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## Canucks International ##

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Lesley Report 4 Mar 2009 19:02

OK...this incredibly rude woman turned up to collect "Basil". She called him Memphis. On the phone she said when he sees me he'll go crazy and you will know he's mine. Well he was obviously hers from the info she gave me BUT he did not go crazy when he saw fact the opposite...guess he liked our toasty stove and the warm Bella too much. Anyway she took her dog, snarled at me and drove off. Have decided if I ever find another dog....from the get's mine!!
Going to create my wedding dress apron a bit excited about that especially as I will sell it...hopefully!!!... for mega dollars.
Be good you lot. Keep happy.


Diane Report 4 Mar 2009 19:10

Ha.. so my theory of "simply meant to be" didn't work out, sorry Les...she sounded awful, no wonder the poor little dog was enjoying your hospitality!!!


Veronica Report 4 Mar 2009 20:51

Hi All

It is lovely to have old photographs, I have been lucky enough to have a few given me by members of the family. I have one of Keiths family which has his Grandmother as a young woman, GGGrandmother, & her second husband, GGrandmother & GGrandfather together with 10 of their 13 children. I know where the photograph was taken now from the 1911 census and next time Keith and I are in Lincolnshire we are going to go looking for the house.

My cousin and I are certainly enjoying the search for our 1st editions!!! if only I had more spare cash I could buy a couple more. Anyway I am going to be working for a few weeks before now and the end of June so I will be able to purchase some more.

Teresa: pity about the little Yorkie, the only problem with found animals is that they may belong to a really nice family and then you would feel bad keeping it!!!!! Obviously not the case with Basil though.

Weather is turning nice as the day wears on, about time as its been really cold.

Off to scoff some good english chocolate - did a little side trip on the way home from doing groceries and just happened to be passing the British Shop.

All for now



Dorothy Report 5 Mar 2009 15:04

hi so sorry to hear that the doggie was collected the owner did not sound very nice I have to agree that sometimes dogs turn up to people that will be good to them all my sisters dogs past and present have been strays or abused dogs from the pounds and they have led very good lives my brother in law will spare no expense to keep a dog healthy the one they have in calgary at the moment barkley was kept in a cage for months by a family who treated him very badly, but he is one happy doggie now . some of you are doing so well with family mementoes . I am lucky to have some old photo's of my mother and fathers family, and I have one tiny photo of my biological mother (found out at age 62 about being adopted) she was in her 60's when it was taken and we do look alike I was given it 2yrs ago I was going to have it enlarged but still pondering on that as when's life is sort of thrown such a news flash I have times when I don't deal with it very well, the only parents I ever knew and loved are both dead but I feel disloyal having the other photo blown up. not sure why I just got into allthis my mom has been dead for 10yrs now she would have been 101 on the 10th of this month . has anyone else been thrown a curve like this all I did was apply for a full birth cert so my grandchildren might go to school in england and boy did that open a kettle of fish well enough from me bye for now dorothy


Aussiegirl Report 7 Mar 2009 03:54

Hi everyone..Gosh where has the time gone..The days seem to fly by ..still not much rain, but at least the fires are dwindling down south..

Les Pity about the doggy,,some people don't deserve a nice he didn't want to go home...

JA has been busy at work lately..she has been given a new job and I think it entails a bit of travelling..This weekend she is in South Aussie visiting her daughter I think..hope she manages to have a rest while there..

Sylvia Glad you are at last visiting your lovely grandies..hope they are all over their ills and you have a nice day..

All this talk of old photos has made me think I will have to email my Uncle in the UK and tell him to search his attic and see if he has any old pics left to him when the old Aunts died..Do hope they were not thrown away..

Life has been very tiring lately and I am looking forward to a little holiday in a few weeks time..

Hope all are well and where is Fred...gardening or on holidays again...hee hee hee..

Love Mary xxxx


badger Report 7 Mar 2009 04:27

Still here Mary ,he he,i could do with a crystal ball like yours,it would come in pretty handy about now ,lol,i would know EXACTLY when ,and how to put these seeds in .
I found my new plum tree [yippee] at Morrisons £7 and it's a Victoria [self pollonating] too so no working with a ruddy art paint brush[a pain in the butt],though i suppose i could put the tub within a few yards of the apple tree i have,and let the beees do the work for me.
Anyway ,i am going to bush train it as i have done with the apple,and should have the first fruit off it within three years with luck.
I have finished the update on my talex navigation tool [five minutes ago] so i will be trying it out this morning whilst shopping.
Fuinny someone should menti0n holidays ,lol,we are off to Blackpool this next weekend with my daughters two bairns ,seeing as we are looking after them while she is in New York for her wedding anniversary ,he he ,wish i knew which hotel she was staying at,and knew someone who lived there ,i would have liked to have arranged to have her room filled with balloons lol.
She should have a nice time anyway ,what with her breakfast at Tiffanys she has been on about for years which she is going to have .
The hotel is right next door to the Empire State Building,so i have asked the hubby to take a piccie of the skyline for me ,when he gets up there.
The gardening is coming on veery well ,the missus dug out the other old black box for me ,so we will have two boxes for the parsnips this season,and an extra two troughs for the stump rooted carrots ,we should do well this year.
I have now got the security camera up ,covering the path and drive ,from the gates to the back gate ,covering the car ,and caravan,and have it coupled up to a video recorder,with a special tape that loop runs every 24 hours,so anyone coming onto the property is recorded.
Noticed this afternoon that small though it is ,thwe postman spotted it ,grinned and then stuck his thumb on his nose and waggled his fingers he he ,oz humour i suppose,seems the fella was bought up in Adelaide ,which is funny again because i have been watching my old tapes of Michael Palin on the Ghan express stopping of at Alice,and adelaide,boy ,that's one biiiiig country lol.
I realy enjoyed the part where he hitched a ride on a road train ,and stopped all the traffic in in the high streeet of Alice ,while he got out ,he wouldn't dare do that here ,he would be traffic warden meat he he.Well ,i am back off to bed for an hour ,asat last ,the old eye lids need matches jammed in them to keep them open.
Enjoy your weekend all,and J A at it again i see ,overworking ,naughty lass.


badger Report 8 Mar 2009 09:22

Back again ,lol,sorry peeps ,seems i got the dates wrong for the Blackpool foray ,it's a fortnight before we go not next weekend .
The talex is working fine ,so ,hopefully ,no speeding tickets for me ,it shopuld be hard now ,with her ,in the talex screaming at me [reduce speed,you are going too fast he he.].
I commited myself to having the soffits ,facia boards caps and guttering replaced on the house come Monday ,this means i will never have to paint the house ever again ,on the outside that is,he he ,all i need to use a brush for outside is the gates ,the fence and the shed,oh,nearly forgot ,the window sills.
That will leave me lots more time for the garden and decorating inside,i can see the missus ,getting jobs ready now.
The son has the camera up and running so the drive is on 24 hour survailance,and he is coming back to put one security light out front which will come on at dusk through to dawn if someone comes over the wall ,or in through the gate,so i should bwe well covered.
I am putting the other light up ,on the greenhouse ,facing the house,so if someone comes over the back fence they are goin' to get one heck of a shock he he.
It's a lovely morning here ,so i am going to get my coffee drunk ,and then go out into the front garden and rip up all the dead Dahlia stems and get them in the rubbish bin before that gets emptied on Tuesday.
Spare a thought for the poor beggars in Melbourne who have just been hit by a quake ,not a bad one ,but there has been a little building damage.
The point is ,they have suffered enough with the bushfires in Victoria.
Further over ,after the flooding ,one area is having a plague of disease carrying mosquitoes,poor old oz is really going through the wars again,God bless all of them ,they need all the help they can get.
Hope all of you have had a good weekend ,see ya later.Fred.

edith clace

edith clace Report 8 Mar 2009 20:05

Hello everyone, I see you are all busy at something.
Dog rescue for Les, gardening etc. for Fred, looking for ancestors for
others. I have been putting in all the certs I have for the people who I
have in the Family Tree Site. I sent to England for the Family Historian
and it is fabulous. All the pics and certs for each person literally pop in to where they belong. !!!
Sure it takes time but is worth all the effort I think.
Will be away for about a week, I go to Thunder Bay on Tues. have to get a bit of nip and tuck to my eyes(no I won't look 10 yrs younger) just able to see a lot better without a curtain above the eye. Lord, this growing old
is getting tiring to say the least. Always something to get sorted. ugghh
Once that is over I'm off to see the stage play of "Chicago".
I love the music from the show and am looking forward to hearing it again.
Of course a major shopping spree as well. Time for new duds for spring and summer plus other bits and pieces.
Hope you had a great time with the kids Sylvia, great therapy isn't it???
Off to son's for birthday cake so will see you when I get back home.
Take care all. Edith


Zack Report 9 Mar 2009 05:16

Hi All ,Marie from Aus,I havent had the time to chat ,good to hear from you Badger you are really excited about your garden I guess its because you have had such a bad winter.We are in to our autmn in Bathurst nights are getting very cool ,days still warm wont be long before we have a frost.
It appears that the fires in Victoria are all out ,but some people are still not allowed back into the area where they resided. The coroner has released some of the Bodies for burial. We now have a cyclone off the coast of QLD at the moment it is travelling down the coast between Rockhampton
and Bundaberg losts of wind and Rain.
back to the subject of gardens, my son-in -law has been working very had doing retaining walls, so i should soon be able to plant my English garden, My native garden is looking great I just hope it survives the Heavy frosts we get here in Bathurst.
Badger it sounds as if your daughter is going to have a lovely time in the U.S. I bet you make the most out of having your grand children I love seeing mine but boy I am tired when they go, Emily is 3 and Abegail is 19 mths both very active.

Edith it is nice to hear from you also you must be pleased to see Spring, my preference is Autumn its a really lovely time here in Aust the days are still long enough to garden and cool enough not to be sweating we usually dont say perspiring, sweat seems to describe it better.
Badger have you had some trouble with security? as i said i havent looked in for awhile.I wonder do you give your Better half a hard time, she must be a good mate to put up with it LOL
Well i hope you have a nice time in Blackpool Badger &I hope you have great weather Kindest Regards to you all .
Marie from OZ.


badger Report 11 Mar 2009 09:34

Hiya you two ,think i had better add a few lines before we go down for the third time ,glug glug lol.
I finally managed to get my last cup of coffee of the day ,sat out back among my crocus and daffs which are just showing through.
I notice that the wild garlic is doing well,this will be a welcome addition to the salads,and liven up the jaded winter pallet he he.
It'sfinally time to go to the local hospital for my eye examination,so i will see if i can get my glasses done through them as i need auto' tint ones for driving in the summer ,and cyprus.especially.
Looks likea decent morning so i am going to slip out front and sweep the paths before i go out.Fred.


Diane Report 13 Mar 2009 11:41

Good Morning All, I've been struggling the last couple of days with my computer, it was poorly!!! Caught a virus ... it's taken me ages to get it sorted out, even though I've got security firewalls and pc protection, it still managed to get me. Never mind sorted now.
It feels like a lovely Spring morning here this morning, the blackbirds are singing and making nests the bulbs are just beginning to flower and really it feels quite nice... We had a fox at the back of the house last night, great excitement for us as we are one of the few people in our village that disagree with fox hunting and our allotment (chicken keepers) certainly don't like them. It was a beauty. So tempted to feed it, but really I don't want to encourage it into trouble...
I have been watching the series with Billy Connolly going around Canada, it finished last night, its been really good. Some of the scenery was spectacular. He visited one lady she was 75 years old, lived on her 420acre of land alone, she was an inspiration, chopping wood, hunting, fishing, made me feel ancient... Anyway thats all for now.. Hope everyone has a good weekend....


badger Report 15 Mar 2009 14:45

Afternoon all,at last,time to sit down with a coffee,Fred is now off duty 'till tomorrow.
I got woken at 6-30 by Hissy wanting her breakfast so having seen to her and seeing as it was so nice outside i decided to put the feeder onto the lawns,with the view of thisafternoons rain expected to wash it in.
I Then took one of the cabbages out for dinner along with a sweede,took some tatties out of the bin ready to peel and decided then to sit out back with a cuppa and play with the cat,,she loves her tummy rubbed while laying in the sun [spoilt moggy lol]
We took out a loin of pork for todays dinner,a treat for chris,him missing his Sunday dinner of course next week,us being in Blackpool.
Did the cabbage ,sweede,carrots and parsnips along with home made stuffing with wild garlic sausage meat,sage parsley,mace and nutmeg in,and pulled some apple sauce i made last september with spare apples from our tree.
Topped it all off by doing some roast tatties ,sweet peppers ,and and roast parsnip,and new potatoes.
It went down very well,and now i am sat heref or the afternoon ,washing up done ,emails done,bingo done,and now looking at an hour on my family history after finishing here lol.
Hope our Mary is enjoying her visit to Bendingo ,and the meet,there should be some interesting scuttle butt when she gets back he he.
Hope everfyone is enjoying their weekend,see ya all later.Fred.

edith clace

edith clace Report 16 Mar 2009 18:44

Hello everyone. Back home again with a full suitcase and an empty wallet.

Had a great trip, great shopping and a great theatre play "Chicago".

The weather even co-operated.On Tues and Wed. last week we had a very

fast blizzard rip through our area. Lots of snow and wind so the roads

were a mess. Cleared up by Thurs and is +10 to-day. About time me


Managed to get most of the shopping done. I had quite a long list

and was happy to find some real bargains. !!!!

Where are all the regulars again??? How are you J.A, Mary, Teresa

Les, still sewing ?? Hope you are all well and no flu bugs.!!

See Fred is still having fun with Hissy, keeps you on your toes hmmm.

Can't wait to get the plants going for my balcony, I had lots of toms last

year so here's hoping they grow as well this year. Going to try and train

the cucumbers to climb up the side wall and maybe the egg plant

as well.

Stay well all. Bye for now Edith XXXXX


Aussiegirl Report 18 Mar 2009 04:21

Hi everyone I just cant believe it is a week since I was here.. Where have all the days gone..I have been busy lately with meeting in our village as I am the treasurer of the residents committee and we are in the middle of working out the levies for the next 12 months..Trying to keep them as low as possible as it cost enough to live without having big levies to pay as well...A few disputes by some peeps who don't agree with our figures but the accountant is agreeable to them so we now need another General Meeting to pass them..

I leave on next Thursday for the trip south for our meet in Bendigo..We will stay overnight somewhere and get there on Friday..It is around 900km so a bit far for one day travel..Cant wait as I intend to slum it and do nothing I don't have to...

Enjoy you holiday Fred.. Hope the weather stays nice for you..

Edith Glad you did well why you were away..nice when you can get all that is on your list of things to do..and get...Can you send some nice cool weather over please..We are still having hot weather and I find that trying to walk in this weather is to much..I come home dripping and with a very red face,,It seems to do that when I get hot..hee hee hee..

Les Are you sewing...or swinging...

Hope everyone else is well and not working to hard..Should be warming up for you lot oop there on the top of the world...

Love Mary xxx


badger Report 19 Mar 2009 08:57

Morni' one and all,from a very misty Newcastle ,could we be so lucky i wonder to be seeing a heat haze he he[rubs on some sun tan cream and runs outside ,frightening the birds with the skinny white legs showing underneath the hems of my shorts ,lol.
I took the missus to Sunderland on paddies day,because it was nice.mild,and such a long time since the last visit.
The first place we went back to is the Winter Gardens ,a lovely little haven where eyou can go in the ddead of winter and see tropical plants and trees,complete with Bananas on two trees.
They have bamboo,giant ferns,exotic flowers like orchids and a plant that looks a little like tallish crocus ,but the colours ,wow ,talk about vibrant.
We even saw a plant that our Mary will be used to,an oz crimson bottle brush plant,in full bloom enough to hurt the eyes it is so vibrant a ,i have to ask,Mary old pal,do these plants grow singly or do loads of them grow together ,mixed with other flowers ,or only the bottles?.they must really be something to see in their natural habitat.
Yes Edith ,there is no reason why your cucumbers won't grow up a bit of trellis pinned to the wall once the first tendrills find the wood ,they will climb very quickly.i always give the cucumbers a bit of help by tying the fruits light ly to tjhe wood.
Have to get into the garden now to do a little more tidying up ,because the missus may want to bog off again later this morning lol.
atch everyone later,Fred.


Lesley Report 19 Mar 2009 17:00

Hi you lot,

Yes I am sewing again. I have three venues coming up between now and early May so need at least another 12 - 20 aprons to strat out with. Sure wish I could say I was making money at this....i think I did before xmas but now it seems all to be flowing in the opposite direction...LOL!!

We have had horrible weather here for the last week. snow and rain and rain and snow!!!Bella and I walked dyle this morning and came home soaked, me to the skin. Grrr! we want spring!!

Was at the doc's last week and my blood pressure has risen alarmingly. I got the usual story of excercise and salt but I am good at all of that anyway. So now my meds have been increased so a lot of the time my head feels like a pin cushion. Oh well, no doubt they will get it sorted!!

I have nothing else to is all thread and scissors here at the mo.
Take care


Aussiegirl Report 21 Mar 2009 12:10

Hi all...from a hot and dry OZ

Les.. Come on girl,,ya got to make some money so Normie can retire...hee heehee..

Fred.. Yes..those bottlebrush are lovely and come in hundreds of different colours..We had a lovely one in the old house which was red with silver tips to the stamens..Another native is Grevilleas,,They are similar but the flowers are thicker and curly..They have a huge amount of nectar in them and if you suck on one you can have a taste of it,,very wander the birds like it..They grow wild here and if you go to Melbourne on the motorway the center of the road is mile after mile of bottlebrush..when they are in bloom it is really lovely..

Well it is not long to when I leave for Bendigo..for our Wattle meet..going down on Thursday to get there for Friday..then leave there on Monday and home by so looking forward to it..

Hope all are well and will try and get back before I leave..

Love Mary xx

edith clace

edith clace Report 23 Mar 2009 10:55



Aussiegirl Report 24 Mar 2009 05:16

Hi everyone from a hot Sydney..

Edith Hope you are well and are you still feeding that pesky fox..It should be teaching its cubs where to find food by now,,at ,Edith's place...hee hee hee...

Les Have you bought that gadget yet...?????

Well I am about ready for my weeks tomorrow and wont be back till next Tuesday night..I am so tired getting everything ready so that John wont have to do or go anywhere while I am away..and then get myself organised to go away..I wander if it is all worth it in the end..but I will be right once I get moving tomorrow..I

Be good while I am away..

Love Mary xxxx


badger Report 24 Mar 2009 10:26

Thanks for the piccies of the bottlebrushes Mary ,they look lovely,so many varieties too,it must be great to see them in real life,in their natural habitat.
Passed that email on Edith ,i was tickled pink and had a good laugh lol.
ah ,well back home,sniff,but it ain't so bad ,it's a nice morning ,so when i have finished on the puter ,i will go out back and finish the back garden ,and get started on the chalet tomorrow morning.
Have a good time Mary,and don't take any prisoners he he.
Seems that vodaphone dosn't have a good coverage in blackpool,which is why i was having a little bother,but ,no matter,T mobile has a good coverage around the country so before i go back down i will buy a dongle from them and a lappy for an extra £10 a month,they have a nice h p with a 3 gig memory, vista premium ,and a 260 gig hard drive,and a few other refiinements,so that will do fine,my little lappy will come in as a standby,so ,when the old tower xp goes home ,i won't be replacing it,which will save a load of space ,more space for my bear family which is still.growing.
The dinner i did for my sister in law went down very well,and i was complimented on the stuffing,told it was the best so far,and that was without the sausage meat in,wonder what it would have been like if i had of had time to add the meat? oh well can't be perfect everytime lol.
Time to go make my greek salad now before i go out back,see ya' later all .Fred.