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*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 30 Jul 2009 00:02

Sorry but I've never heard of the ABC Minors!

Do you shop at one particlar food store or do you shop around ?


Anne Report 29 Jul 2009 22:35

Yes, I watched one show while in labour before the home birth of our 2nd son.

Did you belong to the ABC minors as a child ? I remember going from about the age of 8 and much later on my sons used to go on a saturday morning.


Anne Report 29 Jul 2009 09:15

Outdoors Hopscotch, Indoors reading, I was hooked on the Famous Five, I still prefer a good book to television.

Did you use to enjoy the variety shows that they had on Saturdays?


Anne Report 28 Jul 2009 20:20

Yes, apart from "Who wants to be a Millionaire"

Do you think Television was better 10 years ago?

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 25 Jul 2009 21:05

Hi LancsLass~~~
First time to speak to you :))

Some of it , enjoy I'm a celebrity..mostly for Ant and
Hate Big Brother..would rather watch paint dry !

Do you find Saturday TV boring ?


LancsLass Report 25 Jul 2009 18:48

Plenty! 3 lots of gr grandparents of Irish descent and 2 illegitimate grandparents (gr and gr gr) with no father in sight.

Do you like watching reality TV?


Anne Report 25 Jul 2009 18:34

Several interesting finds on my husband's side as well as mine. A bigamist, a murderer, a suicide and several smugglers. The smugglers are well documented. The Little Common Gang & The Battle of Sidley Green & The Aldington Gang from Kent, the film Dr Syn,The Scarecrow was based on them.
[Nice lot] I hope we are more civilised now !!!
Although my husband has in his direct line, the rector of Withyham,Sussex from the 1700's who was educated at Brasenose College. Oxford University .

Do you have many "Brick Walls" in your tree ?


Fiona Report 24 Jul 2009 17:23

I work on my tree or do family history research 3-4 times a week

what was the most exciting bit of family history research you have found.


LancsLass Report 24 Jul 2009 13:59

Hey there,
I put this thread up ages ago. Glad its still going strong.
I don't pop in as much as Id like to.

My first job was a Saturday Assistant in Freeman Hardy & Willis Shoe shop. I got 98p an hour and only worked 6 hours on Saturday and got paid monthly!!

Do you still work on your family tree?

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 24 Jul 2009 01:23

To find out that I'd think you'd have to go thro every thread on both Chat and Gen to check how many pages are on each and then check out the earliest date and, poster I don't know how else you'd do it.Chat was in a different format then,like MSN I believe.
I'm not a great baker but did make my own 3 tier wedding cake,. Love cooking meals tho.

What was you're first job ?

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 23 Jul 2009 23:39

I wanted to be a vet, but only passed Biology A level at school,was going to do external exams, but went to college instead hoping to gain experience from that, but being separated from my then boyfriend, put paid to that, we've been married now for 33 yrs and my ambition now is to make it to our Diamond Wedding anniversary, Platinum would be pushing it a bit .lol

Do you enjoy cooking / baking or just do is cos it needs to be done ?

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 22 Jul 2009 23:25

You can see from the thread it was ~~~ Lancs Lass~~~ and if you check back it was 8.3.08.
Changed a bit to this format since then:))

Do you have pets or animals..? ( don't mean OH .lol) if so what ?


Anne Report 22 Jul 2009 19:25

Scottish Highlands

Do you watch "Who Do You Think You Are " ?

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 22 Jul 2009 00:18

4 new cars, hubby son dau and myself, exocitic holiday,perhaps a new house ( but I like where I live now-- just extend it )employ a cleaner and a gardener (our,s is huge)
buy a property in Minorca or Gran Canaria

Where is your fav holiday destination..?


Anne Report 21 Jul 2009 11:15

Most days I manage it, if I include a drink of pure apple juice which I drink everyday. At this time of the year we do have a lot of soft fruits in our diet at home so its easier than in the winter.

If you could change places with someone for a day who would you choose?

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 20 Jul 2009 23:15

No, Nearest Hop picking would be 30 miles away.
Did blackcurrant picking (slave labour)but bought my first pair Wrangler denims out of the profits. Dad worked in the town just outside the fields ,so used to take me and my friends and pick us up.Sometimes we walked back to town,if we'd had enough for the day !
Did strawberry picking a yr or so later, used to take the school bus as far as it would take us and then catch the public bus, the owner was a darling he used to bring us back home in his sports car 3 of us scrunched in the back .lol
That was great as you could eat as many strawberries as you wanted ...and a lot more profitable.

Do you eat your 5 a day fruit as advised ?


Anne Report 20 Jul 2009 22:46

I have gone back to work after retiring 5 years ago. The lady that replaced me has been on long term sick leave and I was asked to go back until she had recovered. The job is accountancy in the local theatre and arts centre so something new everyday.

Have you ever been hop picking as a child ?


Fiona Report 17 Jul 2009 14:12

I do watch Tv , and I like a range of different programes
Drama's - all the historical ones. period drama's
I'm not one for watching the soaps.
I like watching the crime & detective stories
House programes like House doctor, Houses under the Hammer
I like to get decorating tips.
I have been known to watch the childrens channels(very sad) but as I work in a childrens nursery I like to keep up to date with whats on so I can chat to the children

What are your interests & hobbies.?

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 17 Jul 2009 13:18

No ,but a few in their 90's
Dad was a fortnight off 91,an aunt and an uncle were 94,and another aunt 96.

Do you watch much TV ? if so do yo prefer docus, drama,soaps, serials ?


Anne Report 17 Jul 2009 11:14

Earlier on in the year we had a week in a cottage at Camber Sands we chose it because of the close proximity to Hastings so we could visit my husband's mother who is in a residential home there, aged 95 years, we will do the same again when I have finished my radiotherapy treatment which is due to start sometime in August for four weeks.We always holiday in this country now as we like to take our boxer dog with us.

Have any of your close relatives ever reached the grand old age of 100 ?