Fred and Liz are away, hope they are well.
Look forward to hearing from you all.


Veronica Report 24 Dec 2010 19:40

Merry Christmas to you all. The grandkids have gone home after 2 days with us, we took them to the pantomime and they booed and hissed their way through it. We will see them tomorrow for dinner.

Just off to soften up some icecream and add Bailey's to it, its a great alternate on top of the Christmas pudding to the usual rum sauce, which I will also do of course.

Great tip I was given by a friend, when serving icecream to a large # of people. Put plastic wrap over a muffin tin, scoop out a portion of ice cream into each section, cover with more plastic wrap and refreeze, then just pop out each portion as you need it. Works a treat.

Enjoy your time with your family and friends and lets all count our blessings.




Lesley Report 23 Dec 2010 17:32

Daughter arrived yesterday and the rest of the gang it is Christmas. Off tonite to see Santa and his sleigh arrive at the waterfront, Rhian will enjoy that. Then off to see the house with the "musical lights"...we all will like that. Then home for roast pork and apples...bliss.

Have a Merry Christmas everyone, likely wont be back until the 26th.


badger Report 23 Dec 2010 15:34

Afternoon all you happy campers ,lol.the Oz contingent already into Christmas eve,and the rest of us not all that far behind.
Yes Edith i have dug us out again for the last time until after Christmas ,we needed the doctors for the wife's tablets and got the last odds and ends in ,and by the time we got back in ,it was snowing again ,but it can now please itself ,we are snug in the house ,and the weather can do it's worst .he he.
The wife sent your recipe yesterday Edith ,because i was getting on with a few last minute details that couldn't be left any longer,but at last this household is squared away.
Just as well that we got the new freezer when we did ,Mary would have laughed herself silly had we put the corning beef into her Chalet again this year,all the veggies and other christmas gear in there is frozen solid,so the meat would have been ruined with me not being able to turn it over daily,we now have an outside freezer ,not a lot different to the outhouse that the old trappers used to have in the old days ,you know ,put all the meats into a big box and haul it up into a tree to preserve it ,out of the reach of the wolves and bears.
We are having another of the leek ,chicken ,potato dishes again tonight ,using a lot of the stuff left from yesterdays lunch,so easy to knock up ,and at the same time ,very nice to eat ,on a plate in front of the t/v.
Time to shut up shop for the day.
Hope everyone is about ready for the big day,stay warm and safe all ,

edith clace

edith clace Report 23 Dec 2010 11:04

Good morning all, Finally ready for the next few days. Have had 3 very grey days but hopefully the sun will show up to-day.
Gifts are wrapped and under the tree and all the other stuff ready too.!!
Seems things are a bit better in Britain, my cousin says the snow has mostly gone where they are so she is a hap[py bunny for now.
I guess you are still under snow Fred and Liz??
Crazy weather all over the world really !!!!
Happy Christmas to everyone,
Blessings for a safe and happy New Year.


Lesley Report 19 Dec 2010 18:23

Edith, you must have read my mind or me yours, I am just about to get a pot of beef and veggies on the go. Actually as I write, I think I will braise the meat with tomatoes and onions, then mashed spuds...very comfort food! I made mexican food last nite complete with salsa chicken, mexi rice and refried beans.
Fred, you take it easy out in all that snow, get inside and keep warm. I have an order from Tesco's going to my Dad on Monday, I wonder if they will be able to deliver it OK...he is in Huddersfield.
We have some sun today but hopefully that doesn't mean it will get colder. They did call for snow but we are hoping not, so that our kids can get here safely and then get home safely.
Well I have decided to go for the gusto with these aprons of mine. I am thinking I may reorganize the upstairs space and set myself up, up there out of everyone's way. It is a bit cold up there as the heat from the woodstove doesn't rise that far (2 floors) so I would have to have a heater of some sort...however I think it will all work out year project!! I ordered some fabric online today and some bead will be good to go.
Have a good day, you lot.

The Border Reiver

The Border Reiver Report 19 Dec 2010 14:11

Good Evening All,

Hope you had a nice breakfast Edith - I'm just about to have supper.
The weather is beautiful here - little sister who is across from the UK is lapping it up. It's doing her arthritis a world of good - nearly 50 degrees difference between here and the UK.
Must go and have supper and then bed - only 7 hours until I get up for work.
Best wishes to eveyone.


edith clace

edith clace Report 19 Dec 2010 11:59

Good morning Fred, and all the others.
Welcome to the world of snow, talking to friend in London and they are not too amused with the snow there. As usual Fred nothing keeps you down for long. Did you make a Snowman too???That would surely send the neighbours into a spin hee hee.
Seems a lot of the world is affected by the nasty weather, watching folks in airports waiting. Home seems the best place to be right now.
A veg/beef soup is on my menu for to-day. Will make some baking powder biscuits to go with it, and make sure the others in the building have some as well.
There are 3 old "geezers" who do enjoy home made soup hee hee.
Time for my breakfast so will see you all later.


badger Report 19 Dec 2010 11:43

Morning all From gardener Fred who has just about thawed out from yesterdays outside work in the freezin' cold lol.
it was too good to miss folks ,the ground frozen solid from the heavy frosts ,but as yet snow free ,so i thought ,yeah ,get on with it fella ,so ,on with the winter clothing ,like an Eskisnow ,to pairs of socks on ,feet stuffed into the wellies ,and two pairs of mitts,out in the front garden ,towing the garden waste bin behind me.
People from over the road ,looking at me out there ,shaking their heads,but with huge grins on their faces ,as i pruned the roses ,and decimated the snow ruined young Willow ,leaving only the trunk to rip out when the ground thaws.
Then into the back garden ,more roses pruned ,leaves picked off the veggie haulms,again leaving the stalks until the thaw,and came back indoors ,frozen to the marrow ,he he ,but satisfied ,and another job done.
Into a warm bath that the darling wife had run for me ,and soaked for a good half an hour before redressing ,and getting the tea ,a nice warming country broth that the missus makes so well ,before settling down to watch a film.
Thanks for the recipes ,Les ,both will be tried out in the next fortnight,and both sounding rather scrummy.
Just in time too ,my new electric frying pan ,cum rice dish ,curry dish cooker being put to first use ,he he,it shopuld be nice and simple to use [he says hopefully].
Just got the garden done in time ,as it turns out ,the third band of snow is heading our way ,after the second band hit the west and south us missing it,so ,no complaints.
Liz can't go outdoors while it is so cold ,because it knocks her for six,so when i go shopping i now leave her in the warm ,hmmmmm ,looks like our jaunts now have to be after March ,and before November when the heavy frosts come back again,but ,no matter ,we can't have it all ways.
Dinner ,today is a practice for next week ,Turkey breast,brussels ,carrot,and potatos [baked] stuffing ,and a nice onion gravy,just right for the two of us.
Have to go and get it started,but will be back later God willing ,look after yourselves all ,stay safe ,and warm.Fred.xxxx


badger Report 17 Dec 2010 08:58

Morning all ,looks like OUR heavy snow won't be arriving until the weekend ,so i may slip out later this morning to top the car right up before it sets in.
After the email i got yesterday regarding Starbucks snub to all the troops from all countries involved in the Iraq, Afgan wars ,and their very shoddy treatment of the survivors of the 7/11 outrage of the Twin towers [they ,Starbucks actually charged the fire and rescue services for water to take to shocked and injured survivors] i am asking all you peeps on genes to boycott Starbucks until they change their attitude.
I will never go in one of their outlets again for anything ,even piddle on them if the joint catches fire.
Well ,it looks as though Edith is bunkered down for the festive season,someone else who is well organised ,lol.
The Celery soup was ace ,with enough left for tonights tea ,so simple and quick to make ,just a dash of fresh chopped Corriander [optional] salt ,pepper ,ten sticks of celery ,and a medium onion, couldn't be simpler.
be back later when i thaw Hissy out ,he he,she has come in ,poor mite ,shivering ,and jumped straight onto my lap in front of the fire ,so normal service will have to resume later.Fred.xxxx P S any chance of that potato dish recipe Les ?

edith clace

edith clace Report 16 Dec 2010 18:14

Sorry Fred, I had no other course, after all the "do's" I have been to my poor apt. was very neglected. Also the dust bunnies were having far too much fun, multipying far too quickly. Mass slaughter with a swiffer was the only answer.
They are now under control and the dreaded word will not be repeated!!!!
Thank you for the lovely card.
It sounds as tho' you have everything ready for the holidays.
Off to do a bit of shopping bye for now. Edith XXXXX


Lesley Report 16 Dec 2010 18:01

Well the pressies are wrapped, the tree is wonderful and my daughter is baking the cookies....yea!! We are getting there. Meanwhile Bella has discovered the joy of sleeping on the white fluffy stuff UNDER the christmas tree. It amazing how she can wiggle in there and not even disturb the ornaments. I will try and catch of pic of her....silly girl!!
My cold still lingers, maybe by tomorrow it will be better. Think I may resort to some Vicks today....that should help. Most of the day I look quite attractive with a great wodge of Ponds cold cream surrounding my nose!!
Norm made potato latkes last night...naughty but oh! so nice. He makes the traditional jewish yummy.
Today I may attempt a little housework but like Fred says....wouldn't want to swear too much.
Later, Lesxx


badger Report 16 Dec 2010 13:12

Hi Edith ,we went out yesterday morning ,found our big piece of corning beef ,and a cut price large gammon ,joint ,topped up our veggie store and came home well satisfied.
I made up the pickling brine in the afternoon ,and got the beef into it late last night,and put all the veggies in the greenhouse [cooler you can't get .he he.
This morning it started to snow at 8 am ,and has continued off and on all morning ,into the forenoon,so it would seem we did the right thing in stocking up when we did.
Made a nice red Thia curry for the dinner ,and a nice batch of celery soup for tea,and now ,finishing up on the puter before battening down the hatches,before the snow starts in ernest .
Back later [i hope] lol.
Edith ,NO swearing on this thread please ,HOUSEWORK? ,Phoeeeeey .he he Fred.xxxx

edith clace

edith clace Report 15 Dec 2010 14:46

Morning all, The crazy weather continues I see. Les, hope you can stay afloat with all your water, we are still undercover(lots of sweaters) etc. for the cold.
Fred, is between storms it seems but gearing up for whatever is next!!!
Went to my last Christmas party last night. D.I.L from Thunder Bay came up for the company she works for and as my son was in the north, I was her "escort". Lovely meal and loads of fun. Prizes like I have never seen
Many Ipads being given away!!! Most of the kids got I pods Wow.
My luck continued and so I won none of the above.
Had a great time tho' so won't complain.
Happy to hear of John's results Mary. It will make life much easier for you both.
Time to get some housework done so will get on with it.
Back soon. Edith XXX


Lesley Report 14 Dec 2010 17:44

Still raining here and more high winds. Usually the neighbours patio roof manages to sail into our yard but so far it is staying in place....thank goodness. I am always concerned that it will fly thru the kitchen window.
On Friday last week I spent an afternoon cuddling and dancing with Audrey (a year old). She loves to dance with me and we snuggle and giggle....but she had the sniffles. Well now I have a full blown cold probably the first in maybe 3 years, so I am a tad grumpy!!
Managed to get all the cards sent, snail and email, the tree looks lovely, now only the pressies to wrap, the house to clean, the baking to be done...oh! it just goes on and on.
Mary pleased to hear about John. It will be less stress for you as well. Too bad these things sometimes take so long to sort out.
Short and sweet today my loverlies, places to go etc.
Haven't hear from JA or Christine for a long time. Hope they are OK.


Veronica Report 13 Dec 2010 16:26

Hi All

Mary, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 10 years ago and the treatment was different then, I was given and anti-inflamatory and a muscle relaxant that worked for me and after about 3 years I went into remission. It is part of the arthritis family.

I thought it had returned only worse in October of last year but in January was diagnosed with agressive rheumatoid arthritis which has been treated for part of the time with prednisone - its a wonderful drug but has some nasty side effects, not least, as Keith found out a change in personality, it can make you very agressive at times and also you can have terrible lows as well. Poor Keith never new what to expect some days! the mood swings where dreadful but have gone away now I am off the prednisone.

Fred, I agree with you, the doctors really don't listen sometimes, we know our bodies and if you had been diagnosed with osteo arthritis then that should have been the first thing they checked.

Haven't heard from Gwyneth for a few days and Keith's trip has gone incredibly well. I expect Gwyn will have stocked up again, she had mentioned that more snow was coming.

We had our first real snowfall last night, but again we dodged the bullet, all around got several inches and we got about an inch but nasty black ice is underneath it.

all for now, I'm having potato and leak soup for lunch and the youngest daughter is coming to share it so off I go.



Aussiegirl Report 13 Dec 2010 10:19

Hi everyone..remember me,,,LOL..

Do hope you are not all frozen or snowed in..You sound like you are having dreadful weather, and we are getting a months worth of rain in one day in parts of OZ,,We have been lucky and escaped it all and our weather has been quite nice..

Lovely to see Veronica back and so sad you had to cancel your trip.. never mind put it off till the spring..

One good thing has happened is that John has got a new specialist and he put him on prednisone and he is making slow but good is lovely to see little bits of progress each day and after he has had the tests that the doc wants done he will at last know what is wrong with his legs..The doc says one thing he has is fibromyalgia, so we will wait for the test results to see if anything else is found..We are very happy and its a good Christmas present for us..he has put up with this for 5 years and was nearly in a wheelchair,,he could barely walk,,but this evening I took him for a walk around the village and he was fantastic compared to a week ago..The age of miracles is not yet over...

Well I do hope you are all well and do keep warm ..Poor hope he is on the mend and big hugs for him..good old Bella..

Love Mary xxx


badger Report 13 Dec 2010 07:19

hi all,well this lot of snow has about gone ,but there is more on the way for the back end of the week ,so we will slip out later this afternoon ,and top up on supplies in case we get hit hard again.
We have decided on a leek,and chicken pie for dinner today,which is really a glorified Shepherds pie of sorts because there is no pastry,but a topping of potato ,with a little cheese sprinkled on top [optional] but anyway the whole dish is cookable in a mic saving energy on a large gas oven.
I was soooooo pleased to hear of our Mary's news ,re husband John,i hope this means the guy will be fully mobile before Christmas ,and has the best time i bet they have had in a couple of years.
Isn't it a pity though ,that doctors don't take more notice of their patients,in that Marys hubby knew what was wrong with him but the doctors took no notice.
Mine wouldn't believe me when i complained about the arthritis in my right hip ,saying how do you know what is wrong with it?,so i said ,well ,seeing as i have had osteo arthritis in my left ankle for ten years ,i reckon i know what arthritis pain feels like ,don't you ? he he ,i sharp got ex rayed then and when i got the result that i knew i would get ,i just raised my eyebrows as he read the report,and he cleared his throat and said ,you are right ,lol.
Hope the council keeps on top of that hill as the snow returns Veronica and dosn't let it get that bad again,it would be indeed a help to ALL residents ,if the stores could get their vans in and out to deliver groceries and fuel.but were i your rellies ,i wouldn't hold their breath,our council has admitted that they blundered ,and didn't order enough grit in the autumn ,nothing changes.does it?,Three years of bad winters ,and they STILL havn't learned.
Have to go now ,but will be back later ,take care all ,and stay safe ,Fred