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## Canucks International ##

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Lesley Report 17 Mar 2011 17:17

Ya know Fred, not selling canola oil in Britain is about as stupid as not selling oxo cubes here in Canada because of mad cow disease....who thinks up these things I wonder??? I use mostly extra virgin olive oil except for the few recipes that call for veg oil. At least olive oil has some health benefits.
Here's a new spud dish for you to try....don't know if I posted this before. Layer thin sliced potatoes, onion and tomatoes in a casserole, starting with potatoes and ending with potatoes. Drizzle about a tablespoon of olive oil over the top and then sprinkle on about a half a cup of crumbled low fat feta cheese. Put the lid on and bake at 350 for about an is pretty yummy, pretty healthy and a nice twist on scalloped potatoes.
If the prevailing winds carry the radiation from Japan to North America my understanding is that the "strength" of the radiation diminishes as it travels across the ocean. Does anyone remember what the world effect was re: Chernobyl (spelling). I might google that see what it says.
OK off to do whatever the day brings.
Later Lesxx


badger Report 17 Mar 2011 14:34

Afternoon everybody,weather not too good today but i got the missus down to the town and bank,and we sat in the Grainger market and had a sarnie apiece with a nice cup of coffee,and then brought a few goodies ,mainly two quarter pounder beef burgers ,some pork burgers ,two pounds of Cumberland sausages,a pound of Ox liver,and some local black pudding ,we are now set up for treats for the next two weeks.
We called at Netto on the way home and got hold of two more brushwood screen ,and now have enough to go the full length of the fence ,which will cut out the stiff breezes from next door ,and prevent the weed seed blowing through the fence [i hope].
I also found two bush covers ,made of fleece ,which will go over my orange tree for the duration of winter,so the tree will be well protected now ,being in the greenhouse with the cover on as well.
They could be the answer for you too Mary ,two covers in the pack ,costing £1 here,so less than a dollar in oz.
I had a good look for that oil Les' but no luck so far ,ruddy common market ,refusing to let the modified seed into the e U,can't understand their mentality ,here we are .most people refusing to buy the rapeseed oil because it tastes pretty awful,and the bee keepers unable to sell the honey from the flowers because it is inedible,when the Canadians ,and their bees are getting by fine with the modified crops.
Makes no sense to me ,farmers all over europe modifying seeds for hundreds of years with potato ,wheat ,corn ,Barley,tomato,s ,and even the lowly cabbage being bred since Victorian times for heavier ,better crops,and now Brussels say ,no ,it's wrong to modify crops? they are mad ,the whole lot of them.
Things are going from bad to worse in Japan ,a large radioactive cloud now on it's way to America,and the distinct possibility of one of the reactors going critical,no wonder the people in charge are panicking,if that reactor blows ,the rest of the plant will go too,worse than any Hiroshima,God help them all.
I tried the new I E 9 last night ,and after everything ran slow ,and msn kept freezing ,i re installed I E 8,and everything is back to normal,that sounds about right Msn putting a new version of their browser on line ,yet again while it is still full of bugs ,well done google ,and yahoo for a far better service once again.
Oh ,forgot to mention ,i at last found my Cyprus potatos in the market ,yeeeess,who is having Jackets for tea ,any guesses?he he.
Catch you later all,take care specially all those in the oz flood areas.Fredxxx


Aussiegirl Report 16 Mar 2011 22:05

Morning all.. We have dull and grey outside but no rain..Cant believe it,,they have said showers and rain for the past week and we haven't had enough to dampen the garden. A spit here and a spit there..gggggrrrrr..Watch the weather radar and we see it all coming but when it gets near to us it splits in two and goes south and north of us..
Les So glad you had a nice time with the grandy,,They do grow up fast and before you know it they are off doing their own thing.
Not much on today so might have a FH day and see what I can find..My film is in at the FHC so have reserved a viewer for sat. hope I find what I am looking for..
Fred Your garden must look nice with all the colour,, My daughters house she lived in in Bathurst had a magnificent display of hyacinths in spring all over her lawn,,The purple and the green lawn looked just beautiful..The people that they bought the house off were great gardeners and must have spent a lot of money on their garden..It gets quite cold there so bulbs do well..Sydney is not cold enough for them..

Hope all are well and I better go and get some brekky..Feel for the poor people in Japan, they certainly do have a hard time ahead..Hope they get those reactors under control and no more radio active stuff leaks out..they don't need that extra burden..

Love Mary xxx


Lesley Report 15 Mar 2011 17:01

Hi Gang, I am back. Had a great visit with the kids. Rhian is now old enough to play board games and we had some great family contests with lots of shouting. Norm and I came home on an early ferry yesterday morning, did a little shopping in Nanaimo and then home. Ollie was so glad to see us...he howled on and off for the rest of the day. I roast a chicken for supper and now have the bones simmering to make broth. Not sure what kind of soup I will make.
Japan is very worrying for the whole world I think. We get earthquakes every day along our coastline, from Alaska to Mexico. This earthquake in Japan moved those island away from us and since then we have monitored very few earthquakes here, puzzling and worrying. The fear of radiation is slight and I do tend to agree with the analysis of that....I wonder if the winds change total direction where that radiation would end up. Of course if the reactors blow up well it will be in our atmosphere....everywhere...what a world!!
Have had another creative brainwave and have a new product on the design boards...LOL Will send pics as soon as the first one is done.
Not much else here....same old day. Keep well.


badger Report 15 Mar 2011 11:00

Morning Edith,Mary,and all who look in, i did run a check on the possible virus ,and can confirm that it's another spoof ,but as i said as i passed the warning on ,better safe than sorry at the end of the day.
Poor Japan ,yet another explosion at the reactor site amid concerns now ,of a complete melt down,and concerns too of other reactor sites elsewhere going down the same road,we are indeed blessed Edith,and should be thankfull for what we have .
No more complains from this quarter that's for sure ,just niggles ,such as ,all my planting of snowdrop last September resulting in ONE lonely Snowdrop showing it's head,among tons of blue crocus ,planted as multi coloured ,grrrrrr ,but ,they do look nice ,and i even have Bluebell at last coming up among the primrose ,so i do have tons of colour out front.
Today is a reversal of yesterday ,he he ,dull ,damp ,misty,and a fret just starting ,lol, no sitting outside for me today that's for sure.
The pusser cat is sulking ,i took two lovely Cod loins out of the freezer this morning to do up for dinner ,with a parsley sauce ,laced witjh pepper,,a few peas ,and sweetcorn kernels,laid in a dish topped with creamed mashed potato's.
As soon as Hissy knew she was out of luck with the fish ,she flounced of in the sulks,and is sitting outside on her stool.
I thought the fish would be a good idea after the dinner yesterday ,which ,while lovely ,is rather high in sugar and salt among other things,so the fish will counteract it all.
If we get another big quake in Japan ,or the states ,as expected ,the earth may shift again ,hmmmmmm ,our Mary could find herself where Canada is at the moment ,he he ,and Edith and i could be basking in the tropics again ,lol,as happened thousands of years ago,although to be truthful ,after thinking of Aden ,and the heat all those years ago ,Mary is welcome to it ,i couldn't hack it anymore, Cyprus in October was more than hot enough.
Well ,time to go and do some work ,this time of year with all the water on the ground is a pain ,he he ,Hissy leaving muddy paw prints all over the kitchen floor,ignoring my pleas for her to wipe her paws on the mat as she comes in plurry pusser cat,lol,us house husbands have to many chores to do ,sigh.
Catch you later all ,take care ,peeps Fred.xxxxx

edith clace

edith clace Report 14 Mar 2011 23:00

Hello, Lordy Lordy, we now have temps above o
Thought the day would never come but yes it is here. The next week looks quite nice as well. Can't wait to get out on the balcony and get my hands dirty. hee hee. The snow should go fairly fast now and as long as it's a slow melt we don't have to worry.
Friend Chloe next door is also happy to get outside. She sat in a lawn chair most of the day to-day just watching the birds etc. a most contented cat indeed.
We too feel blessed as we watch all the devastation in Japan, at times it seems the world is on it's way to complete disaster doesn't it ????
Hope things settle soon. Our time has gone ahead already so even the tummy grumbles are out of tune. Making a cream of broccoli soup for supper to-nite so must finish it off.
Stay well all. Edith XXXX


badger Report 14 Mar 2011 16:10

Yes Mary ,you have the right idea,with the power NO country these days needs nuclear energy,coal has come a long way in thirty years,no longer a dirty fuel,far safer to use ,and in countries like Oz wind power ,solar power ,and even wave power should be the order of the day,and stuff the oil too.
They could rebuild modern coal powered coal and coking plants that would provide gas as well as heat,take all the people off the dole queues and get them back into work.
Trouble is that far too many high ups in government are coining it in with shares in oil and nuclear power to want to lose their place on the gravy train.
Hope Les'is enjoying her visit,i am off now to cook the tea i found in Morrisons this morning,chinese for two ,chicken in black bean sauce,chicken in sweet and sour,four spring rolls ,egg fried rice with garden peas,rice crackers ,and naan breads,for £4.90,lovely.
There were lots of specials on veggies too ,so we have supplies now for soups for tea for at least a week.
Finally got my first two hour sit in the garden today sun on the face and arms,the cat going daft because the patio door was opened for the first time since last october,she loved it ,in and out like a fiddlers elbow ,lol.
Hope everyone is having a nice week ,despite the continued deluges of water in some states, Catch you all later,


Aussiegirl Report 12 Mar 2011 23:09

Morning all.. We have a lovely mild day..

Those poor Japanese.. What a dreadful earthquake and tsunami, and now the radioactivity scare.. Don't think I like that sort of power..I will stick to my coal fired power stations thank you..despite the Greens telling us it causes global warming..Give me global warming and they can keep the radioactivity..LOL..

Fred.. I think they are guessing that John has that problem,,but are taking all I am happy with that..

My new pots will be for tommys for next spring and perhaps some vegs. The citrus are doing well and looking lovely and green.My granddaughter will be studying at the Madrid uni and teaching English as well.. I think that is the sort of deal when you get these positions. She is so excited and cant wait to get there..

Well better go and get some brekky..Have a lovely weekend all..

Love Mary xx


badger Report 12 Mar 2011 09:45

Morning to all,specially our Mary who is getting ready for winter,and dreaming of all the lovely new herbs planned for next season.
What about the quake ,and the resulting Tsunami in Japan all,the water even possibly reaching Oz ,creating even more misery for the poor coastal dwellers over there.
I think your rellie in Spain is better off where she is for now old Friend ,and hope she makes you prouder of her than you all ready are good luck to the lass.
Sorry Les ,that wasn't a slight ,just oversight [what a play on words he he] ,any way ,i have now sent it on to you,so you may find it sitting in your inbox when you get home.
,Nothing much happening here ,still wet ,cold and yukky,and the grandson will have to make do with the puter again when he arrives this afternoon.
At least ,at long last,you have a diagnosis for John Mary ,and i really hope he is one of the lucky ones with this disease who can be helped,and treated ,it would be good for you ,at long last .
going to be doing a few rashers of streaky bacon with an egg for dinner ,along with a little bubble and squeek,more squeek than bubble ,but at least ,that way i can listen to it while it's cooking ,lol.
My garden is at a stand still again what with the weather but at least ,i am half way there,so ,at this early stage it's looking good.
Hope everyone is having a good'un ,catch you later all,


Aussiegirl Report 11 Mar 2011 01:42

HI all.. We have dull but no rain..Wish those Queenslanders would not hog it all.. It is the wet season up there but what they are getting is ridiculous, and the poor things are really suffering..more floods and they haven't go over the recent cyclone yet..really feel for them..
Used some of my herbs in last nights dinner and am going to use some more for tonight's..They are growing well..might buy some more tubs ready for spring,,might get some long thin ones to go against the wall..

Eldest granddaughter rang me yesterday to let us know she has been accepted for the university in Madrid Spain for 12 months to do a honours degree..she is over the moon about it..she went to Spain on her recent trip to Europe and loved it..

Hope all you poor things are getting some warm weather, and starting to thaw out those stiff limbs..Do any of you go skiing in the snow,,or have the knees had their day..LOL..

Had to take OH for a chest x ray yesterday as there was a cancer scare with the Polymyositis they now say he has, but all clear thank goodness..

Have a lovely weekend all ,,,,

Love Mary xxx


Lesley Report 10 Mar 2011 18:09

Hey, I didn't get any of those ads...boohoo...nobody luvs me...LOL
Meanwhile kiddies I am off to the mainland for a few days and will try and post but may not get a chance.. Walked Bella this am....torrential rain about half an hour into the walk....two drowned rats came home!!!
Have a man coming to dig out some of my plants this morning so I can take them to the kids....I did housework yesterday and my back is still talking about it!!!! My Doc not vacuum....hmmm!! so then what???
More later. Lesxx

edith clace

edith clace Report 10 Mar 2011 13:26

Morning all, Thanks Fred. I got the milk ad. It is fabulous.
Our weather is on the warm side for a few days but we have another bout of snow coming in from Colorado!!!!!!
Wish the Yanks would keep the stuff in their own country.hee hee
Hope everyone is well. See you all soon. EdithXXXXX


badger Report 9 Mar 2011 17:15

Hi Edith ,i have just tried to send you the milk advert with the cats in that i was on about ,so i hope it arrives okay,just off to make the tea,a nice spicy parsnip and citrus variety ,yum ,back later Fredxxx

edith clace

edith clace Report 8 Mar 2011 12:51

Morning all, Yes, Fred the universe is indeed not in our hands.!!!Yesterday the weather man says it is warming up. The temps last eve would rise to -2, (summer) for us. O.K Edith dons a lighter wieght jacket, in the car, and off to visit friends whom I haven't seen since Christmas.Had a lovely time and 3 hrs later goes out to get in the car, Temp had dropped much lower than he said and it is raining. More ice than water. Even tho' I had heat in the car it was like driving on a skating rink so I arrived home and had to almost crawl across the parking lot. I think by the time summer gets here I shall be a hermit!!!!!
This morning a lovely white blanket is covering all the ice so it's grab a book time and spend the day inside.
Haven't seen the milk commercial yet but then it may be for Brits only.
Did watch the 25th anniversary of Les Miserable from the 0/2 in London
Sunday nite. We get mostly news on BBC Canada but I will watch for the cats. Time to drag out my blankie and coffee and settle in for the day.
Bye for now. Edith XXXXXXX


badger Report 8 Mar 2011 09:49

Morning all,wow ,a coldish night ,but the sun is out and it's warming up nicely ,so before i go out this morning i think i will fill up the tomato buckets in the greenhouse,ready to plant just before we go away for the first week this year.
I notice that Queensland is still suffering with floods,a months rain falling over a few hours,and parts of Christchurch unsuitable for rebuilding ,there may even be a case for relocating the whole city to a much safer place,what a fiasco for all who live there.
Just goes to show who is really in charge of our planet ,and it ain't the heads of state ,that's for sure.
That dog email you sent Edith ,is in fact an advert off the t.v,which has been showing on our screens for the last three months ,great isn't it?
You wait until you see the new one to do with Cravendale Milk that has hit our screens this week all to do with breakfast cereals ,milk and Cats,i nearly choked on my coffee it was so funny ,and good,
I havn't seen the eldest son for nearly two weeks ,so i think he must be well stuck into this Nissan course,hope he likes it ,and a job comes from it ,he would be chuffed to bits
Must get on with the greenhouse work while the sun holds ,he he ,our weather is looking to close in again overnight ,leading to heavy frost ,and maybe back to snow ho hum ,these things are sent to try us ,lol.
Catch you later after the pancake making he he.Fredxxx


Lesley Report 6 Mar 2011 17:53

Edith, our snow has melted and it is sopposed to be 9 degrees today....I'd better get out my bikini...LOL!! Yes our pork is pretty cheap now as well. I got a small loin roast for about $7. I guess I will do it in maple syrup again. Norm isn't too keen on pork but he'll eat it if it is sweet like that. Last night I made chicken tenders and "zoo" sticks....this is probably his favourite meal. Tonight is beef stew night. I am sure looking forward to being able to fire up the bbq sometime soon. We were just reminiscing last night about having cornish game hens bbq-ing on the spit...yummy!!
Amazingly you can get Wiltshire bacon at the Superstore and so this has become our Sunday morning treat, along with scrambled eggs and baked beans....very British!! so I am off to cook that and then we will see how the day progresses.
Later Lesxx

edith clace

edith clace Report 6 Mar 2011 13:13

Morning all, Still a snowy day here too Les. The snowbanks are so high you have to inch out onto the street as the cars going by can't see you and you can't see them.!!!
Your Bella eating strawberries reminded me of our Cocker Spaniel, my husband planted the berries in rows, then mulched them to keep the berries clean. This critter used to get down on his belly and crawl along the ditch between the rows and ate only the ripe berries. After 2 years of this he was finally given 2 rows for himself and we at last got some berries too!!!
Are any of you getting the good prices on pork? We have for about the last month, maybe because Manitoba has a lot of hog farms. Anyway the chops and roasts are very cheap so I got a large roast, slow cooked it and made pulled pork. Can use it for panini buns, fahitas,and most wraps. Made enough for the entire family, d.i.l loved it as she can make a meal very quickly after working all day.
Fred, my balcony is still covered in snow so no gardening yet. The pots are all ready tho' so once it warms up for good I am ready to go.
Can't wait for the fresh green beans.
Mary love the pic of your garden, the wee trees would never be possible outside here, but I have a friend who has an orange tree in her home.
Hope your knee troubles are better, take care.
Time for my breakfast so it's bye for now. Edith XXXXXX


Lesley Report 5 Mar 2011 18:29

Still winter. We got about three inches of snow late yesterday afternoon. Norm was out and I was sure he would get stuck on the road somewhere but he made it home safely.
Fred did you know that approx 85% of the worlds rapeseed is grown on the prairies in Canada. There is a whole area in Saskatchewan known as the land of "rape and honey" because of the volume of both commodities. Here in the colonies we don't call it rapeseed oil any more, just "canola". The seed here is mostly modified to remove the toxic substances hence canola "CAN adian O il L ow A cid". I did read that in Europe modified seed is not allowed so I have no idea what kind of rapeseed they are growing.
Still not able to get into the yard, once again under snow. We are going over to the kids next weekend and I wanted to dig out some perennials to take with me. At this rate I will not be able to find them!!! (the perennials that is...LOL)
Saturday, might have a lazy day today.


badger Report 5 Mar 2011 11:07

morning Mary,Les,and Edith,plus anyone else who shows up he he.
The move of the sons family we completed yesterday and after a reasonable night ,i feel a lot better,today.
Before we went back down yesterday ,being a coolish ,but bright morning ,i at last managed to get the hedge top ,and next doors side trimmed for the first time this year.
Joans side wasn't too bad until i got to the house wall end,where there are four big recycle bins ,which i ain't moving to finish the hedge,and neither was i going to use the extendible cutter on it ,seen too many people get hurt over the years through over reaching,so that dosn't get done until the son ,or grandson do a bit of work for their ma /grandma.
I got the four boxes out back ready too ,all weed free ,manured with organic manure to three boxes ,and chicken poo in the other ,so i can see which boxes do better.
Onions only this year in these ,two red ,and two white fresh manure is deadly to parsnip or carrot ,so i will crop these next year when the manure has diluted somewhat.
I also laced the lot with bonemeal so there should be some darned good onions if now't else .lol.
My Orange tree will be going in a big urn this spring ,which will do for the future ,being big enough to keep the tree healthy with feeder at regular intervals ,and small enough to get it into the Chalet [sorry Mary] to keep it away from frost,if the frost gets as sever as it was this last winter.
I will also late in the season make some large bamboo half hoops which i can sink into the soil around the tree ,and cover with fleece ,just in case.
The tomato's are going straight into the pots this year,they germinate slower that way ,but grow with the temperatures and are semi hardy straight away ,so a few late mild frosts won't harm them.
The wife is making home made beef burgers for tea yum ,made with Angus reared Scottish beef ,so ,with a few herbs ground into the mix ,they will be extra tasty.
This gives me the chance to try the G F Health grill too,so the tea will be ,burgers with poached eggs on top,put into cheese oven bottom muffins ,done with diced steamed salad potato's pan fried in rapeseed veggie oil,no sunflower oil in the house because it sticks to everything ,including the tummy lining and artery walls ,the stuff should be banned from all shops and eateries.
Our weather window is closing again ,the snow ,and frost returning next week,so i think there is a good chance that Edith is outside in the snow ,shovel over the shoulder ,still looking for her car.
Time to go and get on with things ,still plenty to be getting on with .
Have a nice weekend all ,Fred.xxxx


Aussiegirl Report 3 Mar 2011 22:19

Hi everyone,, We have a lovely day today and its now Autumn,,loooovly...
Glad you all got the pic and yes I am going to have a go at toms in the spring..will be lovely..When the chilies are done I might put in a few chives and spring onions..
The lemon and orange trees only grow to about 11/2 to 2 meters..They are a dwarf variety but have seen them loaded with fruit in the nursery where I bought the plants.
Getting quite enthused now I have sarted..

Les Your weather is sounding like Melbourne weather,,In the whole of Oz they say that is the only place you can have 4 seasons in one day..LOL..

Well better go as I have a haircut apointment at 9.30. Stay warm all and send down some cool any time you like,,

Love Mary xxxx