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*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 26 Sep 2009 13:26

Many times !!... Everyone thought they were a pain in the you know what !
Civ*l Serv**e cr*p!

Are you artistic in any way ? music , drama , art whatever.?


Anne Report 25 Sep 2009 11:00

No, any unwanted items get passed on to a charity shop.

Have you ever been on a team building exercise with work colleagues ?

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 24 Sep 2009 11:35

I take them to the store.

Have your ever sold items at a car boot sale ?


Fiona Report 24 Sep 2009 11:31

I like Baths & showers, depending what mood I'm in, and where I've been. What I mean is I have problems with sore muscles (strained) in my back and shoulders if I have been shopping and carrying bags (I know it's the wrong thing to do) I like to have a good soak in the bath then rub in some Ibuprofen Gel,
Sometimes if I have had a restless night it's nice to have a shower to refresh my self in the morning especially when it's been a warm night , also I have to wash my hair in the shower because I can't bend over the bath, it's to uncomfortable.

I'm planning to do a bit of cupboard tidying today and maybe fill a few Charity bags ,
Do you use charity bags that come through the door or do you go to a shop with the clothes?

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 23 Sep 2009 22:59

Yes I'm a Libran and try to see both sides to everything !

My son showers morning and night, plus us other 3 once a day ,dau sometimes twice also .
Keeping up with the towels is a nightmare :(

Do you prefer to bath /shower morning or night ?


Anne Report 23 Sep 2009 22:35

No, can't stand the smell, none of my family do thank goodness.

Are you typical of your star sign ?

I'm a Sagittarian and have most of the traits relating to that sign.

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 23 Sep 2009 22:17

Summer, when we get it !

Do you smoke or have you ever smoked .?


DizzieLizzie Report 22 Sep 2009 09:48

In my old house I preferred a bath but that was because we had a small bathroom and we had a deep bath but the shower was quite small. In this house I have a huge bathroom, bigger than the middle bedroom in the old house so now I have a huge shower and it's lovely. I think I've only used the bath once since we came a year ago.

I'm watching the gorgeous autumn colours begin to develop and the hedgerow fruit harvest in the trees round about. Which season of the year do you prefer?

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 21 Sep 2009 22:07

Home, except one year when my Sicilian step brother in law opened a new restaurant and we had a whale of a time.

Do you prefer a shower or a bath?.


Fiona Report 21 Sep 2009 20:57

No Not many, I was an only child so there's no brothers or sisters on my side. I have 2 grown up daughters, my eldest daughter & her OH go away to visit SIL family at Christmas time so they prefer money as a gift, I now have a little granddaughter so I will be buying her a few little gifts,
my other gifts are for OH, and my youngest daughter,
OH mother, brother and sister in law and niece and my father, and a few small gifts for the staff at the day centre were dad goes and for 3 carers that care for dad every day.

Do you spend christmas at home or away.?


Anne Report 21 Sep 2009 19:58

When ever I see a bargain which will keep until Christmas, so far a large tin of sweets and another of chocolate biscuits both going at half price. I've also started buying small things for my granddaughters' stockings.All the main presents I keep until December before buying because minds can be changed, especially the young ones, who are already looking at the Argos catalogue.

Do you have many people to buy for?

As my husband is one of six all with children and grandchildren we all decided to only send cards, apart from our direct families.

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 21 Sep 2009 14:24

I love trees, used love painting them when I did A level art.
In the garden I prefer shrubs or small trees.

We are above the natural tree level but peeps have planted conifers ( don't like !) and other (now large) trees which are shedding their leaves.

We used to have a wonderful view 120 angle, but the trees now block our view, everyone say's' you have a lovely view' but it's nothing like it was 30 yrs ago.
My neighbours trees have changed colour very quickly and are loosing their leaves all over my back lawn,
I have a Siberia Pea tree ( Caranga) which hasn't changed colour yet.
The Spindleberry we planted 30 yrs ago and is about to be cut down ,it's leaves are tuning red/.( grown too big for my liking )

When do you start you Xmas Sopping..?


Fiona Report 21 Sep 2009 10:31

I'ts terrible, our shops are the same the Christmas cards are on the shelves , next to Halloween stuff in one of our card shops. by the time christmas comes, you are fed up with all the tinsil and decorations,
I like christmas but don't like the buying presents part, as there's always the same goods in the shops year after year.

It's certainly turning Autumn now, rain and chilly winds and the leaves are starting to fall. Do you have many tree's were you live are they turning to the autumn colours?


DizzieLizzie Report 21 Sep 2009 08:29

The one with the babies giggling. The last one always makes me giggle too. I'm not usually that soppy and I can't even remember what product it's for. Some kind of baby milk. That doesn't say much for the effectiveness of advertising.

What do you think about the shops shoving out all the Christmas stuff when the children have only just gone back to school?

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 20 Sep 2009 22:37

I usually go to do something when the adverts are on, but one springs to mind... the one about the Directory enquires.

What are your fav Tv Adverts (I do see some and find them amusing)....?


Anne Report 20 Sep 2009 21:26

No, we do have a very good dental practice close to us with all the upto date equipment and they take National Health patients but I still had to pay privately for my crowns.

Which TV advert do you find the most annoying ?

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 19 Sep 2009 21:51

Yes , my mother's cousins don't know what that makes her to me , but she is a bit older than me and she remembers visiting us , and us visiting them, but I was too young and don't recall it.: but our grandmothers were sisters and I had a few generations back from that which she didn't.

I've recently chipped a chunk of my front tooth which was a capped crown, going to cost me £177 for a replacement.

Do you have dental health care that you pay monthly or annually ?. I don't :(


Anne Report 18 Sep 2009 19:14

When all the shops have closed and my family have arrived to stay.

Have you been able to help any other Genes members with their tree ?


Fiona Report 18 Sep 2009 17:56

No plans as such, my mind is still very much on my new granddaughter who was born 11 days ago.
I usually wait till about about the middle of October and then look for Christmas cards that are in the sale , thats my first Job, Not so much of a rush this year as I am not working now and I will have more time to think about it, There will only be Myself , OH and daughter no 2 this year as Daughter no 1 & SIL and new baby are going over to visit SIL parents in Italy for Chritmas. so it will be a quiet one this year.

What is your favourite part of the festive season ?


Anne Report 18 Sep 2009 10:41

No, not now two of our sons have left home its usually about four times a week.

[I don't worry about my hair, its gradually growing back the funniest thing is the expression on Amy's face when I take my "hair off" she's our boxer and follows me everywhere.] I've finished the Chemo a while back and just completed 4 weeks of radiotherapy so now its fingers crossed ]

Have you started making plans for the Christmas period yet ?