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## Canucks International ##

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Minnehik Report 11 Dec 2009 21:56

Hi Everyone!
Not been on here for a VERY LONG time! Took me ages to catch up on all the posts. I lapsed my subscription nearly a year ago as Genes became so crappy and I had little time to waste. I only renewed it 2 days ago because I happened to be reading Genes and came across a tree that had me married to my ex-brother in law! I can’t believe the mis information that some people put on here – and on other sites too. Annoying when you have written proof and they refuse to make changes, others copy the mistakes and on adfinitum!
We sold our farm this year and moved to join Deb and Lesley in BC. Looking after the wood stoves and heaters was getting too much for the OH (he turned 80 this year) and he was not feeling well so suddenly decided one Sunday evening in May (just after his birthday) that we had to sell up. He always swore he wanted to die on the farm but finally came to the conclusion that is exactly what would happen (probably in the next year) if we did not make a move. I found a beautiful house in a small subdivision in a small rural village called Falkland on Highway 97 between Kamloops and Vernon. Our son and granddaughter teach in Vernon and only 20 minutes away. (Loved your take on Canadians Deb – so very true).
This is Cowboy Country still and so busy! OH still has his trees (millions of them all around us as we are just below the treeline of the mountains, cows at the bottom of the garden and terrific friendly people. We even have a resident bear that has not decided to hibernate yet. Left his calling card in our driveway a couple of weeks ago and we missed his antics a week last Sunday when we had the police cars and wildlife at 2:am chasing him from the next door neighbours front doorstep and the neighbour across the road’s front porch,
The house is just outside the village which in a valley between two mountains but within walking distance is a library, a Pub (very similar to an English pub - but with a hitch rail for horses and special parking for motor bikes). Friday night is Fish and Chip night and he can get his favourite tipple – Black and Tan! Best of both worlds! It boasts of the oldest Rodeos in the country too.
We moved in here in August and still have a few boxes to unpack. So many things to do I just don’t know where the time goes. What with joining the seniors group, learning Tai Chi, dropping in to the curling rink, the library, Saturday night dances, quilting club, learning our way around and the odd trip to Vernon I just don’t know where this year went.
I will need Fred’s advice on gardening next spring as gardening here is much like England and different to Alberta. Huge garden with raspberries, strawberries, blueberries etc; rose beds and flower beds all over the place – and I haven’t a clue what is in them – until next spring. We don’t have the rain like Deb and Les nor much snow and cold as in Calgary or where we lived before….and summer is just perfect!!
All the best


Lesley Report 12 Dec 2009 19:45

Welcome to BC, Joan. As you know it is "the most beautiful place on earth" I have never noticed your little village on any trips thru the time I will watch for you. I love the Okanagon. There is a great drive that takes you east of Vernon and brings you out to the Arrow Lakes. There is a little ferry that takes you to the other side and then a short drive north brings you to Nakusp home of the world's finest hot springs. A short drive east and south brings you to Nelson which really should be marketed as BC,s most cosmopolitan city. Great artists, foods from all over the world and a whole city of really friendly folks.

Hi Everyone...aprons are in snoozing mode I think until after xmas. I had an order from Fred and I am going to make Liz a special one just for her and then a kilt for his lordship!!!. Fred think Valentines day OK??

The cold weather has lifted a bit only about 2 below today and the snow has missed us for the moment...thank goodness. I know Edith is languishing at minus 30 or so....brrr!!!! Drink lots of egg nog!!!
More later.


edith clace

edith clace Report 13 Dec 2009 13:12

Morning, from a warmer Sioux. We are only -10 this a.m. To us that is almost summer temps. hee hee. Yes, Les when you called we were very cold and blowy. I think the lowest it got was -34. The next time round will be the end of January.
Have the cards all sent and the presents bought so just have the wrapping to do. Son and d.I.L. will do the holiday bird and I can just sit and watch. Neat hmmm. Fred in our local supermarket they have all the birds
set out for a "Terducken" the turkey-duck and chicken deal you have been talking about. The butcher has deboned them and they are ready to put together. If I had a bigger family I would try it !!!!!
It's great to read all the news and look forward to you all staying and
keeping the site busy. Time for breakfast so bye for now. Edith XXXXXX


badger Report 14 Dec 2009 09:56

Good morning peoples from a mild north east of england ,where old fred is adding a little missive while i wait for the engineer to come and fix my broadband.
At least ,using my little Acer,it keeps doing the updates so by the time i pack it away in the case it should be fully up to date for the trip down south.
Thee second batch of corned beef is well away in Mary's chalet,so by the time we get back on Monday week ,it will be ready for the cooker.
Any time is okay for the aprons Les i promise to make good use of mine lol,i am one of these cooks that has been known to forget to use a paper towel whilst doing prep' and wiping my hands on the apron instead [smacks wrist ] he he.
Yes Edith ,i was watching river Cottage [cooking programme] last Christmas when i saw this bird compilation 9 birds in all ,starting with a spatchcock ,and working up slowly ,bird by bird through wood pigeon pheasant grouse chicken ,finishing off with a huge goose,it looked lovely and tempting but it is a job for a pro' cook ,to make sure the meat is cooked way down in the middle,can't take chances at my age ,a dicky tummy is the last thing i need at Christmas ,lol,i can't afford to take to my bed ,too much to see to.
The son has decided to buy a ready done one with just the three birds in ,so,i will get a taste of it anyway on New years day ,wahey ,apart from the other batch of beef ,all i have to do ,by popular demand ,is my county stuffing and help with the roast tatties ,my crisp fluffy ones being in great demand again [nice to be in demand for something he he.
The garden Parsnips ,and carrots are spot on this year ,and the tattie barrels look promising.
The New pad sounds delightful Joan ,and will hopefully be easier for the boss man to manage,i know too well the feeling ,having to give up three huge allotments after my heart atttack,it was a wrench after so many years of growing and showing my veggies at shows and eating fresh home grown all the time ,it was like being a dog who has lost his tail,and i moped for a long time.
When we moved to here though i came to a lovely laargish garden,and nicked a patch to grow my own stuff again [happy days] lol.
You have more to look forward to now as well ,plenty of greenery around you ,and animals .wild ,and domesticated,your boss will find his feet again in no time.
.I am off now to make a large batch of ,wild mushroom soup,which will doa meal tomorrow ,leaving some to take down to wiltshire on Wednesday.
See You later all,Fred


Lesley Report 15 Dec 2009 01:27

Ya gotta love this!!! Hey Edith, whaddya think!! LOL


The first man married a woman from North Carolina. He told her that

she was to do the dishes and house cleaning. It took a couple of days, but on the

third day, he came home to see a clean house and dishes washed and put away.

The second man married a woman from South Carolina. He gave his wife

orders that she was to do all the cleaning, dishes and the cooking. The first day he

didn't see any results, but the next day he saw it was better. By the third day, he saw

his house was clean, the dishes were done and there was a huge dinner on the table.

The third man married a girl from Canada. He ordered her to keep the

house cleaned, dishes washed, lawn mowed, laundry washed, and hot food on the

table for every meal. He said the first day he didn't see anything, the second day he didn't

see anything but by the third day, some of the swelling had gone down and he could

see a little out of his left eye, and his arm was healed enough that he could fix himself

a sandwich and load the dishwasher. He still has some difficulty when he pees.



badger Report 15 Dec 2009 07:58

Not a lot anybody can add to that ,so ,i won't lol,Fred

edith clace

edith clace Report 15 Dec 2009 13:00

Morning I am trying my best to be like a bird in the freezer this a.m. My legs all tucked up under me and my arms close to hold the blanket. hee hee The temp outside is -42 and will be in the minus range all day !!!!
Come on Fred us Canuck girls are not usually that violent. Were a peaceful lot.!!!!!!
I see you are getting snow Les, think it will be a repeat of last year??
The prairies are getting blasted as well and here I thought we had global warming???
Just about ready for Christmas a few details to finish up and then time to sit and enjoy. Hope everyone is well and looking forward to turkey etc.
Time for breakfast. See you soon. Edith XXXX


Lesley Report 15 Dec 2009 20:51

Yea, a little snow yesterday. Bella was in fine fettle. We went for a short walk and she was just full of it, running and rolling....silly girl. Now this morning it is raining and the snow is melting. I am hoping that this is it before xmas....we have to get out of the valley!! Couldn't spend another xmas cooped up in this house with no family....grrr!!
Watched Chevy Chase's"christmas" movie for the hundreth time last night. I had forgotten the bit where he gets stuck in the attic....laughed like a fool as always.
I think I am going to bake again today so more later.


badger Report 16 Dec 2009 05:21

Morning Edith ,Les ,and anyone else who turns up today.
I am enjoying my cuppa before i start the ball rolling by packing the car for today's trip south.
It seems that the furniture and other gear for Sean's new house has not arrived ,so it may yet be a case of turning over the lads licence details ,inspecting the house prior to blowing up the mattress for the night ,and coming home again tomorrow ,we will see.
My brain is slow these days ,so .to the person who asked for the Christmas pudding recipe ,that only takes a few minutes to knock up ,and ten minutes to cook,please pm me with your email addy, being back on the mainframe now ,with a working modem ,i have managed to put the recipe's for cake and pudding on the hard drive of the acer.
The cake is not a really quick one ,like the pudding,but dosn't take as long as many other ones ,and is always very tasty ,and moist when cooked,well worth the effort of prep' and cooking.
Hope you get your move okay Les ,you don't sound very happy being on your own ,he's okay for me and Liz, we are on our own too ,but there is one hell of a difference ,my two sons live a half hour amble away across the valley ,and my daughter is only half an hour away by car,and there are plenty of other rellies kicking about a sneeze away.
If i had to travel for hours to reach any one of them ,i would be moving too ,specially to be near to grandchildren .
Well .i think that's me and Liz about ready to celibrate Christmas ,only the shopping that you can't store for a week to get ,plus the run up to the farm for the turkey and duck[ watch this space folks ,Fred has never cooked a duck before ,so this could turn out to be interesting he he
Catch you all later fred.

edith clace

edith clace Report 19 Dec 2009 21:10

Hello Just a short note. We have a little snow but not enough to keep the water lines from freezing. Everyone is hoping for a lot more of it.
Just about ready for Christmas just last minute veg to get as well as the cream and cranberries. Will have dinner at the granddaughters this year so am looking forward to it. Hope all are well, be back soon.
Edith XXXX


badger Report 21 Dec 2009 09:56

Cor ,what a weekend ,snow ,cold ,and even a bit on the breezy side.
Even the beef in Mary's chalet has water a little on the sluggish side despite the laaaaarge amount of salt in it
tried out the parsnips yesterday ,wrapped in streaky bacon and given a little honey glaze ,and have to say ,they went down a storm,so here is the christmas dinner line up.
Mash done with parsnip,roast potatoes tossed in semolina,parsnips as described, red cabbage done with spice and balsamic vineger ,plain brussels, the turkey ,of course,and the corned beef,home made country stuffing ,and a nice beef gravy.
Apple pie for those who don't like Christmas pud and the pud' itself ,one of Liz's 10 minute ones served with home made brandy sauce [custard for the apple pie]
Any one coming had better be at the sons by 1300 ,or you will be too late he he
We are a little concerned at the moment ,Sara flies in to Bristol airport on wednesday and the country is still gripped by bad weather ,and if it dosn't clear ,it looks like old Fred will have to go down to pick her up ,Sean not having much experience at snow and ice driving.
Must get on now loads to do and carpets to hoover ,but i will look in later.Ho Ho Fred Claus.


badger Report 22 Dec 2009 08:46

Morning all ,well ,things are hotting up now in the Baird household ,the second batch of beef will be getting cooked tomorrow ,half for the sons Christmas Day ,half for the daughters Boxing day ditto with the stuffing which will be made Christmas eve,all other cooking done by other hands than mine this year ,Fred is going to be a lazy B***r and relax ,he he.
Sean is away early in the morning to pick Sara up at the regional airport at Nottingham,as she gets in from Poland.
She won;t half be getting around while here with us ,out two days in a row to the sons and daughters ,and them New Year at the eldest sons,and we promised to take the pair of them out for a meal while they are here .
The stock from the corned beef i will skim ,and then make a stew with,or even a hot pot ,lol,i hate wasting good food ingredients and tatties chopped up ,and a few other veggies would make a basic ,but very tasty meal for the four of us.
Of to get cracking again ,so ,in case i don't have another chance ,Merry Christmas everyone ,and have a great but peaceful New Year.
Fred,& Lizxxx

edith clace

edith clace Report 22 Dec 2009 18:07

Morning all This will probably be my last chance to post so will wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Thanks Fred for the card, hope you and Liz
have a happy holiday.
We have some soft fluffy snow just right for the holidays and of course lots of good food and family and friends.
To all who look in keep well and do make the very best of the days ahead.


badger Report 23 Dec 2009 07:57

Morning Edith old friend.a card is a small return for all the lovely posts you send me throughj the year with good jokes and musical pictures ,always welcome.
This is my special day ,the day when i go to town to visit the grainger market ,and the Farmers market in Grainger street itself,with all the stalls covered in fairy lights ,selling everything from old fashioned sweeties for the kids [and oldies lol] meats from the farmers stalls that come to Necastle on the ferries from norway ,germany ,france ,and even Holland,all selling their produce from special meats ,bread ,veg' toys and bric a brac,and of course the stalls selling hot dogs ,burgers ,hot meat sarnies ,popcorn, and the like.
Having had enough of the conflict between windows 7 and office 2007 last night.i did a complete factory restore ,putting windows Vista back in the laptop,seems as though the office suite is running fine now,the only trouble being ,the stuttering on genes is back he he ,can't win can you?


badger Report 23 Dec 2009 08:02

Sooooo here we are again,sending messages in two halves ,like old times ,lol.
Before i go out i will have to clean down the car ,poor little thing has been sat behind Seans hire car for three days ,covered in snow still ,i bet it will be freezing cold in there brrrrrr.
Have a great time Edith ,not long now until we can start the new season by putting in our tomato and herb seeds again ,my best time of year ,although the busiest he he.
Merry Christmas to all ,Havea greast time .all of you ,Fred,Liz & Hissyxxxxx

The Border Reiver

The Border Reiver Report 25 Dec 2009 08:43

It's along time since I've been on Genes (apart from checking Hot Matches) but it is holiday time and I've found some spare time.
Best wishes to you all for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!


Teresa In Canada

Teresa In Canada Report 25 Dec 2009 20:57

Merry Christmas Everyone.

Getting ready to feed 22 tonight. It will be interesting to see how we all fit in our new small house.

Enjoy your day!



badger Report 27 Dec 2009 08:41

Good morning everyone ,and hello again Ian,nice to see you again.
i thought it was time to show my face again and wish everyone a prosperous and happy New Year.
I hope everyone has had a great Christmas no matter where you are ,and that all have haad a nice get together with family,which is what it's all about .apart from the most important birthday in the world .
We are off to the daughters shortly for dinner ,and tea which will be nice ,but i'm afraid i will be staying at home tomorrow ,which is my sisters birthday,the greatest sister i could ever wish for ,whom i lost two years ago in march [rest in peace lass]
Sean and Marta are enjoying their first christmas as man and wife ,but we lose therm on the 30th when they go back to their new house in Lyneham ,which is only fitting ,their first new year in England together ,and the best time of year for a house warming.
Time to go now because the page has the jitters again ,be back later Fred,&Liz


Aussiegirl Report 28 Dec 2009 04:31

Hi everyone..Gosh ,,didn't realise it was so long since I was on here..don't know where the days go..

We have had lovely rain the past 2 days so we are happy about that..and a bit more to go..its lovely and cool to that makes it better still..

Ian.. lovely to see you here,,Hope you had a lovely Christmas..

Fred ..Bet the corned beef went down a treat.. are you dragging it out of the freezer for New Year...LOL...or are you making more..hee hee hee..

Edith and Les ,,Do hope you are not freezing ,, Have the bears been out or are they well and truly in bed for the winter..

Teresa..22 is about the size I used to cook for up till this year..This is the first time we have had Christmas in Sydney. and my daughter in law cooked it ..wasn't the same,,also we only had about 11 as Daughter Ann could not get here till Boxing Day so it was a small lunch..LOL,,,How are you enjoying the little house,,bet you love it..

Had a quiet Christmas as John has not been well and has spent most of it in bed..He had some more tests done last week and we are waiting on the results..Doc doesn't know what the problem is yet so hope the tests show something that is causing his problem and can fix it..

Hope you all have a very Happy New Year and that it brings you all you wish for and lots of good health and happiness..

Lots of love Mary xxxx

edith clace

edith clace Report 28 Dec 2009 12:58

Morning all. Had a lovely Christmas with the family, ate too much etc. but enjoyed every minute. As usual was spoiled rotten and enjoyed that too !!!!Looking forward to a new year and what it brings.
Great to see so many on site and to all of you the very best for 2010 .Having a quiet eve with a bit of bubbly to usher it in.
See you next year, Edith XXXX
P.s Fred, have the new seed catalogues for spring so will start dreaming this week. !!!!